How to Get Smell Out of Socks

As a barrier between feet and shoes, it goes without saying that socks often bare the brunt of foot-related odors. As such, the sharp stink can become infused within synthetic, cotton or wool socks can present a challenge to clean and deodorize.


Fortunately, there are a range of household solutions that can work to cut through the foot related bacteria within the socks, and free them of this unwelcome aroma. The following solutions will help to ensure that any sock of any material can be freshened and smell like new.


Smell Removal Solutions for Socks


1 Baking Soda Addition

Using baking soda within the washing machine is a simple deodorizing solution that can be added into any normal detergent wash. Place the socks within the washing machine, and allow for the machine to become filled with water before adding in a half cup of baking soda. The odor absorbent capabilities of baking soda will work to absorb much of the unwanted footy funk to leave the your socks smelling fresh.


2 Cup of White Vinegar

As an alternative to baking soda, white vinegar can be added into a normal detergent wash of socks to remove any unpleasant foot-related odor. Measure a full cup of white vinegar and pour it into the washing machine along with a scoop of detergent and any sock that are in need of freshening. Upon the cycle’s completion, the the odor within the sock should be gone and replace with the subtle aroma of white vinegar. Fortunately, this vinegar smell will go away as soon as the sock have completely dried.


3 Cup of Bleach (white socks only)

The use of bleach can be an effective alternative to baking soda and white vinegar for eliminate odors within white socks. Similar to the other compounds, start the washing cycle with the detergent and smelly white sock and allow water to rise before adding in a full cup of bleach. During the cycle, the bleach will work to cut through the bacteria that is causing the sharp odor within the socks.


4 Soak in Hydrogen Peroxide (best for white socks)

If the smells are especially bad they can be soaked within a highly concentrated mixture of hydrogen peroxide. Mix a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide with 4 parts warm water within an appropriate sized bucket. Proceed to submerge the smelly socks within the mixture and allow for them to soak for 1-2 hours. After this time has passed, the socks can be removed and placed through a normal detergent wash. This solution works best with white socks as minor bleaching may occur with colored ones.


5 Soak in Enzyme Cleaner

As a final soaking solution for extremely smelly colored socks, active enzymes can be used to literally eat through the odorous foot residues within the sock fiber. Mix a solution of enzyme cleaning solution and water in equal parts within a bucket and submerge the smelly socks within the solution. Allow for the sock to soak for 2-3 hours before removing and placing them through a normal detergent wash.

Photo credit: fletcherjcm


How to Get Smell Out of Conch Shells

After visiting the Caribbean, many tourist are surprised to find an foul odor developing from their purchased conch shell. The sharp stench is almost always attributed to small bits and pieces of the shell’s previous inhabitant beginning to decompose and develop high bacterial levels.

There are fortunately several things that can be done to deodorize the shell. By following some of the below household solutions, you can be sure that your conch shell will be sterilized, deodorized and a positive part of your home’s decor.

Smell Removal Solutions for Conch Shell

1 Bug Method

This is an unconventional method, but many people swear by it’s effectiveness. Fin a location within the yard where many bugs or ant congregate. Out of all possible areas, ant hills are the most idea location. Place the conch shell down on the ground and leave it there for 3-4 weeks. During this time, ants and other scavenger bugs will go to work in cleaning meaty bits and residues out of the conch shell. Upon completion of this time period, bring the shell in the home and wash it.

2 Boil It

The solution of boiling will do several things to help remove the odor of decomposing remains within the conch shell. It will work to kill any bacteria living on the organic bit. Bacteria is usually based within the rotting meat of shell and often represents the source of the smell. As a secondary function, boiling the shell will have the effect of loosening the meaty bits attached to the interior walls of the shell. As a rule of thumb, you will want to boil the shell for 30-60 minutes for best results.

3 Freeze It

In a similar function to boiling, freezing will also kill the bacteria and loosen any organic bits within the shell. The cold temperature of the freezer has the effect of killing the bacteria due to it’s inability to survive in such cold temperatures. Place the smelly conch shell within a sealed trash bag and place this bag within the freezer. Allow for it to remain within the freezer for 2-3 days before retrieving it and removing the shell from the bag to air outside within the yard.

