How to Get Smell Out of Nalgene Bottle

Nalgenes provide an airtight reusable bottle that can be used for months or even years.  With constant use, the build up of foul odors within the plastic interior is unavoidable. Regrettably, the pungent stench that develops can be overwhelming and act as a deterrent for future use.

Fortunately, there exist several household remedies for removing odors from these plastic bottles to return them to normal.  By using the below suggestions, you can add freshness within the Nalgene and put it back into use.

Nalgene Bottle Smell Removal Solutions

1 Hot Water & Dish Detergent

This combination will usually be enough to remove any unwanted odor from the interior of a Nalgene bottle.  Fill the bottle with warm water and add a teaspoon of dish detergent before screwing the lid shut.  Give bottle a good shake and allow for it to sit for 15-20 minutes.  Once complete, pour contents out within the sink and rinse the entire interior out with fresh water.

2 Baking Soda

This household ingredient works well at absorbing odors and freshening any container.  Fill Nalgene bottle with warm water and add three teaspoons of baking soda.  After screwing the top closed, give the bottle a good shake and allow for it to sit for 30-60 minutes.  After this time has passed, return to pour cleaning formula out and rinse with fresh water within the sink.

3 Apple Cider Vinegar or White Vinegar

Any type of vinegar will be effective at cutting through the worst plastic bottle odors.  Apple Cider Vinegar will help in removing the odor, as well as adding a natural aroma to the process.  Alternatively, white vinegar will work just as well and will evaporate odor-free.  In either case, fill the bottle with 20% vinegar and fill the remaining 80% with warm water.  Close the top and allow 30-60 minutes for the acidic formula to work it’s magic as it strips unwanted odorous residues from the interior of the container.  After an hour has passed, return to pour the mixture out and rinse the interior with fresh water.

4 Lemon Juice

The citric acid within lemon juice is a fantastic natural solution to removing odors within Nalgene bottles.  Squeeze lemon juice within a Nalgene bottle until the lemon juice takes up 10% of the space. Next, fill the remaining 90% with hot water.  After 1-2 hours have passed, pour contents out and place the Nalgene back into active use.

5 Coffee

This morning brew has the capabilities of absorbing difficult odors within plastic containers.  Pour two cups of warm coffee within Nalgene bottle and provide 15-30 minutes for it to absorb all odors within the confined space.  After a half-hour has passed, return to remove the coffee and rinse out the interior.  The inside will be smelling fresh with a subtle aroma of fresh brewed coffee.

6 Efferdent Tablets

These tablets are made for cleaning and deodorizing dentures.  With this said, they are highly effective at deodorizing, and provide a safe deodorizing solution for cleaning plastic bottle that you plan to drink from.  Fill the bottle with warm water and drop 1-2 Efferdent tablets within the bottle.  Provide 15-30 minutes before returning to pour contents out and rinse with clean water.


How to Get Smell Out of Tent

When tents are smelly, it can make for an uncomfortable camping experience. These shelters are meant to provide comfort and protection from the elements.  However, when they possess odorous fumes, you may choose to sleep under the stars.

Fortunately, there remain several things that can be done to remove odors from tents, and prevent them from developing within the future.  By following the the below suggestions, you can be assure that you tent will be smelling fresh and offer a pleasurable camping experience.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Open & Air Out in Sun (Minor Mildew Odor)

The musty smell within a tent usually results from packing the tent within the bag while it is still moist from morning dew or rain.  This results in mildew when the moisture is trapped and is unable to evaporate from within the confines of the tent’s bag.  Once you get home, some of the musty odor can be eliminated by unpacking the tent, setting it up, and placing it within direct sunlight.  In most cases involving minor mildew odors, an entire day within the sun will be enough to freshen the tent.

