How to Get Rid of Smell Under House

Your home may be your castle, but not when it’s invaded by stank. It’s hard to feel safe and secure when your nose is being bombarded by the sickening smell of mold and mildew. You already know that moisture and your home is not a good combination. The only thing worse than dealing with the smell of this type of intruder is the kind of reek you would get from a four-legged, striped visitor. Pepe le Pew may look cute in cartoons, but the real thing is not so charming, especially when he leaves his aromatic calling card. Check out these suggestions for how to get rid of smell under house to deal with these all-too-common issues.


When you are talking about smells coming from under your home, you need to know your limitations. There is a big difference between dealing with a slight moldy smell or a skunky smell after the fact and mounting a full-fledged search expedition to see whether you have a family of black and white animals in residence. Proceed slowly to detect the source of the problem. Ask questions along the way. If you think you are dealing with a live animal issue, there is no shame in calling in a professional to confirm whether you have a nest of animals under your house before your try to clean up. If you disturb a mother skunk and her little ones, you will need to deal with cleaning the stink off of yourself and your house!



How to Get Rid of Smell Under House: Moldy Stink

1 Add a Little Sweet Lime

Sweet LimeIf you notice a musty smell coming from under your house, high humidity is probably to blame. You can deal with this issue by spreading some sweet lime in the crawl space under your home. It will absorb the excess moisture and reduce or eliminate the dank smell from coming up into your house.

Once you have sprinkled the lime over the soil, cover it with 6 mil black plastic to keep the smell contained. Stretch the plastic out, allowing for a one or two-foot overlap on each section.


2 DampRid it Out of the Air

DampridAnother option you can consider when you notice a funky smell coming from under your house is to buy some DampRid. This product is available at hardware stores and online. Place a few pails of door-absorbing crystals in your crawl space or basement and let them get to work. They will pull the moisture out of the air to eliminate the nasty stank.


3 Use Activated Charcoal

Activated CharcoalYou can use activated charcoal to eliminate a number of household odors, and mildew is no exception. Put bags or pots of charcoal at various places under your house. They will absorb the smell of mold and mildew. You can even use them in conjunction with sweet lime if you want to give this solution some extra door-fighting power.


4 Run a Dehumidifer

DehumidifierIf you have cleaned your basement thoroughly and you are still noticing a moldy smell, you may want to invest in a dehumidifier. Running the unit will help to keep the musty aroma at bay. Open the windows and doors and try to keep this area well ventilated to keep air flow moving.

Remove Skunk Smell from Under Your House

1 Fight the Stank with a Deodorizer

pine-solIf you are dealing with the aftermath of a skunk spray coming from your basement of crawl space, be prepared to wait it out for at least a couple of weeks before the smell is completely gone. Clean any objects in the room that have been sprayed with an all-purpose cleaner like Pine-Sol or lemon oil. Use Carpet-fresh on your floor. Burn scented candles or incense. Be prepared to repeat the process when if the weather turns humid, since moisture in the air will reactivate the smell factor.


2 Make a Batch of Homemade Skunk Deodorizer

Dish DetergentThis recipe for homemade skunk deodorizer is something you should be using with caution. Mix 1 quart (3 percent concentration) hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 cup of baking soda and a Tablespoon of liquid laundry or dishwashing detergent. Mix the ingredients in an open container. Do not place them in a container and close the lid. The buildup of gases can cause an explosion. Do not store the mixture. You will need to use all of it in one shot. It is to be used to deodorizing the items that have been hit by the skunk spray. You could use a long-handled mop to spread it on a floor or sprinkle it under your house. This mixture may discolor fabrics, so be sure to test it before using on upholstered furniture.


3 Call in a Professional for Dead Animal Detection/Removal

ExterminatorIf the skunk smell coming from under your house is getting worse over time, you may need professional help. This may be a sign that you have a dead animal issue that is growing more and more bloated over time. Unless you have professional experience or a particularly strong stomach, this is probably one job that you should leave to people who get paid the big bucks to do stuff that figures really high on the Eww Meter. It will likely be money well spent if it turns out you have a dead critter under your house.


