How to Get Smell Out of New Mattress

After purchasing a new mattress, you may find that it emits an unwanted chemical stench within the bedroom. This manufactural scent can cause much discomfort and take weeks to fully dissipate..

Although the smell can be difficult to handle, there remain several home remedies for removing this chemical aroma. By following the below solutions, you can sleep soundly knowing that this chemical smell is eliminated.

Smell Removal Solutions for New Mattress

1 Bowls White Vinegar

Using this household acid within bowls around the bedroom can do much to expediate the deodorizing process of the mattress. Mix a solution of white vinegar and warm water in equal parts and pour within 3-5 bowls. Place these vinegar filled bowls within strategic locations around the bed and keep them in place for 3-5 days. This solution will work to slowly neutralize the chemical odor within the mattress as the vinegar evaporates within the bedroom.

2 Activated Charcoal Under Bed

As an alternative solution, activated charcoal can work well in absorbing difficult chemical stenches within a new mattress. Gather 12-18 activated charcoal briquettes and spread them out on the underside of the bed’s mattress. Over the course of 5-7 days, the charcoal will work to lift away any odors residing within the new mattress.

3 Enzyme Spray Down

As a quick deodorizing solution, enzyme cleaning spray can be used to eat through chemical residues within the surface of the mattress. Acquire enzyme spray at your local pet store or large supermarket, and proceed to spray down the smelly mattress while making sure that no area is left untouched. Finalize by opening the windows within the bedroom and allowing the enzyme moisture to naturally evaporate away.

4 Vodka Spritz

The high alcohol content within this solution works well at neutralizing odors on contact and quickly evaporating away. Mix equal parts of water and vodka within a generic spray bottle and proceed to mist down the smelly new mattress. You can finish this process by opening the windows and allowing the moisture to quicklt evaporate away.

5 Bowl of Cut Onions

As a final solution, using the home remedy of cutting up onions will help to absorb difficult odors from a new mattress. Take one onion and cut it up into quarters, placing one part within four different bowls. Fill each of these bowls with a half cup of water and place them in key locations around the mattress. Allow the onions to work their absorption magic over the course of the following 2-3 days before removing the bowls and enjoying a freshened mattress.

Photo credit: Ryan Bieber


How to Get Smell Out of Pillows

Pillows are used nightly and serve as an absorbent of slobber and scalp oils in the process. Taking this nightly build-up of bodily excretions into account, it should come as no surprise when pillows begin to smell.

Although freshening the pillow may appear to be a lost cause, there exist several household solutions for deodorizing pillows. By applying some of the below solutions, you can effectively remove the pillow stench and have it smelling like new.

Pillow Smell Removal Solutions

1 Light Tumble Dry + Fabric Softening Sheets

As fast solution for lighter odors, the smelly pillow and fabric softener sheets can be be placed within the dryer. For best results, place at least 4-6 fabric softening sheets in within the dryer and run on the lightest setting for 20-30 minutes. This solution only works with synthetic and is not recommended for feather pillows.

2 Baking Soda Within Pillow Case

As another solution for minor odors, baking soda can be sprinkle within the pillow case. To perform this solution, measure a quarter cup f baking soda and lightly sprinkle the ingredients into the pillow case on both sides. Proceed to shut the opening of the pillow cases and give it a good shake to evenly disperse the deodorizing powder through the inside of the pillow. Performing this task once a week should have a freshening effect of the underlying pillow.

3 Use Enzyme Spray

This solution works by applying active enzymes that eat through much of the odorous organics embedded within your pillow. Begin this solution by removing the pillowcase and proceeding to spray down the pillow with enzyme cleaning spray from all directions. Finish by taking the pillow outside and hanging it within direct sunlight until it is completely dried.

4 Deodorizing Detergent Wash (Only Synthetic)

Check your pillow’s tag to see if it can be placed within the machine machine and dryer. If it is synthetic, there is a good chance that you will be able to put the pillow through an entire laundry cycle. Although regular detergent will work, it may be a good idea to run the use a specialty detergent that is engineered to specifically combat odors. Be sure to follow the limitations set by the pillow’s tag as they can often require delicate washer and dryer settings.

