How to Get Smell Out of Leather Jacket

Leather jackets are a great accessory for modern living and provide exceptional protection for motorcycle activities. However, once smell develops within the material, leather jackets are often very challenging to clean and deodorize.


Sweat and skin particles can often build up and produce an unwanted musty stink. Likewise, other external smells from vomit, gasoline, perfume and beverages can present there own difficulties.


Smell Removal Solutions


1 Fresh Air

A steady breeze and open space can do much to remove smell from a leather jacket.  Place the jacket on a clothes lines and allow for it to hang for at least 24 hours.  As a note of precaution, check the daily weather report to ensure that you wont be leaving your jacket out in harsh conditions.


2 Sun

Providing the jacket direct sunlight can help in neutralizing external surface odors.  Place the jacket in the sun for a minimum of 8 hours to allow the UV rays work to wipe out odor causing residue.  After a day in the sun, much of the odor will be lifted off.


3 White Vinegar

The chemical properties within white vinegar can help in cutting through odors within a leather jacket.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with five parts water, and pour within a spray bottle. Spray down the entire leather jacket ensuring that all affected areas are moist.  The leather jacket can quickly air dry by hanging it our doors for the day.


4 Vodka

This party drink can work wonders in eliminating odors within leather jackets.  The alcohol within the drink help to neutralize smell on the spot.  Spray leather jacket down, ensuring that all of the affected portions of the jacket have been misted by the substance.  Hang jacket and allow to air dry as the alcohol quickly evaporates off.


5 Baking Soda

This household ingredient has a great capacity for absorbing odors.  Place the jacket in a remote corner of a room and sprinkle heavy quantities of baking soda on top of the jacket.  Allow the baking soda to absorb the unwanted smell over the course of 5-7 days.  After a week has passed, return to take the jacket out side and shake the powder of the jacket.


6 Activated Charcoal

This substance can take time to remove odors, however with sufficient time it can be a very effective solution.  Put several activated charcoal briquettes within a pair of old nylon stockings.  Place nylon enclosed activated charcoal and leather jacket within an enclosed cardboard box for 5-7 days.  After a week has passed, return to remove freshened jacket.


7 Borax

This substance works similar to activated charcoal.  Pour borax within an open brown bag and place with leather jacket within and enclosed cardboard box.  After 5-7 days have passed, return to remove the odor-free jacket.


How to Get Cat Urine Smell Out of Hardwood Floors

With the amount of time we find our cats spending on furniture, it is surprising to find a kitty urine deposit spread across our hardwood flooring.  The quality of our hardwood floor is a valuable thing, and many people don’t know how to remove the residual odor during a post kitty urine clean-up.


Fortunately, there do exist several solutions for cleaning and neutralizing urine odor after it has seeped within the grain fiber.  By following the tips below, you increase your odds of wiping out this unwelcome aroma, and restore freshness to your hardwood flooring.


Cat Urine Smell Removal Solutions


1 White Vinegar

This solution is one of the most effective solutions for neutralizing urine odors within hard wood flooring.  The chemical properties directly combats the ammonia within urine and renders the urine odorless. Mix a formula of one part white vinegar with two parts water and pour on the hardwood flooring.  After 24 hours wipe the vinegar up and enjoy the freshened flooring.


2 Baking Soda

This household substance works for a variety of odor problems.  It effectively absorbs the odors from the wooden fiber and leaves hardwood flooring smelling fresh.  Create a mixture of one part baking soda with three part baking soda, and pour on the hardwood flooring.  Return in 24 hours to wipe up any remaining powder.


3 Hydrogen Peroxide

This chemical helps in breaking down odor creating organics within hardwood flooring.  The solution works by wiping out the odor and carries that added benefit of removing darken stains within the wood fiber.


4 Cat Litter

Similar the kitty litter box, this substance can come in handy in other areas of the house for removing urine based odors. Simply pour clean cat litter on on the locations of urine spill and provide 24-48 hours for the material to absorbe the unwelcome smell.


5 Enzyme Cleaner

Enzyme cleaners and deodorizers work fantastic at removing urine odors and usually come with a veterinary seal of approval.  The activated enzymes within the material eat through the urine organics and render the flooring odor-free.