2 Hot Sponge Wipe (Mild Mildew Odor)

Take precaution in using harsh chemicals that can strip the waterproof sealant from the tent canvas.  Often, using hot water in combination with open air and direct sunlight will be sufficient to remove the odor.  Draw a bucket of warm water and apply a damp sponge to the interior and exterior surface of the tent.  Provide sufficient time for the entire interior and exterior of the tent to dry before repacking the tent within it’s bag.

3 White Vinegar (Strong Mildew Odor)

This household compound is effective at cutting through mildew and rendering a tent odorless.  Additionally, unlike harsher compounds like bleach and soap detergent, it will inflict a lesser impact on the waterproof sealant within the tent’s canvas.  Mix a formula of one part white vinegar with six waters warm water and sponge down the interior and exterior of the pitched tent canvas.  Leave tent setup until all moisture has evaporated before packing away within the tent’s bag.

4 Enzyme Cleaner (Strong Mildew Odor)

Similar to white vinegar, enzyme cleaning solution works well at killing mold spores without harming the waterproof sealant within the tent’s canvas.  Pitch the tent, and mix a formula of enzyme cleaning solution and warm water in equal parts.  Using a sponge wipe down the interior and exterior of the tent and leave tent setup until all of the moisture has air dried from the canvas.

Smell Prevention & Precautions

1 Dry Before Storing

Once you return from your trip, remove your tent from it’s bag and setup within direct sunlight on a clear day.  As an added step you can use warm water to scrub down the inside and outside of the tent as outline above.  Allow moisture to air dry from canvas before repacking tent and storing within a cold and dry location.

2 No Detergents

The use of detergent soaps and bleach will have the effect of leaving residues within the fabric that will not go away.  It has the additional effect of the weakening the waterproof sealant within the canvas, and can lead to the tent’s inability to provide shelter from rain.


How to Get Smell Out of Vibrams

Vibrams FiveFingers are a wonderful shoe for barefoot running, aquatic sports and even trekking.  They’re fantastic at molding to the shapes and curves of feet, and often develop an odor because of this. Vibrams cannot be worn with socks, and this often results in the accumulation of a foot’s sweat, oils and dead skin particles.


Once a smell develops, it is important to follow specific steps to remove the odor to ensure that the smell does not return. The following deodorizing suggestions can help in adding freshness back within your Vibrams and return them to normal.


Vibram FiveFingers Smell Solutions


1 Sun & Open Air

Although this not a complete solution to  removing bacteria based foot odors within Vibrams, ultraviolet rays and fresh air have been proven to reduce odors within the FiveFingers. Try combining this practice with the below solutions to achieve increased freshness.


2 Detergent Wash

Vibrams are washing machine safe. However, before placing them within the washer, further preventative measures can be taken by placing them within an enclosed pillowcase. This will allow soap and other cleaning solutions in and will help in shielding the Vibrams from much of the turbulence and friction within the washer.  As a final measure, switch the washing machine to hot water so that the Vibram’s material expands and allows easy access for the deodorizing detergent.


3 Freeze Them

Freezing the Vibrams for 24 hours or more will have the effect of the killing the bacteria within the shoes.  Place Vibram FiveFingers within an ziplock bag, place within freezer. Return a day later to remove the Vibrams from the freezer bag and place outside in direct sunlight to thaw out.


4 Baking Soda

This household ingredient is highly effective at absorbing odors from Vibrams.  Create a formula of one part baking soda and five parts water and soak Vibrams.  Be sure to soak within the mixture immediately after you get home to prevent the bacteria from growing and becoming more entrenched within the shoe.  Alternatively, you can also wash the Vibrams within the washing machine (enclosed within a tied pillowcase) and add a full cup of baking soda to the washing cycle.  This extra addition will usually be all that is needed to give the Vibram Five Fingers the extra deodorizing boost that is required.