5 If Old, Buy a New Pillow

If the pillow is more than a year old, you may want to consider just buying a new one. Pillows are rather inexpensive and are an item that you use nightly. A ten dollar purchase of a new pillow may be an investment that will pay off in the end.

Photo credit: Ethan Sherbondy


How to Get Smell Out of Hot Water Heater

Upon taking a warm shower, it can be incredibly shocking to be covered in smelly water. When bacteria gets within a water heater, the resulting smell of the hot water can be impossible to ignore and require immediate attention.

Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to restore the water heater and remove the odorous bacteria from your household’s hot water. By using one of the below solutions, you can have the effectively return freshness to hot water and make sure that your water heater remains in good condition.

Smell Removal Solutions for Hot Water Heater

1 Replace Corroded Anode

Initially, you will want to check the anode to see if it has been compromised or become corroded. If it has, you may be required to replace it to cut down on the production of bacteria. While selecting a new anode to replace the corroded one, it is better to buy a aluminum or zinc one that will lead to a lower production of bacterial creation within the water heater. If you can help it, avoid replacing your anode with a magnesium one as these often break down at a faster rate.

2 Bleach Shock Treatment

This solution relies upon shocking the water heater tank with high levels of bleach or chlorine in order to completely kill off the bacteria residing within the tank. As a principle, you will need to pour one gallon of bleach or 1/2 gallon of chlorine for every 30 gallons of water within the heater. For complete instructions on sterilizing your water heater with bleach, click here.

3 Increase Temperature

As a final solution, the temperature of the water heater can be raise to a level in which hot water will not be able to survive. To perform this task, the water heater must reach 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degrees Celsius for 3-6 hours. Doing this on a regular basis should have the effect of keeping bacteria levels down and maintaining fresh smelling water.

As a precaution, raising the heat to this level can be dangerous with some water heaters. It is highly recommended that you first contact your water heater dealer to consult on whether your heater can sustain this temperature of heat or whether it is beyond the model’s limitations. If you receive positive confirmation from your dealer, be sure that they outline how to operate the pressure relief valve before trying this method.

If all else fails, you might be in the market to buy an entirely new water heater. If this is the case, you can use the following guide to purchase and install a brand new water heater.

Photo Credit: Scott Akerman


How to Get Smell Out of Flooded Basement

Heavy rains and water leaks can flood a basement within a matter of hours. In the process, knee high waters can dampen possessions, ruin electronics and create an unwelcome mildew smell within the space.

While it can be challenging to restore and freshen this space, there remain several household solutions that can be utilized. By using the following solutions, you will be able to restore this space and leave it smelling fresh.

Smell Removal Solutions for Flooded Basement

1 Step 1: Fix Leak & Drain Basement

As a preliminary step, you will need to fix any water pipe leaks or water passages into the basement and drain the water out. In most cities, professional services can be hired to perform the task of pumping out all of the water level found within the basement’s space.

2 Step 2: Sun Dry Items & Baking Soda

Once you have the water pumped out of the basement, you will need to move out all items that have been affected by the flooding to dry out and deodorize within the sun. While the flooring is still moist, use an entire box of baking soda to sprinkle over the surface area of the basement’s flooring.

3 Step 3: Enzyme Cleaner or White Vinegar Wipedown

Once the entire area has been evacuated of flood affected items, proceed to wipe down all surface areas within the space with enzyme cleaner or white vinegar. Both of these deodorizing solutions will have the effect killing the mold spore that work to cause the dank mildew odor within the space. When using white vinegar, you will need to mix a solution of one part white vinegar with three parts water. You will need to apply either of these solutions while using a rag for the walls and a mop for the walls. Upon completion, it is smart to open the windows within the space and run one or two area fans within the basement to speed the drying process.

4 Step 4: Run Dehumidifier

If you notice that the basement might need something a bit more substantial than area fan to properly dry out the space, you may want to consider buy a dehumidifier. This machines will work to pull all of the available moisture out of the space and make it very difficult for mildew to grow within the space.

5 Optional: Ozone Machine

If a mildew odor remains after everything within the basement has been properly treated and dried out, you may want to consider renting an ozone machine. These machines are highly effective but also require precaution during their use. It is extremely important not to be with the space it is treating as it can be deadly within extreme cases.