6 Murphy’s Oil Soap

This product works wonders as cleaning and removing odor from wood.  Work the oil soap within the wood fiber and allow for the solution to sit for 24 hours.  If any remains after a day, return to wipe the product up.


7 Seal With Floor Finish

The flooring can be sealed with wood varnish when all else in ineffective.  Adding two coats of varnish will usually be effective at neutralizing the urine odor.


How to Get Mildew Smell Out of Towels

Towels are always at their best when they are dry, clean and fluffy.  They are there to dry your body and leave you fresh to begin your day.  However, when they develop a mildew smell and begin to wreak moldy cheese and mildew, they are anything but ideal.  After you’ve showered the last thing you want is for this funk to rub off!


There are several preventative tips and solutions for after your towel has developed this stink.  In following a series of tips, you can prevent the development of such an odor for future use.


Preventative Solutions

Towels often build a mildew odor while they are on a rack and the following solutions can help in preventing an odor from developing.


1 Wash Weekly

When towels are used repeatedly, they can develop a mildew smell as dead skin particles build within the fabric fiber.  If a towel is not wash at least once a week, the odor can build and become a feeding ground for mildew as it feeds from the organic matter.


2 Alternate Towels

If your towel is unable to completely dry within a 24 hour period, it is important that you begin alternating towels.  When a towel receives continued use it is likely for mildew to develop, as it will never gain the opportunity to completely dry.  Alternating towels provides a window for them to dry and prevents the odor from developing.


Washing Odor Solutions

Once a mildew odor finds it’s way within a towel, it can be very challenging the remove.  It is important to add some additional functions within the washing process to ensure that all remaining mildew residue is removed.


1 Hot Water

Setting the washing machine to the hottest setting will help in removing odors from clothing.  The hot water helps in opening the fibers and allowing detergent to penetrate the fabric and remove the mildew odor.


2 Wash Again

If the first wash is not successful at removing all of the mildew residue, simply wash it again.  As simplistic as it sound, washing the clothing a second time is often effective at removing any residue odors.


3 White Vinegar

This household substance works wonders in cutting through mildew odors, and returning towels to normal.  Measure a full cup of white vinegar and pour within a normal detergent wash.


4 Baking Soda

This powder works fantastic at absorbing unwanted smell and rendering it odorless. Pour a half cup of baking soda within a normal detergent wash.  In addition to working to remove the mildew odor, the baking soda will also make the whites whiter.


5 Bleach

If towels are white, bleach can be utilized to help remove mildew odor.  Measure a half cup of bleach and pour within a normal detergent wash.  The bleach will help in neutralizing the smell, and render the white towels odorless.


How to Get Cat Smell Out of House

We love our feline companions, but often their dander build-up can be quite overwhelming.  Upon entering the house, kitty odor can deliver a strong punch that can send some visitors reeling.  To avoid being considered a crazy old cat lady amongst your peers, a speedy odor solution is needed to minimize this pungent odor.


In this guide, there are a range of solutions provided for cutting down kitty on the accumulation of this odor.  By following the below tips, you can increase your odds of eliminating this smell and make sure that it never rears its head again.


Cat Household Solutions

The below solutions will help in eliminating cat related odors once they have developed within the household.


1 Open Windows

As a first step, opening the windows will allow for fresh air to circulate and work to carry away some of the unwanted odor.  This can also be beneficial later, as it will also allow you to better detect the source of an odor.


2 Wash Linens

If your cat commonly frequents you bed or other furniture with washable linens, be sure to run them through a detergent wash cycle.   This includes everything from bed sheets, pillow cases, couch cushion cases and any other linen which is safe to launder.


3 Clean Cat’s Favorite Furniture

On furniture that cats frequent, it is not unusually for a dander and smelly residue to accumulate.  In order to neutralize the odor within the furniture, you can use a formula of white vinegar.  Mix one part white vinegar with two parts water and spray down all of the fabric upholstery.  The vinegar will get deep within the fiber and work by cutting through the odorous residue.  Be sure to open windows within the room as the will speed the rate of evaporation.


