How to Get Rid of Metal Zipper Smell

Metal zippers are considered the classic style for this type of fastener, and are used in jeans and other styles of pants, jackets, tote bags, luggage and other items. They may be fashioned from brass, aluminum, or nickel. Any time you have two pieces of fabric that need to be fastened, a zipper may be used to join them. The metal teeth create a bond that is strong and stable. The device takes its name from the sound it makes when in use, a high-pitch “zip”. This guide will focus on how to get rid of metal zipper smell.


The smell associated with metal zippers is one that many people find quite offensive. It’s the same aroma that occurs when someone handles old coins and is caused by the oxidization of the metal as it runs over the teeth in the zipper device. Some people even report feeling concerned that the stink from the oxidization process will transfer to their hands. They will even go so far as to smell their own hands to see whether this is the case. If you’ve done this, you now know you’re not alone. Who wants to feel as though they are going around meeting people and touching things with smelly hands? It’s not much of a confidence booster.



How to Get Rid of Metal Zipper Smell

1 Soap It Up

Take a bar of soap with an aroma that you particularly like and rub it up and down both sides of the zipper. This solution to the issue of stinky metal zippers should tone down, if not eliminate, the problem.


2 WD40 It

You could try applying some WD40 to the zipper and wiping it down with a clean cloth. This process may remove any residue that may be causing the smell. (If it doesn’t solve the problem, it will make your zipper move smoothly.)


3 Wipe it Down with Vinegar

Use white vinegar and a cloth to clean the zipper. This common household item has deodorizing properties and will not harm the metal. It dries quickly, and you will know in a relatively short time whether you have been successful at conquering the smell beast.


4 Throw it in the Wash

If the smelly zipper is from a new clothing item, throw it in the wash before you wear it for the first time. This step may be enough to get rid of any lingering aroma clinging to the zipper or the fabric. Use your regular laundry soap and fabric softener. Dry it in the dryer and check the zipper by taking a whiff before you put it on. (Don’t let anyone see you do this step, though, unless you really want to explain what the heck you’re doing.)


5 Bust Out the Silicone Spray

Control the zipper odor by dousing the area with a silicone spray. You will have to hit the front and back with it, but this type of product will give you similar results to treating the problem with a spray from a can of WD40.


6 Rub it Down with Rubbing Alcohol

This product will also remove any substances that may be causing the stink. Your zipper should also move more freely after you have finished applying the alcohol. Use a clean cloth to apply to alcohol compound, and don’t forget to clean the back of the zipper as well.


Remove Musty Smell from Metal Zippers

1 Boil Water and Bleach It Out

If you are looking to get the stink out of a bunch of metal zippers bought at a thrift store before using them on  your own clothes, make sure they are good to go by washing them in a solution of boiling water and bleach. Follow up by drying them in a hot dryer. This should result in fresh-smelling metal zippers that are ready for use.


2 Lysol Soak

Try soaking the zippers in a solution of Lysol and water for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and hang them outside to dry. Letting the fresh air and sunshine get at them should help to get rid of the stank.


Alternatives to Dealing with Smelly Metal Zippers

1 Replace Them with Plastic Ones

If you really can’t stand the thought of dealing with smelly metal zippers for one more second, consider having them replaced with plastic ones when it is practical to do so. Many dry cleaners offer this service, and you can take clothing items to specialized tailoring shops as well. While it may not make a lot of sense to have the zipper on a pair of jeans replaced, you may decide to go ahead and have the work done on a jacket that you wear often.


2 Add Pull Tabs to the Zippers on Purses and Luggage

The idea here is to minimize your hand-to-zipper contact with the metal. If you are one of those people who are uncomfortable at the thought of making contact with the metal in case it is transferring a stinky smell to your hands and that you need to be smelling your hands all the time “just in case,” this solution might help you feel a little bit better. You could also add a decorative tab to a jacket to lower the risk of coming into contact with metal zipper smell.


How to Get Smell Out of Soccer Goalie Gloves

Soccer goalie gloves are naturally stanky. The sweat from the wearer’s hands and tiny bits of skin cells combine to create a natural breeding ground for bacteria. In no time at all you have a P.U. factory that will make your bag, the trunk of your car, and your home reek. It’s hard to believe that something so small can result in such a big problem but this guide is here to help.


Some people suggest having more than one set of gloves as a way to deal the stink factor. You can have one set for practices and one for games, but your hands are going to sweat in each instance. Having multiple pairs of gloves just spreads the reek around. No matter how many pairs of gloves you own, you will need to find a way to get the smell out of each one. Check out the solutions we have uncovered. We’re confident they will work for you.