How to Get Burnt Popcorn Smell Out of House

Burnt popcorn is one mishap that can impart seriously foul consequences on one’s kitchen and home. The smoky stale stench can carry through the house and remain long after the unfortunate accident has taken place.

Fortunately, there remain several things within out individual deodorizing arsenals to minimize the time that the smell lingers within the home and eliminate any residual stink. The below steps can help to ensure a quick freshening effect and remove any remaining burnt scent from the home.

Burnt Popcorn Smell Removal Solutions

1 Open All Doors & Windows

As your first step, it is important to immediately open all windows and doors within your home. This is especially important with the windows within the kitchen that are close the source. This will allow fresh air to sweep through the home and sweep out the unpleasant burnt popcorn smell as soon as possible.

2 Throw Out Burnt Popcorn

As a secondary action, you will want to throw out the chard remains of your burnt popcorn within the outdoor trash. These remains continue to emit odorous smoke long after they have been cooked, so take action as soon as possible to remove them from the home.

3 White Vinegar Spray

Once you have air out the home and removed the burnt popcorn, you can begin to make a white vinegar deodorizing spray. This household acid will work to cut through the smelly residues that cling to the surfaces of walls, flooring and counter tops. Begin by mixing a solution of one part white vinegar with four parts warm water inside a generic spray bottle. Proceed to spray the kitchen and affected adjoining rooms with a deodorizing mist. Once you have made sure that all areas have been lightly sprayed, leave the windows and doors open to allow the moisture to naturally evaporate away and freshen the home.

4 Lemon Juice Spritz

In a similar method to vinegar, the use of lemon juice leverages the natural citric acid within the fruit to cut through odorous residues on household surfaces. Mix a solution of one part lemon juice with eight parts water and proceed to mist down all burnt smelling areas of the home. Once completed, the popcorn stench will be eliminated and replaced by a fresh smelling lemon scent inside the home.

5 Enzyme Mist Down

An enzyme based deodorizing spray can be used as a faster and more effective solution for eliminating burnt popcorn odor. This solution uses activated enzymes that will work to eat through the odorous burnt organics within your home’s surfaces. Similar to previous solutions, you will need to lightly mist down all affected areas within the kitchen and adjoining rooms before allowing it to deodorize and dry away on it’s own.

6 Boil Cinnamon + Vanilla Extract

As a final solution, a mixture of cinnamon and vanilla extract boiling on the stove can have a powerful impact in covering any burnt odors. Mix a solution of four cups of water and three teaspoons of cinnamon powder and vanilla extract within a pot. Heat the mixture within the pot and remain it at a boil for a minimum of 30 minutes. The resulting aroma-based steam will help in covering the unwanted stench of burnt popcorn odor in the kitchen and home.

Photo credit: Andy Nguyen

How to Get Pet Smell Out of House

When our little friends develop an odor within their cage the smell can quickly make its way throughout the home.  The aroma of soiled woodchips and sour urine is one that can cause most pet owners to question their motives for owning a pint-sized critter companion and question the existence of veterinary conditions.


Fortunately, there are several practices that can be adopted to minimize these smells within the home and make sure that pet related odors remain within the cage. By following the below principles, you can rest assured that the scent your caged pal will not take over your household.


Pet Deodorizating Solutions


1 Replace Bedding on Schedule

It is important that you remember to change bedding for you pet on schedule.  Failure to change bedding on the advised basis of you pet can quickly lead to an odor developing within the cage.  Once this odor develops, the cage can become increasingly challenging to clean and cause the nearby rooms to begin to smell.  In short, be sure to know how often you should change you pet cage and follow it religiously.


2 Scrub Cage & Accessories

Though the bedding may be getting changed on a regular basis, it is important to scrub down the cage, accessories and underlying box.  Pet  urine and residues have a way of building up on these surfaces and beginning to smell with time. Remove your caged critter, and layout all parts of the cage on the grass for a thorough spray down.  Using a hose, spray down the cage and scrub area all loose degree and residues with an old rag.  Once you have allowed the cage, box and accessories to air dry reassemble the cage and place your critter back inside.


