How to Get Urine Smell Out of Shower Tile Grout

Lets face it, not everybody uses the toilet for urinating.  Peeing within the shower is often a rebellious act of convenience, providing carefree marksmanship on the part of the shooter. However, this act can often backfire and cause an unpleasant stench after several mornings of ammonia-based build up.

Fortunately, there are several chemical solutions for breaking down the ammonia which gets caught up in the grout within the tile flooring.  By following the below suggestions, you can be sure that the grout within the tile flooring will be cleanse and be urine stench free.

Smell Removal Solution

1 White Vinegar

The chemical acid properties within white vinegar help to freshen the grout by directly combating the ammonia produced from the urine.  Place several paper towels on the bottom of the shower and proceed to pour white vinegar on top of the towels to moisten the towels.  This will ensure that the moisten does not quickly evaporate and continues to combat the odor for multiple hours.  After 6-8 hours, return to lift the paper towels up and throw within the trash.

2 Hydrogen Peroxide

This substance helps to cut through ammonia within the porous grout of the shower flooring.  Place paper towels along the bottom of the shower flooring and pour hydrogen peroxide over the top to moisten the towels.  For added measure, press on top of the paper towels so that they become in contact with the grout between the tiles. Allow for the hydrogen peroxide to work it’s magic for 3-4 hours before returning to remove them from the freshened grout.

3 Enzyme Cleaner

This solution harnesses the power of active enzymes to eat through urine based ammonia residues trapped within the grout.  Put paper towels down within the shower and pour enzyme cleaning solution over the top to make the paper towels wet.  Allow 6-8 hours for the enzyme solution to wipe out the unwanted odor and freshen the grout.

4 Baking Soda

As a household solution, baking soda works wonders at absorbing odors.  Briefly turn on the shower to moisten the tile grout for better absorption.  Sprinkle heavy quantities of baking soda over all of the shower tiles and allow for it to sit for 4-8 hours.  After this time has passed, simply turn on the shower to wash the baking soda down the drain.

5 Bleach

This chemical can be used to strip all residues from the grout between shower tiles.  Set paper towels over the shower tiles and pour bleach on top of the towels to moisten them.  Allow the moist paper towels to sit for 3-5 hours before returning to remove them from the shower flooring.


How to Get Smell Out of Tempur-pedic Mattress and Pillows

Tempur-pedic mattresses have made a name for themselves by providing increased stability and spine support.  Though some differences exist, smell can develop within Tempur-pedic mattresses in the same way that they develop within any bed.

Fortunately, there are things that can be done to remove odor producing residues within the mattress and return the bed to normal.  By following the below suggestions, the Tempur-pedic mattress will have increased freshness and provide a restful night of sleep.

Tempur-pedic Mattress Body Odor Solutions

1 Vodka

This party drink is useful at eliminating odors on the spot.  If the smells are not deeply entrenched within the mattress, then this solution can quickly neutralize body odors. Fill within a spray bottle and  mist down the entire top surface of the mattress until it become sufficiently moist.  Finally, provide 3-4 hours for the moisture to evaporate and lift any unwanted odors out.

2 White Vinegar Spray

The acid within this solution can also be effective at wiping out bodily odors that have made their way within the Tempur-pedic mattress.   Create a solution of white vinegar and water in equal part and spray down the entire top surface of the mattress.  Open windows within the bedroom and provide 6-8 hours for the formula to evaporate off the freshened mattress.

Tempur-pedic Mattress Urine Odor Solutions

When urine gets within a Tempur-pedic mattress it is important to act quickly to remove the foreign moisture. Using a dry towel begin blotting the location to dry out as much moisture as possible.  Be sure to place your entire body weight behind the press and use multiple towel for increased absorption.  Finally, dilute location with fresh water and blot dry moisture before using any cleaning solution.

1 White Vinegar

Once you have perform the tasks outlined above, vinegar can be very effective at combating the ammonia within the mattress to leave it smelling fresh.  Create a solution of one part white vinegar and three parts warm water and pour over the location of the accident.  Allow the solution to set in for 4-5 hours before removing the moisture with towel blotting.

