How to Get Weed Smell Out of Car

If someone has sparked-up within your car, you will need to take precaution to avoid the smelly after-effects left in the automobile. Undoubtedly, smoking weed within a car is not a wise decision.  It is both dangerous and risky, as you could harm someone and being caught smoking weed on the road commands a DUI.  Just as drinking and driving is frowned upon, authorities do not differentiate when marijuana is found within the confines of an automobile.

This guide is written as a one-time solution, rather than a habitual solution for smoking weed on-the-go. By following the below steps, you can cut down on many tell-tale weed odors, and minimize the scent within your car.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Roll Down Windows

If someone has smoked within your weed within your car, the first thing that you can do it roll down the windows.  Opening the windows and airing out the car has a steady effect of lowering the odor built up within the car.

2 Febreze

This product works wondering in neutralizing smoke-based odors.  Spraying this product around your car is an effective solution for neutralizing this unwanted aroma.

3 Spray Cologne or Perfume in AC Vents

As a quick solution, turn the AC on full blast and spray either perfume and cologne into the vents.  This will have a the quick effect of masking the weed odor within your automobile with a strong personalized scent

4 Cigarettes

You can effectively mask weed related odor by smoking several cigarettes within the car.  Be sure to keep the windows shut while smoking the cigarettes to make sure that the tobacco odor is effectively infused within the car’s interior.

5 Ozium

Similar to Febreze, this product works well at neutralizing odors within the interior of a car.  Many prefer this product due to it’s strong at masking solution and small packaging.

6 Tree Freshener

While this is not a solution in itself, it can only help in masking weed odor after someone has smoked within your car.


How to Get Vomit Smell Out of Car

Dealing with throw-up inside your car is undoubtedly one of life’s least pleasant experiences.  Even after everything has been cleaned, the sharp sour smell can permeate and cause nausea on the part of the passengers.

Fortunately, there exist several solutions for removing this odor and adding freshness back within your automobile.  By following the below tips, you will be able to increase your odds of eliminating this unwelcome acidic odor.

Plan of Action

1 Scoop Up Immediately

Once the vomit hits the car seat or carpeting, it is very important to take fast action to scoop up the contents up.  The longer that you let the vomit soak into the interior, the more challenging it will be to get the odor out.  Using an instrument like a spoon with a hard edge can be helpful in getting up all of the nasty bits and pieces.

2 Shampoo

It is equally important to shampoo the carpet immediately to draw out and neutralize any of the odors before heightening within the decomposition phase.  Be sure to scrub the interior thoroughly and continue to rinse and repeat.

Residual Smell Removal Solutions

When a lingering throw up odor remains, you will need to try one of the below solutions for wiping out the remaining organics within your car.

1 Window Down

It may sound silly, but driving with your windows open can introducing fresh air inside your car and provide a lasting impact on reducing the residual smell of vomit.  On the short-term, this is suggested for temporary relief until you completely remove the unpleasant bile odor.

2 Club Soda + White Vinegar

Create a mixture of club soda and white vinegar in equal parts and pore over the locations that continue to smell of vomit.  Let this solution soak into the the fabric and underlying cushioning for 1-3 hours.  Once completed, blot dry the location with a clean hand towel to draw out the available moisture.  You may wish to leave your windows open for the next few days while driving, as the vinegar will continue to carry an aroma until it has fully evaporated.

3 Ammonia + White Vinegar

Mix one part ammonia, one part white vinegar, and two parts water and pour formula over the location in the car that has experienced the vomit odor. Let the formula sit for 2-3 hours before blot drying the area to extract as much moisture as possible.  As previously explained, the scent of vinegar will likely remain until it has fully evaporated from your car’s interior.

4 Hydrogen Peroxide + Baking Soda

Create a mixture of one cup of hydrogen period with 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda and pour over the affected location smelling of throw-up.  After 2-3 hours, return and blot dry until you’ve drawn as much moisture from this location as possible.

5 Vodka

It may sound foolish to introduce the smell of vodka within your automobile. Fortunately, this alcohol will become odorless once evaporated.  Pour a half cup of vodka on the location within the car smelling of vomit.  Let this solution sit of an hour before returning to press dry this fluid with a clean hand towel.  Fortunately, the remaining alcohol moisture will dry quickly and will leave your car completely odorless within 24 hours.  During the drying process, it is recommended that you leave the windows open to expedite the evaporation process.

6 Baking Soda Pile

Pour a hefty amount of baking soda on the location within the car that continues to have throw-up odor.  Leave this to sit and draw out the odor for the next few days while you continue to use your car.  Once you no longer smell the vomit with the windows closed, it will be time vacuum up this deodorizing powder within your car.

7 Steam Cleaner

When all else fails, go out and rent a carpet cleaner.  These machines work small miracles in getting deep down within seat cushioning to wipe out any unwanted acidic aromas.

Product Smell Removal Solutions

1 Nature’s Miracle

This is a wonderful product for cutting through the most resistant throw-up odors, and is available at any pet store. It introduces a range of active enzymes which eat away at the vomit’s organic compound, and eliminates the odor on the spot.  After pouring this formula over the location, provide 3-4 hours for it to set-in and deodorize. Finally, you can blot dry the spot with hand towels to remove the majority of the remaining moisture.

2 Febreze

This is a great product for reducing odors and works off similar principles as vodka.  If you need to get a larger kick from you bottle, unscrew the top and pour some of the formula over the location smelling of throw-up.  This area can be pressed dried with a hand towel hours later after it has made a deodorizing effect.
