How to Get Smell Out of Wet Carpet

During the rainy season water can easily slip within the home and moisten the carpeting.  In many cases, this leads to odorous mildew inhabiting the carpeting fiber and the underlying padding.  This musty stench can create an uncomfortable environment and a challenge to remove.


By using some household ingredients and some industrial rental gear, you will be able to rescue your fiber flooring from the grasp mildew.  The following household solutions will ensure that you remove the carpeting odor and make sure it never returns.


Smell Removal Solutions


1 Remove Moisture Fast

When carpeting and the underlying padding gets wet, it is important to dry the flooring as quickly as possible.  The longer that it remains moist the greater the chance the mildew will inhabit it grow in intensity.  As a general rule of thumb, you have 24 hour to dry the carpeting before the first scent of mildew odor develops within the carpet.  Make sure to handle the problem within this timetable to prevent a challenging issue later on.


2 Run Fan Pointed at Moist Carpeting

After blot drying the carpeting with old towels, there will almost always remain some level of moisture within the floor fiber and underlying padding.  Place an area fan so that it is pointed directly at this location for 24 hours.  After this period of time has passed, proceed to feel the carpeting to remaining moisture.  If the carpeting still has some level of moisture left in it, continue to run the fan for an additional 24 hours.


3 White Vinegar Spray

As a chemical solution, this household acid can be helpful in cutting through the existence of mildew within the carpeting.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with five parts warm water win a large generic spray bottle.  Once the carpeting has been dried from the initial moisture that cause the musty odor, proceed to  spray down the carpeting in heavy quantities with the formula.  Make sure that no area is left untouched and open the windows to allow for chemical compounds to work their magic and then evaporate away as soon as possible.


4 Enzyme Solution + Carpet Cleaner

While white vinegar has failed to do the job, running a carpet cleaner and running a enzyme cleaner will have much more success.  Although it will cost money to rent the equipment and buy the cleaner, the active enzymes within the cleaner will make a huge difference in directly eating through the mold spore within the fiber and underlying cushioning.  Allow the enzyme cleaner to work its magic for 24 hours before running fans within the room and opening the room’s windows to air dry.


5 Baking Soda Sprinkle

As a final solution to help absorb any remaining moisture and mildew odor, baking soda can be sprinkled through the the affected carpeting in high quantities.  Once all of the mildew inhabited carpeting has been covered in this powder, and allow it to set in for 24-48 hours. Finally, once this time period has passed, proceed to vacuum the powder from the freshened flooring.


6 Rent a Dehumidifier

If no success has been had from the above solutions in drying the carpeting, a dehumidifier can work to dry of the affect room and ensure that the carpet fiber and underlying padding is completely dry.  Since mildew relying on moisture to persist, this machine will also have a hand in lowering some of the odor within the room.  For reasons of health, be sure to read instruction in full before running within the household.


7 Rent an Ozone Machine

If all available methods for removing odors within carpeting have come up short, consider renting an ozone machine for your mildew affected room.  The ozone machine will work to suck all oxygen from the room and eliminate any odors.  Only run this machine once the carpeting has completely dried and you have run out of options.  Additionally, be very careful to read all of the instructions, as improper use can lead to health problems or even death.


How to Get Smell Out of Leather Couch

After much use, leather couches can easily adopt a smokey or bodily stench.  It can be quite off-putting to anyone sitting on the piece of furniture, and make the owner question if it is time to redecorate the living space with a new sofa.


Fortunately, the odor can be treated and eliminated through use of a handful of household deodorizing techniques.  By using the below solutions you can rid yourself of the built up odor within your couch, so you will be able to comfortably use it for several more years to come.


Leather Couch Smell Removal Tips


1 Day In the Sun

Placing a leather outside in the sun can work to remove a variety of odors ranging from cigarette smoke to bodily odors.   Wait for a sunny day, and move the leather couch outdoors for placement within a spot that will receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight.  If the leather continue to stink after one day, try continuing this routine for a second or even third day until the odor is gone.


2 Diluted White Vinegar

This mild household acid can work wonders in eliminating built-up odors embedded within a leather couch.  Mix a diluted solution of one part white vinegar to eight parts warm water within a small bucket or large bowl.  Dunk a clean hand towl within the mixture, lift, and squeeze out the excess fluids before applying to the leather couch and wiping down all affect areas.  Once completed, provide 2-3 hours for the solution to naturally air dry away.