How to Get Smell Out of Soccer Goalie Gloves

1 Stuff Them with Sneaker Balls

An effective way to keep the P.U. factor down in soccer goalie gloves is to put odor-destroying sneaker balls in them in between games and practices. You can find them in drug stores, online, and in shoe stores. This option is not messy and the sneaker balls will help to keep the odor problem at bay for some time.


2 Powder Up the Problem Away

Since moisture is the enemy when it comes to stinky goalie gloves, you will want to keep them as dry as possible. Try sprinkling a little baby or foot powder in them. Just a little sprinkle will do, so don’t pour a ton of the stuff inside the gloves. You want just enough to keep them dry but not enough to coat your hands the next time you use the gloves.


3 Glove Care Cleaner

Uhlsport Glove Care cleaner is a specialized product that was developed to keep soccer gloves looking their best. If you want to deal with the stank issue appropriately, you need to grab the right product from the outset. Combine some of the Glove Care cleaner with some water into a spray bottle. Place one of the soccer gloves on your hand and wet with warm water. Spray the cleaning solution onto the glove. Scrub the palm of the glove under a running tap of warm water. Fill the glove with warm water from the tap and squeeze until all the water is out. Rinse the gove and gently wring out. Repeat with other glove and hang to dry.


4 Hit the Shower

Take your soccer gloves into the shower to get them cleaned up. Hold them under the running water for a short time. You’ll want to make sure the water isn’t too hot. Rub a bar of soap over the gloves and use your fingers to loosen the dirt. Wring them out. Hang to dry away from direct sunlight.


5 Reusch Glove Wash Solution

Reusch Glove Wash is a specialized product made to keep soccer gloves looking and smelling their best. cleaning gloves only takes a few minutes, and you don’t necessarily even have to remove them if the brand you own has Ortho-Tec is equipped with Ortho-Tec finger stays. Place a small amount of the product in the palm of the glove and rub it in. Put a drop of the cleaner on the back of the glove and do the same. After you have applied the product to both side of the gloves, rinse them thoroughly and wring them out. Hang them to dry. Do not place soccer gloves in a dryer, since sunlight and heat will break down the latex.


6 Stuff Them with Newspaper

A low-tech but effective way to keep the stank out of your gloves can be found in your daily newspaper. Simply stuff the gloves with paper when they are not being worn. The newsprint will absorb the moisture and help to keep the stank to a minimum. It’s an economical and effective solution to the problem.


10 Smelliest Professions

What kind of work environment would you consider ideal? For most of us, working in pleasant surroundings (well lit, dry, and comfortable) would be close to the top of the list. The careers on our list of the 10 Smelliest Professions don’t fit into that category at all. They are all jobs that rate high on the reek scale, and many of them do not pay well. It seems as though people who are surrounded by stank all day also get punished with a slim pay check at the end of the day. Somehow that doesn’t seem fair after working in what most of us would agree are less than ideal conditions.


Why would someone want to work in a smelly profession? In some cases, they are drawn by other aspects of the work. The funk factor is something they can live with. In other situations, the grab the gig because of financial need or other reasons. They may not be the most glamorous way to earn your daily bread, but they do represent necessary work that keeps the world of ours turning.



10 Smelliest Professions (In Order of Smelly to Smelliest)

10 Commercial Laundry Worker

Commercial laundries are hot, steamy places. The fumes workers are subjected to make them some of the stinkiest, too. If you were employed here, you can expect to spend long hours working up a sweat. The pay isn’t all that great, either. Smelly conditions and low pay means this job probably was not on the list of careers your high school guidance counsellor recommended by your high school guidance counselor.


9 Embalmer

Anyone who is considering becoming an embalmer must have a strong stomach. This stinky job involves working with strong chemicals on a regular basis, as well as being exposed to bodily fluids. The germicidal soaps used by funeral homes will no doubt have their own strong aromas as well. It takes a certain type of person to perform this necessary, but difficult, work to prepare a deceased person for burial or cremation.


8 Zookeeper

Zookeepers don’t get into this field because they are looking for something glamorous. No one chooses this line of work to make big money. The work is dirty and smelly. The job involves providing hands-on care for animals and includes dealing with cleaning fluids on a regular basis.


