How to Get Smell Out of Lunch Box

An unpleasant smell within a lunch box can build over a few days of neglect or after several months of use. Once the smell builds, it can often be incredibly challenging to deodorize the stink and return the box to its former freshness.

Fortunately, there are a handful of household remedies that work to eliminate food-based stenches. By following the below solutions, you can be sure that your lunch box will be stink-free and smelling like new.

Smell Removal Solutions for Lunch Box

1 Get Rid of Rotten Food

In most cases, the foul smell of residues within a lunch box are the result of food being left within the lunch box and subsequently spoiling. Although removing all rotten from the box may come be common sense, we thought that we would mention it none the less. After removing the rotten food bit, you will be able to evaluate the need to further treat the box with of of the below deodorizing solutions.

2 Soapy Scrub & Sunshine

Although this may be something that you have already tried, it remains effective in eliminating most lunch box odors. Mix a solution of dish detergent with hot water and scrub down the interior of the lunch box. Once completed, proceed to wash down the interior with fresh water to lift out any soap residues. Finalize by placing the lunch box outside within the sun until all moisture has naturally evaporated away.

3 Baking Soda

This household powder has fantastic odor absorption capabilities and can work well in freshening the interior of the lunch box. Begin by wiping down the interior of the box with a war soapy mixture. Before the moisture dries out, scoop 1/4 cup of baking soda and drop them within the lunch box. Proceed to seal the lid of the box and give it a good shake for 60 seconds to ensure that all of the walls of the box are sufficiently covered. Allow to box to sit for 24-48 hours while to powder works to pull in all unwanted odors. This solution and be finalized by sweeping out the loose baking soda from the lunch box after this waiting period has passed.

4 White Vinegar

Similar to baking soda, white vinegar is another kitchen ingredient that works well in eliminating odors on the spot. Mix a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts within a small bowl. Using a clean sponge proceed to completely wipe down the interior of the lunch box. Once completed, leave the box open for the white vinegar solution to naturally evaporate away.

5 Newspaper + Vanilla Extract

If other methodologies have been ineffective, newspaper dipper within vanilla can do wonders in absorbing and covering rotten food odors. Wad up several sheets of newspaper until you are certain that the quantity will be sufficient to fill the space within the box. Next, dip the edges of the newspaper balls within a solution of one part vanilla extract and three parts water. Stuff the dipped balls within the lunch box, seal the lid and allow the box to sit for 24-48 hours. Once completed, open the lid and remove the newspaper balls from the case.

6 Coffee Grounds

Many people do not know that coffee grounds can be an effective odor absorbent. Fill the bottom of your lunch box with a half cup of coffee ground and close the lid. After 24-48 hours have passed, the grounds will have worked to absorb the unwelcome odor and left a subtle aroma of coffee beans behind.

Photo Credit: Per-Olof Forsberg


How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

In a social world, bad breathe can be a deal breaker.  Interacting with someone who has chronic bad breathe is an unpleasant experience that can lead to discomfort.  The stale stench can be embarrassing and can lead to others question your bodily and oral health and hygiene.

Fortunately, there exist several solutions for treatment of difficult oral odors to return freshness to your breath.  Using a combination of the following solutions will be sure to reduce or remove the foul stench within your breathe and ensure that it never returns.

Deodorizing Solutions for Bad Breath

1 Drink More Water

Regularly drinking water will help in ensuring that you maintain fresh smelling breath. Water helps the mouth in staying hydrated and makes sure that bacteria does not become stagnate and grow. This is important because bacteria is one of the largest contributors to bad breath.

2 An Apple A Day

Many claim that eating an apple a day will do much to remove the negative effects of bad breath. While this is only a temporary solution, the crispy fiber does a great job in cleansing the mouth getting rid of excess plaque that may be causing the problem. Similarly, bananas also can have a positive effect if you are out of apples.

3 Candies & Gum

This solution has been used for generations to cover up bad breath. While most any candy or gum will have some short-term positive effect, ones that are naturally supplemented with cinnamon or ginger will have a much greater effect.