3 Vodka Spritz

This alcoholic drink has the capability to neutralize on contact and dry away odorously.  Fill a generic spray bottle with a small amount of the this spirit and proceed to spray down all affected areas of the leather couch.  Next, follow this spray by wiping down the surface to even out the spray and catch any missed spot with a vodka damped hand towel.  After 30-45 minutes the vodka should likely be evaporated and leaving a freshen leather couch behind.


4 Rubbing Alcohol

Similar to vodka, rubbing alcohol works to eliminate surface odors on leather couches through it’s inherent active ingredient.  The alcohol neutralizes the smelly residue on contact and also dries away odor-free.  Mix a solution of one part rubbing alcohol with eight parts warm water within a large bowl.  Dunk a hand towel within the mixture and proceed to wipe down the affected areas of the couch and provide a day for the mixture to evaporate.


5 Lemon Juice Mist

The citric acid within this natural juice works to cut through several odors within leather fiber.  Mix a formula of one part lemon juice with five parts water inside a generic spray bottle and proceed to thoroughly mist down the smelly location of the leather couch.   Once completed, provide the remainder of the day to air dry before putting the couch back within use.


6 Baking Soda Zip-in

Baking soda can have great results at working on the leather cushions of a couch from the inside out.  If the cushions have a zipper built in, unzip a portion and and pour a 1/4 cup of baking soda within each cushion.  Once pour zip closed and give the cushion a good shake allowing the powder to spread out within the leather casing.  Over the course of the next few weeks this solution will work to freshen the seat area of the leather couch.


How to Get Smell Out of Leather

Leather is one of the most durable natural fibers and is frequently used in outfitting clothing, footwear and furniture.  If leather had one challenge, it would be in cleaning the material and removing odorous build up.


Often you know leather is need of cleaning due to an unpleasant aroma that has developed with frequent use.  Unlike many other materials, it it does not do well with water-based detergent solutions and requires a different set of deodorizing solutions.  In this guide, you will be walked through a series of household strategies that can help in removing the odor plaguing your leather.


Deodorizing Smoke Odors

Accounting for the amount of time that people spend smoking on furniture, it should be no surprise that the cigarette odor can eventually find it’s with within the natural fiber. When it does, it can often present a challenge for those attempting to clean and freshen the leather.


1 Lemon Juice Spritz

The citric acid within lemon juice works to directly fight off the scent left behind from cigarette smoke.  Mix a solution of one part lemon juice to six parts warm water within a spray bottle.  Proceed to spray down the entire affected area of the leather.  Once the leather has been fully misted, begin wiping the citric acid compound into the surface fiber.  As the solution comes into contact with the smoke residue it will immediately neutralize it and quickly evaporate away.


2 Vodka Mist

Beyond making an excellent party drink, vodka has been used for decades as a deodorizer for smoke residues.  The alcohol within the drink works to cut through the odorous smoke residues and leave surface areas of leather and other materials smelling fresh.  Pour a small portion of vodka within a spray bottle and proceed to mist down the entire surface area of the leather.  Quickly follow this up by wiping this moisture in with a light paper towel.  Doing so will ensure that the alcohol will reach all affected surface areas and will prevent it from being lifted away by the towel.


3 Rubbing Alcohol Wipe

In a similar fashion to vodka, the alcohol compound within rubbing alcohol can be applied to eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke within leather.  Mix a solution of one part rubbing alcohol with ten parts water.  Dunk a light hand towel within the mixture and proceed to wipe down the exterior surface area of the leather.  Once completed, simply provide 5-60 minutes for the alcohol infused moisture to evaporate off from the freshened leather.


Deodorizing Urine & BO Odors


1 Murphy’s Oil Soap

The use of Murphy’s Oil Soap can be very effective in lifting difficult BO smells from leather. Pour this product solution to a cloth and apply in heavy quantities to the affected locations of the leather. Allow the solution to sit for 2-3 hours before wiping the remaining moisture from the leather’s surface.


2 Baking Soda Infusion

When an enzyme cleaner is not available, the use of baking soda can work wonders in combating that built up bodily odors found within leather.  Mix a solution of one part baking soda with seven part water and proceed to dunk a hand towel within the solution and wipe down the leather.  The baking soda within the solution will work to absorb the stench or urine or bodily odors and leave an odorless surface behind.