Basement clean-up requires more than just odor removal after it has been flooded. For some additional tips on eliminating odors in the home, you can use this flooded basement cleaning guide.

Photo Credit: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)


How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Carpet

Mildew odors within carpeting are often the direct result of water unknowingly leaking within the room. After only 24-48 hours of first settling within the carpeting, the stench of mildew can develop and take hold of the fiber and underlying fiber.

A range of household solutions exist for killing the mildew infestation and lifting the musty odor from the flooring. By using the following solutions, you can take control of your mildew problem and return freshness within the affected room.

Mildew Smell Removal Solutions For Carpeting

1 Dry & Treat Carpet Quickly

Although there may already exist some level of mildew within the carpeting, it is important to treat it quickly before it becomes much worse. Mildew has a way of continually growing with time if given the proper environment to grow. This is why it is very important to quickly remove the moisture within the carpeting in order to eliminate the source that mildew relies upon.

2 Blot & Fan Dry

In order to dry the carpeting, you will first need to blot dry the carpeting with a clean dry towel. For best results, place your full body weight being the towel to draw out as much moisture as physically possible. Once no additional moisture is being pulled from the carpeting or underlying padding by towel, it will be time to setup an area fan that will be set to be aimed at the mildew area of the carpeting. Drying the carpeting before treatment is important because smells often can go away once it has become completely dry.

3 Sprinkle Baking Soda

If drying the location has been nearly successful in eliminating the mildew odor, you can often use baking soda to get absorb any remaining odors within the carpeting fiber. Sprinkle heavy quantities of baking soda over the mildew affected area of the carpeting and provide 2-3 days for this deodorizing powder to work its magic. After this time period, return to do a smell test. If no odor remains, a vacuum cleaner can be used to suck up any and all remaining baking soda from the fiber.

4 White Vinegar

As far as household kitchen ingredients go, white vinegar can provide the best hope of killing difficult odors within carpeting and underlying padding. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar to two parts warm water and pour it over the affected location. Once you have made sure that the affected areas of the carpeting are thoroughly soaked with this solution, you can leave it be for the 24-48 hours. Once completed, blot dry any remaining deodorizing mixture from the carpeting and underlying padding and run an area fan pointed at it for 24 hours.

5 Enzyme Cleaner

If white vinegar has not been effective in removing the mildew stink, enzyme cleaning solution can have an even more powerful effect. Pour enough of this product solution onto the carpeting until it has sufficiently soaked the the fiber and underlying padding. Allow the product to sit for 24-48 hours while the active enzymes within the solution literally go to work in eating it’s way though the mildew. After this time period have passed, return to blot dry any remaining enzyme moisture and proceed to run an area fan at the location until it has dried.

6 Run Dehumidifier

In rare cases where blot drying and running a fan next to the moistened carpeting is not successful at drying the carpeting and underlying fiber, a dehumidifier can be used to pull any remaining moisture from the location. This will also help to ensure that all mildew within this dies out for lack of viable carpet moisture to propagate from.

Photo Credit: Tommi Virtanen


How to Get Mold Smell Out of Towels

Once mold makes it’s way within towels, it can have the effect of making them musty and unusable. Though running the mold smelling towels through a washing machine can have a powerful effect, it usually is insufficient to provide a full freshening effect.

Fortunately, you there remain several ingredients within a normal household that can ensure that eradication of mold and the stench that it emits. The below formula tips and methods can ensure that the towels are mold free and smelling great.

Mold Smell Removal Solutions for Towels

1 White Vinegar Soak

As a preliminary step, you must work to scrub out any visible mold of the towels out under a running facet within the sink. Once completed, create a solution of one part white vinegar to fiver part white vinegar. This household acid has natural mold fighting chemistry that can help to eliminate the growth within the towel fiber. Once the solution has been mixed within a large bucket, proceed to submerge the mold affected towels within the solution. Allow these towels to sit for 5-8 hours as the white vinegar kills the mold. Once completed, the towels can be placed through a detergent wash with the extra addition of 1/2 cup of baking soda.

