How to Remove Smell From Silicone

Silicone is used to make a number of modern products. Since it has a rubber-like consistency and resists heat, this material can be used to make insulation, cookware, toys, dry cleaning solvents, shampoos, menstrual cups and sex toys, and many other items.


While you may not need to deal with removing smell from silicone in all these applications, this guide will provide you with information you (or a friend) are most likely to be curious about: cookware, menstrual cups, and sex toys.




Remove Smell from Silicone Menstrual Cups

1 Make Sure it is Thoroughly Clean

These cups are constructed with tiny holes, and if they smell funky it’s possible that some vaginal fluid or mucus has become trapped in these cavities. The silicone itself shouldn’t be the culprit, and you don’t necessarily need to throw the cup away. To get rid of the smell, you will need to get a needle or a pin and excavate these holes to remove any buildup of material. Once you’ve finished, boil the cup before using it again.


2 Soap Residue Removal

A buildup of soap residue may be contributing to the funk you are noticing from the cup. Silicone is supposed to be inert, so you should be looking for something outside of the cup as the problem. Clean the cup with Dial Body Wash or Dove soap to try to get rid of this problem.


3 Shed Some Light on the Subject

Another solution to the issue of a smell silicone menstrual cup (after trying the pin thing) is to dilute two drops of tea tree oil in two Tablespoons of water and place your cup in the liquid. Place your cup in the sun or outside for a day. This should get rid of the smell. Boil the cup at the end of the day and rinse with cold water before using it.



Get Smell Out of Silicone Bakeware

1 Bleach it Out

Mix up a solution of bleach and water (one part bleach to five parts water) and let it sit in the silicone pan. Follow up by running the bakeware through the dishwasher.


2 Hunting Odor Eliminator

Pay a visit to your local sporting goods store to get an odor eliminator for hunting. Apply the scent eliminator to the silicone bakeware, leave it in and wash thoroughly. The smell should be gone.


3 White Vinegar and Water

A solution of white vinegar and water should get the smell out of silicone and clean your bakeware, too. Mix it up, leave it in overnight and wash as usual.


4 Tomato Juice to the Rescue

Tomato juice works on dogs that have been sprayed by a skunk, so it should be able to handle the smell in a silicone pan.


Pull Out Smells from Silicone Sex Toys

1 Clean Up with Mechanic’s Hand Cleaner

This hands-on approach to getting your silicone sex toys freshened up and ready to go for the next close encounter of the best kind involves using some dishwashing soap first. You can go with an antibacterial one if you want. It won’t hurt the silicone, and you are mostly interested in finding a product with grease-cutting properties here. When you are looking for a mechanic’s hand cleaner, avoid one that has pumice; that will scratch the toy. Stick with something that is a “goop” instead. Again, think grease cutter to get rid of the stank and you should be good to go.


2 Baking Soda and Febreze it Out

Baking soda is a good, clean choice for removing stinky smells from all kinds of things, and silicone is no exception. Put a half cup of soda in a gallon of water and throw the toy in. Give it a good soaking. Repeat this part of the cleaning if you don’t feel confident that the smell is coming out. The baking soda won’t damage the toy at all. Then spray the toy with Febreze. You can also tag-team the spray freshener with a toy cleaner solution if you like.


How to Get Rid of Vagina Smell

This guide is definitely one for the girls. Just about every woman on the planet has been concerned at some point that her nether regions are not, well, fresh enough. We’ve all heard the old joke about the blind man passing the fish market on the street and mistaking it for a group of young ladies. (Ouch!) If you’ve never heard that one, you’re either very young or very fortunate. The idea of having an icky vagina smell is almost too em-bare-ass-ing to consider.


Even if we were brave enough to admit it to ourselves, we are not likely to go to go to a doctor to ask for help. Never fear, help is at, er, hand, or below the waist. This guide will offer some helpful suggestions to deal with the issue of a pungent pussy and get you feeling fresh and confident once again.




Odor-Killing Solutions You Ingest

When you are feeling kinda grossed out by what is going on “down there,” don’t suffer in silence. Try one of these remedies to take charge of the situation and you won’t have to be concerned with whether other people are checking out your funk, too.