Deodorizing Musty Odors


1 Diluted White Vinegar

White vinegar is fantastic at eliminating the scent of mildew and mold to ensure that it never returns.  The mild household acid covers the stench and works to kill the microscopic mold spore within the material.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with seven parts warm water.  Proceed by dunking a hand towel within the solution and wiping down the leather leather surface.  Finally, provide 1-2 hours for the white vinegar work its magic and evaporate away.


2 Rays of Sunshine

Another deodorizer and combatant of mildew odor is direct ultraviolet rays from the sun.  Placing the leather outside within direct sunlight will allow the open space, fresh air and and UV rays to kill the mold spore and strip the odor off the leather’s surface. During application of the method, be sure to place leather item within a location where it will be able to receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight.


How to Get Cat Smell Out of Couch

Our feline friends are always be laying around the house and making themselves at home.  After much snoozing on furniture and couches, a build-up of cat salvia and dander can build within upholstery fiber and cause an unfortunate musky cat related odor. Rather than taking you feline friend for a vet check-up, this is a common odor that has several common household solutions.


With the right household solutions, you can freshen your couch and return it to normal.  The following solutions will make the couch smell like new and liberate it from the musky stench of your kitten companion.


Cat Deodorizing Couch Solutions


1 Enzyme Product Spray

Using an enzyme product spray is undoubtedly the most effective solution for removing the odorous dander and residues left within your couch.  These sprays are especially engineered to remove cat odors and harness the power of active enzyme to literally eat through your cat’s smelly organic materials.  Spray down the entire couch so that all areas are hit, and allow the solution to naturally air dry off over the next 6-8 hours.


2 Direct Sunlight

Although it sounds simplistic, a bit of sunshine and fresh air are often enough to lift away any cat related odor.  The open space, fresh air and UV rays work to combat the residues and neutralize them on the spot.  Wait for a sunny day and move your couch outside into direct sunlight within the morning.  Make sure it is placed within a location of your yard where it will receive a minimum of 8 hour of direct sunlight throughout the day.  If the smell persists after a day in the sun. you can try a second or third day for better results.


3 Vodka Mist It

The use of the party drink to combat odors has been in practice for several generations.  Pour vodka within a generic spray bottle and proceed to mist down the entire affected area of the couch.  The alcohol has the unique capability of neutralizing smelly residues on contact and proceeding to evaporate odorously away within 30-45 minutes.


4 White Vinegar Mix

This household acid is highly effective at eliminating odors within the home.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with five parts white vinegar within a generic spray bottle.  Proceed to spray down all affected area of the couch with a mild mist from the bottle.  Next, be sure to open the windows within the room that the couch is located to help speed up the evaporation of the formula.  As a side note, the spray will continue to smell of vinegar until it has completely dried.


5 Diluted Rubbing Alcohol

This solution works within a similar way as vodka by utilizing alcohol to neutralize odorous residues on the spot.  Mix a solution of one part rubbing alcohol with five parts water and proceed to spray down the affected area of the couch.    Allow 3-4 hours for the solution to evaporate away.


6 Lemon Juice Spritz

This solution harnesses the power citric acid has in cutting through difficult odors. Mix a solution of one part lemon juice with eight parts water within a spray bottle and mist down all cat affected areas within the couch.  Open the windows and provide 2-3 hours for the mixture to evaporate before putting the couch back into use.


7 Zipped Baking Soda

If the couch cushions have covers that can be opened through use of zippers, this method can help to lower cat odors and make sure that they do not reach high levels within the future.  Unzip each couch cushion and add in 1/4 cup of baking soda within  each cushion cover.  Zip the cushions closed and the couch will be ready for use.


8 Product Spray

There are several household deodorizing sprays that can be effective for mild cat related odors within the couch.  Products like Febreze and Glade can work to cover and neutralize mild feline odors within the couch.  Simply spray down the affected area and provide approximately 30-60 minutes for the product solution to evaporate away.


How to Get Smell Out of Cloth Diapers

When choosing to use cloth diapers you are making an environmentally friendly selection that may entail some smelly and messy consequences.  Rather than disposing diapers, you will need to clean the cloth of odorous excrement and freshen it for future use.

