How to Get Smell Out of Hemp String

Hemp string is known by jewelers,weavers and crafters as carrying a unique funk within it’s fiber.  This odor is often quite unpleasant and be distracting while it is within use.

Fortunately, there exist several solutions for removing the characteristic odor within the hemp string.  By following the below solutions, your can have the confidence that your hemp will be smelling fresh and free of twine related odor.

Hemp String Smell Removal Solutions

1 Place on Grass in Direct Sunlight

This is a two part solution to removing odor within hemp twine.  Grass has nature chlorophyl within it which can work to neutralize smells within the string.  Similarly, the ultraviolet rays during direct sunlight help to dry out and clear odor from the natural hemp fiber.  Unwind the hemp string and place the unraveled string in direct sunlight on the lawn for 6-8 hours.  At the end of the day, retrieve the string and put within use in your latest project.

2 Spray Hemp String with White Vinegar

White vinegar is a household acid that can help to cut through unwanted smells and render them odorless.  Mix a solution of white vinegar and water within equal parts and pour within a spray bottle.  Unwind the amount of hemp twine that you would like to use, and spray the twine down with this formula.  Finally, place the dampen string outdoors within direct sunlight to dry off before putting to use.

3 Fabric Soften the Hemp String

Fabric softener can work to quickly mask the hemp odor within the twine. Unravel the amount of hemp string that you would like to use and place within the dryer along with 2-3 sheets of fabric softener.  Run for 10-15 minutes on high before removing the freshen twine to place in use.

4 Let Baking Soda Absorb the Odor

Baking soda is a household powder that has been used for decades to absorb stenches within the home.  Cut off the amount of hemp twine that you would like to use.  Place twine with half a cup of baking soda within an enclosed paper bag for two days.  After this time has passed, remove the hemp twine from the bag for use on your latest project.

5 Activated Charcoal Entire Roll

If you have the time, activated charcoal can be effective at absorbing hemp twine odor from the entire roll.  Place the entire roll of twine within an enclosed  paper bag with several lump of activated charcoal, and place aside for 5-7 days.  After a week has passed, open the bag and remove the freshened hemp twine from the paper bag.


How to Get Smell Out of Teva Sandals

Many people know Tevas as the original hiking sandal. It’s rubber body and nylon straps make for durable footwear that can be worn through a variety of extreme terranes.  Due to this wide range of functionality, Teva sandals are often by their owner.  In such cases, foot sweat and dead skin particles build up within the material to create an odorous bacteria rich environment.

Fortunately, there exist several solutions for eliminate the foot-based stench within the Teva sandals.  By following the below suggestions, you can be assured that you will be able to wipe out this odor and have your Tevas smelling fresh.

Smell Prevention Solutions

1 Rotate Footwear

If you find yourself wearing your Tevas on a daily basis, this could be the source of your foot odor related problem. When the Teva shoes are used too often, the surface that comes in contact with the foot does not have the opportunity to receive fresh air and dry out.  As a solution, you may want to consider rotating your Tevas with other shoes in order to give your Tevas a breather.

2 Outdoors & UV Rays

Open space, fresh air and ultra violet rays all do their part in neutralizing odors within Teva sandals.  After wearing your Teva sandals for an entire day, take the added measure of placing the sandals outside on the back pouch to help them aerate.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Rubbing Alcohol

The high quantities of alcohol help to kill foot related odors on the spot.  Fill a small bowl with rubbing alcohol and dampen several paper towels within the solution.  Place the damp towels of the the location within the Tevas  where the foot normally comes into contact with the sandal.  Let the rubbing alcohol work into the soles for 2-3 hours before returning to lift the dampen paper towels off and place the shoes back within use.

2 Baking Soda

This household substance has been used for decades for absorbing odors around the home.  Place Teva sandals within a ziplock bag and add in a measured cup of this material.  Zip the bag closed and place aside for 2-3 days for the powder substance to absorb any foot related stench.  Once this time has passed, return to remove the Tevas from the bag and shake them free from any clinging baking soda.