5 White Vinegar

The acid within white vinegar is a powerful tool at cutting through unpleasant odors within Vibrams.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar and three parts water.  Soak the Vibrams within the solution for 30-60 minutes before removing to air dry in direct sunlight.  Likewise, you can wash the Vibrams within a enclosed pillowcase and add in a full cup of white vinegar to give a deodorizing boost to the detergent wash cycle.


6 Hydrogen Peroxide

This solution effective at eating though bacteria that produces odor.  Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with five parts water and soak Vibrams for 30-60 minutes.  In addition to deodorizing the footwear, this compound will lighten stains within the fabric lining.


7 Brewed Coffee

This morning brew can make a positive impact in removing odors from Vibrams.  The chemical compound works to deodorize and leave a subtle coffee aroma within the shoes.  Make two cups of coffee, allow to chill and pour within a large tupperware container.  Add the Vibram FiveFingers to the container and seal closed.  After 3-4 hours, return to remove the Vibrams from the contain and wash under the faucet to remove coffee residue.  Finish by placing within direct sunlight to air dry.  As a note of precaution, only use this method on black or brown Vibrams, as coffee can otherwise lead to undesired stains within the footwear.


8 Lemon Juice

The citric acid within lemons and other citrus fruit can have a positive effect in removing odor from the Vibrams.  Mix a solution of one part lemon juice, five parts warm water and a teaspoon of dish detergent.  Soak Vibrams within mixture for 3-4 hours before removing to place within direct sunlight to air dry.


Vibrams Product Smell Solutions


1 Soak with Efferdent Tablets

This product is normally used to cut through bacteria within dentures, but doubles as a deodorant for Vibram FiveFingers.  The Vibram website recommends using this product to eliminate tough odors that develop within the FiveFingers.  Place Vibrams within a large tupperware container, fill with water and add 1-2 tablets.  Allow 1-2 hours to pass before removing the Vibrams to air dry.


2 Apply Nature’s Miracle

Like many enzyme cleaners, this solution works well by harnessing active enzymes to eat through bacteria and unwanted organic residues.  Mix a solution of Nature’s Miracle and water in equal parts and place Vibrams within formula for 2-3 hours to deodorize.


3 Use Oxiclean

Beside cleaning, Oxiclean can have a strong impact on unwanted odors.  Add a scoop of Oxiclean within water and place Vibram FiveFingers within the solution.  After 30-45 minutes remove Vibrams to air dry.  Conversely, Oxiclean can be added to a detergent wash to give Vibram’s Fivefingers and extra kick during the washing machine cycle.


How to Get Smell Out of Toms Shoes

Toms Shoes represent a wonderful cross between a shoe and slipper. It is exactly this balance that presents a problem, as many people prefer to wear their Tom’s without socks. When worn without socks, sweat, oils and dead skin can build up and odorous bacteria can triumph.


Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to return freshness to Toms Shoes. By following some of the below suggestions, foot odors can be lifted out and prevented from returning.


TOMS Smell Removal Solutions

1 White Vinegar

This chemical compound is widely used for breaking down the odors within the household.  Put your Tom shoes within a pillow case and tie the end.  Place within the washing machine and begin a cold detergent wash cycle.  While the water is filling with water, add in a cup of white vinegar to give an extra boost to the wash.  After the wash has completed, remove the shoes and place in direct sunlight to air dry.  Take precaution to avoid using the dryer as this could potentially lead to shrinking of the shoe.


2 Baking Soda

This household substance works fantastic at absorbing foot related odors. Place shoes within a pillow case, tie the end and place within the washing machine.  After adding normal detergent, measure a half cup of baking soda and run the wash cycle on cold.  After completion, air dry in direct sunlight and avoid use of drying machine.


3 Shower With Them On

This is a fun and effective solution to removing odor from your Toms.  Place Toms on before entering the shower, and proceed within the shower as normal.  For an added effect, you can apply some shampoo to each shoe, making sure to rub it in and rinse them to remove the soapy formula.  After showering, keep the shoes on throughout your day.  Within a 4-5 hours, they should be completely dry and smelling fresh.


