How to Get Smell Out of Jewelry

Antique jewelry often has an aged metallic odor which has the effect of leaving a stale impression on the owner.  Jewelry is supposed to add glamour to confidence to it’s owner, yet this metallic musk can have the unfortunate opposite effect.

Fortunately, there exist several solutions for extracting the odor from your aged jewelry to make it smell like new.  By following the below solutions, you can be assured that your bling will be clean and odor-free.

Metal Jewelry Smell Removal Solutions

1 Rub Down with Jewelry Cleaning Cloth

If you need to remove odor from a mystery metal, the safest way to deodorize it is by using a jewelry cleaning cloth.  Jewelry cleaning cloths work to remove the oxidation that regularly build up and cause old metal odor.  Though this may not be effective in all cases, it cannot hurt as the cleaning clothes retail at the low price of 4 dollars.  At a minimum, this solution will remove any dullness and leave the jewelry shining brighter.

2 Soak in Hot Water and White Vinegar

This household solution is used for cleaning and deodorizing metallic jewelry.  Create a mixture of one part white vinegar to three parts water within small kitchen glass.  Sumerge jewelry within the formula, and allow it to soak for 12-24 hours.  After a day, you can remove the jewelry draw off with a paper towel.

3 Soak in Hot Water and Baking Soda

This solution has been used of generations for it’s absorption powers. Mix a solution of one part baking soda with five parts water within a kitchen glass.  Drop jewelry within the mixture and allow for it to soak for 8-12 hours.  After this time has passed, you can remove the freshened jewelry to rinse off and dry within a paper towel.

4 Soak in Dish Detergent and Lemon Juice

This concoction works well at cutting through the musty smells of old jewelry.  The dish detergent helps to loosen skin cells while the citric acid cuts through residual odors.  Fill a kitchen glass with water, and add a teaspoon of dish detergent and 3 teaspoon of lemon juice.  Stir the solution, and submerge the smelly jewelry with the formula.  After 5-8 hours remove the jewelry and wash off any residual residue before drying off.

5 Polish with Toothpaste

Old fashion toothpaste works great doubling as a cleaning solution for metal. Using an old toothbrush, scrub the toothpaste within the various nooks and crannies of the metal jewelry.  After doing to for 5-10 minutes, rinse clean under the faucet and dry within a paper towel.

6 Gentle Jewelry Cleaner

This is a fantastic product solution for cleaning and deodorizing jewelry.  A gentle jewelry cleaning solution can be purchased at most drug stores and is a wonderful solution if you are short on time.  To use product, simply remove lid and soak jewelry within the liquid formula.