3 White Vinegar

This kitchen acid helps in cutting through difficult foot odors and leave the Teva smelling fresh.  Make a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts within  a large flat rectangular dish.  Place the Teva sandals upside down within the formula and allow for it to soak for 24-48 hours.  Once this time has passed, return to remove the sandals and rinse them free of the vinegar solution.

4 Enzyme Cleaner

This type of deodorizer works by using activated enzymes that eat through unwanted organics like dead skin cells, sweat and bacteria found within your Teva sandals.  Enzyme cleaning solution is available at pet stores and most super markets.  Pour some solution within a large flat rectangular dish and place Tevas within the solution facing down.  Allow the sandals to sit for 24-48 hours before turning to rinse them off and put back within use.


How to Get Plastic Smell Out of Tupperware Food Containers

When the tupperware plastic containers are new, they can carry a potent plastic odor within the interior.  This chemical odor can be distracting and offer and unpleasant environment to store food within.

Fortunately, there are several solutions for eliminating this shape smell from the containers. The following solution will produce a hospitable environment that you will be happy to store food within.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Dish Detergent + Hot Water Soaking

Often, this chemical odor will be neutralized by hot water and dish detergent.  Bring a pool of hot water within the sink and add in 2-3 teaspoon of dish detergent.  Place the new plastic smelling tupperware within the water an allow it to soak for 2-3 hours to remove the unwanted chemical stench.

2 Baking Soda

This household substance works well in absorbing plastic odors from the interior of tupperware containers.  Add three teaspoons of baking soda within each new tupperware container and then fill it to the top with hot water.  After sealing the containers closed, provide 2-3 hours for the baking soda to absorbe the unpleasant smell and return freshness within the plastic food container.

3 Crumpled Newspaper + Vanilla Extract

This solution is effective at absorbing odor and replacing it with the subtile scent of vanilla.  Crumple up newspaper and moisten the edges of the paper fiber with a few drop of vanilla extract.  Place moistened newspaper within the plastic tupperware container and close the lid.  After allowing the container to site for 6-8 hours, remove the newspaper, rinse the interior and place within use.

4 White Vinegar

This household acid can cut through the sharp plastic smell present within new tupperware containers.  Mix roughly one part white vinegar with five part hot water within the plastic container will help to neutralize the plastic odor.  After mixing, close the lid and all of  it to sit for 3-4 hours before pouring and rinsing out the freshened tupperware.

5 Lemon Juice

The citric acid within this fruit works to cut through existing plastic odors found within new tupperware containers.  Add 3-5 teaspoons of lemon juice to the tupperware container and fill the remaining space with warm water.  Close the plastic lid and provide 6-8 hours for the citric acid to work it’s magic in wiping out any sharp chemical odor.

6 Coffee Grounds

These coffee grounds work well in absorption and can easily mask any remaining plastic smell with the container. Pour in a half cup of coffee grounds within the container and proceed to close the plastic lid.  Allow for the tupperware to site for 2-3 days before returning to remove the coffee ground and place the container back into use.


How to Get Smell Out of Backpack

We put our backpacks through a lot of wear and tear.  Along the way, they spend much time on the ground developing a variety of different odors. Similarly, the items within the bag can have an equal impact on the development of smells within the backpack.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to deodorize the inside and outside of a backpack to make it smell as if it were new.   By following the below solutions you can be sure that your pack will smell fresh and will be odor-free.

Deodorize Inside of Backpack

1 Baking Soda

This household ingredient is well known for it’s absorption powers.  When there is a spill within a backpack, washing out the residues will not always remove the residual odors. Once all of the stickiness is washed away, pour a half cup of baking soda within the pouch containing the spill and zip closed.  Shake bag vigorously to ensure that the baking soda cover the entire interior of the pouch and place the bag aside for 48-72 hours.  After 2-3 days have passed, open the pouch to pour all of the baking soda out and place the freshened backpack into use.