4 Walk Odor Out with Baking Soda + Baby Powder

When smells develop, you can simply walk the odor out with the aid of baking soda and baby powder.  Mix a powder formula of baking soda and baby powder, and pour within a container to be kept in an easily accessible location.  Before using Toms, scoop a teaspoon of this powder and place within each shoe.  As you walk the baby powder will absorb new sweat, and the baking soda will neutralize the long-lasting odors with the Toms.


5 Freeze Them

Freezing the shoes will have an effect of killing the odorous bacteria within the shoes.  Place the Toms within a ziplock bag and place within a freezer for 48-72 hours.  After 2-3 days, remove them from the zip lock bag and place within direct sunlight for 1-2 hours to thaw out.


6 Coffee Grounds

This remedy works fantastic at absorbing odors and replacing them with a subtle coffee aroma.  Place two coffee filters on the counter, and pour half a cup of coffee grounds within each.  Strategically bring the edges of the coffee filter together and fasten each with a rubber band.  Next, place the coffee ground enclosed filter balls within the end of each shoe, and place shoes within an enclosed paper bag.  After 48-72 hours have passed, return to remove the freshen Toms and place back into use.


7 Anti-Monkey Butt

This is a fun new product that can help in deodorizing your shoes.  Pour a small portion of this product within each shoe, and give it a good shake allowing the powder to cover the interior of the shoe.   Provide 24-48 hours for the powder to set in before knocking the product powder out from the interior of the Toms shoes.



How to Get Smell Out of Hair

Within any given day, a smell can develop within one’s hair.  Like any fiber, hair accumulates residues, oils and smoke fumes.  When the smell develops within hair follicles, it can be quite unpleasant and can act as a constant annoyance.


Fortunately, there exists several solutions for removing odors and freshening hair.  By following the below solutions, you can remove any hair stench and free your follicles from odor.


Hair Deodorizing Solutions


1 Hair Down

When hair is tied within a bun, odor becomes locked in and does not have an opportunity to escape. Placing your hair down frees the individual strands and allows fresh air to sweep through and carry unwanted odors away.


2 Direct Sunlight

The UV rays of the sun can work well in drying out and neutralizing residues within follicles to render them odorless.  Spending 45 to 60 minutes within direct sun will have a freshening impact on any odor found within your hair.


3 Fresh Air

Spending time outside can be very beneficial to odorous follicles.  The fresh breeze and open space will work to lift off much of the unwelcome smells.  If you don’t have access a shower, aim to spend a minimum of an hour outside with you hair down.


4 Wash Again

It may sound simplistic, but washing hair a second time within the shower can have the effect of lifting out residual odors that weren’t eliminated during the first use of shampoo.  If you can tell an odor particularly bad, be sure to shampoo hair, then rinse and repeat.


5 Apple Cider Vinegar

Many naturalists regularly substitute shampoo for apple cider vinegar due to it’s powerful cleaning effects.  Mix a solution of apple cider vinegar and shampoo within a cup and bring within the shower.  Proceed to apply to hair and provide a minimum of 2-3 minutes for the chemicals to work their magic.  The vinegar will have the positive effect of stripping the odor producing residues to freshen the hair.


6 Baking Soda Paste

This household powder works wonders at absorbing odors.  Mix a paste solution of water and baking soda in equal parts within a cup.  Bring cup within the shower and apply to hair.  Provide 3-5 minutes for the the baking soda to pull the unwelcome odor from your locks.  After this time has passed, rinse baking soda paste out and enjoy freshened follicles.


7 Lemon Squeeze

The citric acid within citrus fruit can cut through smelly residues and add a nice sheen to hair.  Mix a solution of your normal shampoo and lemon juice in equal parts and apply to hair during shower.  Provide 2-3 minutes for the formula to set in before rinsing out from hair


8 Vodka Spray

This party drink drys odorless and is highly effective at lifting unwanted smells from hair.  Pour a small amount of vodka within a spray bottle and spritz down hair from all angles. Allow 5-15 minutes for the alcohol to evaporate, and leave hair smelling fresh.