4 Sprinkle Carpeting with Baking Soda

Cats spend countless hours on the ground, and during this time much of their hairs and dander can build within the carpeting.  When this happens baking soda can help in getting within the carpet fibers and absorbing the unwanted odors.  Lightly sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface area of the carpeting, and allow for it to set in for 24 hours.  After a day has passed, return to vacuum the powder up, leaving freshened carpeting behind.


5 Spray Vodka

This party drink can work wonders at freshening cat odors around the house.  Pour vodka within a spray bottle and mist down any locations where an odor is especially strong.  the alcohol immediately neutralizes most odors and quickly evaporates away.


Preventative Cat Odor Solutions

There are several functions that can be perform to ensure that cat odors do not develop within the home.  The following suggestions will prevent much of the need for cleaning odors from your cat.


1 Keep Cat Clean

If your cat develops odor or grim within it’s fur, it is important to wash your feline friend shortly after.  As much as they may resent you for a shampoo rinse, it will be better for your home in the long run.


2 Cover Cat’s Favorite Furniture

If your cat’s favorite spot is the couch, be certain that you’ve placed a fabric cover over this piece of furniture.  Doing this will dramatically cut down on the amount of hair and dander that can get within the upholstery.


3 Keep Cat Litter Cat Accessible & Distant

The cat litter box play a crucial role in keeping your house smelling fresh.  If it is too difficult to get to, cat are likely to urinate in areas you would not like them to.  Likewise, if it is too central within your home, the smell from the box can drift like a cloud throughout the entire house.  Ideally, place your kitty litter box in a side mud room which is central within your home but receives little foot traffic.


4 Black Light

As a final preventative function prior to visiting your local veterinarian, you can scan the carpeting for cat urine with a black light.  Be sure that all the blind have been shut and mark the urine spray with baking soda so they can be found once the blinds are opened.  If accidents are found, it is best to use enzyme carpet cleaner which works by eating through the organic residue causing odor.  For more information visit our article on cat urine within carpeting, here.


How to Get Dog Smell Out of House

Doggy odor produces a musty smell that is not easily removed from the home.  When our canine companion’s dander sets into all areas of the interior, many question whether they will ever be able to regain control of their home.


Fortunately, there exist a wide range of solutions for neutralizing our doggy odor.  In this guide, there will be a wide range of tips to bring you closer to getting the freshness back within your household.


Dog Household Solutions

The combination of the below tips will go far in removing doggy odors from any house.


1 Open Windows

The first step to removing the smell of dog within your home is allowing fresh air to circulate through it.  In the rooms in which your dog frequents, open the windows to allow air to pass through it.


2 Remove Dog Toys

Everything from the dogs tug rope to their prized bone must be gathered and placed in a remote location of the house or outside.   When the mixture of saliva and dander builds up on them, they can create an odor of their own within your living space.


3 Clean Dog’s Favorite Furniture

Furniture frequented by dogs often inherit an unwanted aroma.  In most cases,this odor can be removed by mixing a solution of one part vinegar and two parts water.  Pour the contents of this formula within a spray bottle and mist down the furniture.  Open windows within the room to speed the evaporation process.


4 Sprinkle Carpeting with Baking Soda

Dogs spend so much time on the carpeting that much of their dander rubs of on the fiber.  Baking soda can help in removing this smell through it’s power of absorption.  Sprinkle entire carpeting with a light amount of baking soda and allow for it to set in for 24 hours.  A day later, return and vacuum the the deodorizing powder from the carpeting.


5 Spray Vodka

Vodka can work wonders on a range of locations within your house.  Simply pour vodka within a spray bottle and mist down any location smelly of your canine companion.  The vodka will quickly neutralize the odor and carry it away as it evaporates.


Preventative Dog Odor Solutions

There are things that can be done to prevent the odor from taking over the entire house.  Maintenance of these select practices will insure that the odor does not gain a stronghold on the fresh air within the home.


1 Keep Dog Clean

Hygiene and the development of dander depends on the dog.  Some veterinarians recommend shampooing your dog every month to prevent regular odor from building up.  By keeping your dog odor-free, it can help in keeping your house smelling fresh.


2 Cover Dog’s Favorite Furniture

If your dog’s favorite spot is the couch, make sure that you’ve placed a fabric cover over this piece of furniture.  Doing this will save you from the laborious task of cleaning upholstery on the couch.  Fabric covers can be easily removed and cleaned within a washer and dryer cycle.


