How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Swimsuit

After swimming within a pool or spending time at the beach, bathing suits can often be tucked away and quickly forgotten. When swimsuits have not had the proper chance to dry out, this can often lead to a foul mildew stench deep within the clothing fiber.


This undesirable odor can fortunately be eliminated by a handful of household deodorizers. By using the below solutions, the sour stench within you beach wear will eliminated to make sure it never returns.


Smell Removal Solutions for Mildew Smelling Swimsuit


1 Day in the Sun

If your swimsuit is feeling the negative effects of mildew, consider placing it outside within the sun for the day. The open space, fresh air and ultra violet rays will go to work in eliminating the odorous mildew spore and lifting away the odor. Find a place within the yard where you are sure that your swimsuit will enjoy a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight. After this time has passed, return for a smell test. If any mildew aroma remains, consider leaving the swimsuit hanging outside for a second or even third day in the sun until it is smelling fresh.


2 Baking Soda Boost

Baking soda is another household substance sure to lower the potency of any mildew odor. Begin a normal detergent wash and include the mildew smelling swimsuit items. Once a good amount of water has filled the washer, measure a full cup of baking soda and add it within the wash cycle. Once the washing machine cycle is complete, make sure to air dry the swimsuit outside within the sun add one final freshening effect.


3 Try a Household Acid (White Vinegar)

Almost every home has a bottle of white vinegar. However, not everyone knows that this household acid can have a powerful effect on killing mildew and neutralizing it’s resulting odor. Within a normal detergent wash, measure a cup of white vinegar and add it within the cycle along with the mildew affected swimsuit. Similarly, you will want to hang the suit to hang dry within the sun to give the smelly stench one final kick in the curb.


4 Freeze Treatment

Placing a mildew smelling bathing suit within the freezer can have the effect of killing the mildew spore which propose the aromic funk. Begin by placing the swimsuit within a sealed ziplock bag an placing within the freezer. Allow for the bag and it’s stinky contents to sit for a minimum of 1-2 days by the mold spore complete die out. Finish by removing the swimsuit from the bag and hanging outdoors within the sun until completely deodorized.


5 Enzyme Soak

This is a bit of an extreme solution, but desperate time call for desperate measures. Buy an enzyme cleaner at your local pet store or large super market and proceed pour it within a bowl filled in equal parts with water. Next, you will want to dunk your swim suit within the solution and allow for it to soak for a minimum of 3 hours. During this time, the active enzymes within this product will literally go to work in eating through the odorous organics causing the swimsuit odor. Once completed, place bathing suit through a normal detergent wash and hang outside in the sun to air dry.


6 Drown it in Alcohol

Alcohol can work to neutralize many mildew related odors on contact.  Fill a bowl with rubbing alcohol and water in equal parts.  Soak the bathing suit within the mixture and allow for it to sit for 2-3 hours while the chemical compound works it’s magic.  Finally, remove the bathing suit and place through a normal detergent wash and hang outside in the sun to air dry.


7 Tea Tree Oil

This solution works to naturally combat the existence of mold spore within the bathing suit. Mix a solution of one part tea tree oil with five parts water within a bowl. Proceed to dunk the swimsuit within the mixture and allow it to soak for 1-2 hours. Once complete, remove the swimsuit and place through a normal detergent wash and hang outside to air dry.


How to Get Smell Out of Armpits

Armpit odors can vary in degrees of unpleasantness, and are never something you want to advertise in public. They are always posing a personal challenge to keep smelling fresh, as armpit stench can be a frustrating and embarrassing reoccurrence.

Fortunately, there exist a wide range of fast and effective solutions for eliminating armpit odor and ensuring that the problem does not return. By following the below solutions, you can be sure that your armpits will be funk-free and always smelling at their best.

Armpit Odor Removal Solutions

1 Traditional Deodorant

This solution may be one used by the majority of the population, however it is for a good reason. These mobile deodorizing sticks help to eliminate difficult armpit odors on the go. Always make sure to pack one within your purse, hand bag or backpack before leaving the house to ensure that your pits will be smelling fresh no matter where you are.

2 Apple Cider Vinegar

This household acid works to eliminate the odorous bacteria within armpits to leave them smelling fresh. Dampen a paper towel with apple cider vinegar, and proceed wipe down your clean and dry armpits with the solution. Next, provide 20-30 minutes for the vinegar to do it’s intend function before naturally air drying away.