1 Eat Cranberries

These little red berries have a reputation as being good for treating bladder infections, and they can help to treat vagina smell, too. You have the choice of eating them in foods, drinking cranberry juice, or taking them in capsules if you wish. Either way, they attack the problem from the inside out by adjusting the pH level in your body.It’s a no fuss, no muss way to deal with the issue.


2 Drink Ye Some Liquid Chlorophyll

Liquid chlorophyll acts as an internal deodorizer. Since your goal is to banish the eww factor by getting rid of the vagina smell, this is a viable option. Drink five tablespoons per day, and remember to drink a glass of water after you are finished. This product is available in health food stores, vitamin shops, or online.


Bathing, Tampons and Douching Solutions

Some remedies for dealing with this specific type of B.O. involve very special measures. Read on to discover how special baths and other concoctions can be used to deal with it.


1 Apple Cider Vinegar Douche/Tampon Treatment

Apple cider vinegar can be used to tame a wild vagina smell. (Do not substitute white vinegar for apple cider vinegar; they are absolutely not the same thing.) The first thing you need to understand is that you can’t use the vinegar full strength. You will need to dilute the vinegar with water before using it for douching. If you decide to use it with a tampon, soak it in the cider vinegar and insert it into the vagina for 30-60 minutes and remove.


2 Relax with a Tea Tree Oil Bath

Add five or six drops of tea tree oil to your bath and settle in for a nice, long soak. You can add some Epsom salt if you like, too. When you get out of the tub, your vagina smell issue will be gone. You don’t need to scrub the area to get rid of the smell; just get into the tub and relax. .


Keep the Land Down Under a Pleasant Destination

1 Let it Breathe

Sometimes the vagina smell has to do with keeping things too closed up, if you know what I mean. If you are in the habit of wearing underwear to bed at night, stop doing that. Let things air out overnight and see if it helps to alleviate the issue of vagina smell. If you’re feeling especially daring, forego wearing underwear for a day or so entirely and see if it helps.


2 Wipe Like You’re a Baby

Baby wipes are made for sensitive skin, and your lady parts are very sensitive, indeed. Grab a travel pack and carry them in your purse for times when you don’t feel very fresh. The unscented type are best for this purpose. A few quick passes can deal with any funky situation, and it’s bye-bye vagina smell!


3 Get Down to Some Serious Grooming

Your pubic hair holds sweat, and sweat smells. If you have spent any time at the gym recently, you’ve probably noticed that you have felt kinda wet near your own personal Bermuda Triangle. You’re bound to get that way just going about your normal activities, and the hair is going to hold the smell right near your pink taco. If you’re serious about keeping things all spic ‘n span down there, you don’t have to go bare, but you do want to keep things neat and presentable. Regular maintenance will help keep possibility of vaginal smell down.


4 Keep it Clean

Don’t discount the importance of regular bathing. You may be noticing a smell because you aren’t doing a very good job of wiping after you use the washroom. Just in case you are missing something when you visit John (or Lou as he is known in England), make a point of getting into the bath or the shower for a good old scrub down often. It’s one of the best things you can do to combat the nasty possibility that you might have to deal with embarrassing vagina smell.


How to Get Rid of Period Smell

A woman’s menstrual period can go by many names. It has been referred to as the Curse, but that seems as old fashioned as the idea that women were unclean during menstruation. Some modern women may call coyly refer to it as their “Visitor,” their “Friend,” “Aunt Rosa,” or “Cousin Flo.” Some ladies don’t sugar coat thing; they just come right out and say they have their period. This may be a natural part of womanhood, and having some odor is part of the territory.


That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take appropriate steps to keep yourself feeling as clean and fresh as possible during your period. This guide will focus on getting rid of period smell so that you can feel more confident during “that” time of the month. You can and should be able to take it in stride as part of your life.




Deal with Period Smell


1 Start with Good Grooming Down Below

You don’t have to go bare, but if you want to keep period smell to a minimum, make a point of keeping your pubic hair neatly trimmed. You want to avoid blood and clots getting caught in the hair, since this can cause an odor once they are exposed to the air that will be on your radar during your period. You may be the only person that notices it, but feeling self-conscious about female odor can definitely make you feel less than confident during your period.