Fortunately, this guide will help in guiding you through a range of household solutions sure to freshen your babies cloth diaper and have to ready to be placed back within use.  By following the below practices, your child will never be sporting a smelly cloth diaper until your baby decides to do so.

Deodorizing Soaking Solutions

1 Baking Soda Boost

Using a solution of baking soda and hot water can to much to absorb the build-up of ammonia odor. Mix a solution of one part baking soda with ten parts hot water in a large bucket.  Next, place the residue-free cloth diapers within the deodorizing solution to soak for a minimum of  one hour.  Once this time has passed remove the cloth diapers and place them within a normal detergent cycle in the washing machine.

2 Borax Soak

Similar to baking soda, borak can do much in removing the stinky embedded odors lodged within cloth diapers.  Mix a solution of one part borax to 8 parts hot water within a large bucket.  Add in the smelly residue-free diapers and allow for the diapers to sit for 2-3 hours before removing to run through an normal detergent wash.

3 Enzyme Treatment

As yet another pre-wash soaking method, an enzyme cleaner can work wonders in lifting odors from the stitching of a cloth diaper.  Fill a bucket with enzyme cleaner and hot water and place diapers within the product solution for 2-3 hours to soak.  The active enzyme within the solution will work during this time to literally eat though odorous particles embedded within the solution.

Deodorizing Washing Solutions

1 White Vinegar Additive

This household acid is fantastic at adding a boost to any washing machine cycle.  The vinegar directly combats the built up ammonia within the clothing fiber.  Measure a full cup of this compound and pour within the washing machine prior to running an normal detergent wash of the smell cloth diapers.  The diapers may have a vinegar odor once removed from the washer, however this will go away once it is dried away within the dryer.

2 Deodorizing Detergent

There are now deodorizing detergents on the market that are formulated especially for removing odors from clothing and linens.  Febreze makes a detergent that works great at eliminating difficult bodily odors to return it to normal.  As a cautionary note, it may be challenging to find this deodorizing detergent within some grocery stores.

Cloth Diaper Deodorizing Principles

1 Make Sure All Stinky Residues Are Cleaned Before Treating

It keep messiness to a minimum, be sure that all poopy residues are lifted off of the cloth diapers before using any of the above treatments.  If any poop is mixed within some of the above soaking solutions it can potentially make the problem worse.  In short, the above solutions work to remove odors rather than clean the diapers in entirety.

2 Go No Longer Than Two Days Without Washing

Since cloth diapers often never come into real contact  with urine or poop mothers often believe that they can continue to use the containing cloth diaper for weeks at a time without washing.  This is not advised because the relative closeness to your babies wastes has a way of invisibly permiating into the diaper can create a breeding ground for bacteria.  As a general rule, make sure you go no longer than two days without washing it.


How to Get Fish Smell Out of Cast Iron Pan

Porous surfaces become major challenges when smelly substances to make their way in.  Cast iron pans are perfect examples of this, as unpleasant fish related odor remain the pan long after the fish has been cooked.

Fortunately, there are a variety of household solutions to clean and deodorize a cast iron pans and ensure the stench of fish is a thing of the past.  By following the below solutions, you can be sure to that your cast iron pan will be smelling fresh and free of any fishy funk.

Fish Smell Remove Techniques from Cast Iron Pan

1 Boil Water In It

Often, simply boiling water within the cast iron pan will do much to remove the odor.  Heating the pan will help to release the fish iron for full absorption within the boiling water.  Boil the water for 15-20 minutes and toss within the sink refill and begin again until the pan is completely free of fish related odors.

2 Baking Soda Bake Out

Baking soda will work well to absorb unwanted odors within the cast iron pan.  Create a solution of one part baking soda and five parts water within the cast iron pan.  Place the solution over an open flame and cook it for 10-15 minutes until most of the moisture has evaporated from the pan.  During this process, the pan will expand and release fish oil trapped within as the baking soda absorbs it.  Finalize this solution by allowing the remaining baking soda paste to sit within the pan for 24 hours for the baking soda to absorb any remaining fish residue oils.

3 White Vinegar Fry

Similar to baking soda, white vinegar should be cooked within the cast iron pan.  Mix a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts and cook for 20 minutes above an open flame on the stove top.  Similarly, after 20 minutes have passed place the pan aside and allow for the remaining white vinegar solution to sit for 24 hours as the household acid combats remaining fish oils.