2 Activated  Charcoal

If you have the time, this solution can work wonders in absorbing difficult odors from within a backpack. Place several charcoal briquettes within an old pair of nylon leggings to avoid the charcoal rubbing off within the interior.  After washing the residues from the interior area of the spill, place the nylon enclosed activated charcoal briquettes within the interior of the affected pouch and zip closed.  Allow backpack to sit for 5-7 days as the charcoal briquettes absorb the unwanted aromas.

3 Coffee Grounds

These morning grounds are fantastic at absorbing odors from enclosed spaces.  Bundle several paper towel balls with coffee grounds inside.  Place 2-3 of these bound coffee ground balls within the affected pouch of backpack and zip the compartment closed. Provide 3-4 days for the coffee grounds to absorb the unwanted odors before removing them and putting the backpack into use. The odor will be removed, leaving behind a gentile aroma of coffee.

4 Wadded Newspaper + Vanilla Extract

This solution will have the effect of absorbing the unwanted odor within the wadded up newspaper and adding a gentile scent of vanilla. Wad up several pieces of newspaper and lightly moisten the edges with vanilla extract.  Place these newspaper wads within the enclosed compartment and provide 2-3 days for all of the odor to be absorbed within the paper fiber.

Deodorize Outside of Backpack

1 White Vinegar

This household acid works to strip odors off the outside of a backpack without harming the waterproof sealant.  Create a solution of one part white vinegar to three part warm water and pour within a spray bottle.  Spritz down the outside of the backpack until the material becomes moist and hang outside to air dry.  After a day hanging outside to air dry, fetch the freshened backpack and place back within use.

2 Enzyme Cleaning Spray

This solution helps to remove odors by using the powers of active enzymes.   You can buy an enzyme cleaning spray at pet stores and most grocery stores.  Use the enzyme spray to mist down the entire affected outside portion of the backpack and hang outside to air dry.

3 Rubbing Alcohol

The high levels of alcohol help to neutralize odors on the spot.  Mix a rubbing alcohol and water in equal parts and pour within a spray bottle.  Spritz down the exterior of backpack and hang for the day to air dry.  Once backpack completely dries off put back into use.


How to Get Curry Smell Out of House

Many people love curry for it’s distinct taste and smell.  Though savored during a meal, almost no one wishes to have the odor linger after it is cooked and eaten. When curry is cooked within a household, the aroma can quickly move throughout the home and it’s scent can cover anything within it’s path.

Though the scent can be challenging to remove, there are actions that can be performed to remove the curry stench and add freshness back within the home.  By following the below suggestions, you can help in preventing the smell from developing, as well as removing any existing curry odors within the household.

Preventative Curry Odor Solutions

1 Stove Fan

When cooking curry on the burners, it is very helpful to run the fan above the burners.  This will help in guiding the smelly curry residues up through the vent and out of the house to ensure that it does not get spread throughout the house.  Cooking curry contributes to the majority of oily residues and preventative steps can go a long ways to preventing build up of curry odors within the household.

2 Open Windows

In addition to running the fan above the burner, opening all of the windows within the kitchen and adjoining rooms can help in sweeping the smell out of the home while cooking.  The more windows that you can open the better.  Be sure to open windows throughout the house as the smell will other wise become trapped and settle into the surfaces.

3 Vinegar Spray

If cooking with curry is a regular occurrence, it may be wise to create a homemade deodorizer to spray after eating your meal.  Create a solution of white vinegar and water in equal part and pour within a spray bottle.  After dinner has complete spray down the counter, walls and ceiling of the kitchen.  This will help in cutting through the oily residues and maintain a fresh smell within the room.  As a note of precaution, the kitchen may stink of vinegar shortly after spraying it down, so it may make since to leave windows open to expedite it’s drying process.  Alternatively, you can also buy a enzyme cleaning spray that will have the effects of neutralizing the curry smell without the odor that is produced while vinegar is drying.