3 Dog Room

Keeping your dog restricted to certain sections of the house can help prevent the odor from flowing freely throughout all of the rooms.  If dog odor is an issue for you, restrict the dog to the areas of the house where you wont mind a smell developing.


4 Keep Dog Outside

Dogs may be cute, but you may want to train them to be an outdoor dog if odors become an issue.  Providing them with an outdoor dog house will provide shelter, and clear all dog related smell from within your house.


How to Get Cat Urine Smell Out of Mattress

We love when our kitten companions cuddle up with us in bed.  However, when they get accustomed to spending time within this location, disaster often strikes.  Our little feline friends can leave an unwelcome urine deposit, and the stretch of a musty sour smell soon follows.


When incidents like this happen, many question whether they will be able to return their mattress to it’s original state.  Fortunately, their do exist several solutions for returning the freshness to your mattress.  By following the below household tips you will be able to increase your odds of eliminating your kitty urine mattress musk.


Smell Removal Steps

Following the below instructions can help in returning a mattress to normal, and rid it of any unpleasant urine odors that may have developed.


1 Step 1: Black Light

When a cat urinates on your mattress, there is usually no misunderstanding of the location of the accident.  In the slim instance where locating urine odor is challenging, a black light can be employed in the hunt of the elusive spot.  Shut the blinds and survey the mattress with the lite black light.  Once the spots have been determined, you can sprinkle small portions of baking soda on the spots as a marker.


2 Step 2: Blot Urine

If the urine within the mattress is still moist, proceed to blot these areas to draw out the substance.  Be sure to press with the full weight of your body to ensure that the maximum amount of urine is absorbed.


3 Step 3: Water Down

Begin pouring water on the spot to fully saturate the affected area.  Once the spot has absorbed the water begin blotting the location to draw the recently applied water out.  After doing this two or three time, the potency of urine within the mattress will be steadily lowered.


4 Step 4: Enzyme Deodorizer

Pour a veterinary approved enzyme cleaning solution on the location of the kitten accident, and allow for the formula to soak deep within the mattress over the period of 12 hours.  The active enzymes within the solution will work by eating through the remaining kitten urine residue to leave freshness behind. Once the time has passed, return to the spot to blot dry the location and remove the majority of solution moisture.  Enzyme solution like Nature’s Miracle can be purchased at pet stores and most major super markets.


Alternatives to Enzyme Solution

Enzyme solution is not always as accessible as we would like.  In circumstances requiring alternatives, vinegar and baking soda work well as a deodorizing substitute.


1 Baking Soda

This household powder has been used for generations for it’s odor absorption capabilities.  Mix one part baking soda with five part hot water and pour on the location of the kitty accident.  Allow 12 hours to pass, then return to the location to press dry the majority of the moisture from the mattress.  In addition to removing the odor, the baking soda will work to brighten the fabric it comes in contact with and remove signs of the spill.


2 White Vinegar

This is a powerful tool in combating and neutralizing the ammonia odor that stems from cat urine.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar and two parts hot water and pour onto the area of the accident, making sure that it saturates deep within the padding.  Return 8-12 hours later to blot dry the spot and allow any remaining moisture to air dry off.


How to Get Smell Out of Garbage Disposal

This is undoubtedly one of the most handy household devices of the 20th century.  It makes short work of food left within the sink and introduces incredible time savings to the user.   Unfortunately, when organic bits build up within this mechanized shredder, they can develop a rather potent odor when they begin the decomposition process.


Garbage disposal odor can be a foul one.  The odor spewing out of the sink can often take over the entire kitchen and bring a visitor to their knees.  In this guide, a range of unique household solutions for removing this odor will be provided. In addition, these unconventional tips will help ensure that this unwelcome aroma never returns.


Smell Removal Solutions

Using a combination of the below solutions will help in removing odors from you garbage disposal and return it back to normal.


1 Switch Off Power

Before beginning, take precaution to turn off the power switch on the disposal or take out the circuit breaker that feeds electricity to the unit.  Taking this precaution can help avoid serious injury while cleaning the device.