2 Use Tampons on Heavy Flow Days

Since tampons are worn internally, you don’t need to be concerned about exposure to the air creating an atmosphere that will allow period smell to fester on heavy flow days. If you are concerned about leaking that will lead to an embarrassing smell, wear a pad or a liner as a back-up, and be sure to change your protection frequently.


3 Daily Bath or Shower

Regular bathing should be part of your routine anyway, but it’s especially important during your menstrual period. While menstruating, your sweat glands can go into overdrive, which increased your general funkiness in addition to the smell of blood you will be producing. To stay fresh, hit the bath or shower every day.

4 Baby Wipes to the Rescue

Some heavy flow days are particularly messy, and if you want to keep period smell at bay, you need to make sure that you get as much of the stuff off of your nether regions as possible. Unless you want to use of most of a roll of toilet paper in the process (and this is not always practical or effective, and it’s certainly not environmentally friendly), tuck a travel pack of baby wipes in your bag for a quick clean up. You can dry off with the T.P. and change your protection so that you don’t feel yecchy when you leave the bathroom.

5 Wear Cotton Undies

Give your crotch some much-needed breathing room during your period by wearing cotton underwear. During that time of the month, avoid wearing clothing that won’t breathe like pantyhose or tights, if possible. Layers of clothing can trap bacteria and the resulting smells in.


6 Eat Yogurt Every Day

This is more of a preventive measure, but it is worth mentioning. Including yogurt that contains lactobacilli in your diet on a daily basis will help to keep the natural bacteria in your body in balance and will help to keep menstrual smell to a minimum. If you suddenly notice that your flow has a particularly pungent odor that is new to you, it’s a good idea to get checked out by a physician.


7 Switch to a Birth Control Pill that Gives You a Regular Period

Some women like the convenience of only dealing with having a period a few times per year. They pay a price for not dealing with menstruating each month though, in that the flow they get can have a stronger odor than one that is shed more regularly. Switching to a different type of birth control can be a solution to this period smell issue. Discuss the situation with your doctor to see if it will work for you.


How to Get Rid of Dead Body Smell

In a perfect world, people would have the good grace to die in a hospital surrounded by loved ones, and after they have had the chance to say something profound to their nearest and dearest. We all know that life is not simple or convenient, and it’s possible that someone who lives alone who passed on may not be discovered right away. The longer it takes for the unfortunate event to come to light, the worse condition the body will be in (and the more disgusting the smell will be).


Consider for a minute what it would be like to discover that you have inherited a house from a long-lost relative. There is just one small catch….the relative died in the house and wasn’t discovered right away. Unless you can put on your thinking cap and find a way to get rid of this particular type of body odor, part of Aunt Zelda or Uncle Moe will be living with you for real. That would be enough to give you the heebie jeebies, so without further ado, here is our helpful guide to getting rid of dead body smell.




Get Rid of Dead Body Smell From a House

A dead body odor is a smell like no other and it can be very challenging to get rid of There are some effective methods to pummel it into the ground, though.

1 Spray Sani 512 Sanitizer on Hard Surfaces

A specialty job like getting rid of a dead body smell is not something you should be trusting to an everyday cleaner. Sani 512 Sanitizer is available online and is used in poultry plants, dairies, and meat rooms, so you can be confident that it can handle this type of special assignment.


You would need about 1/4 ounce of the cleaner per gallon of water. Just spray it on and leave it to dry. No rinsing is required. It will effectively clean and disinfect any smelly areas. This product is safe to use on walls, floors, tables, or any hard surfaces.


2 Ozone Machine Rental Option

You may want to consider renting an ozone machine to get rid of a dead body smell from a residence. It may not be a good idea to tell the person working the counter what the nature of your odor dilemma is (and you are under no obligation to be truthful about it if you decide not to share the information).


This a natural method of eliminating odors from a space. Once the machine is placed in the room, it converts oxygen molecules (O2) into ozone (O3). After about 60 minutes the ozone reverts back into oxygen if it is not used. The air in the room is fresh and clean, and odor-free, without the introduction of any chemicals.


