How to Get Smell Out of Couch

The often sat upon couches and sofas are usually one of the first furniture within a home to develop an unwelcome bodily odor.  After years of receiving the people’s rear end’s, it should come as no surprise that they are can carry an unpleasant aroma.


Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to freshen the leather fiber or upholstery and remove any built-up embedded stench.  By following the below suggestions, you can be sure that your couch will be smelling like new and inviting for use.


Light Odor Solutions


1 Vodka Mist

This party drink can work wonders doubling as a deodorizer for your couch.  Vodka is a household solution that has been used for decades to freshen a variety of surfaces and fabrics.  Pour a small portion of vodka within a generic spray bottle, and proceed to mist down the entirety of the couch, making sure that no area is left untouched. Once performed, proceed to open the windows to allow for a faster drying process as the unpleasant odors are neutralized and lifted from the couch.


2 Enzyme Spray-down

The active enzymes within this form of cleaner will literally go to work in eating up odorous residues and bodily stenches that have made their way within the couch.  Purchase an enzyme cleaning spray at your local pet store or large super market and provide to mist down the entire affected area of the couch.  Similarly, open the windows and allow 24-48 hour for this solution to work it’s magic and evaporate away.


3 Deodorizing Product Spray

For light odors within a couch, deodorizing product sprays such as Glade or Febreze can do the job.  Simply spray the smelly areas of the couch down with a heavy coat of the product spray and provide a few hours for the moisture to evaporate away.


Deep Odor Solutions


1 Solar Rays

Although placing the couch outside within the sun may sound overly simplistic, it can be very effective at removing embedded odors within the leather or fabric upholstery.  The ultraviolet rays, fresh air, and open space will help in ensuring a fresher smelling couch once it is returned within the home. Get a friend or family member to help move it outside within direct sunlight for a minimum of 8 hours.  Although one day’s treatment may not do the trick, two to three days of this practice will be sure to help in lowering the level odor within the couch.


2 Enzyme Soak – Do Not Use on Leather

Unlike using an enzyme spray, soaking the upholstery and the underlying padding with an enzyme cleaner can have an increased affect at eliminating odors within the couch.  In cases where vomit, urine or other unpleasantness has made it’s way within the upholstery and cushioning, you will want to first clean the area and then follow up with soaking the spot completely in enzyme cleaner.  Allow 24- 48 hours for the active enzymes to eat through all the odorous residues before blot drying the locations with a clean and dry towel.


3 White Vinegar Remedy

Similar to enzyme cleaner, white vinegar can work to eliminate difficult odors found within a couches upholstery and underlying padding.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with eight parts warm water and pour it over the odorous location on the couch.  If the couch cushions are the only part of the couch that is effected, it may be a good idea to first move these outdoors and treat them there.  Once the affected areas have soaked in the deodorizing mixture, allow 6-8 hours for the vinegar to soak in and neutralize odors before returning to blot dry the solution with a clean dry towel.


4 Zip in Baking Soda

As many readers may know, baking soda has long been used as a household remedy for it’s absorption capabilities.  If your couch cushion have zippers that allow access to the cushioning, you can simply unzip the opening and add in a quarter cup of baking soda within each liner.  This step will help in absorbing any remaining odors and help in preventing future ones from developing.


How to Get Smell Out of Mattress

With all that goes on top of beds, it is surprising that they don’t get more smelly than they do. However, when an unnatural bodily odor develops within them, it can often be challenging to remove the smell and return them to normal.

Though it can be difficult to remove urine, vomit and nighttime activity related odors from mattresses, there remain some tried and true ways to accomplish this task.

Deodorizing Mattress Solutions

1 White Vinegar Soakdown

This household acid can work wonders in eliminating embedded odors within mattresses.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with 10 parts warm water and pour it over specific odorous locations within the mattress.  This soaking methodology works well in dealing with difficult urine, vomit or food odors within the fiber.  After the vinegar has had 2-3 hours to fully soak into the mattress, proceed to blot dry the location with a clean dry towel.

2 Baking Soda Sprinkle

This kitchen powder has the unique capability of absorbing unwanted odors from a variety of items throughout the home.  Sprinkling heavy quantities of baking soda over the top of the mattress and sealing with a fitted sheet can help in absorbing lesser odors.  Allow the baking soda to sit for  several days as it pulls out unwanted stenches and freshens the mattress fiber.