2 Enzyme Cleaner

This is another powerful solution to combat smelly organic odors like urine.  The active enzymes within this solution work to eat through all of the organics within the mattress and  deodorize it.  Once you have completed the tasks outlined within the urine removal introduction, pour a heavy amount of the solution on top of the location of the accident, ensuring that it soaks in to neutralize all remaining urine residues.  Allow this solution to sit for 24 hours before returning to blot dry the location to extract all unwanted moisture.

Tempur-pedic Pillow Odor Solution

When many Tempur-pedic pillows are purchased, they naturally contain a chemical odor that is trapped within the fiber. There are multiple way to remove the odor, have the following suggestions provide fast relief without the use of harmful chemicals.

1 Baking Soda

This substance has wonderful absorption capabilities.  Place a half cup of baking soda within the pillow case, and change out every 3-4 days until the pillow is left smelling fresh.  Though this process can take several days, it will be an effective long term solution.

2 Fabric Freshener

Fabric softeners can be used to quickly cover the chemical odors within Tempur-pedic pillows.  Place pillow within the dryer, add 4-5 sheets and begin the appliance on a heatless dryer cycle.  After 30 minute return to remove the freshen pillow and put back into use.


How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Laptop

After countless hours smoking while working on the laptop, the stench of cigarettes can easy be transferred into the computer’s surface.  Once this happens, the odor can be overwhelming serve as a constant distraction in getting things done.

Fortunately, there exist several solution to reducing the odor and adding freshness within the computer.  By following some of the below suggestions, you can rest assured that the smell of cigarettes will be lifted from the laptop to return it to normal.

Liquid Deodorizing Solutions

1 Rubbing Alcohol

This substance works wonders in cutting unwanted smoking odors within laptops.  Moisten a paper towel with rubbing alcohol and wipe down the entire exterior of the laptop. Because there exist several creases within a laptop, you may wish to moisten the tip of a cue-tip to wipe doe down all of the crevasses within the  computer’s case.

2 White Vinegar

This household acid can be similarly used in cutting through cigarette stench build up.  Mix a small bowl of white vinegar and water in equal parts.  Moisten a paper towel within the solution and wipe down the exterior of the laptop.  Finally, use a moistened cue-tip to get into all the cracks within the laptop.  Take precaution while cleaning cracks not to allow moisture to wipe down and into the circuitry of the device.

3 Lemon Juice

The citric acid in lemon juice cuts through cigarette smoke odors and freshens surfaces.  Within a small bowl, mix a formula of lemon juice and water in equal parts.  Dip a paper towel within the mixture and proceed to wipe down the exterior of the laptop.  As with any electronic, take precaution to avoid moisture from getting within the circuitry of the computer.

4 Baking Soda

This household powder works wonders in absorbing uninvited smoke odors.  Mix a solution of one part baking soda with three parts water.  Using a paper towel, dampen within the solution and wipe down the exterior of portions of the laptop, ensuring that no area is left untouched.

Absorption Deodorizing Solutions

1 Activated Charcoal

If the time is available, this substance has fantastic at absorbing odors.  Place the several activated charcoal briquettes within the bottom of a medium sized cardboard box.  Place a paper towel over the briquettes and set the closed laptop on top of the paper towel.  Close box and provide 3-4 days for the charcoal briquettes to absorb all of the unwanted odors.  After several days have passed, open box and put freshened laptop back into use.

2 Cat Litter

This substance works for more than absorbing cat related waste. Fill the bottom of a medium sized box with cat litter, lay a paper towel down and place the laptop within the box. Allow 48-72 hours for the cat littler to freshen the laptop and put back into use.


How to Get Smell Out of Rainbow Sandals

Rainbow sandals are more than just your average leather sandals.  They offer durability and style and are an iconic brand within North American beach scenes.  Given the status, it can be bothersome once the rainbows have developed an odor from dead skin and sweat build up within the material.