9 Febreze It

This product is fantastic on short notice.  Spray hair down from multiple angles and provide 10-20 minutes for the solution to air dry away.  If smelly hair is a regular occurrence, consider placing Febreze in strategic location within the office, car and home to use on a moments notice.


How to Get Smell Off a Cat

As much as we love our playful feline companions, they have a way of getting neck deep within some sticky situations.  When this happens, residue can build up within the cat’s fur and create an unpleasant stench.

Fortunately, there remain several things that can be done to help in washing the cat and removing odorous residues.  By following the below tips, you can be sure that your cat will be squeaky clean and smelling fresh.


Smell Removal Solutions


1 Prepare for Wash

It is important to get everything ready within the bathroom in advance of bathing the cat.  This will ensure that the entire cleaning goes smoothly without any unexpected events. Fill the bathtub with 3-4 inches of warm water, place a towel on the flooring of the bath to aid the cat’s footing and have a bucket and cat shampoo on hand.


2 Disarm Your Kitty

Before washing your cat, take some defensive measure before the process begins.  File down it’s claws to ensure that if it does swat at you, it’s nails will be so dull that they will not be successful at drawing blood.


3 Protect Yourself

Cats are not very fond of baths and will often resist the getting wet at all costs.  With this in mind, it is important to wear long sleeve shirts or long sleeve water resistant gloves to ward off bites and swats from the feline’s paws.


4 Firm Grip

It is important that you hold your cat firmly to prevent it from slipping loose.  Should your cat have the chance to break free, it will seize the moment to bolt out from the bathroom.  Additionally, be careful not to hold too tightly as this may constrict the cat’s ability to breathe properly.


5 Soak Cat

Bring cat within the bathroom and place it within the water.  Using the bucket, soak the cat from head to tail in the warm water while holding the cat in place.  During this stage be sure that all large debris are cleansed from the kitten’s fur, allowing the shampoo to have a greater effect.


6 Shampoo Cat

Once the cat has been completely soaked, proceed in applying cat shampoo within it’s fur.  During application be sure to rub the shampoo into the affected areas and to take precaution not to get any soap in the cat’s eyes, nose or mouth.


7 Dry Cat

To dry cat, remove from water and wrap within a medium sized towel.  Begin blot drying cat from all sides to ensure that the vast majority of the moisture is pulled from the cat’s fur. After the cat has been blot dried, let the cat loose within the house.  However, take precaution to keep the cat indoors until it’s coat has completely dried off. If the cat continues to smell immediately after the bath, it may be wise to contact a local veterinarian.


How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Stuffed Animals

Kids love to hug them, sleep with them, and take them wherever they go. Unfortunately, because stuffed animals get so much of our children’s attention, they can easily develop a mildew odor.

There are things that can be done to add freshness back within your child’s stuffed animal. By applying some of the below tips, you can be assured that the stuffed animal’s odor will be removed and will not return anytime soon.

Stuffed Animal Smell Removal Solutions

1 Color-Safe Bleach

Color-safe bleach provides protection for the stuffed animal’s colors while working to ensure the eradication of any existing mold spore.  Place the stuffed animal within a pillow case, tie the end, and place within the washing machine.  Measure a normal cup of color safe bleach and add within the washer before running an entire cycle.  After the  completion of the wash, place within the dryer and run on gentle.

2 White Vinegar

This household substance is the best solution for cutting through mildew within a stuffed animal.  The chemicals work to eat through mold spores and lift off residual odor.  Put the stuffed animal within an enclosed pillowcase and place within the washing machine.  Use normal detergent and add 1-2 cups of white vinegar to normal rinse.  After wash has completed, place within a gentle drying cycle.