3 Eat Through It with Enzymes

Use of an enzyme cleaner works by harnessing the power of active enzymes to literally eat through the difficult residues within the mattress.  This solution is highly effective and can be purchased at pet stores and large supermarkets and is well worth the trip to store.  Pour the enzyme deodorizing solution over the affected location on the mattress until the area is sufficiently moist.  Once completed, allow the solution to sit for 24-48 hours before blot drying with a clean dry towel.

4 Outdoors in Sun

The open space, fresh air and ultraviolet rays will all help in neutralizing odors within the mattress.  This methodology is best for light to medium odors within mattress that may cover large areas of space.  Wait for a sunny day and place the mattress outside on a clean surface in direct sunlight.  Be sure to place the mattress within a location that can receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight for that day. If the odor remains after the first days treatment, try placing it a second or third day within the sun.

5 Vodka Mist

This alcoholic drink does more than serving as the lifeblood of parties.  Vodka neutralizing most odors on contact and then dries away odorlessly.  Since vodka can be expensive, this solution works well with small areas within a mattress that is experiencing odors.  Pour vodka within a generic spray bottle and proceed to spray down the smelly areas within the mattress.  To speed the drying, windows within the bedroom can be opened to allow fresh air to sweep through and provide and faster evaporation time.

6 Citrus Spray

The citric acid within lemon juice works well at cutting through challenging odors within a mattress. Mix one part lemon juice with ten parts warm water within and spray bottle.  Proceed to spray down all of the affected areas of the mattress with heavy quantities of the mixture ensuring that the solution moderately soaks into the mattress.   Allow for the lemon juice solution to set in for 1-2 hours before returning to blot dry the location from moisture.

7 Product Spray

On short notice, a deodorizing product spray can be used to cover and eliminate minor odors found within mattresses.  Products like Glade or Febreze can be used to spray down the mattress surface and provide a 2-3 hours for the product moisture to naturally evaporate away.


How to Tell Someone They Smell

Being around a smelly person makes for an uncomfortable environment and a challenging predicament. Obviously, you would like them to make an effort to smell better, but you would also like to avoid a nasty confrontation or say anything to personally offend them.

In this difficult situation, there remain tactful and considerate ways to get your stinky friends and coworkers to smell better.  By following the below suggestions you can be sure that you’ll be able to deliver your message and have them smelling fresher with minimal collateral damage.

Tactful Ways to Tell Someone They Smell

1 Is It Worth It?

Before moving forward with telling someone that they have body odor on a regular basis, you may want to consider weighing the pros and cons of telling them such a thing. If your delivery of this information does not go smoothly, you can stand to potentially damage the relationship. With this said, think about the amount of time you spend around these people and whether it might be a better solution to keep them on you good side by keeping your lips sealed. Ask yourself the following questions before proceeding:

1) Are they really so smelly that I cannot tolerate being around them?
2) How much time do I need to spend around them every day?
3) How is this information likely to be received?
4) What are the repercussions if informing them goes badly?

2 Boast About a Deodorizing Product

If you use a deodorizing product for your own needs, you can say how wonderful the product has worked for yourself and suggest that other people try it. This objective it to sell the smelly person on a particular deodorizing product regime that will ensure that they buy it and use it within the future. Although this is great in theory, it can be quite challenging to perform this task.  Offend, people who are set within unhygienic habits and no amount of any deodorant will prevent them stinking.

3 Keep the Delivery Light & Focus on Today

If you do decide that you have a good relationship with the smelly friend, family member or co-worker you may wish to consider telling them directly.  If you do decide to do this, outline the issue as a problem for that specific day.  No one ever wants to be known as the “smelly guy” (or girl), and receiving information that you smell today rather than everyday is much easier for someone to swallow.  After delivering the news, most people are likely to make sure that they maintain their hygiene for the foreseeable future.  After all, everyone is allowed to smell bad once in awhile, but noone wants to be known for smelling bad all of the time.