4 Mouthwash or Hydrogen Peroxide

Both hydrogen peroxide and astringent mouthwash can be effective at removing bad breath. When selecting mouthwash you can usually spot the astringent variety by it’s intense blu or green coloring. While all mouthwashes work, ones that only use high alcohol levels to kill bacteria will not be as powerful.

Bad Breath Prevention Tips

1 Keep Good Oral Health

The number one thing you can do to ensure good breath is to maintain good oral health. Keeping good oral health means that you are complying with the following standards:

A Brushing Teeth

It may sound gross, but many people fail to brush their teeth on a daily basis. Be sure that you are different, and always brush you teeth during both morning and night before going to bed. As a general rule, if you are brushing for less than 60 second, you can be doing a better job in cleaning your teeth.

B Flossing Teeth

Much of the odor producing plaque that causes bad breath lives in the cracks and creases of the gum line and between the teeth. Flossing will help you reach these difficult location the snap out any bacteria grim that may be causing you mouth to smell. Make sure that you are flossing daily to prevent unwanted buildup.

C Scraping Tongue

People rarely scrape their tongue, but this remains an important step in fighting the odorous bacteria within your mouth. The are countless groves and seams within your tongue where bacteria can grow. Scraping your tongue on a daily basis will ensure that this area is kept clean and clear of plaque.

2 Stay Away From Garlic and Onions

Both of these ingredients are known perpetrators of bad breath. If you are eating high quantities of these white vegetables of a regular basis, they may just be the source of you problem. As a preventative measure you can either test your own breath or ask a friend to smell you exhale after eating either of these ingredients at a restaurant.

3 Don’t Smoke Cigarettes

Besides being harmful to your health, smoking cigarettes on a regular basis can have a negative effect on your breath. Regular smokers should consider cutting back on there habit or stopping altogher if they are regularly combating a stale smoker’s breath. If quitting is not an option, the following guide can provide some extra ideas for freshening breath on the short term: Guide: How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Mouth

Long-term Bad Breath Solutions

1 See a Family Physician

If you are doing everything you can to reduce staleness within your breath with no success, your particular problem may be a medical one. During your next visit to the doctor bring up your problem and ask if it may be indicative of any larger problems.


How to Get Dog Smell Out of Garage

If your dog’s primary living space is the garage, you may find that it has developed a particular off-putting odor. Musty dog dander slowly builds within the flooring and surrounding objects and presents a progressively challenging stink to remove.

Fortunately, by implementing some household solutions, you can be sure that freshness will be added back within this area of the home. The following tips will ensure that this odor can be eliminated and that no unwelcome canine stench builds within the future.

Garage Deodorizing Solutions

1 Keep Flooring Well Swept & Clean

It is important to always keep dog related debris off of the flooring. Regularly sweep up the skin cells and loose hair from the flooring to prevent these materials from accumulating. If these types of materials are not kept in check, they can easily end up in all areas of the garage and present a deodorizing challenge.

2 Enzymes Wash Flooring

It is smart to do a quarterly mop of the flooring in the garage with enzyme cleaning solution. This cleaning formula harnesses the power of active enzymes to work in eating the odorous organics emitted by the dog. In cases where there flooring has carpeting, a steam cleaner with enzyme deodorizing shampoo can be used.

3 White Vinegar Alternative

White vinegar can be used as an alternative to enzyme cleaner on the concrete floors of the garage. Mix one part white vinegar with eight parts warm water and proceed to mop the flooring within the entire garage. Once completed, you can take further steps in wiping down the walls and any counter tops within the space. Open windows afterwards to provide for a speedier drying time and faster diffusion of the vinegar aroma.

4 Keep Dog Clean

Improperly groomed dogs are often the source of smells within garage living spaces. Since most musty stenches begin with the dog, it only makes sense that a well groomed dog to keep a fresh smelling garage and home. If your dog has smell issues, aim for giving the dog monthly shampoo bathes.