3 Baking Soda

This powder works wonders at absorbing odors and freshening musty stuffed animals.  Measure a full cup of baking soda and pour within a sealed trash bag along with stuffed animal.  Give the bag a heavy shake and place aside for 24-48 hours. After 1-2 days have passed, return to remove the stuffed animal and shake off the baking soda.

4 Fabric Softener Sheets

This is a quick solution to freshening any small-medium sized stuffed animal.  Place 2-4 fabric softening sheets within the dryer along with a musty smelling stuffed animal.  Close the door and run the dryer on a delicate setting for 15-30 minutes before removing the stuffed animal for a smell test.  If the smell persists, place the stuffed animal back within the dryer and run for another 15-30 minutes.

5 Febreze

If the odor within the stuff animal is mild, using Febreze can be an effective solution.  Heavily spray down the stuffed animal and provide 3-4 hours for the moisture to air dry.  Once dry, return the freshened stuffed animal back within your child’s hands.

Photo credit: Pete Toscano


How to Get Smell Out of Ferret

Though ferrets make for wonderful companions, they can carry a foul smell when they are not properly cared for. The funk can cover them from head to toe, and distribute a pungent fume throughout the household.

By taking simple actions, you can eliminate ferret odor and ensure that it does not create an unwanted stench within the household.  The following tips will help in freshening the ferret and meeting the objective of an odor-free home.

Ferret Deodorizing Solutions


1 Neuter Your Ferret

Desexing a ferret with a simple operation at your neighborhood veterinarian can help in removing much of the smell that a ferret produces.  The odor causing hormones that ferrets emit are heavily reduced after they have had this simple operation.


2 De-scent Your Ferret

Having your ferret de-scented means having the ferret’s anal glands surgically removed at your local veterinarian.  The glands have a way of leaking out smell residues throughout the home, within their bedding and around their cage.  Without these glands, much of their odor producing capabilities will be minimized.


3 Keep Indoors

Odors from your ferret often depend upon whether it’s an indoor or outdoor ferret.  If the ferret is kept indoors, there remain less potential for them to develop smelly outdoor residues that may accumulate within their fur.


4 Change & Wash Bedding

Change & Wash Bedding Be sure that you change and wash the ferrets bedding.  By doing this twice a week, you can prevent your ferrets natural residues from building and becoming stagnant.  In short, washing twice a week will help avoid a smelly ferret situation.


5 Change Litter Box

Change the litter box every 24-48 hours to remove the any unwanted ferret dropping smells.  As an added measure, you can use a natural enzyme cleaning solution to spray down the empty litter box before refilling with new ferret litter.  Doing these actions will help in controlling the smells that develop within this box.


6 They Are What They Eat

Ferrets are what they eat.  Be sure to feed them ferret specific natural foods.  Resist the urge to feed them fish or food that is made for cats.  Proper diet will help in balanced and effective approach to have them smelling fresh again.


7 Don’t Bathe Often

Resist the urge to bathe the ferrets too often.  Bathing a ferret can have the unwanted effect of turning their glands into overdrive to compensate for loosing their scent.  If they are bathed too often, they will smell rather unpleasant shortly after being shampooed.  Should you need to bath your ferret be sure that they are washed with ferret specific shampoo to minimize unwanted effects.


8 Female Over Males

Males are known to smell more than female ferrets.  If you are in the market for purchasing a ferret, you may want to consider selecting a less odorous female ferret.


How to Get Urine Smell Out of Concrete

When nighttime activities take a turn for the worse, public urination is almost always part of the activities. A night of carefree marksmanship can be fun, even though the reality of deodorizing urine from a concrete driveway is nowhere as enjoyable.

Fortunately, there are several functions that can be performed to remove the urine stench from a concrete slab. By following the below tips, you can be sure that your concrete will be smelling fresh and free of unwelcome urine aromas.

