How to Get Smell Out of Sleeping Bag

Sleeping bags are a essential part of the camping experience. When they smell bad, they can put a damper on your backpacking trip and cause great discomfort during sleep.

There are a variety of smells that can develop within a bag and often require different treatments. Fortunately, there exist several solutions that can be used to neutralize the funk within your camp sack, and have it smelling fresh again.

Deodorizing Solutions for Sleeping Bag

1 Inside Out & Hang in Sun

The combination of fresh air and UV rays can go a long ways to neutralizing odor within a sleeping bag. Make sure that you flip bag inside out if the smells origins are coming from the interior of the bag. Next, find a nice spot in direct sunlight to hang the bag and allow for it to aerate. Allow the bag to hang for a minimum of 8 hours to allow the odors to naturally be carried away.

2 Grass & Sun

For an additional boost, you can lay the sleeping bag across the lawn. The chlorophyl within the grass will work to neutralize the odor in combination the the sun’s UV rays.  Place the sleeping bag in direct sunlight for a minimum of 8 hours.  Within the middle of the day, it’s advisable to flip the sleeping bag so the the underside can receive some UV rays.

3 White Vinegar Spray & Hang

This compound is highly effective and is used across a wide range of odor issues within a household.  Flip the bag so that the affect areas are exposed and spray down the affected areas of the sleeping bag with a formula on water and white vinegar in equal proportions.  Hang sleeping bag out side to allow the combination of white vinegar and open space lift the unwanted odor from the fabric.

4 Baking Soda

This solution is a great formula for odor absorption.  Flip bag so that the odor affecting the bag is located on the inside of the sack.  Measure a 1-2 cups of baking soda and pour within the sleeping bag.  Close the sack and shake the bag to allow for the powder to cover the entire interior of the sack.  Roll bag up and allow for it to sit for 48-72 hours before returning to open the bag and sake the powder free of the bag.

5 Vodka Spray & Hang

This party drink works wonders doubling as a deodorizer.  The alcohol within vodka neutralizes a wide range of smells and dries away odorless. Pour vodka within a spray bottle and mist down the entire affected area of the bag.  Hang the bag outside for 1-2 hours to allow for the alcohol to quickly evaporate off.

6 Activated Charcoal

If you have the time, this solution be highly effective at absorbing an unwanted odor within your sleeping bag.  Place several activated charcoal briquettes within used nylon leggings and put them within the sleeping bag.  Roll sleeping bag up and put aside for 5-7 days.  After a week has passed, simply remove the nylon enclosed charcoal briquettes and enjoy the freshened sleeping bag.

7 Dry Cleaners

If you are tight on time and don’t mind paying for to have the bag treated, you can take your sleeping bag to the dry cleaners to have the odor removed.  You can rest assured that the funk will be removed and that the bag will be returned to normal.


How to Get Smell Out of Dog

Even the cutest dog is unpleasant to be around when they are not smelling good.  Several dogs develop district odors take hold of a house and car and leave them smelling of musty dog dander.

Fortunately, there exists a range of things that can be done to remove the doggy odor.  The following tips can help in adding freshness back within you canine and making sure an odor never returns.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Take Dog to Veterinarian

 When a dog is smelly, it is often a sign that it is experiencing a health problem.  Before taking preventable action to cover the smell, it is important to bring your canine companion to the veterinarian to get a check up.  A dog should get checked up on annually, so you may consider alining this with your next visit.


2 Shampoo Monthly

A dog should be shampooed at least once a month to ensure that unwanted dander does not build up.  If the residues and dander are not able to build up, it will help in reducing a smell from developing within the dog.  To ensure that no odor develops, wet the dog down from head to toe and apply a gentle dog shampoo over the entire dog. Take precaution while shampooing your dog’s head as they do not appreciate when it gets within their eyes.


3 Clean Dog’s Ears

Be sure to check the dog’s ears.  Make sure the fur is not abnormal or a strange color as this can be indicative of an ear infection.  Be sure that the ears are regularly cleaned with the dogs normal shampoo.


4 Brush Dog’s Teeth

Similar to people, dogs can develop gum disease and bad breathe when they do not take proper steps to maintaining good oral health.  Using dog toothpaste, make sure that you brush your dog’s teeth once a week to ward off any oral issue that might develop.  You can further supplement this regimen by giving your dog daily doggy mints.


5 Doggy Cologne

Dog cologne may seem a bit outlandish, however several manufacturers already exist who produce it within a wide range of scents.  If you would like to freshen your pooch with a customized scent you can do so on a daily basis with a specialized scent.