4 Keep Your Anonymity

If you decide that telling the smelly person directly is not an option, then using the following website can help you in delivering your message without revealing your identity.  The website “Stench Informer” will deliver your desired message without notifying the stinky person that you are the one behind it.  All that is required is the person’s email to let them know that their personal stink is an issue.  Note: This method may be easier for the sender, but it will often produce paranoia for the person receiving the email.  Take consideration of the smelly person and decide whether this really is the best way to let them know.

5 Discretion is Key

No matter what you decide, it is always best to keep things discrete. Talk amongst friends and co-workers can be funny, but it is likely to have damaging side-effects if such chatter is to get out of hand. Whether you decide to keep you anonymity or tell them directly, it is best for you to take the initiative and talk to them directly about the problem. No one wants to be an office place joke, so do your part to make sure they don’t become one.


How to Get Smell Out of Dishwasher

It whips hot water round and round, while striping uneaten food bits and gunk down the drain.  This is a brilliant solution in time management, yet can be a nightmare when the leftovers build up.  The first sign of such build up can be a gradual odor coming from your dishwasher.

It is important to do periodic cleanings to prevent such a build up in many dishwashing machines.  In this guide, you will be provided with several household solutions for eradicating such dishwasher smells.

Deodorizing Washing Machine Methods

1 Rotten Food Check

The first step in deodorizing your dishwasher is to check to see if there is any food stuck within the mechanics.  If food is unlucky enough to get jammed within a tight space, it is likely to rot and develop and unpleasant odor.  Before performing a food check, you will want to first remove the top and bottom rack.  Doing this will allow more visibility and easier access of your hands to the various bits and pieces likely to be scattered through the machine.

2 Check for Leakage

As dishwashers get older it is not uncommon for them to develop water leaks that lead to long-term stagnant puddles under the appliance. If a puddle has enough time to sit within the dark underside of the appliance a mildew odor is sure to develop. If a smell remains despite a clean interior, look under the machine to check that this area is dry and free of liquid.

3 Check Traps Under Water Jet

Most dishwashers contain traps under the water jets. Within these spaces water can become trapped and turn eventually turn rancid. If this is found to be the cause you will want to remove the foul smelling liquids from these areas and clean these areas thoroughly to remove any unpleasant residue.

4 White Vinegar Cycle

If odors continue after you have done a full scan of the machine for rotting food, you will want to apply a white vinegar treatment within the machine.  This household acid is strong enough to eliminate many food related odors, but remains safe to use around kitchenware. After removing all of your glasses, plates and kitchenware from your dishwasher, run an empty cycle on the hottest setting with two full cups of white vinegar added into the bottom. After the cycle has completed, open the door and provide an hour for the the stench of vinegar to evaporate away.

5 Baking Soda Run

This household powder can be used for a variety of stenches and can work wonders in eliminating smells within the dishwasher. Measure a cup of baking soda and add it within an empty dishwashing cycle at the hottest setting. Once the cycle has completed, you can perform a smell test and place washer back within use.

6 Just Bleach It

Similar to the previous solutions, running bleach within an empty hot wash cycle can help in combating smelly residues within the dishwashers interior. Add a half cup of bleach within the bottom of the dishwasher prior to running a full cycle on the hottest setting. Once completed, open door for 1-2 hours to allow the machine to air out.

There is often built up crud on the inside walls of the dishwasher long after you have successfully removed the the smell from the inside of your dishwasher. In order to complete the job, you can take advantage of the following guide to have your dishwasher clean, smelling fresh and sparkling like new.


How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Wood

Cigarette smoke can easily penetrate the grain of a wood’s surface. Wooden furniture in close proximity to cigarette smoke can quickly develop a pungent musky odor and result in the discomfort of non-smokers.


The remain several things that can be done to remove this smell and return the wooden surface back to normal. By following the below household remedies you can be sure that your wood will be smelling fresh and cigarette-free.

Household Deodorizing Solutions


1 Lemon Oil Wipedown

If one solution naturally combatted cigarette smoke it would be citrus fruit.  By using citrus wood oil, you will be able to counteract the cigarette smoke residues that have made their way within the wood fiber’s surface.  Wash down wood surface before application, and apply with an old rag that you don’t mind getting stained.  After a healthy application, you can be assured that any smoke related odor will be a thing of the past.