4 Oven Heat Upside Down

This solution goes to work in extracting and drying up the existing fish oils within the cast iron pan.  Provided that the pan is entirely iron, place the pan upside down within the over and heat it at 350 for 30-45 minutes.  Heating it upside down will help to open up the iron pores and allow for fish oils to slip out and dry up within the hot environment.  If any smell remains after after 3 minutes, place the cast iron pan back within the oven for another 30 minutes at 350 degrees fahrenheit until the smell is removed.

5 Lemon Juice Frying

The citric acid within lemon juice will help to clear smelly fish residues from pores within the cast iron.  Squeeze 2-3 lemons within the pan and add equal parts of water.  Allow this solution to sit for an hour as the citric acid eats away at the fish oils.  Next, place the plan over an open flame on the burner for the solution to begin to boil and neutralize any remaining fish-related funk within the pan.

6 Onion & Garlic Re-Seasoning

As a final solution, you can try to cover the fishy smell by cooking onions or garlic within the pan.  Start by clearing as much fish charred remains and oils from the pan by scrubbing it down with dish detergent within the sink until it is clean.  Place olive oil along the top surface and add a fully chopped up onion and garlic clove within the pan. Begin frying the contents and continue to cook until the items have been lightly charred.  At this point, the smell of fish within the pan will likely be replaced with the sutile aroma of garlic and onions.


How to Get Smell Out of Dryer

Forgotten items within pockets and and mildew laundry are often directly responsible for unwanted odors that develop within the dryer. When smell items are added within a drying cycle, they can quickly cover the walls of the machine permeating it in a sharp odorous residue.

Given the appliance’s purpose, drying laundry in such a odorous environment may mean that you would be left with similarly smelly clothing and linens.   Fortunately, there exist several home remedies to remove odorous residues living within your dryer to make it smell like new. By following the below tips, we will be able to freshen the machine and have it running back within use in no time.

Dryer Deodorizing Solutions

1 Diluted Bleach Wipedown

As a preliminary step, using diluted bleach to wipedown the interior odorous residues of the dryer will help to remove any unwanted smells.  mix a solution of one part bleach with five parts warm water.  Proceed to wipe down the interior of the dryer making sure to lift off any visible residues form the interior of the machine.  Leave the door open and allow the interior to dry and air out for 20- 30 minutes.  Once completed, place several white towels within the machine and run for an entire cycle.  As one final preventative step, place an old colored piece of clothing within the dryer and run it on high to check for any remaining bleach that could potentially lead to bleaching effects.

2 Dryer Sheets and Old Towels

After doing an initial wipedown with a warm wet towel, proceed to fill the dryer a half box full of dryer sheets and several old wet towels.  The combination of this high level of dryer sheets with wet towels will yield a much fresher smelling interior within the dryer.    The wet towel will repeatedly strip any remaining odorous residues from the interior and the excessive dryer sheets will help to cover any remaining unwelcome smells from the machine.

3 Dry Wet Diluted White Vinegar Towels

This household acid works wells at cutting through nearly any odors.  Make a solution of one part white vinegar with seven parts warm water and dunk several old towels within the solution.  Remove the towels from this solution and place them directly within the dryer to run at the highest cycle level.  This nontoxic solution will help to strip the interior of any smelly residues by the time that the cycle has completed and the towels have dried.

4 Dry Wet Baking Soda Soaked Towels

Baking soda is another household ingredient that can be used to absorb odors from a variety of items.  Mix a solution of one part baking soda with 10 parts water and stir well.  Dip in several full sized old towels and provide 5 minutes for the towels to soak within the mixture.  After this time has passed move the baking soda soaked wet towels within the dryer and run for a full drying cycle.  These towels will work to absorb much of the odors within the dryer as they are dried to make sure that the dryer’s interior is left smelling fresh.

5 Dry Lemon Juice Soaked Towels

The citric acid within lemon juice will help to cut through any smelly residues that may have gathered on the interior of the dryer.  Squeeze out the juice of 3-4 lemons to be mix with a gallon of warm water.  Next, dip several towels within the mixture until the are thoroughly moistened. Once completed, place the lemon juice ridden towels within the dryer for an entire cycle until the towels have been completely dried.