Ozone machines are available in different sizes, so you will need to know the approximate square footage of the space you want to deodorize before you rent one. You can find a unit for a room, a small apartment, or a whole house if necessary.


3 Steam Clean Carpets and Furniture

You may be able to get the dead body smell out by steam cleaning the carpets and furniture. If you decide to go this route, make sure you invest in a good quality shampoo and a deodorizer. Shampoo the affected areas, rinse thoroughly and allow them to dry before you decide whether your efforts were successful.


Remove Dead Body Smell from Your Hands

If you are the unfortunate sod who has to deal with removing a dead body personally, you need to have a strategy for getting the smell off your hands. Check out these suggestions for removing the smell from your digits.

1 (Lemon) Juice it Up

Lemon juice has a number of helpful properties, and one of them is eliminating offensive aromas. If you have been in contact with a dead body, wash your hands in one part lemon juice to two parts water. While your hands are still wet, coat them in baking soda and wash them off in the water and lemon juice solution before patting them dry.


2 Drive Smell Under with Coffee Grounds

Coffee may not be quite strong enough to raise the dead but the grounds certainly have the power to drive away the smell of a dead body. Place your hands in the grounds and leave them in place for a time before washing them off. The coffee grounds should absorb the odor.


How to Get Rid of Old People Smell

Old people smell is not an urban myth. Research has shown that it isn’t all in your head. You won’t always be as young and buff as you are right now, and someday you may be called upon to get rid of old people smell, either for a loved one or because you have crossed the line into seniorhood.


We don’t make the rules; we simply provide solutions you can use, so without further ado, check out these ways you can combat old people smell.




Tips for Getting Old People Smell Out of Furniture


1 Old Fashioned Vinegar and Water Solution

You can get old people smell out of wood furniture by mixing up a batch of vinegar and water. One cup of vinegar to three cups of water should do the trick. Use this solution on unvarnished surfaces. Before you try it on finished surfaces, try it on a test patch in an unobtrusive spot and let it dry thoroughly before you continue with the rest of the piece. The last thing you will want is to damage the furniture in an attempt to remove the smell. If you feel you can use the vinegar and water safely, go ahead and clean the furniture and place the piece in the sun to dry.


2 Baking Soda and Time

Baking SodaIf you want to get the old people smell out of a chest of drawers, grab a box of baking soda and sprinkle it liberally in the furniture. If you have a lot of furniture to clean or the smell is particularly stale, you can find it in a bulk food store. (Just saying.) This solution to the problem will work, but you need to be prepared to let the baking soda work for a few days before vacuuming it up.


3 Scented Furniture Polish to the Rescue

A lemon or citrus scented furniture polish can cover up a number of evils, and old people smell is no exception. A product like Pledge is a good choice for this task if you need to get the smell off of a hard surface. Spray it on and wipe it off. The room should have a fresher scent, and not trace of its former occupants that you have to deal with.


4 Add a Citrus Air Freshener

Once you have given the furniture in the room a good polishing, you can make sure that it stays fresh by placing an air freshener in the space. This is a great idea of you have been put in charge of getting a home ready to sell after the former owner has moved out or passed on. People who are going to view a house want to picture themselves living there, not seeing it as someone else’s place, and walking into a cloud of old people smell will not give off the right impression. Placing a citrus air freshener in the house will keep any lingering aromas at bay and make sure that all your hard work was not all for naught.


How to Get Rid of Old People Smell from Carpet


Some seniors may have trouble making it to the bathroom in time. (There’s a reason why Depends and products like these are marketed towards this age group.) These kinds of accidents, coupled with vision and mobility issues, can make house cleaning challenging for even the best-intentioned seniors. When old people smell invades a carpet or a rug, you need to use a different approach. Here are some tips to deal with it effectively:


1 Deodorizing Cleaner and Water

When you detect the telltale aroma of bathroom smells in flooring, be proactive about removing the old people smell by mixing some deodorizing cleaner and water. Use a microfiber cloth to clean the area thoroughly and let it dry.