2 Baking Soda Mixture

This household powder has wonderful capabilities for odor absorption. Create a watery paste solution of one part baking soda to ten part water and proceed to wipe down the entire surface area of the wood. After the baking soda mixture has dried, follow up several hours later to wipe away any baking soda residues with a damp hand cloth.


3 White Vinegar Scrub

This acid can be found in most households and works great at fight of the stench of cigarette smoke. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with ten parts warm water and proceed to scrub down the smoke embedded wood ensuring to leave no area untouched. After the white vinegar mixture has had 20 minutes to settle in, follow up with a water wipedown to remove any vinegar remnants.


4 Hydrogen Peroxide Sizzle

This cleaning solution work well at disinfecting surfaces, and lifting embedded residues. Mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts and proceed to wipe down the entire wood surface with the solution. After 5 minutes have passed wipe down the wood’s surface a second time with a damp rag to remove any remaining hydrogen peroxide. Besides hydrogen peroxide’s deodorizing capabilities, it has the potential to slightly bleach the wood if it is left to sit for too long of a period.


Product Deodorizing Solutions


1 Murphy’s Oil Soap

This cleaning product is fantastic at cleaning wood and extracting odorous residue off from wood surfaces. Apply product to a clean hand towel and wipedown the entire surface area of the wood and lift away smoke-related residues.


2 Enzyme Deodorant

Wiping down the smoke ridden surface of wood with an enzyme cleaner will do much to lift cigarette residues and remove the stench. Enzyme products can be purchased at pets stores and most large supermarkets. The activated enzymes within this solution will go to work in literally eating through the unwanted organic residues.


How to Get Gasoline Smell Out of Clothes

Those who regularly work around gasoline know that the substance can easily make it’s way within clothing and create an unpleasant chemical odor. The subtile fossil fuel odor can cause much discomfort and inflict a sense of nausia in those unlucky enough to get the compound within clothing.

By following the necessary steps, this pervasive odor can be removed from clothing to return freshness within the fiber.  Although a simple laundry cycle is not always enough to remove the odors, using the below steps will ensure that you clothing is freshened and returned to normal.

Gasoline Smell Removal Principles

1 Warm Wash Clothing

After having soaked clothing with one of the below solutions, always make sure to run your detergent wash on the warmest setting that the affected clothing will allow. Using warm water within the detergent wash will have the effect of opening up the clothing fiber to allow increased reach of the clothing detergent.

2 Wash By Itself

Often the gasoline residues within one affected piece of clothing can easily rub off on another item within a washing cycle. For this reason, it is important that all items smelling of gasoline be washed and deodorized apart from you other clothing. If clothing regularly becomes affected by gasoline, it may be a good idea to create a separate clothing basket to place this type of clothing.

Gasoline Soaking Solutions

The chemical properties within the following compounds have the unique capability of breaking down the carbon bonds found within gasoline residues. After these bonds have been broken, the smell and remaining residuals will suddenly become much easier to treat and remove from the piece of clothing.

1 Rubbing Alcohol

As mention above, the alcohol within this solution has the effect of breaking apart gasoline carbon bond to help in deodorizing clothing. Find a large bucket and fill it with one part rubbing alcohol to 15 parts cold water. Place the clothing within this mixture making sure to stir the contents until the deodorizing mixture makes it’s way within all of the stitching. Allow for the clothing to sit within the mixture for 30 minutes, ensuring that it properly soaks in this deodorizing compound before placing within a detergent wash.

2 Vodka Bath

Working on similar principles as rubbing alcohol, soaking gasoline affected clothing within a mixture of vodka will work to break apart the carbon bonds. Unlike rubbing alcohol, vodka is a bit more expensive and carries a lesser percentage of alcohol. This means that it will cost much more to use this solution than opting for rubbing alcohol. Nevertheless, if you find yourself within a crunch, mixing one part vodka with five parts cold water will work to effectively break down the gasoline residues found within your clothing. After letting the clothing soak within this mixture for an hour, proceed to place the clothing within a normal detergent wash.