Smelly Dryer Principles

1 Avoid Drying Valuable Clothing & Linens

Once an odor has developed within a dryer, be absolutely certain that you do not place any valuable clothing or linen within the dryer.  The hot cycle of the dryer has the potential to open up the clothing faber further and sink in unwanted odors within the stitching that will not be easily removed.  No matter how urgent the need to dry, make sure that the dryer has been completely treated before a running for normal use.

2 Run Dryer on High

When treating the dryer, make sure that your run the dryer on the highest and hottest setting.   This will ensure that the odor will be loosen from the walls of the dryer and transferred to the old towels within the dryer.  As well, it will help to activated the cleaning solution that you have applied to the towels within the dryer.


How to Get Smell Out of Gym Clothes

After a long workout, gym clothing is often drenched in sweat and dead skin particles.  If not treated immediately, the clothes can quickly develop the stench of mildew and bodily odor.

If the smell does develop, cleaning and deodorizing the fabric fiber can require a range of solutions to have the gym clothes smelling like new.  The following solutions can help to freshen the clothing and return them to normal.

Deodorizing Solutions for Workout Clothing

1 Baking Soda Boost

Baking soda can be very helpful to add a boost to any washing machine cycle.  Measure one cup of baking soda and add it into a normal detergent cycle along with the gym clothes as the has fill part of the machine.  It is important to wait, this will help to ensure that the baking soda properly diffuse into the water rather than clinging to the clothing fiber.

2 Cup of Vinegar

This household acid work to cut through difficult odors and freshen clothing fiber.  Similar to baking soda, measure a cup of white vinegar and add it into the washing machine for a normal detergent wash of the gym clothing.  After running the gym clothes through the washing machine, it should still maintain a slight scent of of vinegar.  Fortunately, this vinegar odor goes away after the gym clothes has been placed through the drying machine and the formula has dried away.

3 Air Dry in Sun

If you can tell that some smell remains within the gym clothes after a wash cycle, you may want to consider a different drying method than using the dryer.  When drying gym clothes, no methodology is more effective at removing remaining odors than hanging it outside within the sun. The ultraviolet rays, open space and fresh air will all help to remove odors from gym clothes and carry them away.

4 Enzyme Soak

If nothing is working, you may want to consider soaking gym clothes within an enzyme solution prior to running the clothes through a wash cycle.  The enzymes within this solutions will go to work in eating through the personal sweat and skin cells that have built up between the threads.  A bucket can be filled with enzyme solution and the gym clothing placed within it for 30-60 minutes to deodorize threads before washing them.  If smelly gym clothes is a regular problem this solution within the bucket can be kept and reused for future smelly clothing.

5 Deodorizing Detergent

An available product option is to use a deodorizing detergent to combat built-up odors within gym clothing.  Frebeze makes a special clothing detergent that was specifically design to remove odors from clothing fiber.  Though it can be challenging to find within some super markets, it is hailed by many consumers for it’s success in ridding bodily odors from clothing.

Get Clothing Home Without Smelling

A huge problem with workout clothing is that you may need to continue carrying it throughout your day.  When doing so, the last thing you want is for this sweaty odor to be associated with you.  The following solutions can help to ensure that the smelly association is never a problem.

1 Ziplock It

Beyond maintain liquids within a plastic pouch, ziplocks also work well at containing smells. Make sure that you bring a ziplock bag with you gym clothes so that they can be placed within them after your workout.  It is also advisable that you bring a small amount of baking soda to sprinkle on the clothes.  This will help to control the negative effects this solution might have in infusing nasty smells within the gym clothing fiber.  As a note of precaution, be sure that you remove the clothing from the ziplock bag as soon as you get home.  Failure to do so can cause the sweat to permeate into the clothing fiber and cause the stench to worsen.

2 Dress Light

Dressing light is great for several reason while working out.  It is easier to treat these type of clothing and fit within a ziplock bag that must also fit within your day bag. Also, because they are light, they breathe better and cause you to sweat less.  By sweating less, a lower about of odorous organic get within the fiber.  Finally, because the clothing is light, there is less room for odorous residues to hide within the fiber.


How to Get Smell Out of Fabric

This material is used within a range of clothing and linens.  Given the wide range of production, it should come as no surprise that fabric regular gets unpleasant odors caught between it’s fiber.  When unpleasant smells get trapped within this material, many people have difficulty in getting the fiber to smell good with a single washing cycle.