3 Lime Wipe

In a similar function as vinegar, the citric acid within limes will work wipe out any smelly bacteria in existence within one’s armpits. The application of the lime’s juice is simple and can be performed within a short period of time. Apply by cutting the lime in two parts and pressing the exposed fruit flesh against the inside of the armpits. Finally, allow the citrus juice to naturally evaporate away as it lifts away the odorous scent of armpit odor.

4 Sweat It Out

If you have built-up odor deep within of your armpits, the best way to alleviate the stench is to sweat the odorous bacteria out. A heavy and sweaty workout will help to open the skin pores and leak out the unpleasant fluids from within the armpits.

Armpit Odor Prevention Tips

1 Light Breathable Clothing

If you find that your pits are regularly sweatly, you may want to consider wearing light-weight breathable shirts. These shirts provide better air circulation and ensure that less sweat is produced within this region of the body. With less sweat and stagnant skin cells, the chance of odorous bacteria thrive within this region will be lowered.

2 Baby Powder After Shower

As an additional deodorizing step, baby powder can be applied within one’s armpits to ensure that sweat does not build and that this area remains dry. After getting out of the shower and blot drying your armpits, powder them up with a small portion of baby powder. As a note of precaution, this solution can lead to white visible powdered spots near the armpit location when wearing shirts in dark tones.

3 Avoid Spicy Food

Spicy food is known to increase prespiration and moisture within the body and under the armpits. If you are already a natural sweater, you may wish to consider avoiding anything like spicy food which is likely to increase your natural amount of bodily fluids which are secreted.

4 Cut Cigarettes & Alcohol

Studies have shown that the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol can lead to an increased and sharper smelling bodily odor. Much of these toxins are naturally secreted out of the skin pores causing a nasty additional bodily stench.

5 Lower Sugar Intake

The consumption of sugar has the effect of lowering the immune system and allowing bacteria to build within greater quantities on the skin. With higher levels of bacteria growing within the armpits, it will naturally lead to a worse smelling aroma.


How to Get Smell Out of Furniture

Furniture gets shuffled, moved, and sat on. In the process, these fixtures of modern living gather smelly residues and bodily odors and create a nasty build-up. The stench is often overpowering and cause much discomfort on the part of the owner.


Fortunately, there exist a range of household solutions for removing the odors and ensuring that they do not return. The following solutions can help to freshen the household furniture and make sure that the embedded stench within them is a thing of the past.


Smell Removal Solutions for Furniture


1 White Vinegar Spray

This household solution relies heavily on a mild acid that cuts through odorous residues and build-up within the furniture. For application of this solution, mix a solution of one part white vinegar with eight parts warm water within a spray bottle and proceed to mist down the exterior of that furniture. When dealing with a flatten surface, it is advised that you also dunk a small clean hand towel within the solution and give the odorous surface a good wipedown. Proceed to open the windows within the room and allow the vinegar-based solution to naturally air dry away.


2 Enzyme Cleaning Wipedown

This enzyme-based solution is great at literally eating through some of the smelly organics that cover the exterior of furniture. After acquiring the solution, dunk a small hand towel within the solution and proceed to rub down the affected areas of the furniture. When dealing with upholstery and underlying padding, you may need to administer and extra amount of enzyme solution within the padding to ensure that deep-down odors are reached and removed. Enzyme solution can be allowed to naturally evaporate from surfaces or can be blot dried from padding after it has been allowed to set for 24-48 hours. As a note of precaution, never use this solution on leather, silk or suede covered furniture.


3 Lemon Juice Spritz

In a similar fashion to white vinegar, the citric acid within lemon juice works to cut through odorous residues upon contact. Mix a solution of one part lemon juice with five parts water inside a generic spray bottle. Proceed to mist down the furniture with a heavy shot of lemon juice to ensure that no area is left untouched. Once completed, open the windows within the room to allow for a quicker evaporation process.


4 Sprinkle Baking Soda & Insert

This household powder contains marvelous absorption capabilities. If the area affected by the unwelcome odor is on the surface area, baking soda can be sprinkled over these areas to allow the for the powder to slowly pull the stench from the furniture’s surface. Alternatively, baking soda can be inserted within the couch or sofa cushions to maintain freshness and prevent the build-up of odor. Measure 1/4 cup of baking soda and add it on both side of the cushion before zipping the cushion closed.