2 Pet Store Solutions

The pet store stocks products designed to remove the smell of urine and feces from carpets and fabrics, and they don’t necessarily have to be used on messes made by critters. The person behind the cash really doesn’t care whether Fluffy, Fido or Grandpa was the cause of the problem, so don’t feel that you have to share any details when you go in to buy something to deal with the problem of old people smell in a carpet. They just want to finish their shift and go home. For all you know, they have to do some old people smell cleaning of their own, but that would be far too much information, now wouldn’t it?


Just go in, ask if the store carries a product can be used to remove the smell of X, and you’re good to go. Follow the directions on the label, and be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area first to make sure that the color doesn’t run.


3 Steam Clean Carpets

Steam cleaning the carpets is another good idea if you want to get rid of the old people smell. If you don’t own a machine, you can rent one, and you should be able to get a deodorizer to go along with the shampoo when you pick up the unit. Follow the instructions carefully and allow the rug to dry completely and you should be able to banish the musty smell from the room.


General Old People Smell Removal Tips


Here are some general tips which can help you freshen up a room and say goodbye to old people smell for good:


1 Replace the Window Coverings

Old people smell can linger on window coverings, so you may want to remove them and update them with something more modern. If replacing the drapes isn’t an option, consider having them dry cleaned instead.


2 Bleach the Walls

Prepare a mild solution of bleach and water and wash the walls down. One part bleach to four parts water should do the trick if your goal is to get rid of old people smell. The bleach will disinfect any other nasties that have accumulated over time. Just be sure that the room is well ventilated by cracking open some windows or you run the risk of passing out from the fumes, and no one wants to create a medical emergency when all you want to do is create a clean, fresh space!


3 Burn Some Candles or Incense

You can reclaim the room and make it your own by burning some scented candles or incense. Choose something that you especially like and you won’t have to deal with any more old people smell. No need to draw any funny symbols on the floor or dress up in robes and chant to banish the smell; that would be just silly. Just light the candle or burn the incense and you’ll be all set.


How to Get Poop Smell Out of Mattress

We all know poop happens. This kind of smell rates really highly on the chart of things that people don’t like to talk about, but here at, we have no problem getting down and dirty and giving you the information you need.


We all know poop, er, happens. This kind of smell rates really highly on the chart of things that people don’t like to talk about, but here at, we have no problem getting down and dirty and giving you the information you need.



Eliminate Poop Smell Out of Mattress


1 Kitchen Clean Up: Vinegar and Baking Soda

One solution to the problem of a poop smell in a mattress can be found right in your kitchen. Spray the gnarly area with some vinegar and leave it in for about 15 minutes. Some people don’t like the way vinegar smells, but it is a lot more pleasant than sh – you know. After 15 minutes, sprinkle the area with baking soda and leave it in place for several hours before vacuuming it up.


2 Get the Smell Out with Borax and Baking Soda

Mix borax powder and baking soda and sprinkle it on the stinky part of the mattress. You will need to leave it in place for a few hours to get the poop smell out of the mattress before you vacuum it up, as above. Let your nose be your guide after you have tried this method. You may need to repeat it if you don’t get the results you are looking for the first time.


3 Pet Products to the Rescue

A visit to your local pet store can help you find the right product for dealing with a poopy problem. The friendly staff won’t ask who or what was responsible for the problem. Just explain that you need to get a poopy smell out of your mattress and ask for suggestions. The store should have more than one type of product that has ingredients that will break down enzymes responsible for the stink factor. You may not be able to gauge how well they are working until the mattress is fully dry, though, so don’t assume the product isn’t working if the smell doesn’t go away immediately or if you notice it seems to get worse at first.


4 White Vinegar Paper Towel Balls

White vinegar and water is a natural cleaning solution and if you want to tackle the issue right away, go for it. Many people have vinegar on hand, and it will not damage your mattress. The worst thing that might happen is your bed will smell like French fries, which we’re thinking sounds pretty good in comparison to the poopy mattress smell.


5 Steam Clean the Mattress

Renting a steam cleaner or using your own if you happen to own one is another solution to the issue of getting the poop smell out of mattress. Make sure the one you are using has an attachment for furniture, since you don’t want to be lifting a heavy unit up onto the bed to use it. Some models, like the Bissell’s Little Green Clean Machine, are made for spot cleaning and this would be a perfect choice for this type of job.