4 Bury It

Using this method requires several months to deodorize, but it remains an effective solution. Find a nice dirt spot within the yard and dig a 2 foot deep hole. Place the conch shell in the hole and fill the dirt in behind it. Additionally, it’s important place a small stake in the dirt to serve as a reminder of where the conch shell is buried. Allow the conch shell to rest in the dirt for 3-4 months before returning to dig it out. As a final precaution, be careful not to chip the shell with a shovel while digging it up.

5 Submerge in Rubbing Alcohol

This powerful form of household alcohol can work to kill all of the bacteria that may be living off the microbial organics within the conch shell. Fill a large bucket with one part rubbing alcohol to four parts water and proceed to submerge the conch shell within the mixture. Allow the conch shell to soak within the solution for 24 to 48 hours before removing the shell and preforming a thorough rinse of it.

6 Remote Location

As a final solution, you can simply decide that you are going to wait the smell out. You can do this by placing the shell in the most remote corner of your property and provide 1-2 months for the organic bits to naturally dry out and decompose.

Photo credit: Craig Dennis


How to Get Beer Smell Out of Couch

We’ve all had that crazy friend who always drank too many beers. These barely controllable alcoholics are susceptible to poor motor control and passing out with beverages in hand. In the process, a beer can be spilled and quickly spoil within the upholstery and cushioning of a couch.


Though success in removing beer odors depend largely upon circumstance, there do exist several household ingredients that have been proven successful in treating this stench. By following the below solutions, you can lift the beer residues from your couch to leave it smelling fresh.




Beer Smell Removal Solutions


1 Act Fast

As soon as a beer has been spilled it is important to act fast. You will want to try to remove the beer odor within the first 3-6 hours that it has contacted the couch while the scent of alcoholic beverage is very low. After 24-48 hours, the beer can spoil and develop into a rather awful stench that can be a challenge to clean and deodorize.


2 Blot, Water Down & Blot

As your first official action you will want to lift the affected cushions from the couch and move them to a clean surface outside for treatment. This will ensure that the beer does not make its way within the crack or creases of the couch. Next, you will need to blot dry the cushion with dry clean towel. While blotting be sure to place your entire body weight behind the towel to ensure that the maximum amount of moisture is drawn out of the cushion. It may seem counter intuitive, but you will want to pour water the affected area of the cushioning and blot dry again. This will help to water down the spot and pull even more beer residue from the cushion.


3 White Vinegar Mixture

Next, you will want to create a deodorizing solution to cut through any odorous beer residues that may still remain within the couch cushion. Mix one part white vinegar with six part warm water and pour the solution over the affected spot. You will want to make sure that the upholstery and cushioning affected by the beer is engulfed in the mixture. Allow it to sit for 6-8 hours before returning to blot dry the white vinegar solution out of the cushion.


4 Enzyme Soak

As an alternative solution, using leather safe enzyme cleaning solution can work even better in literally eating through the beer residues within the couch. After you have watered the spot down and blot dried, you will want to soak the location in enzyme cleaner and allow it to sit for 24 to 48 hours. During this time the active enzymes will work their magic to eliminate the odorous beer residue within the couch. After this time period has passed, simply return to blot dry the cushion before putting back within use.


5 Baking Soda Zipped In

In cases where that couch cushion cover has a zipper opening built in, baking soda can help to absorb remaining beer odors and help to ward off future smells from developing. Within each cushion sprinkle in a half cup of baking soda and proceed to zip the cushion closed. After application, go back to using the couch as you normally would and allow the baking soda to maintain freshness.


How to Get Smell Out of Wetsuit

When wetsuits are improperly handled, it’s not long before an unpleasant odor develops within them. The stale stench of mildew and ammonia are common to wetsuits and often present a challenge to treat and deodorize.

Fortunately, there exist several tips and tricks for freshening wetsuits to ensure that an odor never returns. By following the below solutions, you can get rid of the mustiness within the wetsuit so that it’s always smelling clean and fresh.

Smell Removal Solutions for Wetsuits

1 Rinse with Fresh Water

In many cases, you can effectively prevent a wetsuit odor from developing by rinsing it with fresh water after spending time within the ocean. Usually a hose within the backyard will work best for washing alway all of the odorous residues.