2 Enzyme Soak

If white vinegar has been ineffective at eliminating the mold odor, soaking the towels within a solution of enzymes can yield positive results. Fill a bucket with enzyme cleaning solution and water measured in equal parts. Next, submerge the affected towels within the solution and allow them to sit for 4-6 hours while the active enzymes literally eat their way through mold infestations. Upon completion, the towels can be removed and placed through a wash cycle with the addition of 1/2 cup of baking soda.

3 Bleach (White Towels)

If all of towels that have been affected are white, bleach can be considered to remove the unwanted aroma. Mix a solution of one part bleach to eight parts water within a large bucket. Once mixed, dunk the mold affected towels within the mixture and allow them to be fully saturated within the solution. Leave the towels within the mixture for a minimum of 2-3 hours before removing them to place the towels through a detergent wash.

4 OxiClean

This product solution can have a powerful effect in killing the mold and freshening the towels. Again, you will want to mix a solution of Oxiclean within a large bucket and submerge the mold affected towels within the solution. Once completed, place them within a detergent wash that contains the extra addition of a full cup of white vinegar within the cycle.

5 Sun Dry

Although it may seem that these solutions have been completed restored the affected towels, it is always a good idea to hang items recovering from mold or mildew odor outside within direct sunlight. These open space, fresh air and ultra violet rays of the sun will go to work in eliminating any remaining mold spore to freshen the towel.

Photo Credit: lvalue


How to Get Coffee Smell Out of Mug

After much use of our trusted coffee carriers, these ceramic cups can adapt an unworldly awful stink within them. This is often very off-putting, as most people enjoy waking up to the subtle therapeutic aroma of coffee beans rather than an unknown odor within their trusted morning mug.

Fortunately, much can be done to remove this unwelcome smell from the interior of one’s favorite mug. The following tips and solutions can help ensure that the mug will be smelling fresh and ready for use in no time.

Coffee Smell Removal Solutions for Mug

1 Use Hot Water

Using hot water to remove coffee odor from the interior of a coffee mug is a must to properly deodorize it. Filling the mug with hot water will work to expand the creases and grooves where much of the coffee related residues are resting. Opening these microscopic spaces will allow easier access for deodorizing solutions to get at these areas and freshen the mug.

2 Hot Water + Dish Detergent

Often, all that is needed is to submerge the mug within extreme hot water and simply mix in dish detergent. After the water has cooled to the point that it can be handled, proceed to give the interior of the mug a great internal scrub. Finish by allowing the mug to be resubmerged within the bath of dish detergent and warm water for 1-2 hours before rinsing off and putting back into use.

3 Baking Soda Mixture

This tried and true solution can work wonders at absorbing odors and even help in removing any coffee stains that may be residing within the mug. As a preliminary step, place hot water within the mug for five minutes. Next pour out 80 percent of the water and add in 2 teaspoons of baking soda within the mix. Quickly proceed to mix the two ingredients and rub it into the interior walls of the mug. After doing this for 60 second, you can proceed to fill the mug with warm water and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Upon completion, you can pour and wash out the ingredients of the mug and put it back into use.

4 White Vinegar Solution

This household acid can have a very powerful effect on coffee odor within the mug. First, fill the mug with very hot water and allow the mug to sit for 5 minutes on it’s own. Mix one part white vinegar with two parts warm warm to fill the mug. Allow this mixture to work it’s magic over the course of 3-4 hours. Upon completion, pour the contents out and rinse the interior of the mug.

5 Let Rubbing Alcohol Set In

The use of rubbing alcohol can work well in cutting through the stale coffee residues within the interior of the mug. Fill the mug with hot water for 5 minutes before wiping down the interior of the mug with a dish cloth that has been soaked within rubbing alcohol. Allow Perform this task for 1-2 minutes to ensure that the alcohol has a fighting chance against this built up odor. Upon completion, rinse out the rubbing alcohol and put the mug back within use.

6 Efferdent Tablet

Many in older generations know this brand because they use this product to clean and deodrize dentures. Despite the different use, it can have a powerful effect on removing unwelcome coffee odors that may exist within the confines of a daily mug. Simply drop an efferdent tablet within a filled mug of water and provide several hours for it to provide deodorizing results.