3 Ammonia

Although this solution maintains zero alcohol content, it remains very effective at breaking down gasoline carbon bonds and freshening clothing. Mix one part ammonia with 15 parts cold water and place the gasoline affected clothing within the mixture. After allow the clothing to soak for 15-30 minutes, remove the contents from the solution and place them within a normal detergent wash cycle.

Gasoline Washing Solutions

Often, a normal washing cycle can fall short of deodorizing clothing to remove the lasting gasoline aroma embedded within the fabric fiber. Using the following solutions can help to boost any wash cycle.

1 Baking Soda Boost

This household powder has been used for generations for it’s absorption capabilities. Once you have placed your detergent and gasoline affected clothes within the washing machine, add in a half cup of baking soda to the mix. This easy low cost supplement to the washing cycle can have a power impact on eliminating any residual gasoline odor.

2 White Vinegar Splash

Similarly the natural acid within white vinegar is well known for freshening difficult odors within clothing. After the detergent and affected clothing have been added to the wash cycle you can add an extra boost by pouring a full cup of white vinegar in before the wash cycle begins. As an additional note, the vinegar aroma will likely present within the clothing until the fiber has completely dried of moisture.


How to Get Smell Out of Sneakers

Sneakers are the often worn and reliable footwear used for a variety of events and activities within daily life.  After much use, pervasive odors can build to develop an elusive and pungent odor.


Since these types of shoes are worn so regularly, you may need to place them on hiatus to properly treat and deodorize.   By following the below solutions, you can be sure that the foot-related odor inhabiting your favorite kicks will be a thing of the past.


Deodorizing Solutions for Sneakers


1 Place Outdoors in Sun

Placing sneakers outside in the sun is often the first line of defense in removing any foot related odor problem. The fresh air, open space and ultra violet rays of the sun will all go to work in neutralizing the stench and returning freshness within the sneakers.  During a sunny day, place your sneakers outside in the sun during the morning and allow for them to soak in solar rays for 8-10 hours.  If the smell remains after an entire day within the sun, simply repeat the next day until the odor is gone.


2 Rotate Your Kicks

Wearing the same pair of shoes every day is never a good idea. Besides the social repercussions, the build up of sweat and skin particles can accumulate and never receive the needed window to properly dry out and deodorize. If shoe odor is a regular problem, try to give every pair of shoes a minimum of 24 hours to air out after wearing them.


3 Sprinkle Baking Soda Regularly

Baking soda is a powerful household powder for absorbing and eliminating foot-related odors within sneakers.  This solution works well for the sneaker owner who wears the same pair of footwear on a daily basis.  Pour a small amount of baking soda within sneaker every night making sure to shuffle the shoes slightly to ensure that the deodorizing powder makes it’s way down the toe away of the shoe.  Keeping a box of baking soda close to your bedside is an easy way to remember to treat your shoes every night before going to bed.


4 Pour Cat Litter In

This compound can work for more than deodorizing your kittens droppings. Pouring a small scoop of this pet product within the interior of your sneakers will have the positive effect of drying any moisture and absorbing foot related stench. For a few nights in a row, pour cat litter within shoes to ensure that all remaining bacteria has been eliminated and the smell has been removed.


5 Fresh Coffee Grounds

Although you may be more acquainted with coffee grounds within the morning, they can have positive effects if properly used at night.  The coffee grounds will work to gently absorb the foot related odors and replace it with the subtle scent of coffee beans.  Place coffee grounds within an coffee filter than has been enclosed with a rubber band.  After  creating two of these for each shoe, place them within the sneakers before going to bed. After 2-3 nights of placing thiese coffee ground filter balls with the shoes the desire results should take effect in delivering freshened footwear.


6 Enzyme Cleaning Wads

For truly difficult foot-related odors, using activated enzymes to literally eat through the odors can be an effective solution.  This type of cleaner is available for purchase at pet stores and most large supermarkets.  Wad up several paper towels and lightly dip them into a solution of enzyme cleaner.  Once you have done this with several paper towel, proceed to stuff the towels within the interior of the sneakers.  Once the sneakers have been completely stuffed with enzyme dipped paper towels, allow for them to sit for 24 hours to allow for the enzymes to work there magic.  After a day has passed, the paper towel wads can be removed and the freshened shoes can be placed back in use.                     


