How to Get Fish Smell Out of Microwave

Microwaves have been a revolutionary item of modern living.  However, when people try their luck at heating fish it often ends in disaster.  The stench of fish odor left behind can be very potent and is not easily removed.

Fortunately, there do exist household solutions for neutralizing odor and adding a bit of freshness within the microwave oven.  By following the below odor removal tips you can increase your odds of eliminating this fishy funk.

Smell Removal Solutions

1 Baking Soda

This substance is known for it ability to add freshness and absorb household odors.  Mix a solution of one part baking soda and three parts water within a bowl and place within the microwave.  Heat bowl for several minutes and allow for it to steam within the confined space.  Finish by returning two hours later to wipe down the walls of the microwave.

2 White Vinegar

This compound works fantastic at cleaning and neutralizing fish odors.  Create a formula of one part white vinegar and three parts water and pour within a microwave safe bowl.  Place bowl within the microwave and run for several minutes until the mixture within the bowl has covered the walls of the microwave.  Allow for the residue to set in for an hour before returning to wipe down the inside of the microwave.

3 Lemon Juice

The citric acid within lemons is highly effective at cutting through unwanted fish odors and freshening up a microwave.  Mix a solution of lemon juice and water in equal part within a microwave safe bowl.  Run microwave until the walls have been covered in moisture, and allow a minimum of an hour for the lemon juice to work it’s magic.  After this time has passed, return to wipe down the microwave with a dish towel.

4 Real Vanilla Extract

This extract is very potent and can cover a fish odor with a pleasant aroma.  Mix a solution of one part vanilla extract with five part water within a microwave safe bowl.  Place bowl within the microwave and run for 3-4 minutes until the walls of the microwave have been covered with moisture.  After an hour has passed, return to wipe remaining moisture from the interior.

5 Brewed Coffee

This household brew can double as an excellent solution for removing fish odor.  Brew two cups of coffee and heat further within the microwave to cover walls with warm coffee moisture.  Finally, return after an hour and wipe down the walls with a dish towel.

6 Dish Towel & Dish Detergent

Hot water and dish detergent can be a simple solution for removing odor from the inside of a microwave.  Dampen a dish towel and infuse the towel with two teaspoons of dish detergent.  Place wet towel within the microwave and run for 3-4 minutes until the interior walls are covered with moisture.  Return within 30 minutes to wipe down remaining moisture.

7 Bleach

This chemical has the ability to cut through odors and sterilize surfaces.  Mix a small solution of one part bleach and four parts hot water.  Using a rag, wipe down all of the surfaces within the microwave ensuring that no area is left untouched.


How to Get Burnt Smell Out of Microwave

We have all done it while following label directions of the popcorn package.  In the wreckage of our post-popcorn destruction, we often question what we have done wrong, and what we must do to remove the burnt smell that is left behind.


Though it may seem like this smell will never go away, there exist several steps that can be followed in removing the burnt popcorn smell baked within the walls of the microwave.  In this guide, a wide range of preventive steps and cleaning tips are offered for returning a microwave to it’s fresh original state.


General Household Solutions

1 Open Door

Immediately after popcorn or other foods have burnt within the microwave, leave the door open to allow for it to aerate. If the door is closed immediately after something is burnt it can condense and intensify within the microwave.


2 White Vinegar

White vinegar works well in breaking down smoke-based odors.  Fill a microwavable safe bowl with water and four teaspoons of white vinegar. Place the bowl within the microwave and run the appliance for 6 minutes.  This will help in spread warm vinegar stream within the interior and covering any residual odors.


3 Baking Soda

This household substance work great at absorbing odors.  Fill a microwave safe bowl with water and mix in 5 teaspoons of baking soda.  Place the bowl within the microwave and run for 6 minutes, allowing the steam to cover the walls of the microwave.  Allow for an hour to pass while the baking soda works to absorb much of the odor from the walls.  After removing the bowl, use a damp sponge wipe down all of of the walls of the microwave.


4 Real Vanilla

The smell of vanilla is very effective in covering unwanted smoke-related odors.  Fill a microwave safe bowl with water and mix in four teaspoons of vanilla.  Place the bowl within the microwave and run for 6 minutes.  Allow the moisture the sit on the walls of the microwave for 30 minutes be for returning to remove the bowl and wipe down the walls.


5 Lemon Juice

The citric acid within lemon juice works wonders in cutting through the smokey odors within the microwave.  Measure five teaspoon of lemon juice and mix within a microwave safe bowl of water.  Place bowl within the microwave and run on for 6 minutes.  Leave microwave door closed for a full hour before opening it to wipe down the lemon juice moisture from the walls.