Photo Credit: Chris Applegate


How to Get Mold Smell Out of Basement

If your basement is suffering from a mold based odor, there are never an entirely easy solution for combating the harmful growth. The stale and musty odor can cause much discomfort upon entry to this space and can even spread to other areas within the home.

Despite this challenge, there remain several things that can be done to treat the problem and eliminate the mold issue within the basement. By following the below steps, you will be one step closer to eliminating the mold growth and resulting odor.

Mold Smell Removal Solutions for Basement

1 Step 1: Access Damage

The first thing you will need to do is access the damage within the room and search out visible mold within the space. Upon your findings, decide whether the mildew odor is associated with a surface are problem or whether it is something deep within the foundation and surrounding walls. In such cases, you the mold’s structural damage may be outside your own grasp and might require the help of a trained professional.

2 Step 2: Remove Items & Place in Sun

It’s never fun to move all your storage items out of the basement, but it is a necessity in order properly treat the basement and ensure that the mold does not return. All storage items must be moved to a space within the yard where it can receive several hours a day of direct sunlight. It is additionally important to do an assessment of the items for any visible mold. If items are found with mold, they can usually be treated with a white vinegar solution. Either wipe the items down with a one part white vinegar three part water solution or put clothing items within the washing machine with inclusion of a cup of white vinegar within the cycle.

3 Step 3: White Vinegar or Enzyme Wall & Floor Scrub

Both White vinegar and enzyme cleaning solution work well at killing mold spore from surface areas. If you find that surface areas have been mildly effected by mold within specific basement locations, it is likely that either of these compounds will be effective in treating the mildew. When using white vinegar, you will want to mix a solution of one part white vinegar to five parts water. Regardless of the solution, the floors will need to be moped and all the walls will need to be scrubbed. While scrubbing, make sure that all surface areas have been touched and that visible areas of mold have been scrubbed until it is no longer visible.

4 Step 4: Immediately Improve Ventilation or Run Dehumidifier

After scrubbing down all of the surface areas of the basement with white vinegar or enzyme cleaning solution, you will need to move forward with a drying solution. You can accomplish this goal by running a air conditioner on full blast, installing and running a window fan (non-humid locations) or running a dehumidifier. These methods will help in drying the formulas from the basements surfaces and ensuring that the space is no longer hospitable to mold growth.

5 Step 5: Mold Killing Paint

If any visible mold was found on the walls, it is important to follow behind the initial treatment with mold killing and sealing paint. Kilz is a popular brand of paint that can work well in covering up the problem to provide a fresh start within the worst areas. To be safe, make sure that all areas around the affected space are painted.

6 Step 6: Treat Moisture Sources & Return Items

Once the space have been treated, spend time looking for any wall or floor cracks, moisture leaks, or weeping walls within the space. These problems should be treated immediately if any issues are found. Next you items will be ready to be moved back within the space. Make sure that they have received several days of direct sunlight within the yard and have been appropriately treated with white vinegar. While bringing them back within the space, it is important that they are not placed directly against any of the walls to provide some breathing room.

7 Step 7: Call a Professional

If you are finding that the mold continually returns, it may be time to seek out a professional mold removal service. These professional will help you in addressing the source of the issues and addressing solutions for it’s removal.

Photo Credit: Bobaloo Koenig


How to Get Smell Out of Vacuum Cleaner

In the use of this household appliance, smelly bits and residues get swept up inside this machine. After cleaning has been performed, vacuums are rarely cleaned and often gain a heighten odor within the confined space of a closet.


Although vacuum cleaning odors can possess an intense stench, there remain several household solutions to lowering the level of the odor within the appliance. The following rules within this guide will help in removing unwelcome smells from vacuum cleaners and ensuring that they never return.


Vacuum Smell Removal Solutions


1 Suck Up Baking Soda

Most odors come from the machine while it is within use. Given this you can utilize the vacuums functions to deodorize the inner workings of the machine. Sprinkle a small pile of baking soda on the ground and proceed to vacuum the powder up. Once all of the deodorizing powder have been brought within the machine, you can then shut it of and place it back within your household storage location within the home for 24-48 hours. After this time has passed the powder will have heavily reduced the potency of the internal odor within the machine.