3 Strategic Cage Location

It is important to select an area within your home that it not connected to your main living space.  It is ideal if this location received some natural light and has close proximity to window that can be opened to provide fresh circulation.  Mud rooms exist within many homes, and provide the perfect space for the placement of your pet’s cage.


4 Use a Pet Odor Absorber

There are several pet related products that utilize activated charcoal odor absorbers to control odors of pet cages within the home.  Many are made especially for rodent and bird cages and are engineered to clip directly onto the cages.  Many last several months to half a year so you will not need to change out the charcoal absorber anytime soon.


5 Air Freshener Next to Cage

When all else fails, you can plug in an air freshener within the same room as the pet’s cage.  This will help to cover and mask any pet related odors that may develop between bedding changes and cage cleanings.  As an added benefit, the room in which you run this freshener will have a pleasant and stimulation scent of your choosing.

Photo credit: Schmeegan


How to Get Skunk Smell Out of House

Skunk smell usually makes it’s way within a house from a spray within close proximity or from a recently sprayed dog rubbing the oil throughout the carpeting and furniture. When skunk smell gets within a home it can cause serious discomfort and require immediate damage control.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to remove this repugnant stench from the home, and return freshness within your living space.  By following the suggestions within this guide you can be sure eliminate the sharp reminder of your nocturnal visitor and return your house to normal.

Household Deodorizing Principles

1 Deodorize Home ASAP!

Most skunk sprays happen within the odd hours of the night, and will require your immediate assistance. Wake up and take action rather than going back to sleep. The faster that you act in deodorizing, the less the odor will set become embedded within your home and the easier the skunk spray will be to deodorize.  If your dog is the target of the spray, you will want to first clean and deodorize your canine companion first, and then move on to cleaning your home. You may miss out on some sleep, but fast action will pay off in the long run.

2 Quarantine Your Pooch

At all costs, attempt to clean and deodorize your dog outside. Many people make the mistake of allowing their dog access within their home immediately after being sprayed.  Dogs will instinctively run about the home rubbing against the walls, furniture and flooring.  During this process, the skunk spray oils are gradually spread on household possessions creating a challenging interior environment to deodorize.  If you smell the spray before your dog enter the home via the doggy door, your first step will be to seal the doggy door to keep you puppy outside.

3 Keep Doors & Windows Shut

Immediately after the spray make sure that all door s and windows within closed proximity to the spray are closed.  Though the smell will undoubtedly still make it’s way within the home, this will help to keep the majority of the spray from entering the home.  If you are going out to wash and deodorize your dog, be sure to to exist your home from a door that is not located by the area of the house where the dog was sprayed.

Household Deodorizing Solutions

1 White Vinegar Scrub and Spray Down

Using this household acid can work to directly combat the effects of skunk spray residue.  As the skunk spray proliferates through your home, the oily residue can come to rest on your flooring, walls and ceiling.  The acid within white vinegar cuts through this oil and will have the effect of rendering it odorless.  Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with eight parts water and proceed to scrub down the walls, ceiling and flooring with this mixture.  Begin with the rooms within your house most affected by the spray and continue to other rooms as necessary.  As an additional measure for furniture and carpeting, you can mix one part white vinegar with ten parts water and spray these items and areas down within your home.  After making sure that they have become sufficiently moist with this formula allow 24-48 hours for the solution to air dry away.

2 Hose Down Spray Radius & Pour Enzyme Cleaner

If the skunk spray location resides somewhere close to your home, you may wish to treat this location to eliminate the odor.  Spray the general location that is producing the majority of the odor down, and proceed to pour a gallon of enzyme cleaner over the area.  Watering the skunk spray oil down before pouring the enzyme cleaner on the location will allow for the cleaner to hit a wider area and have a larger impact than if it were poured alone.  The enzymes within this deodorizing cleaner will literally go to work in in eating this odorous oil and return fresh air your outdoor area.