5 Time + Sunshine

Oftentimes, all that is required to neutralize odors within furniture to allow it to bathe outside within direct sunlight. Move the furniture outside into a location within the yard where it is sure to receive a minimum of 8 hours of sunshine throughout the day. Once completed, perform a smell test of the furniture to decide if you need to place the it outside for a second or third day of deodorizing environment containing UV rays, open space and fresh air.


6 Vodka Mist It

The active ingredient within the formula is better known for mixing drinks than deodorizing furniture. However, the alcohol within this solution may surprise many party-goers that the alcohol within the solution can be used as a deodorizer to neutralize smell on contact and dry away odorlessly. Pour a small portion of this solution within a generic spray bottle, and proceed to spray down the affected area of the furniture with a heavy coat of the household spirit.

Photo credit: Juan ValldeRuten


How to Get Smell Out of Refrigerator

This appliance is used to store countless numbers of foods, juices and condiments. Given this reality, it should not be surprising that odors can build from a variety of residue spills and container leaks within the fridge.

Though challenging to identify and remove, there exist a range of household solutions aimed at eliminating unpleasant stenches that exist within the space. By following the below solutions, you will be able wipeout any food-based odors and to make its stink a thing of the past.

Deodorizing Refrigerator Solutions

1 Search Out Rotten Bits & Residues

Oftentimes, deodorizing the fridge only requires finding and removing the stinking food pieces and residues creating the odor. This is best done by removing all of the contents to organize and identify what is fresh and what has gone bad. After performing this task, you will be sure to identify the source of the problem and be able to properly dispose of the contents that have become rotten.

2 Open Baking Soda Box

This is a time honored tradition removing minor smells and keeping the refrigerator smelling fresh. Simply open two different boxes of baking soda and place them within different corners of the refrigerator. the baking soda will work to slowly absorb the odorous stenches to ensure that unwelcome smell is removed and does not return.

3 White Vinegar Wipedown

This household acid works well at cutting through odors on contact. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with six parts warm water. Proceed to soak a clean hand towel within the mixture and proceed to wipe down the affected areas of the fridge with the deodorizing solution. once completed, leave the fridge door open to allow for a faster evaporation time. Once completely dried, the subtle smell of vinegar will be removed from the interior of the refrigerator along with the intended odor.

4 Coffee Ground Pan

These ingredients do more than work to produce a fresh cup of morning brew. Similar to baking soda, coffee grounds also work well at absorbing unwanted odors from the interior of the refrigerator. Pour coffee grounds on the pan and place the tray within the interior base, ensuring that it is well out of the way of the food inside. The grounds will slowly work to remove the nasty stench of food odor and replace it with the subtle aroma of fresh coffee beans.

5 Cat Litter Tray

In a similar fashion as coffee grounds, the unusual supplement of kitty litter can also work to absorb unwelcome food odors. Pour fresh cat litter on a small tray and place the tray inside the fridge in a back corner where it is unlikely to be disturbed. Over time, the deodorizing powder will help to reduce the built up stench and maintain a fresh smelling refrigerator.

6 Vanilla Dipped Newspaper

This solution works well for small enclosed spaces that have been affected by rotten food and unfortunate spills. Mix a solution of vanilla extract and water in equal parts within a bowl. Wad up several pieces of newspaper and proceed to lightly dip the newspaper within the solution and stuff the newspaper balls within the enclosed spots. Allow the newspaper to sit for 24 hours as the paper fiber absorbs the odor and replaces it with the subtle scent of vinegar.


How to Get Urine Smell Out of Couch

When we lay our little ones down for a nap on the couch, it goes without saying that we are taking a chance. All children are accident prone, and getting the smelly effects of urine out from the couch cushions can present a challenge.


In such cases, there remain several steps that can be performed to remove that odorous ammonia based stench and return the affected couch cushioning to normal. The following steps can help in assuring that this disconcerting aroma is eliminated to makes sure that it remains a thing of the past.



Deodorizing Urine Solutions


1 Remove Cushion ASAP!

The first thing you do should be to remove the urine soaked cushions as soon as possible and place them outside for further cleaning and deodorizing treatment. If performed early enough you will be able to make sure that the ammonia based organics do not leak into the rest of the couch to create an even larger problem.