7 Podiatrist

Podiatrists are trained to treat disorders of the feet. The work involves diagnosing and treating all types of disorders, including foot odor. Getting close to people with funky feet is all in a day’s work for these dedicated professionals. They can offer suggestions for dealing with the cause of the problem once they have conducted a full exam. Apparently they get used to the smell.


6 Pig Farmer

Anyone working with livestock is going to be exposed to the smell of manure and animal odors. After a time, they become less noticeable. The smell does cling to one’s clothing, though. It’s a good idea to change clothes before going into town after spending time in the pig barn. Some people wear coveralls for work in the barn and remove them before stepping into the house as a precaution against bringing the piggie smell into their home.


5 Garbage Collector

Picking up garbage is a stanky, thankless job. Garbage collectors are responsible for picking up the things that we throw out and getting it to the landfill. They toil in all kinds of weather and are exposed to a melting pot of stink that we can only imagine. Only a sanitary engineer can fully appreciate the combination of dirty diapers and rotten eggs baking in the sun on a hot, humid afternoon. They must find a way to get used to the smell, but that doesn’t mean they have to like it.


4 Sewer Inspector

The work of a sewer inspector is not for the faint of heart. This smelly job involves walking or crawling through the tunnels under the city to look for clogs, cracks, and other issues. Be prepared to hold your nose to combat the smell of human ka-ka. Watch out for bugs and creepy-crawlies when you go underground. Inspectors also run into rats and the occasional dead body (animal and human) in their work.


3 Portable Toilet Cleaner

Using a portable toilet is no one’s first choice, but they do do serve their purpose when a standard bathroom is not available. Most of us get to do our business and leave the stank behind. The clean-up crew has to remove all the waste material and clean the soiled surfaces. They must learn how to breathe through their mouths while doing it. This is one job where you can only hope they issue a long handled-brush and a Hazmat suit on the first day.


2 Roofer

This smelly job involves working outside in all kinds of weather. In the summer months, the temperature on a roof can get scorching hot. It’s possible to get burned while on the job. The risk on injury from a fall is constant, too. It’s no wonder this type of construction work has one of the highest turnover rates in the construction industry.


1 Recycling Plant Worker

As long as people don’t separate their garbage from their recyclables, there will be a demand for recycling plant workers. This job holds the No. 1 spot on our list because it is the only one where newbies regularly throw up because of the stink. Bottles and cans are part of the territory for these workers. They also have to deal with dirty diapers, rotten meat, used condoms and tampons, and dead animals as part of their sorting duties.


Links Between Stress, Sweat and Body Odor

In a perfect world, we would be able to remain calm and never let anyone see us sweat. Real life is a to more complicated than that. We have so many demands on our time that stress is a normal part of modern life. Scientific research has looked for links between stress, sweat and body odor, and the results are very interesting. We can’t help but have issues with stink when we are feeling anxious, irritable, or frustrated. Even happy events can make us get all sticky and sweaty. Stress is not just about negative things. Getting married, having a child, being promoted at work are all good things, but they are all stressful events too. Our bodies can’t tell the difference between good stress and bad stress. It just responds to stress in one way – by making us sweat. That’s how we are wired.


Sweat glands are standard issue for human beings. Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies, after all. (You probably thought it was something else, didn’t you?) We have two types of glands that deal with sweat: eccrine and apocrine glands. Eccrine glands are located all over your body and are close to the surface of your skin. Apocrine glands are found in places that have a lot of hair, such as your scalp, your arm pits and genital areas. The latter two spots are prime targets for sweat and BO when you get stressed, by the way. These are the places you notice that need some extra attention when you need to get cleaned up. Blame your pesky apocrine glands for making these areas so yecchy when you get stressed out.



Links Between Stress, Sweat and Body Odor

1 Emotional Stress and Body Odor

The type of stress you are experiencing may have something to do with whether you start to stink. It’s normal to perspire during exercise. This fluid is made up of water and salt and generally doesn’t have a very strong odor. When your emotions are at play, your apocrine glands produce a fatty substance onto the surface of your skin. Once there, it mixes with bacteria to create a type of stink soup. This is what you are smelling when you get a whiff of stress stank. It’s usually pretty rank. You’ll know when you have a problem with it because people around you will quickly take a step back from where you are standing. It will be like they come up against an invisible wall of stink and are unable to move past it.