How to Get Smell Out of Old Books

Old books have load of character and can tell a story in more way than one.  Often, the older the book is, the more that becomes sought after.  Despite their appeal, many old books do carry an unfortunate musty stench.


This mildew odor can often be unpleasant and distract the reader from the content being read. By following the  below tips, you can rest assured that the odor will be wiped away and will not return anytime soon.


Smell Removal Solutions


1 Cat Litter

Cat litter has more than one use, and can work wonders as an odor absorbant for musty booksPlace cat liter within a large ziplock bag and add a full cup of cat litter before sealing it.  Provide a minimum of 48-72 hours before returning to remove the freshened book from the the bag


2 Microwave It

This may sound like a strange solution for removing musty odors from an old book, but it remains highly effective.  The microwaves cut through the microorganisms producing the odor and work to kill them off.  Place the book within the microwave at 20 second intervals taking breaks to smell to book to ensure that the odor has been zapped away.  As a note of caution, be sure that the books do not contain any form of metal as this can lead to destruction and fire hazard within the microwave.


3 Fabric Softener Sheets

Fabric softener sheets work well as bringing fresh to clothing, and have a similar result when applied to old books.  Place five dryer sheet strategically throughout the pages of a the old book and place book within a enclosed ziplock bag.  Allow the book to sit for 5-7 days before removing the book and taking the freshened dryer sheets out.


4 Baking Soda

This household substance is highly effective in absorbing unwanted odors within books.  Place a the old book and a cup of baking soda within an a enclosed ziplock bag and place for a few days.  After 48-72 hours have passed, return to remove the freshened book and brush off remaining baking soda over the sink.


5 Sunlight

The power of UV rays and open space can do wonders at eliminating musty old smells within books.  On a sunny day, take book outside and place within sun ensuring to weigh the book open so that all the pages can freely receive air.  Make adjustments if the pages are weak, as this can lead to tearing and being carried away with wind.  As a note of precaution, if the book is of great value prolonged UV rays can lead to harmful deterioration of the book.


6 Bleach

Bleach is a strong compound for disinfecting surfaces and removing odors.  Mix a small solution of one part bleach and three parts water and moisten a paper towel within the mixture.  Lightly apply the formula to the surface, binding and corners of the book.  Allow 20-30 minutes for book to air dry before putting into use.  Avoid this technique if the book is of value, as it could lead to minor lightening or deterioration of cover.


7 Freezer

Similar to the microwave, the freezer deprives the microorganisms of a hospitable environment to live.  The cold temperature of the freezer slowly kills the mold spore and eventually leave the book smelling fresh.  Place the old book within a ziplock bag and place within the freezer for an entire week. After 5-7 days, return to remove the freshened book and put into use.


8 Citronella Essential Oil  or Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Both of these oils work well at masking the musty smell of old books.  Damped a cloth and apply a teaspoon of either of these formulas.  Using the cloth, wipe down the cover, corners, and along the ends of the pages.  Allow 30 minutes to dry before putting into use.


How to Get Fish Smell Out of Microwave

Microwaves have been a revolutionary item of modern living.  However, when people try their luck at heating fish it often ends in disaster.  The stench of fish odor left behind can be very potent and is not easily removed.

Fortunately, there do exist household solutions for neutralizing odor and adding a bit of freshness within the microwave oven.  By following the below odor removal tips you can increase your odds of eliminating this fishy funk.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Baking Soda

This substance is known for it ability to add freshness and absorb household odors.  Mix a solution of one part baking soda and three parts water within a bowl and place within the microwave.  Heat bowl for several minutes and allow for it to steam within the confined space.  Finish by returning two hours later to wipe down the walls of the microwave.

2 White Vinegar

This compound works fantastic at cleaning and neutralizing fish odors.  Create a formula of one part white vinegar and three parts water and pour within a microwave safe bowl.  Place bowl within the microwave and run for several minutes until the mixture within the bowl has covered the walls of the microwave.  Allow for the residue to set in for an hour before returning to wipe down the inside of the microwave.

3 Lemon Juice

The citric acid within lemons is highly effective at cutting through unwanted fish odors and freshening up a microwave.  Mix a solution of lemon juice and water in equal part within a microwave safe bowl.  Run microwave until the walls have been covered in moisture, and allow a minimum of an hour for the lemon juice to work it’s magic.  After this time has passed, return to wipe down the microwave with a dish towel.