3 Ozone Machine

When the above methods have failed to remove the lingering smell of skunk within the household, using an ozone machine within your household is a sure-fire way to remove the difficult odor. Ozone machine can cost up to 500 dollars to rent, but they often are the last line of defense in eliminating skunk odors within households.  They work by removing all of the oxygen from the enclosed space to eliminate odors where they sit.  As a note of precaution, they can be very dangerous if improperly used, and it is important after use to return oxygen the home by opening all doors and windows for a minimum of an hour before going back within the home.

4 Febreze Interior

In minor cases, deodorizing product sprays such as Febreze can do a good job at masking and eliminating difficult skunk odors.  You may find that an extra spray on linens, curtains, upholstery and clothing will help to freshen them enough to avoid the need to launder the fabrics.  Additionally, deodorizing sprays like Febreze can come in handy for spraying down living spaces and freshening rugs and carpeting.  For more advice related to removing skunk spray from clothing, click here.

5 Activated Charcoal Within Cupboard & Refrigerator

After skunk odors have found their way within your home, you may find that several kitchen ingredients have acquired the pervasive musk. When this happens, you need to understand that all porous containers are a lost cause and must be disposed of.  No amount of activated charcoal or baking soda will enough to absorb and remove the skunky smell from their siding.  Once these items have been removed, place several charcoal briquettes throughout the cupboards in strategic locations where they will do the most good.  After placing 20-30 throughout your food-lined shelves, allow the briquettes 1-2 weeks to absorb remaining skunk odors.

6 Ozone Bulb

This handy device can be used in cases where the air conditioner within the household has been affected by the skunk spray.  Once skunk spray gets within an air conditioner, it can work to perpetually spread the odor throughout the house for days and weeks following the incident.  Placing an ozone bulb within the air conditioner can work to sterilize and freshen the air passing through it.  Although the bulbs can cost upwards of 400 dollars, it remains an effective solution for rescuing your air conditioner and returning fresh air within your household.


How to Get Fish Smell Out of House

Fish is a healthy alternative in compression to any other type of meat. While you body will love you for cooking and eating fish, it is very likely that your family and flatmates will not. Cooking fish can quickly fill an entire home, and leave a sharp fishy scent behind.

Fortunately, there exist several preventative steps to minimize the impact that cooking fish within the home has on the air quality. By following the below steps, you will be able to eat fish in fresh smelling home with a clear conscience.

Preventative Fish Odor Solutions

1 Open Windows

Taking this step prior to cooking fish will save you much headache later on. Be sure to open all of the windows within the kitchen as well as the windows within any rooms that connect directly with your cooking space that do not have a sealable door. As another rule of thumb, leave the windows open 10-15 minutes after you are finished cooking.

2 Run Stovetop Fan

Running the stovetop fan does much to suck out the most odorous scent of cooked fish from the kitchen and send it directly outside. The fan is located directly over the oven and stove, and works to catch the fish scent as it naturally climbs upwards prior to spreading throughout the home. As a preventative step, always begin the fan prior to beginning to cook your fish.

3 Close Kitchen Door

Keeping the kitchen door closed is essential to making sure that the smell of fish does not make it’s way thought the home. As a guiding principle, close the door prior to cooking and keep the door to the kitchen shut a total of 10 minutes after the cooking has completed. To take this step one further, a towels can be used to seal up the space under the kitchen door where the stench of fish may slip though if otherwise not in place.

4 Try to Oven Cook

Cooking fish within the oven creates less of a characteristic fishy smell than cooking fish on the stove top. Be sure to still run the stovetop top fan as this will work to further minimize the odors that are coming out from the oven.

5 Use Olive Oil When Frying

Use of cheap cooking oils like vegetable oil can add to the odor problem. Many on them have a characteristic smell that can intensify the fishy stench within your home. Whenever you are frying fish on top of the stove top, always make an effort to cook with olive oil.

6 Kitchen Febreze Spray Down

Once you’ve finished cooking your fish, try spraying down the kitchen with Febreze or another type of scented spray. In addition the the windows being open and the oven fan running, this should be enough to disguise any signs that a fish has been cooked within the kitchen.