2 Social Anxiety and Stank

People who feel awkward in public may have issues with stress, sweat and body odor. For individuals with full-blown Social Anxiety Disorder, the fear of being judged by other people can be debilitating. The idea of stepping out in public can be enough to trigger the “flight or flight” response that includes a rapid heartbeat and excessive sweating. For a person who is already nervous about his or her image, the suspicion that a funk issue may be brewing can be enough to keep him or her from venturing out in public.


3 Overactive Thyroid Problem

Overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, can cause the body to produce higher-than-normal amounts of the hormone thyroxine. This causes a particular type of stress on the body, which leads to symptoms like weight loss, nervousness, sensitivity to light, and rapid heartbeat. It also causes increased sweating, leading to more body odor. A higher level of stank leads to more stress, which just turns into a vicious circle. If you are experiencing these types of symptoms, you need to make an appointment to see a doctor.


4 Low Carb Diet Culprit

If you have decided to jump on the low carb diet bandwagon,you may have unknowingly increased your personal funkiness. When you are under stress, your body to use carbs to help you get rid of stress. When this particular type of stress buster is not available to you, your B.O. will be more pungent than usual. You may even fall prey to bad breath that no amount of mints or mouthwash will be able to cure. You will need to decide whether the benefits of following the diet are worth these side effects. A much better choice may be  to eat a balanced diet that includes some low-calorie carbs, such as fruits, veggies, seeds, whole grains, and nuts.


5 Caffeinated Drinks and Stress

Drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages is an normal part of many people’s regular daily routine. The morning cup of Joe may not be the healthiest choice, however. Research has shown that starting the day off with a dose of liquid speed exaggerates the stress response. Sweating and stank are likely byproducts of someone who is diving for the coffee pot first thing in the a.m. Drinking coffee stimulates the nervous system and triggers a fight or flight response. If you ingest enough of the stuff,  you are going to start sweating more, which is going to mean more issues with body odor. You will be one of the funky bunch, and not in a any kind of a good way.


How to Get Rid of Smell in Belly Button

Belly button stink is an embarrassing problem. Many people don’t think to clean this particular area of the body, which means that dirt and dead skin can accumulate in the area. Over time, they start to reek and the stale smell mingles with sweat to form its own form of body odor soup. You could mount your own archaeological dig to excavate years of nastiness from your own body. Whoo-eee! A much better choice would be to check out this guide on how to get rid of smell in belly button and learn how to clean out your navel properly and get rid of the stank problem properly.


If you are overweight, your belly button may end up becoming a repository for bad smells due to lack of air. You will want to make sure the skin stays cool and dry. Moist, dark places become breeding grounds for bacteria and stank. If your nose is detecting something that makes you think, “What the….?”, it’s a sign that you need to try one of the solutions listed here right away.



How to Get Rid of Smell in Belly Button

1 Rub a Dub with Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing AlcoholRubbing alcohol can be used to clean and deodorize your navel. Start by dipping one end of a cotton swab into the alcohol. Take your hand and gently stretch the skin on your navel. Work your way around all the nooks and crannies to remove any built up dirt. You may need to use more than one cotton swab to get the entire belly button clean and sweet smelling, especially if you have never gone on a mission to clean it out.


2 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

Hydrogen PeroxideThe issue with using rubbing alcohol to swab out the nether regions of your navel is that if you happen to have a cut or skin irritation, you will end up hitting the ceiling. The alcohol is also very drying, which can end up causing more problems than simple stank. Hydrogen peroxide can be used in the same way as the alcohol solution listed above. It will clean out any minor cuts without causing you any pain.

If you want to have some fun with it, you can lie down on a towel and pour a capful of hydrogen peroxide into your belly button to see it fizzes up. If you see some fizzing action, it’s a sign that you have some kind of bacteria and that the peroxide is cleaning out the wound.


3 Smack the Stank with Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree OilYour belly button could be smelly because of an imbalance in body chemistry. Tackle it head on by cleaning out your navel with a cotton swab dipped in tea tree oil. You will need to repeat this process a couple of times per day for maximum effectiveness. If the issue is due to bacteria, it should bring the stank under control relatively quickly.


4 Feminine Hygiene Wash it Away

Femine HygieneYou can use a feminine hygiene wash on your belly button if you wish. These products are meant to clean and deodorize the skin, and you can’t hurt your navel by using one of them on this part of your body. You could apply it with a cotton swab if you wish, but you will want to make sure you rinse the area well after applying the product. It may be a good idea to lie down and pour a glass of warm water over your navel to rinse the detergent off. Dry with carefully with a towel before you get dressed.