5 Washable Covers of Dog Bed and Other Items

It’s important to have machine washable covers on the dog’s bed and any furniture that the dog regularly spends time on within the garage. This will help in preventing high levels of dander from building deep within the padding, and will allow for removal of the contaminated surface for a machine wash cycle.

6 Install & Run Window Fan

Much of the dog odor within a garage comes from poor circulation and the resulting accumulation of musty stale air. Try to always keep a window open with a window fan running to prevent this from happening. Of course, this practice can be placed on hold during winter months when weather will not permit it.

7 Build in Doggy Door to Backyard

Building a dog door to the backyard can help in preventing any late night urinating within the garage. This is a regular problem for many dogs that are confined within a garage. A owner’s long work hours and busy schedules can lead to a very smelly situation developing within the garage.

Photo Credit: Maggie Osterberg


How to Get Dog Urine Smell Out of Grass

This is an obvious doggy urine and dumping ground, so it should come as no surprise that an ammonia odor can build within this location. Although it is an outdoor odor, the urine smell within grass can last long after the doggy-deed has been done.

Although it is often challenging to find an immediate solution, there exist several household solutions that can help solve this problem. By following the below solutions, you can be sure that the grass within your yard will be free of any urine stench and smelling fresh.

Grass Smell Removal Solutions

1 Locate with Blacklight or Close Watch

If you notice an especially strong ammonia smell coming from the grass within your yard it is usually because your dog it ritualistically targeting the same grassy patch to do his business. The build up of urine in one spot can cause an especially bad smell. You can spot this location over the course of several days of close watch or by visiting your backyard at night with a blacklight.

2 Urine Deodorizing Granules

Once you have found the urine affected locations of your yard you will want to treat it with deodorizing granules. While selecting the deodorizing granule product, make sure it is both environmentally safe and made from natural ingredients. This is important to ensure that it does no toxic harm to the lawn, property or dog.

3 Quarantine & Take Dog To New Area

Once you have spotted the smelly grass patch and treated it with deodorizing granules it is important to section off this part of the yard to limit access. Some dogs naturally develop a habit of peeing within the same area of the yard, and this is a habit that you will need to break. By section off this area you will give the deodorizing granules a chance to do their job in overcoming the ammonia stench.

4 Water Down Spots

As helpful tactic for other areas around the yard, using the hose to water any area that receives a direct hit can be effective at diluting the urine concentration. As a habit, you can watch your dog after letting them out and follow behind with a hose once all business has been completed.

5 Consider the Dog Park

If your are partial to keeping a pristine lawn, you may wish to consider taking your dog to a dog park. Most medium to large cities have at least one dog park This will provide the added benefit of allowing your dog a healthy amount of social interaction with other dogs as well and daily exercise.

6 Don’t Use Baking Soda or Vinegar

When deciding upon a deodorizing solution, it is important to stay away from many tradition solutions used commonly around the home. Both baking soda and white vinegar can do more harm than good. While they may be effective at eliminating the odor within the lawn, they will have the result of killing the very lawn they it is meant to save.

Photo credit: Sam Love


How to Get Smell Out of Dog Collar

When our dog’s develop an unpleasant odor within their collars, it is often a mystery how the smell could have built into such a formidable odor. Often, the odor is so bad that some dog owners consider taking their companion to a canine veterinarian for a check-up. However, considering that collars are often overlooked during dog washes, it may begin to make some sense why this is the only area of your pouch that possesses a pungent aroma.


Fortunately, the are a number of household solutions for removing embedded doggy dander from a collar. By following the below solutions, all odors can be lifted from the collar fiber to ensure that your dog is smelling at it’s best.


Deodorizing Doggy Collar Solutions


1 Rotate Collars

Rotating collars is always a good practice. Doing this will ensure that your dog is always wearing a collar while another one is being cleaned and deodorized. This will keep your dog identifiable and make sure they never get lost. As well, this will also ensure that the odor will never build into a stink that will be impossible to remove. As soon as the fiber begins to smell, you will know that it is time to swap the collar and deodorize it.