Concrete Smell Removal Solutions

1 White Vinegar

The acid within white vinegar helps to neutralize the ammonia base within urine. Pour a puddle of white vinegar over the origins of the urine spill.  While pouring ensure that all affected areas of concrete are covered by the chemical solution.  Initially, the concrete will smell sharply of vinegar, and will eventually become odorless as the moisture evaporates.

2 Kitty Litter

This substance is highly effective at absorbing a variety of urine odors.  Simply sprinkle heavy quantities over the affected concrete and provide 24-48 hours for the cat litter to absorb the unwanted smell.  Once 1-2 days have passed, return to sweep up the cat litter from the freshened concrete.

3 Hydrogen Peroxide

This chemical helps to cut through urine odors and provides an added benefit of removing stains from concrete flooring.  Pour a puddle of hydrogen peroxide over the affected area of the concrete.  Provide 24-48 hour for the substance to freshen the concrete and evaporate away.

4 Baking Soda

This household substance works wonders at absorbing unwanted odors. Pour heavy amounts of baking soda on top of the location of the spill.  Ensure that you provide a minimum of 24 hours before returning to sweep it off the concrete.

5 Enzyme Cleaner

This formula is fantastic at cutting through urine organics within concrete to remove odor. The active enzymes eat at the odor producing urine resides and leave the concrete smelling fresh.  Pour the enzyme cleaner on top of the location of the urine spill and allow the moisture to air dry away.  This cleaner can be purchased at pet stores and most super markets.

6 Concrete Sealer

When nothing is working to remove the odor, you can seal it within the concrete.  Doing this will also have the benefit of preventing the build of of odors within the future.


How to Get Sweat Smell Out of Bra

During the warmer months of the year, sweat can build within women’s chests and odor can develop within bras. This is an inconvenient truth, and often requires additional steps to deodorize the undergarments.

Fortunately, there exist a range of solutions for removing the the odor while at home or within the work place. By following the below solutions, you can rest assured that the unpleasant odors will be resolved and prevented within the future.

Bra Smell Solutions

1 Warm Water

Check your bras tag, and wash the bra within the highest limitation of heat. Washing with hot water will help with opening up the fabric stitching to provide easier access for the laundry detergent.  The more access the detergent has, the more impact the cleaning solution can have on the sweat odor within the bra’s fabric fiber.

2 White Vinegar

This household ingredient can help in giving a freshening boost while laundering a bras.   Create a solution of one part white vinegar and three parts water within the sink.  Allow bras to soak in formula for 10 minutes before transitioning them within the washing machine for a normal detergent wash.  Adding the additional step of soaking the bra within vinegar is often enough to eliminate any sweat related odor.

3 Baking Soda

This substance has great powers for absorption of household odors.  Within a normal detergent wash, measure a cup of baking soda and add within the wash cycle.  This additional substance can help in neutralizing any remaining sweat smell within bras.

Bra Product Solutions

1 Febreze Laundry Odor Eliminator

This new product works well in treating and eliminating body odors within a variety of clothing.  It can be used alone or applied in tandem with normal laundry detergent in deodorizing sweat smells within bras.  Though it is often difficult to obtain, people who have used it swear by it’s effectiveness to eliminate sweat related odors.

2 Oxiclean

This product also works well at eliminating odors within a bra fabrics.  Develop a solution within the kitchen sink and soak bras within the substance for a minimum of 30 minutes before placing within a normal detergent wash.

Bra Odor Prevention

1 Antiperspirant

Several women have found that they can prevent sweat smell from developing by applying the inside of their bras with a light coat of antiperspirant.  Similar to it’s effect within armpits, this deodorant will work to ensure that smell does not develop within the breasts and bra.

2 Baby Powder

As a preventative step, applying baby powder within the inside of bras before wearing them will help in the absorption of sweet throughout the day.  This gentile powder will ensure that excessive moisture does not accumulate and bodily odors do not develop.