Use the type of shampoo recommended for upholstery and don’t be afraid to load up on deodorizer, since that’s what your main goal is here. The mattress may smell fresh while you are cleaning it and as it dries, but you will want to get down and give it a thorough sniff test before you pronounce it odor free. It may take more than one cleaning to get rid of the poopy smell.


How to Remove Cigarette Smell From Toys

When smoke laden toys gain a new life in a smoke-free home, it’s noticeable. Instead of directly sending them to the Island of Misfit Toys, truly give them a new life with these toy saving, odor eliminating, and all around helpful tips on removing old nicotine smells from plush and plastic toys.


Plush toys soak up cigarette smells like a sponge does water. Using these tips will make a difference of the relation of your smoky find and the term “can”.



Cigarette Toy Smell Removal Tips

1 Air it Out!

UV rays aren’t all bad! The rays that are bad for us are great for neutralizing those nasty cigarette smells. By placing the plush toy in direct sunlight for a couple days the sun’s UV rays help remove a lot of the soaked in smell.


2 Vinegar Time

Using ¼ vinegar to ¾ water mixture, place concoction in a spray bottle. Be sure to test a small area on your plush toy to ensure that the mixture will not affect the fabric. If all systems are go proceed to lightly mist the plush toy all over. (No worries folks! Vinegar smells dissipate when dry.) Lemon juice may also be used in place of vinegar. Finally, place back in the sun to dry!


Using a combination of UV rays and the vinegar/water mixture proved to be some of the best ways found to remove smells out of plush toys. (Not to mention chemical free!)


We all know that plush toys don’t rule the toy box; plastics have played a key role in the production of toys for decades. Don’t let the mass production and availability of plastic toys to eat a new hole in your wallet. Save money and revitalized plastic toys with these tips.


1 Bleach Water Bath

Using 1 tablespoon of bleach per gallon of warm water; create a bath for your plastic toys. Let plastics sit in the solution for two or three minutes. Upon removing the toys, rise thoroughly with water and dry with a clean towel.


2 Baking Soda Confinement

Take a plastic storage container and fill with smoke laden toys. Open a box of baking soda (fabric softener sheets also work well) and place in the storage container with the toys. Seal the box with the toys inside and play the waiting game. After about three to four days the toys will be free of the stale smoke smell.


3 Drink and Deodorize

Letting plastic toys soak in a ten parts water to one part vodka mixture is a quick fix for light smoky smells. Soak the toys for around an hour and faint cigarette smells will vanish!

4 Dawn to the Rescue!

Fill a free sink with warm water. Add two tablespoons of Dawn and a ¼ cup of oxygen bleach detergent. Let the plastic toys soak for an hour. After their long bath scrub them with a plastic brush. If you feel that the toys just aren’t up to par, refill the sink with warm water and add one cup of vinegar. Let them soak overnight and all those stale smoky smells will be eliminated.


How to Remove Blood Smell From Car

If you open the door to your car and are greeted with a whiff of iron, or worse, rotten meat, you need to get the smell of blood out of your ride – pronto. The odor assaulting your nostrils comes from the iron content in the blood. If the blood is fresh, it will have a metallic quality to it. As it dries, the makeup of the smell changes takes on a musky quality.


Whether you had a mishap with grocery items or need to clean up after taking an injured friend to the hospital, the sooner you can deal with the situation, the better. The smell will only get worse the longer it is left, and this guide will help you get on top of the situation quickly.



Blood Smell Solutions for Your Car

The first step in dealing with blood smell in your car should be to inspect the inside of your vehicle thoroughly to locate the source of the stink. Check under floor mats, look under the seats, and anywhere else you suspect blood might have dripped onto the inside of the door, the upholstery, or the floor. If you spot any dark splatters, clean the surface and allow it to dry thoroughly. Once you are satisfied you have removed all traces of bodily fluid, you can turn your attention to getting rid of the smell itself.

1 Pet Odor Enzyme Spray

A bacterial enzyme cleaner for pet odors will remove the smell of blood from the upholstery in your car. Check with your local pet supply store to find a heavy-duty one. Some of the products on the market can be used for deodorizing body bags, and this type will be able to handle the smell of blood in your car.