2 Hand Wash + Lay in Sun

Once a mild smell has develop within your dog’s collar, you will know that it is time to hand wash the collar and lay within the sun. Apply a light detergent to the collar within the sink and scrub intensely. The objective it to draw out as much dog related oils from the fiber as possible. Once complete, squeeze out any remaining moisture and place the collar outside in direct sunlight until the remaining moisture has completely air dried away.


3 Washing Machine

For subtle dog scents within the collar, simply placing it through a washing machine cycle is enough to deodorize it and have it smelling fresh again. This solution can be combined with a normal household clothing wash to ensure that the collar does not bang around within the washer and dryer by itself.


4 Cycle in Dishwasher

Although it may seem unconventional, many swear by the dishwasher’s effectiveness at eliminating difficult odors found within dog collars. The dog collar can be placed within a normal dish filled cycle that is set on the hottest setting. Upon completion the piping hot soapy rinse will have an impressive freshening effect. As a final step, the collar can be placed within the sun to dry out.


5 Soak in Enzymes or Oxyclean

Soaking the dog collar within a bowl of enzyme cleaner or Oxiclean can do much to eliminate the most difficult odors from a dog collar. Allow the dog collar to soak in either of the solutions for 4-6 hours before removing it and placing it through washing machine cycle with your clothing. Upon completion, your dog’s collar will be smelling much fresher than it did before.

Photo Credit: Lindy Ireland


How to Get Smell Out of Shofar

Upon purchasing a brand new shofar, many people are surprised to smell the stinky remains of the previous animal that it belonged to. Meaty animal particles often remain in shofars and begin to smell as decomposition of the bits rot away within the interior of the horn.

In such cases, you can wait for this or to naturally dissipate, or you can speed the process by using some household solutions. By applying the following suggestions, you can be sure that you will be blowing your freshened shofar in no time!

Shofar Smell Removal Solutions

1 White Vinegar

This household acid can work well at cutting through the odorous organics within a shofar. Begin by plugging the mouth piece of the shofar with an ear plug or a small cork. proceed to pour in a solution of one part white vinegar with three parts warm water. Allow this solution to sit within the shofar for 24-48 hours. During this time the vinegar mixture will work to eliminate any meat rot odors and freshen the interior of the horn. Finalize by pouring the solution out and allowing the shofar to naturally air dry.

2 Rubbing Alcohol

This alcohol can be helpful in neutralizing odors and sanitizing surfaces that stem from the decomposition processes. After plugging the mouth hole, fill the shofar with one part rubbing alcohol and three parts water. Allow for the solution to sit for 24 hours before returning to pour the deodorizing mixture out. Once completed,

3 Enzyme Cleaner

This solution works well when others have been less successful. The active enzymes within this solution will help in literally eating through the rotting particles within the interior of the horn and leave the natural fiber smelling fresh. Enzyme cleaners can be purchased at pet stores and most large supermarkets. Pour equal parts of enzyme cleaner and water inside the interior of the shofar after successfully plugging the mouth piece with cork. Allow the solution to sit for 24-48 hours as the enzyme reduce the odor levels within the shofar. Once completed, pour the contents out and allow the shofar to air dry.

4 Hydrogen Peroxide

This solution works well at eliminating high bacterial levels within the horn that may be causing the odor. Mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts and pour within the shofar. Once completed, allow for the shofar to sit for 24 hours before pouring the contents out and allowing it to air dry.

5 Cat Litter

This is an unconventional solution that can eliminate odors. Pour clean unused cat litter within the horn and allow it to sit for 5-7 days after being filled. During this time the fresh cat litter will help in absorbing much of the odor and drying out any of the smelly organics living within the shofar.

6 Product Solution

Many may be surprised that such a product exists, but specialized shofar deodorizing solutions can be purchase to fix your horn smell issues. The product spray is sold on and is called “Shofar Odor Neutralizing Spray”.

Photo Credit: Ethan Ablemon


How to Get Smell Out of Flats

Flats have the notorious reputation for being the most smelly shoes within a women’s closet. Part of the shoes problem exists in the way that they are worn on a regular basis without the use of nylons or socks to conceal dead skin particles or foot sweat. This creates a rich moist environment for bacteria to call home and the propagate.