5 Hibiclens it Out

HibiclensHibiclens is an antiseptic skin cleanser. It is available without a prescription at drug stores and online. You can soak a cotton swab in the product and clean out your belly button. For extra cleaning power, leave a clean cotton swab in place for a few minutes to allow the liquid to soak in. Once you apply the Hibiclens, it will continue to kill germs for up to six hours.


How to Get Smell Out of Emu Boots

Emu boots are a comfortable and popular type of footwear. The boots were originally designed by surfers to keep their feet warm after a day spent on the waves. They may be an eco-friendly choice made from sheepskin but these boots also have the potential to trap and hold foot odor like nobody’s business. The boots will act as a magnet to trap and hold the stale stank that is generally known as “the agony of da feet.” This guide will share tips and hints to help you get smell out of Emu boots.


An effective strategy for dealing with the boot odor issue is to stay on top of it as soon as you get a sniff that it’s an issue. Check out the solutions listed below and use them often. Don’t let the foot funk problem get ahead of you if you can help it. You want to be aggressive here. If you try one solution and it doesn’t work for your particular foot stank issue, try something else. Your goal is to have boots that don’t take the paint off the wall when you pull them off. Give yourself the time you need to find the right solution. It’s a much better choice than holding your nose.



Helpful Tips for Deodorizing Emu Boots

1 Baking Soda and Corn Starch Mixture

Corn StarchMix up a solution of 2 teaspoons of baking soda and two teaspoons of corn starch. If you want to add something extra to this anti-stank remedy, you can add a few drops of essential oil if you like. Not only will it banish the smell from your Emu boots, but it will soften the inside of them as well. Shake it into your footwear and leave it overnight. Shake out the excess the next day.


2 Natural Grass Deodorizer

GrassIf you want an all-natural way to de-funk your boots, try grass. We are not talking about the type that other people would be tempted to roll up and smoke to zone out for awhile. Take some fresh grass clippings and stuff them into your boots. Leave them in place for a few days. The grass will absorb the offensive smell from your boots. Who doesn’t like the smell of a freshly-mowed lawn? Now your boots can have the same lovely smell in stead of smelling like feet! We think that’s a win-win proposition.


3 Take the Newspaper to the Problem

Crumpled NewspaperWhen your boots are made for walking on their own because of the stank factor, you need to do something about the issue. You can get the smell out of your boots and be kind to the environment at the same time by stuffing them with some old newspapers. Leave the papers for a few days before checking the boots. If there is any lingering offensive aroma, simply replace the newspaper with some fresh stuff and recheck it in a few more days. You can always make a point of stuffing your boots every time you take them off to absorb odor and wetness and keep any smells at bay.


4 Borax the Stink Out

BoraxThe reason your Emu boots are smelling stinky is due to bacteria. If you want to kill the bacteria where they live, sprinkle some borax into each boot. You can find this product in grocery stores (check the laundry aisle) or online. Sprinkle one teaspoon into each boot to get the job done. As a bonus, the borax will also kill athlete’s foot.


5 Scented Dryer Sheet Tuck

Fabric SoftenerIf you are looking for a mess-free solution to the issue of getting the smell out of your Emu boots, try tucking a scented dryer sheet into each one. Leave it in place to absorb the odor overnight or until you are ready to wear them again. The advantage to this solution is that you don’t have to deal with any  powders getting onto your socks or pants when you wear your boots next time. Simply replace the dryer sheets between wearings to keep the smell to a minimum.


How to Get Burnt Smell Out After House Fire

The trauma of a house fire is something that no one wants to experience. Walking into the house after the event brings that day or night right back. You can expect the smell of smoke to trigger all kinds of memories. None of them will be pleasant ones. If you are going to reclaim your home and feel comfortable in it again, you will need to banish the filthy smell of smoke for good. Otherwise, it will force its way into your nose and mouth like an unwelcome visitor every time you enter the room. To avoid the urge to hold your nose and gag in your home, check out these methods for how to get burnt smell out after house fire.


If the fire was confined to one room, try to close off that part of the house while you deal with this particularly nasty form of funk. You don’t want the smell to spread to the rest of your home if you can help it. Opening a window can get rid of some of the stale smell of smoke once the fire has been extinguished, but it won’t totally get rid of the reek. These suggestions would come into play once you have removed any items destroyed by the fire and any structural damage has been repaired.