4 Weekly Cleaning

When cooking curry on a nightly basis, it is advisable to give the kitchen a weekly cleaning.  Create a solution of one part white vinegar to three parts hot water and scrub down the kitchen walls, ceiling, cupboards and counter.  Giving the full kitchen a weekly scrub will help prevent a nasty build requiring paint and an ozone machine to deodorize.

Household Curry Odor Solutions

1 Step 1: Vinegar Scrub

After curry smell has built up within the home, several hours of work may be required to deodorize the living space.  All of the walls, ceiling and flooring will need to be scrubbed down with a solution of one part white vinegar and three parts water.  Be sure to scrub down all areas of the kitchen including the cupboards, appliances and behind the oven and refrigerator.

2 Step 2: Deodorize Carpet

Deodorizing carpeting can be one of the most challenging steps to freshening a home of curry related odor.  Sprinkle 1-2 boxes of baking soda over the carpeting ensuring that it is worked into every square inch of the fiber.  Allow baking soda to settle in for 2-3 days before vacuuming the powdery substance up.  If the carpeting still smells of curry, rent a steam cleaner with enzyme cleaning solution and run the machine over the carpeting.  Open windows and provide 1-3 days of the carpeting and underlying padding to evaporate.  If this has still not been effective Step 4 should be sufficient in removing the remaining curry aroma.

3 Step 3: Odor Sealing Paint

If you can still smell the curry within the wals of the kitchen and adjoining rooms you may need to paint the walls to completely remove the odor.  Kilz provides a useful product range of paint product that works to cover and seal the odors away. Be careful when selecting paint to match oil with oil and water-based with water-based paint when while painting the kitchen and surrounding rooms.

4 Step 4: Ozone Machine

When all else has failed you can rent an ozone machine to remove the odor from the space.  These machine can either be rented or hired through a specialed cleaning service that will run the machine for you.  As an important note, you must not run the macine while you are in the space and must pay close attention to the user instructions.  Failure to do this could lead to injury or even death.

Furniture Curry Odor Solutions

1 Enzyme Cleaning Spray

This solution harnesses the power of active enzymes to eat through organic residues left from curry.  Spray down heavy amounts of this product on all surface areas of the furniture and provide 24-48 hours for the moisture to completely evaporate off.  To speed up the evaporation process you can open the window within the rooms where the treated furniture is located.  Enzyme cleaning sprays are available at pet stores and most super markets.  Alternatively, a solution of white vinegar and water within a spray bottle can substitute for this spray.

Fabric Curry Odor Solutions

1 Oxiclean

This product works well in neutralizing odors within fabric.  Fill the sink with warm water and add in 1-2 scoop of Oxiclean before soaking all of the affected curtains, furniture covers and mats within the substance.  Allow these items to sit for 1-2 hours before removing them to place them through a full detergent wash cycle.

2 Febreze Laundry Detergent

This laundry detergent is develop especially for wiping out difficult fabric odors.  Though it can be difficult to find within stores, it has an impressive record for removing smells and adding freshness within the fabrics.  Place the curtains, furniture covers and mats within the washing machine and use Febreze laundry detergent with normal detergent for best results.


How to Get Perfume Smell Out of Clothes

When perfume gets within clothing it is usually intentional.  However, when the residual smell of the perfume remains within the fiber, it can easily become an inconvenient scent to be trapped within one’s clothing.

There remain several things that one can do to remove the musk of perfume to return one’s garments to normal.  By putting some of the below suggestions to use, you can effective reduce the detection of perfume from any item of clothing.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Hot Water

Before you start the wash cycle to start rinse away the effect of perfume scent from your clothing, check the tags and set the washing machine on the highest allowable heat setting that the clothing will allow.  Hot water will have the effect of expanding and opening the stitching to allow additional clothing detergent to get in and deodorize the threads.