2 Clean Rubber Flaps

Most disposal odors come from bit of food that cover the interior walls and rubber flaps of the unit.  While the walls can be cleaned by using a combination of the solutions below, the rubber flaps are not as easy.  The rubber splash guard often accumulates bits and pieces of gunk on the interior of the rubber flaps. You will need to lift each flap and scrub it down with dish detergent individually.  In most cases, this will help in removing the odor.


3 Vinegar & Ice

Vinegar works wonders at cutting through slimy residues to neutralize odors.  Garbage disposals usually accumulate more build-up than other devices, and the ice helps in grinding away at such surface areas.  After pouring one cup of ice within the garbage disposal, proceed to pour another two cups of white vinegar within the disposal and run the device to shred the ice.  The combination of the two ingredients will go far in deodorizing the disposal unit.


4 Baking Soda & Ice

This powder substance works well at absorbing household odors. When baking soda is combined with ice, the combination will grind away at the interior grim of the disposal and neutralize the surface stink.  Measure half a cup of baking soda and a cup of ice and proceed to pour within the garbage disposal.  Run the garbage disposal until all baking soda and ice has been shredded and eaten by the device.


5 Citrus Peels

The citric acid within citrus peels work well at covering odors and cutting through slimmy film. Gather peels from two citrus fruit and stuff them within the garbage disposal.  Proceed to turn the garbage disposal on and run until it has eaten all of the peels.


6 Vanilla Extract & Hot Water

This kitchen ingredient works well at masking odors.  Bring a half gallon of water to a boil and add in six teaspoons of of real vanilla extract.  Turn heat off, and allow  pot to sit for 5 minutes to bring down the temperature.  Move pot to the sink and pour hot water within the the garbage disposal.  The water will loosen the debris and the vanilla extract will help mask the odor.


7 Mint Extract & Hot Water

This natural ingredient is very effective at freshening the most repugnant odors.  Bring a half gallon of water to a boil and add in 3 teaspoons of mint extract.  Allow this ingredient to sit for 5 minute before pouring down the drain.


How to Get Smell Out of Washing Machine

For a household appliance built to leave laundry “Downy Fresh“, it is surprising that washing machines can develop their own set of odors.  However, with time and build up, washing machines can develop a distinctive mildew odor.


Often this smell is so strong, that those doing their laundry are unfortunate enough to inherit some of this unusual odor within their clothing.  To avoid smelling of mildew in your daily routine, it is important to solve this problem at it’s source.  In this instructional guide, there are a series of tips and techniques shared for eliminating this odor, and regaining control of your periodic laundry load.


Smell Removal Solutions

Using one or more of the below methods will help in removing any odor that may have developed within the washing machine.


1 Leave Washer Door Open

Leaving the door of the washing machine open while not in used helps to aerate the washer.  If the door is left closed the washing machine can grow more stagnant and unpleasant.


2 Hot Wash

Run an entire wash cycle on the hottest water setting.  Hot water helps in breaking down residues that cling the the walls of the washer and within the drain.


3 Vinegar

The chemical compounds within vinegar does a great job of cutting through odors and returning washing machines to normal.  Measure a full cup of vinegar and pour within and washer to run and empty cycle.


4 Baking Soda

This household powder works fantastic at absorbing odors and works well at freshening a washing machine.  Add a full cup of baking soda within the washing machine and run an empty cycle without clothing.


5 Bleach

This strong substance immediately goes to work in eating through built up residues. Measure a cup of bleach and pour within washing machine for an empty wash on it’s hottest setting.


How to Get Smell Out of Room

There are several reasons that a room can become smelly, and the cause is often something that can produce embarrassment among friends and family.  This is why it is important to eliminate this odor before you have your next visitor.


This guide will cover a variety of smells and offer broad solutions that will ensure that just about any smell can be remove from your room.  By following the below tips you will increase your odds of eliminating your indoor odor.


General Household Solutions

The general household solutions work within nearly any room within a house.  By applying a combination these functions, you can ensure that the odor is eliminated.


1 Open Windows

The first step you should preform with any odor is to open the windows within the room.  This will help in aerating the space and allow a fresh breeze to sweep the smell outdoors.