2 Blot Urine Out

After removing the cushions, proceed to blot dry the urine from the affected areas of the cushions and couch with a old clean towel. While blot drying be sure to place the full weight of your body behind the towels press in the the upholstery and underlying padding.


3 Water & Blot Residues Out

After removing all available urine through the initial blot drying, you will need to water down the affected location and blot dry the remaining moisture from the couch. Using water pour a generous amount of water on the affected location to ensure that the water moistens that original areas. After wetting down these locations, proceed to blot dry the area again with another old towel. For best results, continue watering and blot drying the location a second or third time to make sure that all odorous residues have been drawn from the couch.


4 Enzyme Drench

This solution is ideal for soaking deep into the couch fiber to allow the activated enzymes to literally eat there way through the odorous ammonia residues found within. During application, pour a heavy amount of this cleaner over the smelly location to ensure that it reaches every area that the urine has come into contact with. Allow the enzyme cleaner to sit for 24-48 hours as it slowly eliminates all of the unpleasant organics within the couch fiber. After this period of time has passed, you can proceed to blot dry the location to absorb as much of the remaining deodorizing solution as possible.


5 White Vinegar Alternative

As an alternative to enzyme cleaning solution, a mixture of white vinegar can work nearly as well at eliminating the odorous effects of ammonia odor within the couch. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with eight parts warm water, and water down the affected areas of the couch with the solution. After application, ally the mixture to settle within the couch for 24 to 48 hours as it neutralizes the odor. As a side note, this solution will give off a slight vinegar aroma until it has completely dried from the cushion and upholstery fiber.


6 Baking Soda Zip-in

As a final step, baking soda can be used to absorb any remaining smells within the couch cushion fiber. To apply, unzip the couch cushions zipper liner and pour in 1/4 cup of baking soda on each side of the cushion. Finish by zipping the cushion liner closed and giving it a good shake before placing it back within the couch.


How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Furniture

A smelly consequence of cigarette smoke can be the odorous residues that build within the furniture of a home. Once the smokey funk of cigarettes get within this furniture’s fiber, it can be a challenging task to neutralize and remove.


Following regimate of household solution will help to eliminate the cigarette odor and ensure that it does not return. The following solutions can be helpful at freshening the furniture within your home and making the stench of cigarette smoke a thing of the past.


Deodorizing Furniture Solutions


1 Lemon Juice Wipe

The citric acid within lemon juice is the most effective solution against cigarette odor. Create a solution of one part lemon juice with 4 parts water within a bowl. Proceed to dip a small clean hand towel within the solutions and rubbing the formula into the affected areas of the furniture. In furniture containing upholstery, the solution can be poured within a generic spray bottle and sprayed on. As a final step, simply allow 30-45 minutes for the citric acid to do it’s job while it naturally evaporates away.

2 Vodka Mist

This spirit has much many more powers than fueling parties. The alcohol within the solution works to neutralize odors on contact and quickly evaporate away. Pour a small amount of vodka within a spray bottle and spray down the affected area of the furniture. When dealing with large flat surfaces, a small clean hand towel can be moistened with vodka and used to wipe down and deodorize the specific piece of furniture.

3 Enzyme Spray

Using an enzyme spray is both safe and powerful in combating smoke related odors within furniture. This solution is available in pet stores and most large supermarkets. It works by harnessing the active enzymes within the solution to actually eat through the odorous smoke residues within the furniture. After spraying down the cigarette affected piece of furniture, make sure to follow up by wiping down the flat areas with a clean paper towel to spread out the formula and ensure that no surface area is left untouched.

4 White Vinegar Mixture

Similar to lemon juice, white vinegar works by using it’s acid to cut through difficult odors. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with eight parts water within a bowl.  Using this mixture, dampen a small hand towel within the liquid and proceed to wipe down the affected sections of the furniture.  Alternatively, this same formula can be sprayed on upholstery through a generic spray bottle.  As a note of precaution, immediately after application the solution will contain a vinegar scent which will go away immediately after drying.