2 Wash Again

Often, washing clothing just one time within a wash cycle will not be enough to remove the residue scent of the perfume.  If you find this to be the case, try washing the garment an additional time, as this will often be enough to diffuse the odor to a freshened state.

3 Baking Soda

This household powder has great absorption powers and can give a boost to any wash cycle. Before starting a normal detergent wash, measure a cup of baking soda and pour within the washer.  Place the the warm wash on, and enjoy the benefits of this absorbent ingredient in combination with normal clothing detergent.

4 White Vinegar

As a natural household acid, white vinegar is very effective at eliminating the scent perfume within clothing.  Simply measure a full cup of vinegar and add within a normal warm detergent wash to experience the benefits of this solution.  In addition to deodorizing the clothing garment, it can be helpful in lifting any existing stains within the outfits.

Smell Product Solutions

1 Febreze Laundry Detergent

This product is made especially for deodorizing clothing within a wash cycle, and can be highly effective with clothing containing a perfume scent within it’s fiber.  While this product can be hard to locate, it is highly praised for it’s effectiveness in removing unwanted scents within clothing.  Measure a normal scoop of this product and add within the normal detergent wash for full benefits.

2 Oxiclean

This solution is nearly as effective on difficult perfume scents as it is on removing stains.  Fill a large bowl with water and add in one scoop of Oxiclean.  Soak clothing within this product solution for two hours before removing the clothing to place within a a normal warm detergent wash.  Alternatively, a scoop of this product can also add a deodorizing boost by adding it within a detergent wash.

Deodorizing Drying Solutions

1 Hang Dry

Though this method may leave clothing feeling stiff to the touch, it is by far the most effective deodorizing method for drying clothes. The open space, fresh air and direct ultraviolet rays all work to neutralize scents and lift perfume aromas of the clothing.  To perform this, simply hang the clothing on a clothes line and remove them once they have dried.

2 Fabric Softener

As an alternative to hang drying the clothing, using scented fabric softeners within the dryer can help to deodorize the outfits.  After placing the clothes within the dryer, add 2-4 fabric softener sheets to give the clothing one final boost from the lingering perfume scent.


How to Get Smell Out of Climbing Shoes

Serious climbers can get seriously funky odors within their climbing shoes.  The more often that they are used, the more dead skin particles and sweat build up within the shoes.  When this accumulation occurs, odorous bacteria can grow off of the organics and produce a foul foot related stench.

Fortunately, there are several home remedy and products for removing the foot related odor and freshness back within the climbing shoes.  By following the below deodorizing tips, you can have the confidence that the climbing shoes will be defunked and returned to normal.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Fresh Air

After using the climbing shoes, be sure to leave them just outside the back door of your home.  The open space and fresh air will do much to lift out foot related odors from the climbing shoes.  If they are kept inside, the shoes are likely to dry out slow and the smells are likely to become more stagnant within a limited space.

2 Rotate Climbing Shoes

If you climb on a daily basis, you may wish to buy a second pair of climbing shoes.  Using the same pair every day creates a a wet environment within the climbing shoes that is sure to breed bacteria.  By rotating, the shoes can get fresh air and dry out, and naturally deodorize themselves.

3 Baking Soda

This household powder provides excellent results in absorbing unwelcome foot odors.  After every use of your climbing shoes pour baking soda within the interior to absorbe the stench.  Place shoes within an enclosed shoe box and allow a minimum of 24 hours for the baking soda to work it’s magic.  After this time, the climbing shoes can be removed and placed back into use.

4 White Vinegar

This natural acid works in striping odorous bacteria from the interior of climbing shoes.  Fill a small bowl with white vinegar and water in equal parts and moisten several paper towels within the formula.  Stuff the moist paper towels down into the interior of the climbing shoes and provide 24 hours for the white vinegar to neutralize all unwanted odors within the climbing shoes.