2 Move Smelly Items Outdoors

If the odor is identifiable and portable, proceed to move the smelly item outside where it will have less of an impact.  Once such an item is placed outdoors, most rooms will quickly return to normal without for cleaning.


3 Baking Soda

As a deodorize powder, baking soda works wonders at removing stenches from a variety of things.  It can be mixed with water or simply sprinkled over the location that is experiencing odor.  In either case, allow 24 hours for the baking soda to set in and absorb the unwanted smell before returning to clean it up.


4 White Vinegar

As a household ingredient, white vinegar is fantastic for getting deep down within fibers within a room to neutralize odors. It can be poured, wiped or spray on various locations within the room, and usually requires a minimum of 24 hours to set into stenches to eliminate odors.


5 Vodka

This drink has been used for generations as a household solution for odors. Either pour or spray onto odorous locations and allow it to naturally air dry.  As the liquid set in and evaporates much of the odor will be carried off.


How to Get Smell Out of a Car

Cars can be a home away from home.  Like any home, odors can develop out of nowhere, making it seemingly impossible to grasp a fresh breathe of air.  Of course, no one wants this, and often a solution for removing an embarrassing odor is not as obvious as it may seem.


Since we spend so much time in our mobile units, it is not surprising that there exist a handful of odors that can develop with time.  In this guide, a range of specialized solutions are introduced for neutralizing odors.


Fast Smell Solutions

When smells develop there is often very little time to neutralize them.  When a temporary solution is needed to mask these odors, the following tips can be used.


1 Roll Down Windows

Leaving the windows open helps to quickly aerate the vehicle and mask any odors from building up within the enclosed space.  This can also have the positive effect of sweeping some of the odor away and permanently decreasing the potency of a residual smell within an automobile.


2 Ozium

This product is contained within a small canister, but packs a powerful punch.  A few sprays from one of the many scents will quickly fill your car and mask nearly any unwanted odor.


3 Febreze

This product is very handy on short notice and does well at covering and neutralizing odors.  Simply spray down the interior, allowing the air to clear and the moisture to evaporate from the upholstery.  Once this product dries, much of the odor is swept away with it.


Longterm Smell Solutions

Stronger odors often require a more permanent removal process.  By employing some of the below solutions, you will be able to remove the odors and return the car to it’s former scent.


1 White Vinegar

This household ingredient works well in getting deep down within upholstery to neutralize difficult odors.  Mix one part white vinegar with two parts water and pour within a spray bottle.  Proceed to mist down the entire car, and then close the doors to allow the solution to set into the car for 3-4 hours.  Once this time has passed, return to the car and roll down all of the windows to speed the evaporation process of the vinegar based mixture.


2 Baking Soda

Baking soda also works fantastic at neutralizing odors within upholstery and carpeting but absorbing odors.  Create a mixture of one part baking soda and 5 part water and pour within a spray bottle.  Mist down the entire interior and seal car for 4-5 hours before returning to roll down windows.


3 Lemon Juice

Citrus fruit have very effective compounds for cutting through odors.  The citric acid within lemon juice is especially strong against smoke related odors that may develop within an automobile.  Squeeze 5 teaspoons of lemon juice into a cup of water and pour contents within a spray bottle.  Spray down inter interior and return in 4-5 hours to roll down windows for air drying.


4 Rubbing Alcohol

The active ingredient within the breaks down helps to neutralize odors upon contact.  Mix rubbing alcohol and water in equal part and pour within a spray bottle.  Mist down the entire interior and leave window open to aerate.  Take note to allow all of the alcohol to evaporate before driving.  By waiting, you can avoid driving an automobile smelling of alcohol.


Deep Smell Solutions

When dealing with vomit or other toxins that can get deep within the cushioning and carpet flooring, additional ingredients are needed to remove odors from automobiles.


1 Enzyme Cleaner

The use of enzyme cleaners are very effective at eating through any smelly organic which has found it’s way within the automobile.  After scooping the degree and cleaning the accident with shampoo, proceed to pour enzyme cleaner on the location.  Allow the solution to set in for 24 hours before returning to blot the moisture from the seat of carpet flooring. These types of products can be purchased at pet stores and most super markets.


For more solutions to these types of automobile odors, click here