7 Activated Charcoal Inserts

If you have the time, this solution can help to remove foot-related odor and ensure that freshness is maintained within the shoes.  Place activated charcoal briquettes within an old pair of nylon leggings.  Proceed to place the nylon enclosed activated charcoal within the interior of the shoes before going to bed for 3-4 consecutive nights. The activated charcoal briquettes will work to slowly absorb the stench and maintain a fresh internal environment.  Please note, that the nylons play an important role of protecting the insides of your shoes from unwanted staining.


How to Get Smell Out of Plastic

This substance can be found within a wide range of products of daily use.  Normally coated with a glossy finish, a simple wipe-down can usually clean and deodorize the material. However, in rare cases where smelly residues have permeated too long, the plastic fiber can develop a long-lasting pervasive odor.

Though challenging, these embedded odors can be removed with the use of several different household compounds.  By following the below solutions, you can add freshness back within your plastic product to have it smelling like new.

Smell Removal Solutions for Plastic

1 White Vinegar Wipedown

The natural acidic compound within white vinegar will go to work in sterilizing the plastic surface and stripping it of any odor. Mix a solution one part white vinegar with three parts warm water within a bowl.  Using a clean table cloth, dunk it within the mixture and proceed to wipe down the plastic surface.  Allow 20-30 minutes for the solution to air dry from the plastic surface.  Please note, that the surface will maintain a characteristic vinegar smell until it has completely evaporated away.

2 Vodka Wipedown

This alcoholic party drink works wonders doubling as a household deodorant.  The alcohol within the solution has the effect of neutralizing odors on the spot and lifting them away odorlessly.  Dampen a clean hand towel by pouring a small portion of vodka directly from the bottle.  Proceed to wipe down the affected surface area of the plastic making sure to press that deodorizing fluids within any surface cracks of the material.  Finally, provide 10 minutes for the alcohol to freshen the plastic and evaporate way before placing your plastic material back within use.

3 Lemon Juice Spray

The citric acid within lemon juice will go to work in neutralizing odorous residues embedded on plastic surfaces.  Mix a solution of one part lemon juice with three parts warm water within a spray bottle, and proceed to mist down the affected surface area of the plastic ensuring that no area is left untouched.  Allow the acid to work it’s way in the cracks and sit for 10-15 minutes before returning to wipe the residues clean with a freshly dampened table cloth.

4 Activated Charcoal Box

This solution has the unique capability of absorbing odors without dampening the plastic’s surface.  If the plastic that you are trying to deodorize is small enough to fit within a enclosed cardboard box then this solution might be for you.  Place several charcoal briquettes within an old pair of nylon leggings until the have become adequately filled.  Next, place the nylon enclosed charcoal briquettes and the smelly plastic object within an inclosed cardboard box.  Allow for the contents to remain within the sealed box for 5-7 days before returning to remove the freshened plastic item.

Remove New Plastic Smell from Plastic

Newly purchased plastic products often maintain a manufactural odor several for weeks following removal from original packaging. In such cases, there are preventative measures to minimize and remove this chemical stench.

1 Outside in Direct Sunlight

Placing your freshly purchased plastic item outside within direct sunlight will do much to remove odor.  The ultraviolet rays, fresh air and open space will all work to neutralize the manufactural odor and lift it away.  Place the item outside on a sunny day for multiple days.  After 2-3 days the scent of plastic odor should be a thing of the past.


How to Get Smell Out of Tennis Shoes

This type of footwear is widely used and can develop foot odor during a range of activities.  Once an unpleasant odor gets within the shoes, simply airing the footwear out will not always be enough to relieve the odor.


In such cases, there exist a wide range of household remedies geared specifically to remove difficult odors from shoes to return them to normal. By practicing some of the below step, you can be sure that the stench within your tennis shoes will be a thing of the past.


Deodorizing Tennis Shoe Solutions


1 Outside in Sun

Placing tennis shoes outside within the sun does much to remove foot related smells and kill the odorous bacteria causing the stench.The ultra violet rays, fresh air and open space will all go to work in drying out the shoes and lifting away the odor.