Be sure to use as directed and let the car air out well before you decide to drive it. The enzymes in the spray are designed to eat the odor-causing bacteria, but that doesn’t mean you want to be inhaling it in a closed space.


2 White Vinegar Soak

This solution will work if you are planning to park your car for the night. Pour white vinegar into a dish and place it in the car. You can also soak a piece of white bread in vinegar and leave it in the vehicle for several hours. The vinegar will absorb the odor. Just throw out the dish of vinegar or the bread in the morning.


3 Baking Soda Absorption

Baking soda is another great product for absorbing odors. If you decide to try the Baking Soda Solution, make sure the surface is dry first. Sprinkle it liberally in the area where you have noticed the smell and leave it for several hours before vacuuming it up.


4 Mask with Coffee Grounds

Don’t throw out the grounds after you brew your morning cup of java. Let them dry out to make an effective deodorizer. Place a bowl of grounds in your car to absorb the smell of the blood. You can even add a few drops of vanilla to give your car a fresher smell.


5 Charged Up Activated Charcoal Pellets

Activated charcoal will absorb the smell of blood and other odors. This product is available in bulk at hardware stores and online. Place the pellets in a bowl and leave them in the car to get the smell out.


6 Sprinkle Cat Litter

The non-clumping type of cat litter has great odor-absorbing properties. Many brands are made from zeolite, a microporous mineral. You can pour some kitty litter into a bowl and leave it in the car overnight or make your own hanging deodorizer by pouring the litter into a stocking. (If you choose the latter solution, take it down before you hit the road.)


7 Lemon Tea Tree Oil

Dilute a few drops of Lemon Tea Tree oil in a spray bottle filled with water and apply the solution to the stinky areas. This essential oil is an effective deodorizer and can help to ease stress and anxiety. Anyone dealing with a car that smells like blood is going to be stressed out an anxious, so this is a good choice for dealing with both issues.

Photo credit: Patrick Slattery

How to Freshen Dog’s Breath

When “Man’s Best Friend” wants to give a friendly lick, cuddle up nearby, or play a game of fetch, that bad doggie breath can be very unpleasant. Dogs don’t know that their breath is offensive but they are sensitive to how you treat them. Don’t let your pooch feel unwanted and unloved because of bad breath. Especially when a dog is panting, canine bad breath can make your car smell or even an entire area of your house. Some people think dogs have naturally bad breath but this isn’t so. Your pet does not want to be offensive and really needs your help!

There are numerous things that you can do to freshen your dog’s breath and also to prevent bad breath in the future. These remedies will be easy to implement and will simply become part of your daily routine and regular pet care. Everything you need to keep Fido from having halitosis is probably right in your home.




Dog’s Breath Freshening Solutions

1 Spritz of Lemon Juice

Bad breath can be caused by a build-up of plaque and food debris between your dog’s teeth. Brush your dog’s teeth daily using a soft bristled brush and warm water. A spritz of lemon juice in the warm water will really help the cleaning process. It’s best to brush your dog’s teeth at the same time every day when your dog is generally relaxed so that the brushing procedure is calm and comforting.


2 Floss it Out

Twisted or braided rope toys can actually work like doggie dental floss between the teeth. Try sprinkling a bit beef or chicken broth on the toy to entice your dog to chew. Whenever you select dog chew toys, look for ones that will clean the surface of your dog’s teeth and exercise the gum area to cut down on smelly build up.


3 Make Dog’s Breath Minty Fresh

mint mouth Float spearmint leaves or peppermint leaves in your dog’s water bowl. Cut them in small pieces so that they will be lapped up along with a good drink. Just like mint freshens human breath, it works wonders on dogs too.


4 Parsley Your Dog’s Mouth Up

Boil a few parsley stalks in water for about 5 minutes. Cool the water before giving it to your dog in their regular water bowl. Don’t forget to bring “parsley water” on trips to keep canine breath fresh.