2 Shower in It

As another option, you can go home within the wetsuit and immediately jump within the shower. This will allow you to apply body soap to the neoprene and strip the suit off within an environment where it is sure to get clean. As a not of precaution, you will want to make sure to wash away all soap residues before hanging it to dry within a shaded location. As a precaution, avoid taking a hot or warm shower while you have the wetsuit on as this can lead to harmful stiffening effects within the neoprene.

3 Don’t Pee in It!!!

It may feel great to pee within the suit during a surfing session, however the resulting ammonia odor will almost always make you regret it. If the deed must be dude, make sure that you will continue to reside within the ocean for 20-30 minutes for the urine chemicals to diffuse within the sea.

4 Dry Wetsuit Inside Out

After washing the ocean residue away, proceed to hang the wetsuits inside out while air drying them within a cool dry location. Doing this will allow for of the bodily odors that may have developed within the wetsuit to air out and be lifted off during the evaporation process.

5 Quick Dry

It is important that the wetsuit is hung in within a location where it will be sure to to receive a steady flow of cool air where it will be able to dry quickly. It is important that the wetsuits don’t remain moist of too long, as this can lead to rotting and the development of mildew within the neoprene.

6 Buy Wetsuit Cleaner

In cases where common body soap is not being effective at lifting the odor, specialty soap from your local surf shop will work well at eliminating the embedded odor. These specialty soaps are often more gentle on the neoprene and are more effective at eliminating odors within the wetsuits.

7 Avoid Hot Water, Sun, and Bleach

These deadly trio must be avoided at all cost. If the dry neoprene is left within the sun it can quickly age and begin to crack. Additionally harsh cleaning chemicals like bleach can have the effect of eating away at the wetsuit material and cause unwanted damage. Finally, hot water can lead to unwanted stiffening of the neoprene fiber.

Photo credit: Joe Shlabotnik


How to Get Smell Out of Hot Water Heater

Upon taking a warm shower, it can be incredibly shocking to be covered in smelly water. When bacteria gets within a water heater, the resulting smell of the hot water can be impossible to ignore and require immediate attention.

Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to restore the water heater and remove the odorous bacteria from your household’s hot water. By using one of the below solutions, you can have the effectively return freshness to hot water and make sure that your water heater remains in good condition.

Smell Removal Solutions for Hot Water Heater

1 Replace Corroded Anode

Initially, you will want to check the anode to see if it has been compromised or become corroded. If it has, you may be required to replace it to cut down on the production of bacteria. While selecting a new anode to replace the corroded one, it is better to buy a aluminum or zinc one that will lead to a lower production of bacterial creation within the water heater. If you can help it, avoid replacing your anode with a magnesium one as these often break down at a faster rate.

2 Bleach Shock Treatment

This solution relies upon shocking the water heater tank with high levels of bleach or chlorine in order to completely kill off the bacteria residing within the tank. As a principle, you will need to pour one gallon of bleach or 1/2 gallon of chlorine for every 30 gallons of water within the heater. For complete instructions on sterilizing your water heater with bleach, click here.

3 Increase Temperature

As a final solution, the temperature of the water heater can be raise to a level in which hot water will not be able to survive. To perform this task, the water heater must reach 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degrees Celsius for 3-6 hours. Doing this on a regular basis should have the effect of keeping bacteria levels down and maintaining fresh smelling water.

As a precaution, raising the heat to this level can be dangerous with some water heaters. It is highly recommended that you first contact your water heater dealer to consult on whether your heater can sustain this temperature of heat or whether it is beyond the model’s limitations. If you receive positive confirmation from your dealer, be sure that they outline how to operate the pressure relief valve before trying this method.

If all else fails, you might be in the market to buy an entirely new water heater. If this is the case, you can use the following guide to purchase and install a brand new water heater.

Photo Credit: Scott Akerman


How to Get Paint Smell Out of Furniture

The chemical stench of fresh paint can remain within a piece of furniture days or even weeks after it has been initially applied. Often this sharp stink can take over the room and cause much discomfort to spend much time around it.


Although industrial smells are never easy to treat, there exist a range of household solutions to that can help to remove the paint related odor. By applying one of the below solutions, you can be sure that your furniture will be smelling fresh and paint-free in no time.