Fortunately, there are several solutions for removing the footy funk from your flats and make sure that it does not build up again. The following tips will in ensure that they are always smelling at their best and are never an odorous issue.


Smell Removal Tips of Flats


1 Baking Soda

This household powder has wonderful absorption capabilities and does a great job in pulling in unwelcome foot-related odors. Before going to bed, try to sprinkle one or two teaspoons of baking soda within the shoes, and proceed to shuffle them until the powder has made its way to the toe area of the flats. Once complete, allow the shoes to sit over night to freshen up. If one night does not do the job, repeat this practice nightly until no odor remains within the shoes.


2 Activated Charcoal Inserts

If you have the time, this long-term solution can make sure that an odor never develops within your flats. Obtain an old pair of nylon leggings and cut the legs apart. Place 2-3 charcoal briquettes within each legging and tie an knot above the last briquette. Next, put the nylon enclosed charcoal briquettes within the flats, making sure that they are pushed all of the way down the the toe area. Finalized by placing the activated charcoal filled shoes within a shoe box and allowing to sit over night. This usually takes between 5-7 to effectively remove the odor from the interior of the shoes.


3 Coffee Grounds

Most people associate this material with morning brew, but seldom know that it has powerful absorption capabilities. Fill four coffee ground filters with two teaspoons of coffee grounds each. Pull the loose ends of the filter together and bound closed with a rubber band. Once completed, place within the interior of each flat and allow the shoes to sit over night. If smells still remain after the first night, place these same filter back within the shoes for a seconnd or third night. If successful, the coffee grounds will have lifted the foot-related odor and replaced it with the subtile scent of coffee beans.


4 Kitty Litter

This is usually used in deodorizing cat dropping and keeping thing sanitized within the home, however it can remain effective at deodorizing as well. Keep a small portion of fresh cat litter by your bed, and pour a small amount of this filling within each shoe nightly. The cat litter will work to dry out moist foot sweat and create an unsuitable environment for odorous bacteria.


5 Enzyme Dipped Paper Wads

Harnessing the power of enzymes can work well at literally eating through the organic odors within the flats. Scrunch up several paper towels and lightly dip the tips within a small bowl of enzyme deodorizing solution. Next, stuff the paper towels down within the interior of the shoes and allow 24-48 hours for the cleaning solution to eliminate the foot related odors. Once this time has passed, remove the enzyme dipped paper wads and place flats outside within the sun to finalize the freshening process.

Photo credit: Danielle Scott


How to Get Smell Out of Hush Puppies

As a casual footwear, Hush Puppies aren’t cheap. This is often why a smell developing within them can be so disturbing. The unpleasant stench of sweat and skin particles can build within the shoes after much wear and use without socks.


Once a foot-related stink gets within the Hush Puppies, there remain a range of household deodorizing solutions for freshening the shoes. The following tips and tricks can make sure that your Hush Puppies are always smelling at their best and the the odor never comes back.


Hush Puppies Smell Removal Solutions


1 Puppy Rotation

If you find yourself wearing your Hush Puppies everyday, this might be the source of the odor. When these shoes have not had the proper time to breath, moisture remains within them on a constant basis and the odorous bacteria living within the shoes has a chance to grow. As a solution, rotating the shoes with another pair will ensure that they air out and never get to this point.


2 Sunshine + Great Outdoors

Placing Hush Puppies outside within direct sunlight will do much to eliminate the foot-related odors embedded within them. The open space, fresh air and UV rays work to dry out the stench of odorous moisture and freshen the hush puppies. Find a location outside where the shoes are sure to receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight. Place the shoes outside within the morning and allow for them to sit and soak in the rays. Return at the end of the day for a smell test. If the odors remains, consider placing the shoes outside for a 2nd or even third day until they have been deodorized.