Fish Odor Removal Solution

For those that cook fish on a regular basis, you may have the unpleasant side-effect of your kitchen beginning to smell like it. If this is the case, one of the following solutions can help to clean your kitchen and remove the fishy odors found within.

1 White Vinegar Wall Scrub

This household acid works well at striping built up odorous residues from surfaces within the kitchen. Mix solution of one part white vinegar and five parts hot water. Dunk a disposable rag within the solution, and proceed to scrub down the walls, ceiling and cabinets within the kitchen. Though the vinegar will smell during it’s application, it will dry away odorlessly and leave no trace of fish related odor behind.

2 Bleach Wall Scrub

Bleach works in a similar fashion to strip the walls of organic fish related build-up. Mix a solution of one part bleach with ten parts hot water, and proceed to scrub down the walls, ceiling and cabinets of the kitchen with a disposable rag. The windows can be open to speed the drying and minimize the chemical odor of the bleach within the kitchen.


How to Get Curry Smell Out of House

Many people love curry for it’s distinct taste and smell.  Though savored during a meal, almost no one wishes to have the odor linger after it is cooked and eaten. When curry is cooked within a household, the aroma can quickly move throughout the home and it’s scent can cover anything within it’s path.

Though the scent can be challenging to remove, there are actions that can be performed to remove the curry stench and add freshness back within the home.  By following the below suggestions, you can help in preventing the smell from developing, as well as removing any existing curry odors within the household.

Preventative Curry Odor Solutions

1 Stove Fan

When cooking curry on the burners, it is very helpful to run the fan above the burners.  This will help in guiding the smelly curry residues up through the vent and out of the house to ensure that it does not get spread throughout the house.  Cooking curry contributes to the majority of oily residues and preventative steps can go a long ways to preventing build up of curry odors within the household.

2 Open Windows

In addition to running the fan above the burner, opening all of the windows within the kitchen and adjoining rooms can help in sweeping the smell out of the home while cooking.  The more windows that you can open the better.  Be sure to open windows throughout the house as the smell will other wise become trapped and settle into the surfaces.

3 Vinegar Spray

If cooking with curry is a regular occurrence, it may be wise to create a homemade deodorizer to spray after eating your meal.  Create a solution of white vinegar and water in equal part and pour within a spray bottle.  After dinner has complete spray down the counter, walls and ceiling of the kitchen.  This will help in cutting through the oily residues and maintain a fresh smell within the room.  As a note of precaution, the kitchen may stink of vinegar shortly after spraying it down, so it may make since to leave windows open to expedite it’s drying process.  Alternatively, you can also buy a enzyme cleaning spray that will have the effects of neutralizing the curry smell without the odor that is produced while vinegar is drying.

4 Weekly Cleaning

When cooking curry on a nightly basis, it is advisable to give the kitchen a weekly cleaning.  Create a solution of one part white vinegar to three parts hot water and scrub down the kitchen walls, ceiling, cupboards and counter.  Giving the full kitchen a weekly scrub will help prevent a nasty build requiring paint and an ozone machine to deodorize.

Household Curry Odor Solutions

1 Step 1: Vinegar Scrub

After curry smell has built up within the home, several hours of work may be required to deodorize the living space.  All of the walls, ceiling and flooring will need to be scrubbed down with a solution of one part white vinegar and three parts water.  Be sure to scrub down all areas of the kitchen including the cupboards, appliances and behind the oven and refrigerator.

2 Step 2: Deodorize Carpet

Deodorizing carpeting can be one of the most challenging steps to freshening a home of curry related odor.  Sprinkle 1-2 boxes of baking soda over the carpeting ensuring that it is worked into every square inch of the fiber.  Allow baking soda to settle in for 2-3 days before vacuuming the powdery substance up.  If the carpeting still smells of curry, rent a steam cleaner with enzyme cleaning solution and run the machine over the carpeting.  Open windows and provide 1-3 days of the carpeting and underlying padding to evaporate.  If this has still not been effective Step 4 should be sufficient in removing the remaining curry aroma.