Fortunately, there exist several methods that can be performed to neutralize the odor and return them to normal. By following the below solutions, you can be assured that your Rainbow sandals will be freshened and odor-free.

Sandal Smell Removal Solutions

1 Outside + Sun

Placing the Rainbow sandals outdoors within the sun help in reducing the odors within the sandals.  This may not act as a complete solution, however the ultraviolet rays, open space and fresh air will work to lift much of the foot related stench away.

2 Rubbing Alcohol

High percentages of alcohol can work to neutralize odors on the spot.  Moisten several paper towels with rubbing alcohol and place towel over the areas of the leather the the foot comes in contact with.  Allow the moistened paper towels to sit for 2-3 hours as the alcohol wipe away foot related odors.

3 Vodka

As an alternative to rubbing alcohol, vodka can be used within it’s place.  Pour a small portion of vodka within a spray bottle and proceed to spray down the entire top surface of the leather sandals. Place sandals outside for 1-2 hours to allow for the to air dry off.  The vodka will work to lift the stink of feet off and evaporate odorless.

4 Baking Soda

This household substance is highly effective at absorbing unwanted foot odors.  Place Rainbow sandals within a ziplock bag and add a half cup of baking soda.  Zip closed and vigorously shake the bag until the powder covers every square inch of the sandals.  Allow 1-2 days for the sandals to sit before returning to remove the sandals, brush away the powder and put them back into use.

5 Cat Litter

Similar to baking soda, cat litter has fantastic powers of absorption.  Place one half of baking soda and Rainbow Sandals within a enclosed ziplock bag, and shake vigorously.  Allow the bag to sit for 1-2 days before returning to remove the sandals and brush away loose cat litter debris.

6 White Vinegar

This household acid works well at eating through odorous foot residues within Rainbow sandals.  Mix a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts and pour within a large flat tray.  Place Rainbow Sandals upside down within the mixture so that the leather that would normally come into contact with your feet is facing downward within the formula.  Allow the sandals to sit for 3-4 hours before returning to remove and place outside to air dry within the sun.

Damage Prevention

1 Avoid Use of Bleach

Though bleach may be effective at removing the odor, they can have the effect of bleaching and stiffening the leather.  Once the leather becomes dried out, the chance of the leather beginning to crack and break is much higher.


How to Get Cigarette Smell Out of Cell Phone

After several hours smoking while on your cell phone, it is not uncommon for there to be a transference of smoke related odors within your mobile device.  Once this smell makes it’s way within the phone, it can be quite off-putting and embarrassing around nonsmokers.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to remove the odor and add freshness within the mobile electronic.  By following the below suggestions, you can be sure that your cell phone will free of the uninvited smoking stench.

Cell Phone Smell Removal Solutions

1 Rubbing Alcohol

The compound within rubbing alcohol helps to quickly neutralize cigarette smoke odors embedded within the surface material of cell phones. Lightly moisten a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and give the entire outside of the cell phone a thorough wipe down.  Be careful to to over moisten the cotton ball as this may lead to excessive alcohol getting through the cracks and into the electronics of the phone.

2 Lemon Juice

The citric acid within lemon juice naturally cuts though smoke related odors.  Squeeze a small amount of lemon or lime juice within a tray and lightly dip a cotton ball within the mixture.  Thoroughly wipe down the exterior surface are of the phone leaving no area untouched.  As specified with rubbing alcohol, take precaution not to apply so much moisture that it finds it’s way within the interior electronics of the phone.

3 White Vinegar

This household substance is utilizes natural acid to cut through odors like cigarette smoke.  Moisten a cotton ball with this solution, and wipe down the entire exterior of the phone and provide 10-20 minutes for the smell of vinegar to diffuse. Take added precaution to avoid applying moisture to inner electronics of phone.