2 Cotton Balls + Eucalyptus

If baking soda has been ineffective lavender oil can have a powerful effect at covering up any odor within the vacuum cleaner. Dip 5-10 cotton balls within eucalyptus oil and place them on the ground. Next, suck the balls up and into the vacuum cleaners bag. This heavily scented compound will work to freshen the inner working of the machine over the subsequent days.


3 Cotton Balls + Lavender Oil

Lavender oil can be used in place of eucalyptus oil to cover and treat any unwanted vacuum cleaner odors. Similarly, you will want to dip 5-10 cotton balls within lavender oil and place them on the ground to be sucked up within the machine. Once within the machine, they will work to deodorize the interior of the vacuum cleaner.


4 Vacuum Up Carpet Powder

Carpeting powder can have a similar effect within a vacuum cleaner as it is meant to have on carpeting. Sprinkle a 1/2 cup of this deodorizing powder on the floor and proceed to vacuum it up within the bag. Allow for the powder to sit for 24-48 hours for the finalizing effect to take place on the machine.


5 Fabric Softener Sheets

This solution can have a powerful effect on the output of fumes sent out from the machine. This solution is rather simple, and only require sucking up 4-5 unused dryer sheets within the machine. Once completed, the scented sheets will ensure that most odors will be masked within the machine air pushed output.


6 Empty or Change Bag

As a final solution, the vacuum cleaner bag can be emptied or even thrown out with particularly difficult odors. Vacuum bags are not particularly expensive and can be a sound solution for saving time while fixing odor.


How to Get Dog Smell Out of Garage

If your dog’s primary living space is the garage, you may find that it has developed a particular off-putting odor. Musty dog dander slowly builds within the flooring and surrounding objects and presents a progressively challenging stink to remove.

Fortunately, by implementing some household solutions, you can be sure that freshness will be added back within this area of the home. The following tips will ensure that this odor can be eliminated and that no unwelcome canine stench builds within the future.

Garage Deodorizing Solutions

1 Keep Flooring Well Swept & Clean

It is important to always keep dog related debris off of the flooring. Regularly sweep up the skin cells and loose hair from the flooring to prevent these materials from accumulating. If these types of materials are not kept in check, they can easily end up in all areas of the garage and present a deodorizing challenge.

2 Enzymes Wash Flooring

It is smart to do a quarterly mop of the flooring in the garage with enzyme cleaning solution. This cleaning formula harnesses the power of active enzymes to work in eating the odorous organics emitted by the dog. In cases where there flooring has carpeting, a steam cleaner with enzyme deodorizing shampoo can be used.

3 White Vinegar Alternative

White vinegar can be used as an alternative to enzyme cleaner on the concrete floors of the garage. Mix one part white vinegar with eight parts warm water and proceed to mop the flooring within the entire garage. Once completed, you can take further steps in wiping down the walls and any counter tops within the space. Open windows afterwards to provide for a speedier drying time and faster diffusion of the vinegar aroma.

4 Keep Dog Clean

Improperly groomed dogs are often the source of smells within garage living spaces. Since most musty stenches begin with the dog, it only makes sense that a well groomed dog to keep a fresh smelling garage and home. If your dog has smell issues, aim for giving the dog monthly shampoo bathes.

5 Washable Covers of Dog Bed and Other Items

It’s important to have machine washable covers on the dog’s bed and any furniture that the dog regularly spends time on within the garage. This will help in preventing high levels of dander from building deep within the padding, and will allow for removal of the contaminated surface for a machine wash cycle.

6 Install & Run Window Fan

Much of the dog odor within a garage comes from poor circulation and the resulting accumulation of musty stale air. Try to always keep a window open with a window fan running to prevent this from happening. Of course, this practice can be placed on hold during winter months when weather will not permit it.

7 Build in Doggy Door to Backyard

Building a dog door to the backyard can help in preventing any late night urinating within the garage. This is a regular problem for many dogs that are confined within a garage. A owner’s long work hours and busy schedules can lead to a very smelly situation developing within the garage.

Photo Credit: Maggie Osterberg