3 Step 3: Odor Sealing Paint

If you can still smell the curry within the wals of the kitchen and adjoining rooms you may need to paint the walls to completely remove the odor.  Kilz provides a useful product range of paint product that works to cover and seal the odors away. Be careful when selecting paint to match oil with oil and water-based with water-based paint when while painting the kitchen and surrounding rooms.

4 Step 4: Ozone Machine

When all else has failed you can rent an ozone machine to remove the odor from the space.  These machine can either be rented or hired through a specialed cleaning service that will run the machine for you.  As an important note, you must not run the macine while you are in the space and must pay close attention to the user instructions.  Failure to do this could lead to injury or even death.

Furniture Curry Odor Solutions

1 Enzyme Cleaning Spray

This solution harnesses the power of active enzymes to eat through organic residues left from curry.  Spray down heavy amounts of this product on all surface areas of the furniture and provide 24-48 hours for the moisture to completely evaporate off.  To speed up the evaporation process you can open the window within the rooms where the treated furniture is located.  Enzyme cleaning sprays are available at pet stores and most super markets.  Alternatively, a solution of white vinegar and water within a spray bottle can substitute for this spray.

Fabric Curry Odor Solutions

1 Oxiclean

This product works well in neutralizing odors within fabric.  Fill the sink with warm water and add in 1-2 scoop of Oxiclean before soaking all of the affected curtains, furniture covers and mats within the substance.  Allow these items to sit for 1-2 hours before removing them to place them through a full detergent wash cycle.

2 Febreze Laundry Detergent

This laundry detergent is develop especially for wiping out difficult fabric odors.  Though it can be difficult to find within stores, it has an impressive record for removing smells and adding freshness within the fabrics.  Place the curtains, furniture covers and mats within the washing machine and use Febreze laundry detergent with normal detergent for best results.


How to Get Bacon Smell Out of House

Though bacon can be a delicious part of a breakfast experience, it is a food that can smell up the entire house during it’s cooking process. The bacon stench can be quite powerful and can last long after it has been eaten for breakfast.

Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to remove this smell from the house, and make this breakfast smell a thing of the past.  By following the below instructions, you can be sure the that the bacon odor will be swept out leaving the house smelling fresh.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Open Windows

Opening the windows will do much to help the circulation of fresh air throughout the house.   The more windows that are open within the home,  the more fresh air will be able to come in and push the unwanted bacon cooking stench outside.

2 Boil Cinnamon

This practice can work well in covering any traces left behind from cooking bacon.  Fill a pot with water and add in a teaspoon oc cinnamon within the pot.  This mixture can be cooked in parelel with the bacon or after the bacon for a duration of 30 minutes.  Once you have boiled this solution for 30 minutes, you will find it difficult to detect anything within the house but the gentle aroma of cinnamon.

3 Burner Fan

Be sure to leave the fan above the burners running to suck unwanted bacon odors out during and after it has been prepared.  This will ensure that much of the bacon smell does not have the opportunity to dissipate throughout the home throughout the cooking process.

Smell Product Solutions

1 Febreze

This product is very handy at removing odors on short notice and leaving very little smell behind.  Spray down the kitchen and the room that it is connected to with 3-4 bursts of spray.  You will quickly notice that much of the odor is effortlessly wiped away.

2 Oust Spray

This is another product that comes in a range of scent to cover household odors. Spray down the kitchen and adjoining rooms, and all evidence of bacon stink will quickly be replaced with the selected scent of the Oust spray.


How to Get Burnt Smell Out of House

We’ve all lost track of time before, and have been jolted by the piecing sound of a smoke alarm.  Upon entering the kitchen we find our charcoal caked creation spewing smoke from the oven. After opening doors and windows to clear the air, a musty burnt odor is often left behind within the living space.


This is often a tricky odor to remove as smoke has a way of entering cracks and fibers.  Fortunately, there do exist several household solutions for removing this odor on short notice.  By following the bellow tips, you will increase your odds of eliminating this unwelcome aroma.