4 Activated Charcoal

If you have the time, activated charcoal can be effective at slowly absorbing all of the cigarette smoke from the cell phone.  Place cigarette smelling phone and several activated charcoal briquettes within a enclosed paper bag.  Provide 5-7 days for the charcoal to absorb the unwanted odor and freshen the cell phone within the bag.  After a week has passed, remove the phone from the bag and put it back into use.

Cell Phone Product Solutions

1 Ozium Spray

This product is extremely potent and is made for eliminating cigarette smoke odors.  Spray into a cotton ball until the ball become sufficiently moist.  Using the cotton ball wipe down the exterior of the cell phone to ensure that the entire phone is deodorized.  This will leave the cell phone deodorized with the subtle aroma of whatever scent you have selected.

2 Febreze

This product wonderful at eliminating cigarette smoke odors and will leave the cell phone squeaky clean.  Spray one or two squirts within a cotton balls and proceed to wipe down the exterior of the cell phone. If the solution does not completely remove within the first application of the product, try applying a second or third time until the cigarette odor is lifted away.


How to Get Smell Out of Waste Bin

After months using a your half-sized garbage container without a liner, you may begin to question your motives.  You’ve made sticky compromises along the way, and your trash bin has now developed its own aroma of banana peels, yogurt containers and mystery juices.

While waste bins can be easily replaced, it is important to note that there exist solutions for removing unpleasant smells and regaining control of your desk-side disposal unit.  In this guide, there are several tips for the removal of this unusual aroma, and returning freshness to your waste bin.

Waste Bin Smell Removal Solutions

1 Sun + Outside

Placing the waste bin within the sun for 2-3 days will do much to neutralize difficult odors within the metal framework.  After emptying the contents of the trash can, the ultraviolet rays, fresh air and open space will all be helpful in eliminating the odor.  Once 2-3 days have passed, do a sniff test to see whether you would like to employ one of the other suggestions provided below.

2 Pressure Wash + Sponge Scrub

A pressure wash of the waste bin will help to strip away the odor producing organic residues built up within the framework.  Spray down the entire waste bin with the heaviest available pressure setting.  Begin scrubbing with a sponge to remove any remaining residues from the interior of the waste bin.  Once completed, leave outside to allow to air dry.

3 Baking Soda

This household substance has wonderful odor absorption powers.  Spray down the waste basket with a hose ensuring that every part of the waste basket has been moistened.  Once wet, sprinkle baking soda around the entire interior of the basket to allow for a maximum amount of absorption power.  Allow 1-2 hours to pass while the baking soda sets in and neutralizes unwelcome stench.  After 2 hours, return to spray down the waste basket a second time and scrub away remaining odor.

4 Rubbing Alcohol

The alcohol within this formula works well at nuetralizing organic odors on the spot.  Dampen a rag with rubbing alcohol and begin scrubbing down the interior of the waste basket ensuring that no area or residues within the waste basket are left untouched.   Finalize by placing waste basket within the sun for 2-3 hours placing the trash can back into use.

5 Vodka

This party drink can be used as a quick solution to freshening the interior of a waste bin.  Spray high volumes of vodka within the basket, placing special attention to cover the interior walls and flooring of the bin.  Allow the vodka to air dry before placing back into use.  Alternatively, Febreze can deliver a similar effect in neutralizing waste bin odor if bringing vodka within the workplace seems too questionable.

Preventative Solutions

1 Use a Liner

Use of a waste bin liner will save much effort in cleaning smelly residues from the interior of the trash bins.  An easy way to make sure that a liner is always within the bin, is to have a box of trash liners placed conveniently within a desk drawer beside the trash bin.  A little bit of preparation can go a long ways towards keeping the trash bin smelling fresh.

2 No Food or Drink

If you do not have a liner within the trash bin, make a conscience effort not to use it for disposing of food wrappers or drink containers.  If the bin is only being used for throwing out office related products, there is no way for a smell to develop.