5 Carrot Cleaning

Carrots are a good healthy treat for your dog and help eliminate unpleasant doggie breath. Unlike meat chews, they are better for the teeth, are easily digested, and leave your dog’s mouth smelling clean. The other great thing about carrot snacks is that they are low calorie if you are conscious of your dog’s weight. Your pup will enjoy carrots as much as any dog treat. If your dog likes vegetables, celery is another great breath freshener. It is also low calorie, and easily digested.


6 Hydrate Your Pooch

Like humans, a dog’s good digestion keeps dogs from burping up strong food odors. Be sure your dog drinks plenty of water which aids in digestion. Also, drinking lots of water helps in another way. When your dog’s mouth is kept moist, the bacteria that can cause bad breath are less likely to thrive.


Good oral hygiene, good diet, and natural breath fresheners will make your dog’s breath pleasing to everyone. After all, your dog is your best friend and best friends take care of each other. Your dog will be healthier and more confident with great smelling breath.

If your dog’s breath continues to smell after trying all of these solutions, we suggest contacting your vet and looking into pet credit options.


How to Get Rotten Fish Smell Out of Freezer

Our freezers do their best to maintain and preserve our frozen frozen fish. Unfortunately, power outages, misfunctions and accidental unplugs can lead to thawing and rotting of fish. When this happens, an over powering stench can develop that can last long after the fishy remains have been cleared and clean from within.



Though the stench of rotten fish is extremely difficult to treat, there exist a range of household solutions for deodorizing a freezer after an unlucky accident. By using the tips and tricks outlined below, you can be sure that the rotten fishy funk will be eliminate to leave the freezer smelling fresh.




Rotten Fish Smell Removal Solutions for Freezer

1 White Vinegar Wipe Down

This household acid is a great preliminary solution for striping away any remaining fish residues. Mix one part white vinegar with five parts water within a large bowl. Proceed to dunk a sponge within the solution and proceed to scrub down the interior of the freezer to clean away any smelly residues. Once completed, closed the door and allow the vinegar to deodorize over the course

2 Sprinkle Baking Soda

The use of this deodorizing powder can work as a great solution for absorbing rotten fish juice odors from the inside of a a freezer. After cleaning out all fish juices with a soapy solution and and dish towel, you can sprinkle heavy quantities of baking soda over the floor space of the freezer. Proceed to close the door and allow the baking soda to slowly absorb fishy aromas for the subsequent two days. ONce completed, you can finish by opening the freshened freezer and sweeping out the baking soda.

3 Coffee Grounds Tray

The use of coffee grounds work in a similar function to baking soda and can be extremely successful in absorbing freezer odors. To apply, begin by pouring coffee grounds on a flat tray. Next, spread the coffee ground out on tray and place the tray within the empty freezer. Allow the coffee grounds tray to absorb odors for two to three days before removing the tray from the deodorized freezer.

4 Vanilla & Newspaper Wads

The use of vanilla extract and crumpled newspaper together can work well at absorbing rotten fish odor and replacing it with a pleasurable scent. Begin by filling a small saucer with vanilla extract and water in equal parts. Crumple up enough newspaper wads to fill the freezer and proceed to lightly dip them within this mixture and then place within the freezer. Once the entire freezer has been filled, close the door and allow the contents to deodorize the freezer’s interior for the following 2-4 days.

5 Lemon Juice Spray & Wipe

As a fast and natural solution, the use of lemon juice can be effective in combating rotten fish related odors in the freezer. Begin by mixing a solution of one part lemon juice with two parts warm water within a generic spray bottle. Proceed to spray down the freezer’s interior and close the door for 6-8 hours. After this time has passed, return to wipe down the freezer walls to lift away any freezer residues.

6 Bleach Floor & Walls

As a final solution, the use of bleach is almost always effective at eliminating rotten fish odor. Fill a bowl with a solution of one part bleach to three parts water. Proceed to dip a paper towel within the solution and lay it out along the bottom of the freezers floor. Continue this procedure until the floor is completely covered with paper towels. Using an old towel, wipe down the walls and chilling of the freezer and close the door for 24-48 hours. After this time period, remove the bleach soaked paper towels from the freezer’s floor and wash down the interior with a wet rag.

Once the rotten juices make their way deep inside the freezers interior walls, there is often no choice but to buy a new one. When this becomes a necessity, you can use this guide for installing a new freezer.