4 Real Vanilla Extract

This extract is very potent and can cover a fish odor with a pleasant aroma.  Mix a solution of one part vanilla extract with five part water within a microwave safe bowl.  Place bowl within the microwave and run for 3-4 minutes until the walls of the microwave have been covered with moisture.  After an hour has passed, return to wipe remaining moisture from the interior.

5 Brewed Coffee

This household brew can double as an excellent solution for removing fish odor.  Brew two cups of coffee and heat further within the microwave to cover walls with warm coffee moisture.  Finally, return after an hour and wipe down the walls with a dish towel.

6 Dish Towel & Dish Detergent

Hot water and dish detergent can be a simple solution for removing odor from the inside of a microwave.  Dampen a dish towel and infuse the towel with two teaspoons of dish detergent.  Place wet towel within the microwave and run for 3-4 minutes until the interior walls are covered with moisture.  Return within 30 minutes to wipe down remaining moisture.

7 Bleach

This chemical has the ability to cut through odors and sterilize surfaces.  Mix a small solution of one part bleach and four parts hot water.  Using a rag, wipe down all of the surfaces within the microwave ensuring that no area is left untouched.


How to Get Roadkill Smell Off Car

Roadkill is often unavoidable part of driving long distances.  Dead or alive, these wild critters are decimated from tire’s and flung up on the underside of a cars mechanics.


While the thought of this can be horrific, and the act of cleaning the rotting flesh from the car’s underside can be worse.  By following the steps outlined below, you can be assured that you will be able to remove these unwelcome odors and add a bit if freshness within your car’s exterior.


Smell Removal Solutions


1 Wash Quickly

Use a garden hose immediately after running over the roadkill to wash the critter parts from the car.  The longer you wait, the more attached the bits will get to the car’s exterior.  Additionally, by washing it within 24 hours, you will not need to wait for the bits to begin to smell as they begin to decay.


2 Pressure Hose

If the bits and pieces are presenting a challenge to remove, a pressure hose can be applied to the underside of the carriage to strip them off.  Wear a waterproof poncho, boost the car up by utilizing a car lift, and spray down all of the nasty areas.  Take precaution to avoid spraying the engine compartment, as this can lead to loosening of wires and hoses within this area.


3 Wait It Out

Once bits of meat have taken hold of the underside of a car, it can be very challenging to get it off.  If cleaning becomes to challenging, you can simply wait it out until all of the meat dries and rots away.  This process usually takes between 1-2 months to happen.


4 Car Cleaners

Taking your automobile is to the car cleaners is a great option if you are short on time, afraid of critter guts, or on a road trip.  This option does cost  more than some of the other options, but you can have the comfort that your car has been professionally cleaned and deodorized.


Skunk Roadkill Smell Removal


1 Tomato Soap

Mix a bucket of hot tomato soap and begin scrubbing down the affected areas of your car.  Be sure that you have given it a thorough spray down in advance to minimize the amount of personal contact with these off-putting residues.  Waiting out skunk odor is not advised, as the smell can last up to 6 months after the critters have been run over.



2 Deskunking Formula

To avoid the staining side-effects of using tomato soap, you can use a deskunking formula to removal the unwanted odor.  Mix a quart of hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup of baking soda and a teaspoon of dish detergent. Similar to the tomato soap, spray down the car, and proceed to scrub down the affected areas with the solution.


How to Get Fish Smell Out of Carpet

When fish odors get within carpet there is usually a story to tell.  Whether the fish were freshly caught or fully cooked they both have the effect of emitting an unpleasant  pungent odor that is not easily removed from any surface.

Carpet presents an added challenge for such a smell as the many fibers make the the removal of odors quite challenging.  Fortunately, there exist several ingredients within the average household that will work in the elimination of unwanted fish stink.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Treat Quickly

It is important that the carpet is treated immediately after the fish juice spill is made.  This will help prevent the juices from getting too deep within the carpeting and the underlying padding.

2 White Vinegar

After cleaning the carpet, white vinegar can be employed to neutralize the odors lingering within the carpet fiber.  Mix water and white vinegar in equal parts and proceed to pour the formula over the area of the spill. Provide 24-48 for the formula to set in and neutralize the odor.  After a day or two, return to blot dry this location with a dry towel and open window to speed the air drying process.

3 Baking Soda

After the area of the spill has been cleaned with carpet shampoo or dish detergent, retrieve baking soda and pour in heavy quantities over the location of the spill.  Baking soda has long been used for it’s absorption powers of smelly odor such like fish juices.  Allow 24-48 hours for the the powder to absorb all of the unwelcome aroma before returning to vacuum the baking soda from the carpeting.