2 Rotate Your Kicks

When tennis shoes are worn too often they can develop an unwanted foot related odor.  Without sufficient time to air out, the shoes will maintain a warm and moist environment that allows bacteria to grow and thrive.  As a preventative measure, consider rotating your tennis shoes with an alternative pair.  This will provide the needed window of time for sweat and other moisture in the footwear to air and dry out.


3 Regularly Sprinkle Baking Soda

This household powder has been used for decades as an odor absorbent. Regularly sprinkling baking soda within your shoes will do much to absorb the foot odor and maintain freshness within tennis shoes. As a helpful habit, keep a box of baking soda by your bed and pour a small amount of powder within each shoe before going to bed.


4 A Scoop of Cat Litter Makes the Odor Go Down

Similar to baking soda, fresh cat litter works as a wonderful odor absorbent. Before going to bed measure 1/4 cup scoop of cat litter and pour within each shoe.  This compound will work to quickly remove any moisture and absorb any stench that may have built up within the footwear.


5 Wads of White Vinegar

Using the strong acid within this household compound can work to eliminate the foot-related odor within tennis shoes.  Mix a solution of white vinegar and warm water in equal parts within a bowl.  Wad up several paper towels and dip them lightly into the pre-made solution, making sure that they do not get so wet that they loose their structural integrity.  Finally, stuff the dipped and waded paper towels within the affected tennis shoes and allow them to stay within the footwear confines for an entire hour.  Once completed, remove the paper towels and place them outside to air dry.


6 Activated Charcoal Fillers

Using activated charcoal briquettes can work as a long-term solution for maintaining fresh tennis shoes.  Place 2-3 charcoal briquettes within each leg of an old pair of nylon leggings.  Proceed to cut the leggings within the crotch area and tie the ends on each leg.  Before going to sleep every night, make sure that these activated charcoal inserts are placed within shoes.

Photo credit: Hello-Julie


How to Get Smell Out of Oven

This sweltering household appliance regularly come into contact with a range of foods and residues. When spills and burnt fumes accumulate within the oven a foul smelling odor is usually not far behind.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to remove unpleasant odors from the oven to return it to normal.  Following the below solutions will ensure that the oven is freshened to clear it of all unpleasantness.


Deodorizing Oven Solutions


1 Remove Chard Bits

Often, these smelly side effects of an oven are a direct result of bit of food which have fallen of the oven trays and reside immediately above the broiler.  Simply searching out these elusive bits and removing their chard remains is usually all it takes to return freshness to an oven.  This takes all of 2 minutes to perform and should always be your first deodorizing step.


2 Detergent Scrubdown

When there is noticeable build-up of residue along the bottom of the oven, a thorough scrubdown with the rough part of a sponge may be required. As long as the food-based residue continues to burn, you can count of the fact that it will create smoke and an unpleasant odor. Fill a large bowl with hot water with 2-3 teaspoon of dish detergent mixed in. Dunk the sponge within the mixture and proceed to scrub down the interior of the appliance making sure to clear away any remaining residues that may sizzle and ignite during use.


3 Lemon Juice Spritz

The citric acids within lemon juice have a way of making their way within the surface areas of the oven to neutralize food based odors. Mix a solution of one part lemon juice with 5 parts water within a spray bottle.  Proceed to spray down the entire interior of the oven and close the door.  For best results, be sure to allow for the citric solution to soak in for at least 3-4 hours before using the oven.


4 White Vinegar Spray

Similarly, this household acid works in the same fashion within the oven as natural lemon juice.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with eight parts warm water within a generic spray bottle.  Proceed to spray the entire oven down, and provide a minimum of 1-2 hours before running the oven.  As a side note, the vinegar will continue to smell of it’s natural compound until you run the oven or it has naturally dried away.


5 Broil It Away

When all else has failed simply boiling your problems away can work as a last result.  Set the oven to it’s max and run for 20-30 minutes as needed.  Often this will cause the smell to increasing become worse during this period, however this phase will soon pass.  You will know that the oven have been clear of the odor once the smell has dissipated and you see no visible smoke escaping from the cracks within the oven door.


After you’ve successfully eliminated your stench, you may wish to clean out any remaining build-up and debris from the interior of the oven. You can successfully use the following cleaning guide to put a final polish on the oven’s interior.