Fortunately, there are several household remedies to expand the stitching for a variety of simple compounds that will eliminate any built-up funk.  The following tips will help anyone to remove odor within their fabric items and return them to normal.


Washing Fabric Solutions


1 Use Hot Water

It may sound strange, but the use of hot water will help in deodorizing fabric fiber. Hot water  helps to open up the stitching and provide the detergent easier access to the odorous residues embedded within the fabric fiber.


2 Rewash the Fabric

Just one washing machine cycle is often not enough to remove pervasive odors from fabric. A second or even third detergent wash cycle will help in pulling out any remaining odorous residues from the stitching.  To give it an extra boost while washing it additional times, additional detergent can be added in.


3 Baking Soda Boost

This powdery material has been used for generations for it’s odor absorption abilities.  Adding in a full cup of baking soda within and normal detergent wash can add a boost in removing difficult odors.  During baking soda application, it is best to add in the detergent and allow the washing machine to fill with water before adding the baking soda in.


4 White Vinegar Addition

Similar to baking soda, white vinegar will work to neutralize odors and boost any washing cycle.  Measure a cup of white vinegar and add it within a normal detergent washing cycle.  The acid within this household substance will go to work in cutting through the odorous fabric residues and eliminate the odors.

Dry Deodorizing Fabric Solutions


1 Vodka Misting

This substance does much more than fueling parties, and has been used as a deodorizing home remedy for generations.  The alcohol within the  solution works to quickly neutralize unwelcome smells upon contact and quickly evaporates odorously.  To apply, pour a small amount of vodka within a generic spray bottle, and proceed to mist down the affected piece of fabric.


2 Great Outdoors in Sun

Placing fabric outside within the sun harnesses multiple deodorizing properties upon the item. The ultra violet rays, open space and fresh air will help in drying out odorous residues and lifting them away.  Wait for a sunny day, and place them somewhere outside that can receive  a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight.  If this solution has not worked after the first day, placing it outside for a second or third day can do the job in removing unwanted odors.


3 Citric Spray

The citric acid within lemon juice work to cut through embedded odors within fabric. Mix a solution of one part lemon juice with ten parts warm water within a generic spray bottle.  Proceed to spray down the piece of fabric in full and hang up for the fabric to air dry out.


How to Know If You Smell

The most challenging part of personal odor is that it can be difficult to smell oneself. In such cases, you can smell quite rotten before knowing that it is time to take a deodorizing shower.

Obviously, everyone would like to prevent a nasty body odor from developing, and a handful of preventative steps have been created to do just that. By following the below solution, you can be sure that your personal funk never gets out of hand.

Personal Smell Detection Tips

1 If You Can Smell It, Others Can Too

As a guiding principle, if you can smell the odors, other people have been able to smell it for an even longer period of time. For this reason, you should take immediate action once the smell has been detected to prevent any further unpleasantness around friends, family, and coworkers. People aren’t always given the benefit of the doubt, and strangers may assume that you are a regular homeless person.

2 Ask a Trusted Friend For a Sniff Test

We are not always great at detecting our own odors, so asking a close friend for their personal opinion is a great way to check if you smell bad. The tricky part of this solution is that no one generally wants to smell another person. It can be an unpleasant and unrewarding act.  If need be, incentivize you trusted friend with a small gift if they are to drive nose deep within your armpit for a smell check.

3 Cup Hands & Breath

One highly effective way to tell if your breath smells is to cup your hands and breath within them.  After breathing within your hands via your mouth, quickly move cupped hand upwards and inhale through your nose.  In most cases when one’s breath is especially bad, this test will inform the unfortunate  person that he is in need of a mint.

4 Develop a Regime

If you find that your breathe or body odors develop when you forget to brush teeth or shower regularly, make sure that you setup a regimented timetable to perform these acts.  This will help in keeping a clear conscience that you are smelling fresh and are never the smelly person within the room.

5 Do the Finger Test

If you are worried that your body odor might be higher than normal, you should try smelling your own armpit.  Though this take some flexibility, most people should be able to get close enough to their own armpit to get a fix on whether it it smelly or not.  If You are unable to tell, you can stick one finger under your armpit for 10 seconds before proceeding to smell the odor that has built up upon your finger.  If your digit is carrying an especially foul stench it may be a sign that you are in need of a shower.