General Household Solutions

The below tips apply to nearly any burnt smell that develops within a home.

1 Remove Burnt Items

All burnt items must be placed outdoors within the trash.  The longer that burnt items remain within the house, the more challenging the smoke odor will be to remove.


2 Open Windows

Open all of the windows within your home.  Doing this will ventilate the house and allow for a fresh stream of air to sweep through and carry much of the burnt odors away.  In many cases, leaving the windows open will be enough to completely neutralize the burnt smell.


3 Boil Vinegar

White vinegar can work miracles at eliminating odors within the household.  Create a mixture of one part vinegar with three parts water within a pot and begin heating on the burner.  If the burnt smell is central to the kitchen, you can continue to heat the mixture long after it has come to a boil.  Doing so will ensure that the steam will cover all of the kitchen surface to wipe out any burnt stench.  Likewise, if the burnt smell is experienced in other areas outside of the kitchen, the boiling mixture can be poured within boils and moved to those areas


4 Boil Lemon Juice

The citric acid within lemon is arguably the most effective natural substance in combating smoke based odors.  Squeeze one part lemon juice with two parts water within a heated pot.  Once the solution reaches a boil move pot to the area of the house experience a burnt odor.  As the pot steams out, it will naturally cover the interior of the room and neutralize the odor.


5 Vodka

This party drink has been used for generations as a household deodorizer.  Mix vodka and water in equal parts and spray down the interior of the affected room.  Be sure to lightly spray all surface areas of the room, leaving no areas untouched.


6 Baking Soda

If the rooms affected by the burnt smell contain carpeting or fabric of some variety, baking soda can be used to absorb the odor.  Lightly sprinkle baking soda over the carpeting or rugs within the room and allow for the powder to set in over the course of 24 hours.  After a day has passed, return to vacuum the substance and leave freshened flooring behind.


How to Get Cat Smell Out of House

We love our feline companions, but often their dander build-up can be quite overwhelming.  Upon entering the house, kitty odor can deliver a strong punch that can send some visitors reeling.  To avoid being considered a crazy old cat lady amongst your peers, a speedy odor solution is needed to minimize this pungent odor.


In this guide, there are a range of solutions provided for cutting down kitty on the accumulation of this odor.  By following the below tips, you can increase your odds of eliminating this smell and make sure that it never rears its head again.


Cat Household Solutions

The below solutions will help in eliminating cat related odors once they have developed within the household.


1 Open Windows

As a first step, opening the windows will allow for fresh air to circulate and work to carry away some of the unwanted odor.  This can also be beneficial later, as it will also allow you to better detect the source of an odor.


2 Wash Linens

If your cat commonly frequents you bed or other furniture with washable linens, be sure to run them through a detergent wash cycle.   This includes everything from bed sheets, pillow cases, couch cushion cases and any other linen which is safe to launder.


3 Clean Cat’s Favorite Furniture

On furniture that cats frequent, it is not unusually for a dander and smelly residue to accumulate.  In order to neutralize the odor within the furniture, you can use a formula of white vinegar.  Mix one part white vinegar with two parts water and spray down all of the fabric upholstery.  The vinegar will get deep within the fiber and work by cutting through the odorous residue.  Be sure to open windows within the room as the will speed the rate of evaporation.


4 Sprinkle Carpeting with Baking Soda

Cats spend countless hours on the ground, and during this time much of their hairs and dander can build within the carpeting.  When this happens baking soda can help in getting within the carpet fibers and absorbing the unwanted odors.  Lightly sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface area of the carpeting, and allow for it to set in for 24 hours.  After a day has passed, return to vacuum the powder up, leaving freshened carpeting behind.


5 Spray Vodka

This party drink can work wonders at freshening cat odors around the house.  Pour vodka within a spray bottle and mist down any locations where an odor is especially strong.  the alcohol immediately neutralizes most odors and quickly evaporates away.


Preventative Cat Odor Solutions

There are several functions that can be perform to ensure that cat odors do not develop within the home.  The following suggestions will prevent much of the need for cleaning odors from your cat.