House Fire Deodorizing Solutions

1 Vinegar the Smell Out

White VinegarVinegar is a very effective deodorizer. It’s economical and can be found in just about any home. Use vinegar to remove all kinds of smells from interior spaces, including the smoky residue from the scene of a fire. Fill a bowl with white or apple cider vinegar and place it in the room. If you decide to use white vinegar, add a slice of lemon to the bowl to give you some extra deodorizing power. Let it sit for several days to absorb the odor. You can also soak a piece of bread in white vinegar and leave it in the room as a deodorizer.


2 Charcoal Briquettes to the Rescue

Activated CharcoalCharcoal is another substance that will readily absorb the smell of smoke and any other nasty odors from a house. Put briquettes (the type you would use for a barbeque grill) in a can or a bowl. Place the charcoal in the corners of the room and leave it in place for several days. Over time, you should notice less smoke and musty smells in your place.


3 Hard Surface Cleaning with Lysol and Murphy’s Oil Soap

Murphy's Oil SoapThe molecules that cause the smokey smell can cling to hard surfaces in the room. You will want to give them a thorough cleaning as soon as possible to get rid of the stank. Start by tackling the problem by cleaning the walls, ceilings, any cabinetry (inside and out), wooden furniture, and appliances with an all-purpose cleaner like Lysol. Be sure to rinse the surfaces thoroughly with clean water. Next, you will want to clean any wood surfaces in the room with Murphy’s oil soap. Follow the directions on the bottle for best results.


4 Light an Apple-Cinnamon Candle

Apple-Cinnamon CandleThe scent of an apple-cinnamon candle can cut through the smell of smoke after a fire. You would need to light it up and burn it for a couple of hours each day for this solution to be effective. An alternative to lighting the candle would be to place some fresh cinnamon sticks in a cup of water and boil them on the stove. The aroma of cinnamon would spread through your home. It is certainly much more pleasant than the smell of smoke, even if it only provides some temporary relief from the original stank.


5 Baking Soda Deodorizer

Baking SodaBaking soda is a good all-purpose deodorizer. To attack the lingering smell of smoke after a fire, sprinkle it on the carpet in the room.  Leave it for five or 10 minutes before vacuuming. This should remove any smells lurking in the flooring. It will not damage the fibers, and you can use it as often as you wish.


How to Get Smell Out of Jazz Shoes

When executed by skilled artists, dance is a beautiful art form. No one in the audience thinks about what happens when the dancers take off their shoes, though. The term “jungle rot” from stinky shoes and feet never comes to mind at that point. Jazz shoes take a beating. The combination of hours of practice and constant sweat mean major foot funk. Those babies are stink-y. There is no way of getting away from it. This is Grade A level foot odor that will hunt you down and slap you up the side of the head. If you want to talk about suffering for your art, this is one place to start. Unfortunately, everyone else in the room will share the same fate if you can’t get the smell under control. This guide will provide helpful tips for how to get the small out of jazz shoes.


Since jazz shoes get such a hard workout from dancers, they tend to accumulate a higher level of stank other types of  footwear. Sweaty feet create the perfect environment for bacteria to set up housekeeping. When you smell foot stink, you are being alerted to the presence of these tiny organisms. Go after them aggressively and lower the risk of clearing out the room when you take your shoes off after a practice or a performance. Your fellow dancers will definitely thank you for it. The people living in your house will also be grateful for your diligence. If the foot odor issue is bad enough, it may even escape from your dance bag into your car. You really want to get on top of this one, and keep your shoes fresh as you can.



Odor Elimination Solutions for Jazz Shoes

1 Baking Soda Baggies

Baking SodaYou can make your own baggies to absorb odor and keep your shoes sweet smelling. Take a paper towel and lie it on a flat surface. Pour 1/4 cup of baking soda in the middle of the paper towel. Fold the edges of the paper towel into the middle and secure with a rubber band or a clip so the baking soda doesn’t escape. Place the baking soda baggies into the toes of the jazz shoes after each dance class. They will absorb the moisture to keep the foot funk factor down to a minimum.


2 Scented Dryer Sheet Toss

Fabric SoftenerAn easy way to deodorize a pair of shoes quickly is to toss in a scented dryer sheet. Simply choose a fragrance that you like and stuff it inside your jazz shoes. You can also toss a dryer sheet  into your dance bag to keep it sweet smelling. Change the scent every so often to get some variety.


3 Febreze the Stink Out

FebrezeThis solution involves a one-two process. First, you spray the inside of the shoes with Febreze. Then you place them outside while the Febreze is drying. The combination of the air freshener and the power of the sunshine should banish the bad odors from the shoes. Leaving them out overnight is best if you have the time to do so.