How to Get Smell Out of Sperry Top-Siders

Originating as a boating brand, the Sperrys Top-Sider has grown in popularity an upscale casual footwear.  Often worn as a sock-less loafer, unpleasant odors often develop within the shoes as a result of sweat and skin particle build up.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to remove odor from Sperrys to return them to normal.  By following the below tips, you can wipe out the odor and have them smelling fresh again.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Sun + Outside

Placing Sperrys outdoors within the sun will do much to lower the potency of odors.  The ultraviolet rays, fresh air and open space all work in lifting off foot related odors from the loafers.  For increased effect place the shoes within an area that receives several hours of sunlight throughout the day.  While this may not be a complete solution, it will work well in combination with some of the below solutions.

2 Rotate Them

Wearing Sperrys too often deprives the shoes of the opportunity to air out. When worn continuously without socks, it perpetuates a stinky bacteria rich environment. Consider buying another pair or wearing other shoes to avoid using them two consecutive days in a row.

3 Freeze Them

Freezing the Sperrys will kill the odors producing bacteria that lives within the shoes.  Place the Sperrys within an enclosed ziplock bag and place within the freezer.  After 24-48 hours, remove the shoes from the freezer to and place them outside within the sun to thaw out and air dry.

4 Baking Soda

This household substance is highly effective at absorbing unwelcome odors.  At the end of the day, measure a half cup of baking soda and pour within each shoe.  Place Sperrys within large enclosed paper bag and lightly shuffle bag from side to side.  Allow shoes to sit for the night while the baking soda absorbs foul odor.

5 White Vinegar + Wadded Paper Towels

The natural acid within white vinegar goes to work in striping odors out of Sperrys. Fill a small bowl with vinegar, and dip in wadded up paper towels to moisten them.  Place cram wet vinegar paper towels into the interior of the Sperrys and allow for the shoes to sit overnight.  In the morning, remove the paper towels and place the shoes outside to air dry.

6 Rubbing Alcohol + Wadded Paper Towels

The compound in alcohol works to quickly neutralize organic odors.  Similar to the suggestion with white vinegar, dampen several paper towels with rubbing alcohol and stuff them within the Sperry Top-Siders.  Allow the alcohol to work it’s magic over night, before returning in the morning to remove the paper towels from the ends of the shoes.  Finally, provide 30-60 minutes for the alcohol to fully evaporate and dry from the interior of the shoes.

7 Cat Litter

This substance can work wonders doubling as a shoe deodorant.  Measure a half cup of cat liter and pour within each shoe.  Shuffle shoes to allow for the cat litter to cover the entire bottom surface area of the shoe, and let Sperrys sit overnight.  In the morning, pour cat litter out and place back within use.

8 Coffee Grounds + Coffee Filter

Coffee a subtle but effective way of absorbing odors and delivering a gentile aroma of fresh coffee grounds.  Place coffee filters along the bottom on the shoes and pour a half cup of coffee grounds along the bottom of each of the Sperry Top-Siders.  Place shoes withing a large enclosed paper bag and allow for the shoes to sit for 48 hours.  After two days have passed, pour the coffee grounds and filters out and place shoes back into use.


How to Get Smell Out of Window Air Conditioner

We live off these appliances of modern convenience.  When air conditioners work the way they are supposed to, they can deliver a refreshing refuge from outdoor heat.  However, when they produce unfresh air, it can be quite unsettling so that no amount of cool air will make up for the odor.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to remove the source of the odors within the the window air conditioner.  By following the below tips, your air conditioner will be delivering clean air and your living space will be smelling fresh.

Air Conditioner Smell Removal Solutions

1 Clean Once a Year

All window air conditioners should be cleaned at least once a year.  This not only ensure proper filtration and clean air within the living space, but it also has beneficial effects on the health of the people who need to breath the air.

2 Clean The Filter

Remove the filter from the front grill.  Some are reusable plastic filters while others are disposable and require a replacement.  With the reusable filters, fill sink with warm water and add five teaspoons of dish detergent.  Place filter within this solution and allow 1-2 hours for it to naturally release unwelcome dust particles and grim.  After time has passed, return to rinse the filter with warm water and hang to allow to air dry.  Once it has completely dried, place the filter back within the air conditioning unit.