Paint Smell Removal Solutions for Furniture


1 Cut Onions in Bowl of Water

This method may sound strange, but it has successfully been used for generations to remove the effects of paint odor. Begin by cutting a full onion into four parts and placing each piece within a bowl. Next, fill these bowls with a cup of water and place the bowls around the piece of furniture that smells of paint. Allow the bowls to sit for 2-3 days surrounding the object while it works to absorb all unwanted odors. Once this time has passed, perform a smell test to ensure that the smell has passed and then remove the bowls.


2 Bowls of White Vinegar

This household acid works well at deodorizing a number of challenging odors within the home. Similarly, you will want to prepare four bowls and pour a half cup of white vinegar within each of them. Surround the piece of furniture that has been affected by paint odor making sure to place the bowl within key locations where they can best surround the item. Allow the bowls to sit for 2-3 days before return to do a sniff test of the furniture in question and remove the bowls.


3 Move Furniture Within Sun

Once of the most effective ways to eliminate the paint odor is to move the piece of furniture outside within the sun. The ultra violet rays will go to work in neutralizing the stench of the paint odor, while the fresh air and open space will gently lift any residual chemical scent. You will need to place the piece of furniture within a location of the yard where it will be sure to receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight. If any odor remains after the first day, you can try putting the furniture outside within the sun for a second or third day until no paint scent remains within it.


4 Bowl of Orange with Peelings

Similar to onions, oranges do very well at absorbing paint odors within furniture. Unpeel two oranges and take apart all of the wedges within each of them. Place the detached remains of each within two separate bowls and then place these bowls on either side of the piece of furniture. Allow the orange filled bowls to sit for 48 hours before returning to the piece of furniture to smell it and remove the bowls.


5 Vanilla Dipped Newspaper

If the furniture is a desk or chest of drawers, this solution can be very effective at removing difficult odors from enclosed spaces. Begin by filling a small saucer with vanilla extract and crumpling up several balls of newspaper. Take each ball and lightly dip the edged with the solution before proceeding to place these balls within the draws and enclosed spaces. After closing the drawers and spaces, allow the newspaper wads to sit for 24-48 before returning to remove them from the freshened space. The newspaper works to absorb the paint odor while the vanilla will have masked any remaining smell with its own subtle scent.


6 Use Clear Sealer

If nothing has been worked, you can try applying another coat of clear sealing paint over the piece of furniture that is emitting the paint smell. This will help to lock any smell from the original paint within and prevent it from smelling up the room. Because this option can be rather time consuming, it is recommended that you only use this as a last resort.


Prevention of Paint Smell


1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract in Paint

If you anticipate that a paint will smell, you can take one small but effective step to ensure that it does not smell. Simply measure one teaspoon of vanilla extract for each gallon of paint and thoroughly mix the ingredient in before use. The vanilla extract will work to neutralize the paint related odor and ensure that it does not contain an odor.

Photo Credit: Esteban Maringolo


How to Get Smell Out of Denim

This clothing material often takes a beating and develops a subsequent stench in the process. Besides adaptive odors during use, it can also come with a chemical dye odor in recently manufactured denim products.


Despite the cause of the odor, there remain several household solutions for lifting any unpleasant aroma to bring freshness to the fiber. By adhering the the following principles, you can be sure that your denim will be smelling its best and will be ready for use.


Denim Smell Removal Solutions


1 Heat Principle

Hot water is essential of opening the denim fiber to allow cleaning and deodorizing detergent in. When washing the denim within the washing machine or even in the sink, you will have much better results by using the hottest water setting available.


2 Rewash It

Washing the denim a single time is often not enough to lift out difficult body odors and chemical stenches. If at first you were not successful in lifting these odors from a single washing machine cycle, you may be have better luck by putting it through a second detergent wash cycle.


3 White Vinegar Addition

As a simple and cheap household acid, white vinegar can do much to cut through embedded denim odors. This can be applied to a normal detergent wash by measuring a cup full of white vinegar and adding it within the cycle. Using this solution will often replace odors with a subtile aroma of white vinegar. It is important to know that the vinegar smell will go away once the denim fiber has dried.


4 Baking Soda Boost

Baking soda is another additive that can add a beneficial deodorizing element within a normal detergent wash cycle. After placing the denim and detergent within the washing machine shut the door to alllow for the machine to begin. Once water has entered into the machine pour in a full cup of baking soda. Allowing for the water to fill the washing machine before adding the baking soda will help to ensure that it properly disburses and does not clump and attach to the clothing.