4 Rubbing Alcohol and Water Spray Solution

Rubbing AlcoholYou can mix up a solution of rubbing alcohol and water to mist the foot rot stank out of your shoes. Put it in a spray bottle and treat the shoes spray them lightly. The alcohol will remove the stink as it dries, which should not take very long. Repeat each time you wear the shoes to try to keep on top of the smell issue.


5 Odor Destroying Insoles

Odor Destroying InsolesPlacing odor-destroying insoles in your shoes should help with the issue of keeping your jazz shoes from stinking up the room when you remove them. There are a number of brands on the market. You may need to experiment with a few before you find the one that will work best for you. Look for one that contains activated charcoal, since this is the material that will absorb the foot odor. Dr. Scholl’s Odor Destroyers is a brand that a number of dancers find effective for dealing with stinky jazz shoes.


How to Get Rid of Smell Under House

Your home may be your castle, but not when it’s invaded by stank. It’s hard to feel safe and secure when your nose is being bombarded by the sickening smell of mold and mildew. You already know that moisture and your home is not a good combination. The only thing worse than dealing with the smell of this type of intruder is the kind of reek you would get from a four-legged, striped visitor. Pepe le Pew may look cute in cartoons, but the real thing is not so charming, especially when he leaves his aromatic calling card. Check out these suggestions for how to get rid of smell under house to deal with these all-too-common issues.


When you are talking about smells coming from under your home, you need to know your limitations. There is a big difference between dealing with a slight moldy smell or a skunky smell after the fact and mounting a full-fledged search expedition to see whether you have a family of black and white animals in residence. Proceed slowly to detect the source of the problem. Ask questions along the way. If you think you are dealing with a live animal issue, there is no shame in calling in a professional to confirm whether you have a nest of animals under your house before your try to clean up. If you disturb a mother skunk and her little ones, you will need to deal with cleaning the stink off of yourself and your house!



How to Get Rid of Smell Under House: Moldy Stink

1 Add a Little Sweet Lime

Sweet LimeIf you notice a musty smell coming from under your house, high humidity is probably to blame. You can deal with this issue by spreading some sweet lime in the crawl space under your home. It will absorb the excess moisture and reduce or eliminate the dank smell from coming up into your house.

Once you have sprinkled the lime over the soil, cover it with 6 mil black plastic to keep the smell contained. Stretch the plastic out, allowing for a one or two-foot overlap on each section.


2 DampRid it Out of the Air

DampridAnother option you can consider when you notice a funky smell coming from under your house is to buy some DampRid. This product is available at hardware stores and online. Place a few pails of door-absorbing crystals in your crawl space or basement and let them get to work. They will pull the moisture out of the air to eliminate the nasty stank.


3 Use Activated Charcoal

Activated CharcoalYou can use activated charcoal to eliminate a number of household odors, and mildew is no exception. Put bags or pots of charcoal at various places under your house. They will absorb the smell of mold and mildew. You can even use them in conjunction with sweet lime if you want to give this solution some extra door-fighting power.


4 Run a Dehumidifer

DehumidifierIf you have cleaned your basement thoroughly and you are still noticing a moldy smell, you may want to invest in a dehumidifier. Running the unit will help to keep the musty aroma at bay. Open the windows and doors and try to keep this area well ventilated to keep air flow moving.

Remove Skunk Smell from Under Your House

1 Fight the Stank with a Deodorizer

pine-solIf you are dealing with the aftermath of a skunk spray coming from your basement of crawl space, be prepared to wait it out for at least a couple of weeks before the smell is completely gone. Clean any objects in the room that have been sprayed with an all-purpose cleaner like Pine-Sol or lemon oil. Use Carpet-fresh on your floor. Burn scented candles or incense. Be prepared to repeat the process when if the weather turns humid, since moisture in the air will reactivate the smell factor.


2 Make a Batch of Homemade Skunk Deodorizer

Dish DetergentThis recipe for homemade skunk deodorizer is something you should be using with caution. Mix 1 quart (3 percent concentration) hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 cup of baking soda and a Tablespoon of liquid laundry or dishwashing detergent. Mix the ingredients in an open container. Do not place them in a container and close the lid. The buildup of gases can cause an explosion. Do not store the mixture. You will need to use all of it in one shot. It is to be used to deodorizing the items that have been hit by the skunk spray. You could use a long-handled mop to spread it on a floor or sprinkle it under your house. This mixture may discolor fabrics, so be sure to test it before using on upholstered furniture.