5 Soak Within Sun

The solar rays of the sun in your backyard can do much to reduce the odor of cigarettes within the furniture.   The open space, fresh air and ultraviolet rays will all help in neutralizing the smokey residues.  Find a location that receives a minimum of eight hours of direct sunlight and move your furniture within the spot in the morning.  Perform a smell test at the end of the day and consider taking the furniture outside for more sun a second or even third day if any odor remains.


6 Sprinkle Baking Soda

The absorption powers of baking soda has been known and used for several generations.  Sprinkle heavy quantities of the deodorizing powder of the the smoke smelling piece of furniture.  Allow the baking soda to sit and absorb the odors for 48-72 hours before doing a smell test.  If the cigarette odor remains, allow the baking soda to remain where it is for another 48 hours.  Once the furniture has been freshened, proceed to vacuum the powder up with a hose attachment.


7 Citrus Product Spray

When lemon or lemon juice is not available, citric cleaning  product will work nearly as well.  Orange TKO is one that can be sprayed onto the cigarette affected piece of furniture to remove all signs of cigarette odors.  As a precaution, always make sure that your specific product spray will do no damage to the material of your specific piece of furniture.  In short, always make sure that your read the bottle before use.


How to Get Smell Out of Car Carpet

A number of things get shuffled into cars on passenger’s feet, and most of them do not smell good. Given this reality, it should come as no surprise that automobile carpeting can develop a built up odor that requires attention.


Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to deodorize the car carpeting and return it to a freshened state. The household solutions within this guide will ensure that the carpeting fiber is smelling at it’s best to make odors a thing of the past.


Deodorizing Solutions for Car Carpeting


1 Baking Soda Sprinkle

Sprinkling baking soda throughout the car’s carpeting will help to absorb much of the odors and ensure that it does not return. Be sure to put a heavy coat over all of the affected carpeting, and provide a minimum of 48 hours for the baking soda to work it’s magic. After performing a smell test you can decide whether it is necessary to leave the baking soda within the carpeting fiber longer or vacuum it up.


2 Enzyme Spray

Using an enzyme cleaning spray is often the best solution for smelly carpeting fiber. The active enzymes within this solution will go to work in eating through any odorous organics in the carpeting to return it to normal. Proceed to generously spray down the carpeting fiber and allow the product solution to soak in for the next 24-48 hours. After this time has passed, the windows can be left open to allow for faster evaporation.


3 White Vinegar Mixture

In a similar fashion to enzyme cleaner, white vinegar will work to eliminate difficult odors within the car’s carpeting. the household acid work to neutralize odors on contact and evaporate odorously. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with eight parts water inside a generic spray bottle, and proceed to heavily mist down the interior carpeting.


4 Lemon Juice

The citric acid within lemon juice will also go to work in cutting through difficult odors to leave the carpeting smelling fresh. Mix a solution of one part lemon juice with five parts water inside a generic spray bottle. Proceed to spray down all of the affected areas of the carpeting with the solution and allow the following 1-2 days for the solution to naturally air dry away.


5 Direct Sunlight & Windows Down

If you are able to part your car within a location that has direct sunlight and the safety to leave windows completely rolled down, it can have a powerful deodorizing impact on the car’s interior. Make sure to leave your car to sit within the sun for a minimum of 8 hours. The fresh air and direct UV rays will help to neutralize the odors and carry them away.


6 Professional Help

When all else fails, you can take your car to the cleaners and have the interior carpeting treated by professionals. Similarly, this works as a fast solution that requires very little time on the part of the owner. If you are working on a short timetable or with a bad enough odor, consider using this option to treat the car’s carpeting.


How to Get Mothball Smell Out of Clothes

Mothball smells are one of the most challenging odors to remove from clothing, and require special treatment and precautions in doing so. The chemical odors left from items are impossible to ignore and require attention before being considered for use.

There are a set of steps that can be followed to ensure that the chemical stench is removed and is not transfered to any other clothing or appliances in the process. The following solutions will make sure that your mothball infused clothing area freshened to make the characteristic odor a thing of the past.

Mothball Clothing Principles

1 Mothball Stink Can Transfer

One of the most important things that you can consider before taking action to freshen your mothball affected clothing is that the smell can easily transfer to anything that it comes into contact with. Often, the clothing affected by mothballs are old and of little importance. for this reason, you do not want to wash this clothing with new and expensive clothing in which the smell can easily rub off on.