4 Enzyme Cleaner

This substance works wonders at eliminating organic fish odors.  It harnesses the power of active enzymes which slowly eat through organic fish juice residues that remain within the carpeting fiber.  Pour a large portion on the location of the spill and provide 24-48 hours for the active enzymes to work their magic.  After this time has passed, return to blot dry the remaining cleaning moisture from the carpeting.

5 Rubbing Alcohol

The alcohol within rubbing alcohol works well at sterilizing organics and neutralizing odors.  Create a formula of rubbing alcohol and water in equal parts, and pour it over the location of the spills.  After 24 hours has passed, you can blot dry any remaining moisture from the carpeting.


How to Get Chlorine Smell Out of Skin

After swimming within the pool, skin usually develops a distinct chemical odor. While swimming can be a great experience, no one want the smell of the water to follow them throughout the remainder of their day.

Fortunately, there exist several guidelines that can be followed to ensure the removal of chlorine from skin tissue.  By follow the below tip, you can be assured that your skin will be smelling fresh and free from chlorine.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Wash After Swimming

It is very important that chlorine is washed of skin immediately after getting out of the pool.  Ideally, strive to rinse off all chlorine from skin before the pool water has had a chance to dry.

2 Hot Water

Using hot water within the shower will help in opening pores and allowing fresh water and soap easier access.  This will ensure that the odor is more effectively wiped away than a normal warm shower.

3 Body Soap

In most cases, regular body soap is enough to eliminate the chlorine smell within your skin.  Often soaping down skin and rinsing more than once can help in washing away any residual odor within the shower.

4 Chlorine Removal Soap

If you’re a regular swimmer, you may wish to purchase specialized body soap for removing chlorine from your skin.  These product work better at removing the chemical odor and have the added effect of making the skin softer.

5 Lemon Juice

Citrus fruit like lemon carry high quantities of citric acid which work to strip the skin clean of other chemical toxins.  Squeeze half a lemon within a cup and gently rub the juice within the skin while in the shower.

6 Apple Cider Vinegar

This household ingredient work well at neutralizing odors within skin.  Bring apple cider vinegar bottle within the shower and rub within skin.  The vinegar within this compound will work fast at eliminating any remaining chlorine smell.


How to Get Wine Smell Out of Car

Often corks are only as good as their ability to stay in place. When we forget to push cork all of the way in and the bottle is loose within the car, unfortunate spills can occur.


Such spills are usually smelt shortly after the fluids have existed the bottle and entered the upholstery of the car.  While the odor produced by wine is often difficult to remove, there are several household solutions to remove the while at home or on the road.


Smell Removal Solutions

1 White Vinegar & Dish Detergent

This combination can work well at getting deep within the car’s upholstery and neutralizing odors. Mix one part white vinegar with three parts water and add one teaspoon of dish detergent.  Dunk a rag within the solution and proceed to scrub the area of the wine spill down.


2 Baking Soda & Corn Starch

This combination is a great solution for absorbing unwanted odors.  Mix one part corn starch with three parts baking soda and pour heavily over the area of the spill.  Provide a minimum of 24 hour to set in before returning to vacuum up the remaining powder.


3 Enzyme Cleaner

This solution employs active enzymes that work to eat through unwanted odorous residues.  Buy an enzyme cleaner at your local pet store and pour on location of the spill.  Allow 24-48 hours for the solution to set in and cut through residues.  After this time period has passed, return with paper towels to blot dry any remaining moisture from the upholstery.


4 Coffee Grounds

This ingredient for morning brew posseses great capabilities for removing odors from upholstery. After washing and blot drying the location place  paper towels over the top of the location, and pour a generous amount of coffee grounds on top of the paper towels.  Provide 48-72 hours for the coffee grounds to remove the remaining smells from from the cars interior before folding up the paper towels and lifting out the coffee grounds.


5 Carpet Cleaner

Applying a carpet cleaner to the interior upholstery of a car can work well in removing the stench of wine from the interior of a car.  Simply apply extra carpeting shampoo and open windows to allow for a speedy evaporation.


6 Car Cleaners

If you have the money and are short on time, you can take your automobile to the car cleaners.  They will be able to clean the interior of you car as well as remove any remaining smell from the spilt wine.


How to Get Chlorine Smell Out of Swimsuit

Getting chlorine smell within a bathing suit is a common side effect of swimming within pools. The high volume of this chemical, causes anything that spends time within the water to residually carry this stench.

Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to remove this unwanted odor from swimwear. The following tips will help in returning freshness within your swimsuit and have it smelling chemical-free.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Hot Fresh Water

Always be sure to rinse your bathing suit with hot fresh water after immediately every swim.  This will reduce the chemical chlorine by preventing it from setting deep within the fiber.  Additionally, washing with hot water will have the added effect of expanding and opening stitching to allow the fresh water to cleanse the fabric of unwanted chlorine residue.

2 White Vinegar

Find a large bowl and pour one part white vinegar and 8 parts water within in it.  Make sure that you do not fill the bowl beyond the midpoint as the bathing suit will need to take up the remaining space.  Add bathing suit to the bowl and press suit within the formula ensuring that the fluid makes it’s way within the clothing fiber.  Finalize by removing the bathing suit from the solution and laying on a dry towel.  Roll the towel and all for the cotton fiber of the towel to absorb the remaining moisture.

3 Baking Soda

This household powder can be employed to neutralize the chlorine smell within a swimsuit.  Pour 1/4 cup of baking soda within a clean kitchen sink and fill with cold water.  Place bathing suit within the mixture for 15-30 minutes all of the baking soda to absorb the chemical smell.  After this time has passed, remove the bathing suit and place of towel and roll up until bathing suit is dry.

4 Washing Machine Boost

Begin washing machine with normal detergent and add in swimwear.  Before washing machine begins, add in a half cup of baking soda and white vinegar within the rinse cycle.  Allow washing machine to run as normal, and air dry swimwear after they have been washed.  Take caution in drying swimsuit within dryer as this can place a harmful impact on the elasticity of the items.

5 Vodka

This household beverage harness the power of alcohol to strip the chemical chlorine odors from the swimsuit.  Pour a small amount of vodka within a spray bottle and heavily spray down the bathing suit making sure that it become moist.  Finally hang the swimsuit to allow for a speedy air drying process.

6 Chlorine Resistant Swimsuit

As a preventative solution for a regular swimmer bother by content chemical odors,  purchase a chlorine resistant bathing suit. H20Wear is an example of a brand that sells an ultra chlorine resistant swimsuit.  These suits promise that they will cut down on chlorine odors after your swims.


How to Get Dead Animal Smell Off Dog

Dogs love to get mixed up in all sorts of trouble. Live or dead, they will track down critters and make dinner of their remains.  This all makes sense within the animal kingdom, but not once these activities enter the household.

Once animal residues sink within a dog’s fur, they can be quite challenging to remove.  Fortunately, several solutions exist for cleaning these frisky fluids off your dog to have them smelling fresh again.


Smell Removal Solutions

1 Wash Again

Rinsing and shampooing a dog is often not enough to removal all dead animal odors from it’s fur.  Before resorting to other solutions, try shampoo washing it a second time.  Take note to wash with a dog shampoo as human ones can be harmful to their PH balance.


2 Deskunking Shampoo Remedy

What works on skunks, work just as well on dead critter fluids caught within your canine companion’s fur.  Within a large bowl, mix a quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup of baking soda and one teaspoon of dish detergent. Wet the dog and begin shampooing the dogs fur this this household odor removal solution.  After formula has been applied multiple times, heavily rinse dog’s fur and enjoy your cleaned canine.


3 Coffee Tub

This household beverage works wonders doubling as a household deodorant. Brew 2-3 pots of coffee and pour within a large tub.  For the dog’s comfort, chill coffee by adding ice within the tub and waiting for the coffee to drop in temperature. Wash dog within bath tub and cleanse it with it’s normal shampoo. After all of the fur has been washed pour coffee half of over the entire dog and rub the coffee within it’s fur.  Repeat by pouring the remaining coffee over the dog and finish with a final shampoo to remove the coffee.  The dog will be freshened with a subtle aroma of fresh brew coffee beans.  As a note of caution, take preventative action in preventing the dog from drinking too much coffee.  Dog’s can over dose on caffeine if the they consume huge quantities of caffeinated brew.


4 Tomato Juice

This solution can be messy, however it is very effective option.  Open two large can of tomato juice and pour within a large bowl. Wash the dog within the bath tub with it’s normal shampoo, then pour the tomato juice contents over the entirety of the dog and rub within it’s fur.  During this process prevent the dog from shaking this juice off, as it can create a mess within the bathroom.  Finally, rinse the dog off and shampoo again to remove the smell of tomato juice.


5 Apple Cider Vinegar

This substance works well at striping odors from a dog’s fur.  After shampoo washing the dog with it’s normal shampoo, pour apple cider vinegar over the dog’s affected areas and rub within the fur.  Finish by shampoo washing the dog a second time to remove any remaining vinegar from the dog’s fur.