3 Call in a Professional for Dead Animal Detection/Removal

ExterminatorIf the skunk smell coming from under your house is getting worse over time, you may need professional help. This may be a sign that you have a dead animal issue that is growing more and more bloated over time. Unless you have professional experience or a particularly strong stomach, this is probably one job that you should leave to people who get paid the big bucks to do stuff that figures really high on the Eww Meter. It will likely be money well spent if it turns out you have a dead critter under your house.


How to Get Smell Out of Purse

Since a purse is carried everywhere, it is exposed to all kinds of smelly situations. If you have gone to a smokey bar or a concert recently, you may be able to get away with fudging about your whereabouts, but your purse will tell a different story. It will reek of stale smoke for some time after the fact. You can even run into a stank issue if you buy a purse a vintage bag. The only thing worse than smelling funk that you were present for is when your purse reeks from someone else’s smoke. You don’t want to be gagging every time you reach into your bag to get something; you need to get your purse freshened up right away. This guide will give you pointers for how to get smell out of purse.


Smoke is not the only kind of smell that can be caught hiding in an otherwise great bag. You can also find a musty or moldy smell has invaded a purse, especially if it has been previously used. In some cases, a new purse will smell less than fresh and you will need to deal with the ugh-ly aroma before you can start toting your own stuff around in it. The sooner you can deal with the problem, the sooner you will be able to enjoy your new (or new to you) bag.



How to Get Smell Out of Purse: Solutions for Fabric Bags

1 Dryer Sheet Scrunch

Fabric SoftenerDryer sheets aren’t just for freshening your laundry. Grab one in a scent you like and scrunch it in your hand. Place it inside your purse and leave it for a few days to absorb any offensive odors where they are hiding. If the purse has several compartments or pockets, consider using a separate dryer sheet in each one.


2 Take the Problem Outside

Fresh AirFresh air and sunshine can resolve a lot of smell issues.  Give your bag a sniff to determine whether the smell is on the outside only or if it has penetrated to the inside as well. If it is inside your purse, turn the bag inside out and hang it outside for a day or two. If not, hang it up as is to freshen up your clutch, tote or what have you.


3 Panitliner Freshen-Up

PanitlinerThis solution to how to get smell out of purse may seem a bit out there, but it is an effective way to deal with the issue. Take two scented pantiliners and remove the paper backing. Put them together so that the sticky side is facing the sticky side. You now have a double-sided deodorizer for the the purse. Tuck it inside the bag and seal it up. Leave it in place for up to a week to eliminate lingering odors.


Remove Smell from a Leather Purse

1 Pour Some Baking Soda on It

Baking SodaBaking soda is a good, all-purpose product to get rid of nasty smells. It won’t damage a leather purse. Place the bag on a clean towel and open a fresh box of baking soda. Pour the contents all over the bag and cover with another clean towel. Leave the baking soda on the bag for two or three days and give it a sniff. You can repeat the process, if necessary.


2 Charcoal Odor Remover

Activated CharcoalIf you are having trouble getting the smell of smoke out of a leather purse, try using charcoal pellets to get the stink out. Go to a store that sells fish and fish tanks and ask for the type of charcoal that is used in tank filters. Pour the charcoal into a thin sock or an old stocking and tie it shut. Place it inside the purse and leave it for a few days before checking to see whether the smell is still there. If you still notice a smell, leave the charcoal in place  and check again in a few more days.


3 Freeze Out the Stank

FebrezeFreezing out a smell can work if you are dealing with a mildew odor, but you need to be careful. Wrap the purse in paper, and then place it in a paper or garbage bag before you put it in the freezer. Leave it in place for a few hours. When you remove it from the freezer, put it down carefully and don’t touch the purse until it warms up to room temperature on its own.


4 Knock it Out with Coffee Grounds

Coffee GroundsTake an old pair of pantyhose and pour some coffee grounds in them. Tie a knot in the top and place inside the purse. Zip or close the bag. Check the purse in a few days to check on the progress of your odor removal experiment. If you are still smelling smoke in your bag, replace the coffee grounds and reseal it. Keep replacing until all the stink is gone.


5 Citrus Solution

Orange and LimesA creative solution for getting the smell out of a leather bag is to place a small piece of orange or lemon skin in the purse. For best results, put it on a piece of paper to avoid transferring any natural oils onto the inside of the bag . You want to avoid staining it.