5 Denim Enzyme Soak

If the above solutions have not been effective, an activated enzyme cleaning solution can work well at literally eating through the personal or chemical odor within the denim. Fill an appropriate sized bucket with water and enzyme cleaning solution in equal parts and and proceed to submerge you smelly denim items within the formula. provide 2-3 hours for the denim to soak in this solution before removing it to place through a normal detergent wash cycle.


6 OxiClean

Similar to the enzyme solution, Oxiclean can have a powerful effect on the denim fiber prior to running the stinky fabric through a detergent wash. Mix a solution of Oxiclean within a large bucket, add the denim and provide 3-4 hours for the solution to have a deodorizing effect. Once complete, you will want to finalize the treatment of the denim by running t through a normal detergent wash.


7 Hang Dry in Sun

Upon completion of the above solutions, you can add one final freshening effect by choosing to air dry the denim outside rather than placing the fabric through the dryer. The fresh air, open space and UV rays of the sun will work to lift any additional odors within the denim and give the fabric fiber on final freshening boost.

Photo Credit: Kazuhiro Keino


How to Get Smell Out of Cowboy Boots

Many follow the close tradition of any real cowboy in choosing not to wear socks while wearing cowboy boots. This can often have the negative effect of transmitting extra sweat and dead skin cells within the interior walls of the rustic footwear. The resulting bacteria can feed off of the residues and cause an undesirable stench to emit from the interior.

Fortunately, much can be done to lift foot-related odors from the interior of cowboy boots. By following the below solutions, you can be sure that any unwelcome odors will be eliminated to return freshness within the cowboy boot’s interiors.

Cowboy Boots Smell Removal Solutions

1 Baking Soda Absorption

Using baking soda to absorb foot stench within the cowboy boots is a tried and true method for odor removal. Measure a quarter cup of baking soda and pour within the interior of each of the cowboy boots. Upon pouring, lightly shuffle each of the cowboy boots to spread the deodorizing powder across the interior of the boot. Perform this task nightly until the interior of the cowboy boots are smelling fresh.

2 Half Scoop of Cat Litter

In a similar methodology to baking soda, using cat litter for deodorizing the interior of the boots can work great for absorption. Measure a quarter cup of cat litter for each boot and pour within each boot nightly. In the morning the cat litter can be poured out of the boots and back into a cup for reuse on a nightly basis until the smell has been fully absorbed and eliminated.

3 Activated Charcoal Inserts

If you have the time, activated charcoal inserts can work in absorbing difficult odors from the cowboy boot interiors over the course of of weeks. To construct homemade inserts, find a old pair of nylons and cut the leggings into two. Fill each legging with 3-4 briquettes of activated charcoal and proceed to tie knots to enclose them within the socking. Place these nylon enclosed charcoal briquettes within the interior of the cowboy boots and apply them nightly until they have effectively freshened the boots.

4 Enzyme Spray & Newspaper

Use of leather-safe enzyme cleaner can work wonders on eliminating odors within the interior of cowboy boots. Spray this deodorizing solution within the interior and proceed to stuff wadded newspaper deep down within them. Allow the contents to sit for 24-48 hours as the newspaper draws in the stench and the enzyme cleaner eats through the odorous organic content within them. Upon completion, remove the newspaper wads and place them within the sun for the day to air dry.

5 Leather Soap

As a final solution, specialty leather soap can have a fantastic deodorizing effect on the cowboy boot’s surface and interiors. Apply it to the affected surfaces and provide the need time for the leather soap to naturally air dry. For best result, combine this cleaner with one of the other solutions outlined above.

Photo Credit: Emily Hildebrand


How to Get Smell Out of Fur Hat

When you realize that your favorite wolf-devouring-face fur hat has developed an odor, it can be an extremely distressing event. Many recount this tragedy as one of life’s most difficult challenges that requires trial and perseverance to overcome.

Fortunately, there exist simple freshening steps for removing odor from any fur hat to return it to its former glory and prestige. By following the below solutions, you can return things to normal, and be back to wearing your freshened fur hat on a daily basis.