5 Cat Litter

This substance does more than cover the odors produced from cat droppings.  Measure a half cup of cat litter and pour this amount within each of the shoes to ensure that the the substance makes it’s way all of the way down to the tip of the climbing shoe’s interior.  Place climbing shoes within a enclosed shoe box and provide 24-48 hours for the cat litter to freshen the interior of the shoes.  After 1-2 days have passed shake cat litter from the shoes and put back into use.

6 Rubbing Alcohol

The high level of alcohol in this solution has the effect of neutralizing foot related odors on the spot.  Fill a small bowl with rubbing alcohol and water in equal parts and  dip several paper towels in to dampen them.  Stuff the dampen paper towels within the interior of the shoes and provide 24-48 hours for the odor to be neutralized.


How to Get Bacon Smell Out of House

Though bacon can be a delicious part of a breakfast experience, it is a food that can smell up the entire house during it’s cooking process. The bacon stench can be quite powerful and can last long after it has been eaten for breakfast.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to remove this smell from the house, and make this breakfast smell a thing of the past.  By following the below instructions, you can be sure the that the bacon odor will be swept out leaving the house smelling fresh.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Open Windows

Opening the windows will do much to help the circulation of fresh air throughout the house.   The more windows that are open within the home,  the more fresh air will be able to come in and push the unwanted bacon cooking stench outside.

2 Boil Cinnamon

This practice can work well in covering any traces left behind from cooking bacon.  Fill a pot with water and add in a teaspoon oc cinnamon within the pot.  This mixture can be cooked in parelel with the bacon or after the bacon for a duration of 30 minutes.  Once you have boiled this solution for 30 minutes, you will find it difficult to detect anything within the house but the gentle aroma of cinnamon.

3 Burner Fan

Be sure to leave the fan above the burners running to suck unwanted bacon odors out during and after it has been prepared.  This will ensure that much of the bacon smell does not have the opportunity to dissipate throughout the home throughout the cooking process.

Smell Product Solutions

1 Febreze

This product is very handy at removing odors on short notice and leaving very little smell behind.  Spray down the kitchen and the room that it is connected to with 3-4 bursts of spray.  You will quickly notice that much of the odor is effortlessly wiped away.

2 Oust Spray

This is another product that comes in a range of scent to cover household odors. Spray down the kitchen and adjoining rooms, and all evidence of bacon stink will quickly be replaced with the selected scent of the Oust spray.


How to Get Smell Out of Reef Sandals

Reef sandals are typical footwear of any beach scene, and offer function and durability over a number of years.  When Reef sandals are used too often, they can develop a distinct foot related from the build up of dead skin particles and sweat.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to extract this foot odor from the the sandals and return them to normal.  By following the below suggestions, you can be assured that they will be deodorized and returned to normal.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Outside + Sun

Placing the sandals outside within the sun will help to neutralize the embedded foot related odor.  The ultraviolet rays, open space and fresh air will help to lift the odor off and freshen the surface material the that foot regularly comes into contact with.  For increased effect, make sure the sandals are placed within a location within the yard where they will receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight.

2 White Vinegar

This household acid is wonderful at stripping odorous bacteria from the top surface of the Reef sandals. Make a solution of white vinegar and water in equal part and pour within a large flat dish tray.  Place sandals face down within the solution so that the area that normally comes into contact with the foot is coming into contact with the formula.  Allow Reef sandals to sit for 6-8 hours before removing them and placing them outdoors to air dry.

3 Baking Soda

This powder is highly effective at drawing out odors and absorbing them.  Place Reef sandals within a shoe box and sprinkle heavy quantities of baking soda over all the areas of the sandals where the foot normally comes into contact.  Close the box and allow of the baking soda to work it’s magic for the period of 5-7 days.  After this time has passed, return to remove the sandals and place them back within use.