2 Initially Keep Out of Washing Machine

While the mothball smell is still at its height, you will want to make sure not to place the clothes within your washer or dryer. The smell of many mothball affected clothing is so intense and sticky that it can be transfer to these machines and present a entirely new problem centered around getting the smell out of a clothing appliance. In addition to smelly appliances, you will also need to worry about then spreading the odor to any clothing that should subsequentially pass through the machines.

Mothball Smell Removal Solutions

1 Soak in Enzymes

Your first action should be to fill a large bucket with a solution of enzyme cleaner and water in equal part. A gallon of this solution is available at pet stores and large supermarkets. Place the mothball clothing within the bucket to soak. The active enzymes in the solution will go to work in literally eating through the chemical residues causing the odors. After 24-48 hours soaking within the bucket the clothing can be removed and hanged within the sun.

2 Hang in Sun

Hanging within the sun is important for multiple reasons. Not only does it provide a safe location away from the dryer to dry the clothing, but it also carries its own deodorizing properties. The fresh air, open space and ultraviolet ray will all work to neutralize the chemical stench and carry it away. Once the clothing has dried, you will need to do an important smell test of the clothing. You will be ready to move on to the next step if after taking a good smell whift of the clothing you notice a sizable freshening effect.

3 Soak in White Vinegar

As an additional step before running a detergent wash through the washing machine is to soak the mothball affected clothing within a new bucket of white vinegar solution. This household acid also works well at cutting through the chemical odor that mothballs place within clothing. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with eight parts warm water and allow the clothing to soak for a minimum of one hour before placing within a detergent wash cycle.

4 Cup of Baking Soda

Baking soda has a power absorbent ability to remove odors from smelly clothing and can add a boost to any washing machine cycle. Measure a cup of baking soda to add within the wash cycle along with the affected clothing and normal amount of detergent. Upon completion, hang the clothing outside within the sun one final time to remove any remaining smells from the clothing fiber.

5 Run an Ozone Machine

If you are in need of deodorizing a huge amount of clothing that has been affected by mothballs, you want want to consider buying or renting a ozone machine. These devices start have the starting price of $200.00 and can go as high as $1000.00, so you will want to make sure that it is really work the investment. Though they can be dangerous and down right deadly if improperly used, they remain effective at eliminating odors within short periods of time. The machine effectively works by removing the air surrounding the clothing fiber and neutralizing the odorous residues within the fabric.


How to Get Urine Smell Out of Mattress

Lets face it, there exists a learning curve to getting up within the middle of the night to make your way to the bathroom.  When our little ones have a nighttime accident, the odor can build and develop a smelly challenge when not immediately and appropriately cleaned.

The exist several household solutions for eliminating the ammonia smelling mattress even in the worse case scenarios.  The below solutions will ensure that you can deodorize your son or daughter’s mattress and erase the scent of the unfortunate accident.

Deodorizing Solutions for Urine Smelling Mattress

1 Act Fast!

The faster you act after the accident, the better chances you will have at drawing out the urine and reducing residual odor. As a general rule of thumb, you will want to perform this task within an hour of discovering the incident. It may the middle of the night, but know that it will pay off to handle the problem on the spot.

2 Blot Dry

Your first step is to remove that existing urine from the mattress.  To do this find several old towels that you don’t necessary place a high value on.  Proceed to press these towels within the urine soaked areas of the mattress in order to draw out all of the available urine from the bed.  After pressing your entire body weight against the drench location and failing to draw out any remaining fluid, move on the the following step.

3 Water Down & Blot

Next, you will need to dilute the existing urine that was not accessible through blot drying. Pour water on the location of the urine to remoisten the location and proceed to blot dry this with a new towel. Continue this process for two to three times until the towel fail to bring out any urine smelling water.

4 Enzyme Soak

Once all of the available water has been blot dried from the mattress, you can proceed in pouring a generous amount of enzyme cleaner into the affected portion of the mattress.  Allow of the enzyme cleaner to settle in for 6-8 hours and then proceed to blot dry the remaining cleaning solution from the mattress and place it back within use.  Using an enzyme cleaner is most effective at deodorizing urine due to the activated enzymes which literally eat through the smelly organics left behind from the urine.

5 White Vinegar Mixture

If enzyme cleaner is not on hand, use of white vinegar can provide good results.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with six parts water and pour on the affected portion of the mattress.  Similarly allow the solution to sit within the mattress for 6-8 hours before blot drying the excess away.