Smell Removal Solutions for Fur Hats

1 Outside in Sun

Placing the fur hat out in the sun can have a safe and chemical-free deodorizing effect. Wait for a sunny day and find a location within the yard where the fur hat can receive a minimum of 8 direct hours of sunlight. During this time, the open space, fresh air and ultraviolet rays will work to lift any odors away. If any odor remains within the fur hat after the first day within the sun consider a second or even third day for it to have a full effect.

2 Activated Charcoal Absorption

If there is enough time, activated charcoal can work well at slowly pulling in any activated charcoal from a fur hat. Find an appropriate sized cardboard box and place 10-12 activated charcoal briquettes along the bottom of the box. Next, put the fur hat within the box and close the lid to seal the content inside. Once completed, place the sealed box and its contents aside for 5-7 days. During this time the activated charcoal will slowly work its magic in sucking up available odors to freshen the fur hat.

3 Freeze It

Development of sweat and skin cells can often cause bacteria to develop within the interior of a fur hat. This is problematic because this bacteria can often develop the odor that causes much discomfort during the fur hat’s use. Fortunately, freezing the fur hat will have the effect of killing the bacteria that resides within the hat. Place the hat within a sealed trash bag and put within the freezer for 24-48 hours for best results. Upon completion, it is a good idea to remove the hat from the trash bag and freezer and place it within the sun for 8 hours for a final freshening effect.

4 Lemon Juice Spritz

The citric acid within this solution can have the positive effect of cutting through difficult odors within a fur hat. Mix a solution of one part lemon juice with ten parts water within a generic spray bottle and proceed to mist down the fur hat. Upon spraying it down, proceed to place the fur hat outside within the shade until dry. It is important not to sun dry the hat after using lemon juice because the combination could lead to minor bleaching of the fur.

5 Baking Soda Box

As a final solution, baking soda can have an extremely powerful effect on absorbing odors from the hat. Fill the bottom of an appropriate sized cardboard box with baking soda and place the hat on top of the powder before sealing it. After the box has been closed, allow the box and it’s contents to sit for seven days until it has absorbed all of the odor from the fur hat.

Photo Credit: Frank Kovalchek


How to Get Smell Out of Flooded Basement

Heavy rains and water leaks can flood a basement within a matter of hours. In the process, knee high waters can dampen possessions, ruin electronics and create an unwelcome mildew smell within the space.

While it can be challenging to restore and freshen this space, there remain several household solutions that can be utilized. By using the following solutions, you will be able to restore this space and leave it smelling fresh.

Smell Removal Solutions for Flooded Basement

1 Step 1: Fix Leak & Drain Basement

As a preliminary step, you will need to fix any water pipe leaks or water passages into the basement and drain the water out. In most cities, professional services can be hired to perform the task of pumping out all of the water level found within the basement’s space.

2 Step 2: Sun Dry Items & Baking Soda

Once you have the water pumped out of the basement, you will need to move out all items that have been affected by the flooding to dry out and deodorize within the sun. While the flooring is still moist, use an entire box of baking soda to sprinkle over the surface area of the basement’s flooring.

3 Step 3: Enzyme Cleaner or White Vinegar Wipedown

Once the entire area has been evacuated of flood affected items, proceed to wipe down all surface areas within the space with enzyme cleaner or white vinegar. Both of these deodorizing solutions will have the effect killing the mold spore that work to cause the dank mildew odor within the space. When using white vinegar, you will need to mix a solution of one part white vinegar with three parts water. You will need to apply either of these solutions while using a rag for the walls and a mop for the walls. Upon completion, it is smart to open the windows within the space and run one or two area fans within the basement to speed the drying process.

4 Step 4: Run Dehumidifier

If you notice that the basement might need something a bit more substantial than area fan to properly dry out the space, you may want to consider buy a dehumidifier. This machines will work to pull all of the available moisture out of the space and make it very difficult for mildew to grow within the space.

5 Optional: Ozone Machine

If a mildew odor remains after everything within the basement has been properly treated and dried out, you may want to consider renting an ozone machine. These machines are highly effective but also require precaution during their use. It is extremely important not to be with the space it is treating as it can be deadly within extreme cases.

Basement clean-up requires more than just odor removal after it has been flooded. For some additional tips on eliminating odors in the home, you can use this flooded basement cleaning guide.

Photo Credit: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