4 Rubbing Alcohol

This high level alcohol has the capabilities of neutralizing odors on the spot.  Pour rubbing alcohol within a small bowl and moisten paper towels within the mixture.  Next, strategically place the paper towels over the areas of the Reef sandals where the foot normally comes into contact.  Allow the damp paper towel to sit for 5-8 hours before removing the paper towels and putting the sandals but into use.

5 Enzyme Cleaner

The active enzymes within this solution work to eat through the odor causing bacteria on the surface of the Reef sandals.  Pour enzyme cleaner within a large flat dish and place sandals within the dish upside down.  After 6-8 hours, return to remove the sandals from the solution and place back within use.

What to Avoid?

1 Bleach

Avoid the use of bleach to kill the foot related bacteria and deodorize the Reef sandals.  If the type of Reef sandals you are using are made of leather, bleach can have the effect of hardening and drying the leather.  If the leather becomes too dry, it can lead to unwanted cracking within the leather surface.


How to Get Smell Out of Birkenstocks

Birkenstocks grew to fame as a cork, rubber and leather sandal that molds to the shape of the wearers feet. Though these sandals can become increasingly confortable with wear, they also can easily develop a foot odor from the accumulation of sweat and skin cells.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to remove the foot odor and return the Birkenstock footwear to normal. By using some of the below solutions, your Birkenstocks will be stink-free and smelling fresh.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Outside + Sun

Placing the Birkenstocks outside for the day in direct sunlight will do much to freshen the sandals.  The open space, fresh air and ultraviolet rays will help to freshen Birkenstocks and lift away much of the odor.  For optimal effect place sandals within a location where they can receive direct sunlight for 8 consecutive hours.

2 Rubbing Alcohol

This solution works to neutralize many foot related odors upon contact.  Fill a small bowl with rubbing alcohol and slowly dampen paper towels within the solution.  Lay dampened alcohol paper towels within the interior of the areas within the Birkenstocks where the foot normally come into contact with the sandals.  After covering the areas where the foot comes into contact, allow for this solution to sit for 4-5 hours.  Once time has passed, remove the paper towels and place the freshen Birkenstocks back into use.

3 White Vinegar

This household acid can help in neutralizing foot odors within shoes.   Fill a small bowl with white vinegar and water in equal parts.  Moisten paper towels within the white vinegar mixture and strategically place over all of the areas within the Birkenstocks when the foot normally comes into contact.  After 6-8 hours, remove the vinegar soaked paper towels from the interior of the sandals.

4 Freeze Them

When sweat, skin particles and filth collect within Birkenstocks odorous bacteria can live off of the organic matter.  Freezing the Birkenstocks will will help to kill the bacteria at low temperatures for prolonged periods of time. Place Birkenstocks within a large enclosed ziplock bag and place within the freezer for 1-2 days.  After 24-48 hours return to the freezer to remove the sandals from the ziplock bag and place the Birkenstocks outside in direct sunlight to thaw out.

5 Baking Soda + Tea Tree Oil

Baking soda helps to absorb foot odors while tea tree oil helps to mask any residual smell.  Mix a solution one teaspoon of tea tree oil with a half cup of baking soda and pour within the interior surface of the Birkenstocks to cover all areas where the foot normally comes into contact.  Place sandals with an enclosed shoe box for 2-3 days before removing to put back within use.

6 Cat Litter

This substance does more than just handle kitten droppings.  Pour fresh cat litter within the interior surface of the sandals insuring that all areas that normally come into contact with feet are covered by the litter.  Place Birkenstocks within an enclosed shoe box for 4-5 days, before removing freshened sandals and placing into use.

7 Enzyme Cleaner

This range of product works by harnessing the power of active enzymes to eat though bacteria related organics.  Fill a small bowl with this solution, and dip several paper towel into the cleaning solution.  Take the moist paper towel out and place on the top surface of the Birkenstocks where the foot normally comes into contact.  After 6-8 hours, remove the moist paper towels and place the freshened Birkenstocks back into use.