3 Check The Drain

These units hold water within the back pan that serves the function of lifting heat from the freon lines as well as keeping the compressor unit cooled down.  However, when this water becomes too stagnant and is not draining properly, a sour mildew odor can develop that can quickly fill the room.  When this water becomes too condensed, it will naturally flow out through a drop in the back side of the AC unit.  You will want to check this rear drain hole to make sure that it is draining properly and is free from any blockage.

4 Check the Base

Water can often build up within the base interior of the air conditioning unit.  While cleaning the unit, be sure to dry out any accumulation of moisture that may have developed within this area.  As an additional preventive step, you can drill holes within the bottom of the air conditioning unit to allow for easier drainage.


How to Get Smell Out of Sheets

The majority of the population spend one third of their lifetime tucked in-between sheets.  Given this amount of time, it is not surprising that sweat, skin particles and other build up will accumulate and begin to smell.

Fortunately, there are several ways to deodorize sheets and scare off any unwelcome body odors.  Within this guide, several solutions are provided for freshening sheets, whether you have the time to use a washing machine or not.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Hot Water

Using hot water within your wash is an essential part of freshening sheets.  The heat within the wash cycle has the effect of expanding the stitching to allow easy access of the washing detergent.  The better access the detergent has, the greater effect it will have in removing unwanted odors.

2 Baking Soda

This household ingredient is highly effective at absorbing odors from linens, and adding a boosts to regular detergent wash cycles. Before starting a normal detergent wash of your sheets, measure a full cup of baking soda and add within the washer.  The baking soda will deliver the added benefit of making the sheets color brighter and the fabric softer.

3 Febreze Detergent

This detergent product produced by Febreze is made especially for removing odors during the wash cycle.  Though many have complained that it is challenging to find within grocery and drug stores, it remains highly effective at removing bodily odors during the wash cycle.  In this writers experience, this product works best when it is used in combination with normal washing detergent.

Mildew Smell Solutions

When sheets have become wet and are not dried immediately after, they have the potential of developing a distinct mildew odor within the fabric’s fiber.

1 Bleach or Color Safe Bleach

This solution is highly effective at cutting through odor producing mold spore to eliminate musty smells found within sheets.  Allow the wash cycle to fill with water and add in a cup of bleach within the wash.  Depending upon the color of the sheets, you may want to consider the use of color safe bleach to maintain the fabric hue.

2 White Vinegar

Similar to bleach, the acid within white vinegar works well at striping mildew odors from sheets to have them smelling fresh.  Within a normal detergent wash, measure a full cup of white vinegar and add within the wash cycle.  While this substance may seem potent, it will become completely odorless once placed within the dryer.

Hang Dry Solutions

While there exists a science to removing odors within the washer, there also are ways to eliminate additional odors during the drying process.

1 Hang Dry Sheets

Placing moist sheets on a clothes line within direct sunlight is by far the most effective way to deodorize them during the drying process. The ultraviolet rays, open space and fresh breeze will work to carry away residual odors while it evaporates. As a small drawback, this solution will leave sheets stitching feeling rather stitch and uncomfortable.

2 Fabric Softners

As an alternative to hanging sheets, using fabric softener within the dryer can have a beneficial impact of lasting odors.  Before beginning dryer, added 2-3 sheets within dry cycle.  Unlike air drying, this option will leave the sheets feeling incredibly soft.

Smell Solutions Without Washing

When covering up sheet odors, there is often not enough time to place them within a complete washer and dryer cycle.  In such a pinch, it is important to have the following solutions to use on a moments notice.

1 Vodka

This party drinks does more than deliver an enjoyable buzz.The alcohol within the mixture gets within the fiber of sheets and quickly neutralizes odors as it evaporates  away.  Fill a spray bottle with vodka and spray down the sheets on the bed, providing 20-30 minutes for the alcohol to drying away and leave the sheets smelling fresh.