3 Baking Soda Shuffle

This incredibly absorbant powder works wonders at pulling in odors and freshening the insides of shoes. As a preventative solution, a quarter cup of the powder can be poured within shoes every night before going to bed. Place baking soda by the bed will help to ensure that you do not forget to apply nightly. As well, be sure to shuffle the Hush Puppies to ensure that the powder reaches the toe area of of the hush puppies where the greatest amount of the odor lies.


4 White Vinegar Paper Towel Balls

This household acid is another effective solution for cutting through difficult foot odors within hush puppies. Before application, wad up several paper towels into balls. Lightly dip the paper wads into a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts. Stuff these paper balls within the shoes until no space within them remain. Allow these wads to sit for 24 to 48 hours as the white vinegar deodorizes the interior. Once completed, remove the balls from the interior of the shoes and place the Hush Puppies outside to allow for air drying.


5 Coffee Ground Bundles

Although most people associate this with their morning cup of coffee, this solution can also would as an odor absorber within shoes. Place a small amount of coffee grounds within the center of several coffee ground filters. Pulling the ends of the filters together, enclose the coffee grounds with several small rubber bands. Place 2-3 of these coffee ground enclosed balls within the interior of each shoe, and allow to sit for 2-3 days. Upon completion, remove the coffee ground balls from within the Hush Puppies and enjoy freshen hush puppies with the subtile aroma of fresh ground coffee.


6 Kitty Litter Sprinkle

This deodorizing substance can work is a similar fashion to the way that it handles a cat’s waste product. It works to reduce the odorous moisture within the Hush Puppies and absorb any remaining residues. Pour a half cup of kitty litter into each shoes prior to going to bed and allow for it to sit over night. As a longterm solution the same half cup of kitty litter can be reused for an entire week to cut down on expenses.


7 Homemade Activated Charcoal Inserts

This solution is low cost and involves the use of charcoal briquettes and an old pair of nylon leggings. While this solution often requires more time than others, the charcoal fillers can be used effectively for months. Cut apart the two legging of an old pair of nylons and fill each one with 2-3 activated charcoal briquettes. Once completed, tie the ends and place them within the Hush Puppies. This can be performed nightly to maintain freshness or the shoes can be placed within a shoe box for 5-6 days to remove an especially nasty buildup foot odor.


How to Get Smell Out of Recycling Bin

It is curious why recycling bins can be so go for the environment, yet smell so bad in the process. We use these progressive bins to process a variety of food related plastic trays, cans and bottles. In the process, sugary residues and stinky food bits can quickly cover the interior walls to create an odorous situation.


Fortunately, there exist a handful of household solutions to ensure that the stench living within the recycling bin is eliminated and does not return. The below solutions will ensure that the recycling bin is smelling fresh and always at it’s best.


Recycling Bin Smell Removal Solutions


1 Hose Down

Oftentimes, hosing down the interior of the recycling bin will be enough to wash out the odorous residues and lift away the odors. During this process, be sure to scrub down any especially sticky areas with an old rag. Finalize by pouring out the liquids and leaving the top lid open to air dry any moisture.


2 Empty/Open Can In Sun

Another simple and effective solution is to place the recycling bin within a location of the yard where it is sure to receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight. Flip the top of the lid open and provide 2-3 days for the UV rays, open space and fresh air to dry out and lift away the odors. If the smell remains after 2-3 days, consider leaving it within the sunshine for another few days until it is left smelling fresh.


3 Baking Soda Sprinkle

This household absorbent powder has been used for generations to minimize and remove smelly situations around the home. Apply to recycling bin by sprinkling it throughout the interior of the bin to make sure that it covers all of the interior walls. Close the lid to the bin and provide several days for the baking soda to slowly work its magic. After 2-3 days, the the powder will have absorbed the majority of the stench and the recycling bin will be smelling at its best.


4 White Vinegar Wipe Down

This household acid can work to cut through the odorous residues that exist within the siding of the recycling bins. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with eight parts warm water within the interior of the bin. Using a rag, wipe down the smelly residues within the bin allowing the moisture to run into the bottom containing area. Finalize by closing the lid and allowing it to sit for 24-48 hours. Once this time has passed, the vinegar mixture can be poured out of the bin with the lid left open for air drying purposes.