1 Keep Cat Clean

If your cat develops odor or grim within it’s fur, it is important to wash your feline friend shortly after.  As much as they may resent you for a shampoo rinse, it will be better for your home in the long run.


2 Cover Cat’s Favorite Furniture

If your cat’s favorite spot is the couch, be certain that you’ve placed a fabric cover over this piece of furniture.  Doing this will dramatically cut down on the amount of hair and dander that can get within the upholstery.


3 Keep Cat Litter Cat Accessible & Distant

The cat litter box play a crucial role in keeping your house smelling fresh.  If it is too difficult to get to, cat are likely to urinate in areas you would not like them to.  Likewise, if it is too central within your home, the smell from the box can drift like a cloud throughout the entire house.  Ideally, place your kitty litter box in a side mud room which is central within your home but receives little foot traffic.


4 Black Light

As a final preventative function prior to visiting your local veterinarian, you can scan the carpeting for cat urine with a black light.  Be sure that all the blind have been shut and mark the urine spray with baking soda so they can be found once the blinds are opened.  If accidents are found, it is best to use enzyme carpet cleaner which works by eating through the organic residue causing odor.  For more information visit our article on cat urine within carpeting, here.


How to Get Dog Smell Out of House

Doggy odor produces a musty smell that is not easily removed from the home.  When our canine companion’s dander sets into all areas of the interior, many question whether they will ever be able to regain control of their home.


Fortunately, there exist a wide range of solutions for neutralizing our doggy odor.  In this guide, there will be a wide range of tips to bring you closer to getting the freshness back within your household.


Dog Household Solutions

The combination of the below tips will go far in removing doggy odors from any house.


1 Open Windows

The first step to removing the smell of dog within your home is allowing fresh air to circulate through it.  In the rooms in which your dog frequents, open the windows to allow air to pass through it.


2 Remove Dog Toys

Everything from the dogs tug rope to their prized bone must be gathered and placed in a remote location of the house or outside.   When the mixture of saliva and dander builds up on them, they can create an odor of their own within your living space.


3 Clean Dog’s Favorite Furniture

Furniture frequented by dogs often inherit an unwanted aroma.  In most cases,this odor can be removed by mixing a solution of one part vinegar and two parts water.  Pour the contents of this formula within a spray bottle and mist down the furniture.  Open windows within the room to speed the evaporation process.


4 Sprinkle Carpeting with Baking Soda

Dogs spend so much time on the carpeting that much of their dander rubs of on the fiber.  Baking soda can help in removing this smell through it’s power of absorption.  Sprinkle entire carpeting with a light amount of baking soda and allow for it to set in for 24 hours.  A day later, return and vacuum the the deodorizing powder from the carpeting.


5 Spray Vodka

Vodka can work wonders on a range of locations within your house.  Simply pour vodka within a spray bottle and mist down any location smelly of your canine companion.  The vodka will quickly neutralize the odor and carry it away as it evaporates.


Preventative Dog Odor Solutions

There are things that can be done to prevent the odor from taking over the entire house.  Maintenance of these select practices will insure that the odor does not gain a stronghold on the fresh air within the home.


1 Keep Dog Clean

Hygiene and the development of dander depends on the dog.  Some veterinarians recommend shampooing your dog every month to prevent regular odor from building up.  By keeping your dog odor-free, it can help in keeping your house smelling fresh.


2 Cover Dog’s Favorite Furniture

If your dog’s favorite spot is the couch, make sure that you’ve placed a fabric cover over this piece of furniture.  Doing this will save you from the laborious task of cleaning upholstery on the couch.  Fabric covers can be easily removed and cleaned within a washer and dryer cycle.


3 Dog Room

Keeping your dog restricted to certain sections of the house can help prevent the odor from flowing freely throughout all of the rooms.  If dog odor is an issue for you, restrict the dog to the areas of the house where you wont mind a smell developing.


4 Keep Dog Outside

Dogs may be cute, but you may want to train them to be an outdoor dog if odors become an issue.  Providing them with an outdoor dog house will provide shelter, and clear all dog related smell from within your house.