2 White Vinegar Spray

This compound can be used on a short notice.  Fill a spray bottle with one part white vinegar and four parts water, and spray down all of the sheets on the bed.  Provide 30-60 minutes for the solution to evaporate.  Windows can be opened and a fan can be run within the room to expedite the evaporation of the moisture.

3 Febreze

This product is highly effective on when you need to quickly deodorize your sheets.  Spray down the sheets on the bed and allow for them to air dry over the course of 20-30 minutes.


How to Get Smell Out of Leather Sandals

Leather sandals are a great accessory for summer and a fast solution for going somewhere in a hurry.  With constant use, the leather can absorb dead skin particles and sweat and can develop foul odor stench.


Fortunately, there exist several household solution to removing unwanted smells to return leather sandals to normal.  By following the suggestions provided within this guide, you can be assured that the sandals will be smelling fresh and returned to normal.


Leather Sandal Smell Removal Solutions


1 Outdoors + Direct Sunlight

Placing leather sandals outdoors within direct sunlight will work well in diffusing embedded foot odor.  The ultraviolet rays and open space effectively diffuse odorous residues within the leather surfaces.  Although this may fall short of completely eliminating the foot stench, it will work well in combination with some of the below suggestions.


2 Baking Soda

This household ingredient is highly effective at absorbing odors.  Place leather sandals within a ziplock bag and pour a half cup of baking soda within the bag.  Zip the bag closed and shake the bag vigorously. Provide 24-48 hours for the baking soda to absorb the unwanted odor.  After a day or two has passed, return to remove the sandals and shake the powder off.


3 White Vinegar

This natural acid works to strip odorous residues off the surface of leather sandals.  Create a solution of one part white vinegar with two parts water within a large flat pan.  Place sandals upside down within the containers so that the leather portions are able to absorb the vinegar within it’s fiber.  Allow the sandals to sit for 2-3 hours before returning to remove the leather sandals.  Finally, place within direct sunlight to allow for the formula to evaporate away.


4 Hydrogen Peroxide

Similar to white vinegar the hydrogen peroxide will work to eliminate the bacteria embedded within the leather to freshen the sandals.  Mix a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide with five parts water, and pour within a large flat pan.  Place sandals upside down within the solution 2-3 hours.  After time has passed, finish by placing leather sandals outside in direct sunlight to air dry.


5 Paper Towel & Rubbing Alcohol

Alcohol has a unique way of neutralizing odors on the spot.  Fill a small bowl with rubbing alcohol and dip paper towels within the solution until they are completely moist.  Take the moist paper towels and strategically place over the top of the areas of the leather sandal that the foot normally comes in contact with.  After 3-4 hours return to remove the towels, and place the sandals back into use.


6 Enzyme Cleaner

Though this solution is usually used on household pet odors, it can be highly effective at treating sandal odors.  Fill a large flat rectangular dish with enzyme cleaning solution and place sandals upside down within the solution.  Provide 2-3 hours for the active enzymes to eat through all odorous organic residues.  Once complete, remove sandals and place within direct sunlight to air dry.


7 Freeze Them

It may sound abnormal, but freezing the sandals will have the effect of killing the odor producing bacteria found within them.  Place sandals within a ziplock bag and put within the freezer for 24-48 hours.  During this time the bacteria embedded within the leather will die out due to their inability to survive the cold temperatures.


8 Cat Litter

Similar to baking soda, cat litter has wonderful absorption powers.  Place rainbow sandals within a ziplock bag and add two cups of cat litter.  After zipping closed, allow the sandals to sit for 24-48 hours while the cat litter works it’s magic.  After the time has passed, remove the sandals and brush of any debris from the cat mixture.


Damage Prevention

1 Do Not Use Bleach

Despite what other guides may suggest, resist the urge to use bleach in deodorizing the leather sandals.  Bleach may be effective at killing the odor producing bacteria but it will also have the unwanted effect of drying and bleaching the leather.