6 Baking Soda Sprinkle

As a final step, baking soda can be sprinkled in heavy quantities over the affected location of the mattress.  After applying this powder, proceed to cover the mattress with a fitted sheet and allow for the baking soda to absorb any remaining odors over the following 2-3 days.


How to Get Smell Out of Shoes

When smell arrises within your shoes it is important to neutralize the odors as soon as possible.  Pungent fumes develop and only grow worse with time.  They are transmitted into your feet and effectively consume fresh air, leaving behind a less than desired musk.


In order to wipeout these nasty orders, the solutions offered within this guide can direct you to fresher feet.  By following the below tips, you can increase your odds of eliminating the unwelcome aromas inhabiting your shoes.


Deodorizing Shoe Solutions


1 Rotate Shoes

If you find yourself regularly wearing the same shoes on a daily basis, you may find that an a foot odor continue returns within your shoes. This is because shoes need a break every one to two days to air out and all the sweat from the previous days of wear to dry. If deprived of this refreshing window of time, shoes odors often increase and become a challenging task to deodorize.


2 Baking Soda Shuffle

This household absorbent powder has been used for decades to treat difficult foot odors within shoes. Keep baking soda within close proximity of bed and add in 1/4 cup of baking soda with each shoe, making sure to shuffle the shoe to spread the powder out along the interior to allow it to reach the toes area of the shoe. Once complete, Allow the baking soda to sit over night while it absorbs the day’s odors. For especially repugnant foot odors, the baking soda may need 24-48 to complete freshen the interior.


3 White Vinegar Wads

This household acid is highly effective at eliminating odors within shoes. First, wad up several paper towels, and place then aside. Then, mix a solution of one part white vinegar to three parts water and lightly dip the wadded paper towels within the solution so that the fringes become slightly moistened. Finally, stuff the white vinegar dipped wads within the shoes until they fill up all of the remaining space. Allow the wads to remain within the shoes for 24 hours before removing the paper towels and letting the shoes air out for an entire day.


4 Enzyme Crumple

In a similar fashion to the white vinegar remedy, active enzymes can be harnessed to literally eat through the odorous organics within your shoes. Wad up crumple up several paper towels, and place them aside. Pour a small amount of enzyme cleaner within a bowl and proceed to dip the tips of the crumpled paper towels within the solution and stuff them within the shoes. Once completed, allow a day for the product solution to work its magic before removing the paper towels from the freshened footwear.

5 Half Scoop of Kitty Litter

Similar to baking soda, fresh cat litter can work to absorb unpleasant odors within your shoes. Add a quarter cup of this solution into each shoe and shuffle until the material has covered the lining of the interior making its way down to the toe region.  Allow the cat litter to sit within the shoe overnight and then pour the content back within a litter container within the morning for reuse at a future date.


6 Solar Rays & Fresh Air

Placing shoes outdoors in direct sunlight can have an incredible freshening effect on them.  Wait for a sunny day, and place them the shoes somewhere within the yard where they are sure to receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight.  During this time the UV ray, open space and fresh air will all work to eliminate the stench.  If smell remains after a single day, a second or third day in the sun is sure to do the trick.


7 Coffee Ground Bundles

Though these grounds are meant for a morning brew, they maintain impressive absorption capabilities.  Place the two teaspoon of coffee grounds within 4-6 coffee filters, and proceed to pull the filter edges together and seal the coffee in with rubber bands. Proceed to stuff 2-3 of these coffee ground bundles within the interior of each shoes and provide 24-48 hours for them to absorb the foot related odor and leave a gentile aroma of coffee behind.  If shoes area especially moist within the interior, this solution may not be be ideal as this may cause brown staining within the shoe.


8 Activated Charcoal Inserts

If you have the time, using activated charcoal inserts within your shoes can work well to remove the odor and maintain a fresh environment with continued use.   Place 3-4 charcoal briquettes within each foot of an old pair of nylon leggings.  Cut the leggings to separate the legs and tie the coal within.  Proceed to stick the nylon enclosed activated charcoal briquettes down within the interior of the shoes and provide 5-7 days for all of the foot related odor to be absorbed.  Finally, you can continue to use this solution at night to maintain fresh smelling shoes.