5 Diluted Bleach Mixture

Bleach can work well at breaking down organic bits within the interior of a recycling bin. Mix one part bleach with 10 parts water inside the bottom of the bin. Proceed to dunk a rag within the bleach solution and scrub down the interior. Once all of the residues have been washed away from the siding, proceed to pour out the contents and allow the remaining bleach moisture to evaporate.


6 Let Enzymes Eat It

If the above solutions have not been effective at eliminating the odor, using an enzyme cleaner to literally eat through the foul residues can work in removing the odors. Pour two cups of enzyme cleaner within a large bowl and proceed to wipe down the interior of the bin with the fluids. Once the entire interior has been scrubbed down with the enzyme solution, proceed to close the lid and allow 24-48 hours for the active enzymes to neutralize the odors.


How to Get Smell Out of Sunglasses

After countless hours of use, dead skin and sweat can build within the creases and surface of sunglasses. It’s strange that smell can develop within something so small, however it can deliver a powerful punch when it does.

Fortunately, there are several ways to eliminate the pungent residual inhabiting our sunglasses and ensure that the foul odors that they possess become a thing of the past. The following solutions will ensure that the stench is neutralized and the sunglasses are left smelling fresh.

Sunglass Smell Removal Solutions

1 Vodka Wipe

Vodka may sound like a strange solution, however the alcohol within this party drink will work to neutralize the built up organic odors living on the sunglasses surface. Apply a small amount of vodka to a paper towel and proceed to wipe down the affected areas of the sunglasses. Once you have given the sunglasses a thorough wipe, provide 10-15 minutes for the alcoholic beverage to naturally evaporate away. As a note of precaution, some lenses may be negatively affected by alcohol. It is recommended that you only apply this solution to the frame of the sunglasses.

2 Deodorize with Enzymes

This cleaning solution is sure to literally eat away at the odor producing residues living on the surface area of the sunglasses. Dampen a paper towel with enzyme cleaning solution and lightly apply the moist tissue against the affected areas of the sunglasses. Upon contact with the smelly residues, the active enzymes will go to work in eating through the unpleasantness to leave your eyewear smelling fresh.

3 Sunglasses in Sun

This is one of the most effective solutions for those wary of using chemical compounds to deodorize their sunglasses. The fresh air, open space and ultra violet rays will work to burn through the odorous residues and carry them away. Find a location outside where the sunglasses are sure to receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight. Place the sunglasses within this spot in the morning and return at dusk to perform a smell test. If any odor remains, you can try a second or third day within the sun until the odor has been eliminated.

4 Neutralize with Hand Sanitizer

This solution works in the same way that it is used to kill bacteria within your palms. There are often odorous bacteria thriving within the surface residues of the sunglasses that cause the unwanted odor. By cutting through the bacteria, you will be able to eliminate the embedded odors within the eyewear. Take precautions in applying this solution to the sunglass lenses. Although this solution should cause no negative effects, it would be smart to first test it within a corner of the lens before applying to the entire viewable area.

5 Freeze Sunglasses

In many cases where that glasses are suffering from the build up of dead skin particles and sweat, killing the bacteria within these residues is the only way to eliminate the odor. By placing your sunglasses within a ziplock bag, and leaving them within the freezer for 48 hours you will be sure to kill off all remaining bacteria that may be a at the root of the odor. Once sunglasses are removed from the freezer, it is recommend to place them withinthe sun for the day to boost the freshness within the eye wear.

6 Activated Charcoal Absorption

For extreme odors, activated charcoal briquettes can be used to draw out unwelcome chemical odors. Fill a small box with activated charcoal briquettes and place sunglasses inside before sealing closed. Once the sunglasses are within the box, allow them to sit for a minimum of 5-7 days. During this time, the absorbent charcoal briquettes will slowly work as a sponge to pull in the odor and leave the sunglasses smelling like new.
