A major challenge with cats is their ability to get into several nooks and crannys around the house. Due to their natural acrobatic abilities, they are often found high and low, on a number of different furniture sets. Despite such obvious skills in mobility, our feline friends can surprisingly fail to make their way to the litter box and make a urine deposit upon our furniture.

When disaster strikes, there remain several solutions to cleaning up the mess and removing the kitty urine based odor. By following the suggestions below, you will be able to increase your odds of solving your cat urine furniture problem.
Cat Urine Removal from Furniture
1 Remove Affected Cushions
If you have caught your kitten within the act on one of the cushions from your couch or sofa, gentility remove the cushion to place it outside as soon as possible. Cat urine has a way of making it’s way within the cracks of the couch and underlying furniture frames if it has enough time to soak in. By immediately removing the cushion, you will be preventing this from happening and diverting a larger problem.
2 Use a Black Light
If the smell of cat urine is within a piece of your furniture, it is likely that it has taken a direct hit. In such cases, you can use a blacklight to search out the spot. Close the blinds within the room, and run a black light over the affected piece of furniture. Immediately, you should be able to see a subtile grow emanating from that areas where your cat has urinated on the furniture.
3 Press Dry Kitty Fluids
On the areas that remain moistened from your cat’s urine spray it is important to press dry the spot to withdraw as much liquid as possible. Using a clean and dry hand towel, press down on these locations until all of the urine fluids have been lifted from the affected locations of the furniture.
4 Dilute with Water
Once much of the urine has been lifted from the location, you can proceed to pour small amounts of water onto the affected portions of the furniture to dilute the remaining residues within. After pouring water onto the upholstery and underlying furniture padding, you can proceed to blot dry the location to pull out additional urine resides from the cushioning. For best results, pour water and blot dry a second time to lift additional urine fluids out of the furniture.
5 Use an Enzyme Cleaner
Once much of the urine and ammonia based residues have been lifted from the furniture, using enzyme cleaner will help to eat through the existing residues and deodorizing the urine odor. Pour enzyme cleaning solution over the affected areas and allow for the solution to set for 24-48 hours while it literally eats through the organic urine residues within the upholstery and underlying padding. Once 1-2 days have passed, you can return to blot dry the enzyme cleaning solution from the furniture before placing back within use.
Alternative Cat Urine Deodorizing Tips
1 Deodorize with White Vinegar
When enzyme cleaner is not accessible, white vinegar can make a wonderful household substitute in combating cat urine odors. The mild acid within white vinegar directly neutralizes the ammonia within urine and leaves it odorless once dry. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with five parts warm water and pour over the affected areas of the furniture. Allow the solution to work it’s magic for 24-48 hours before returning to blot dry the remaining white vinegar from the upholstery and cushioning. As a note of precaution, the white vinegar will posses a have a mild odor until it have completely evaporated from the piece of furniture.
2 Use Solar Power
Placing the furniture within the sun will do more than allowing the white vinegar or enzyme cleaning solution evaporate faster. The ultraviolet rays, open space and fresh air will all work to further lift any remaining cat urine odors. If the pice of furniture is small and light weight enough to move outdoors within direct sunlight for 1-2 days, it can have a last effect on erasing the effects of your feline friend urinary misfirings.
3 Sprinkle Baking Soda Within Cushion Liner
Baking soda is a household ingredient that is know for it’s odor absorbing capabilities. As an additional step, sprinkling baking soda within the cushion liners of the furniture can help to keep any remaining odors within the padditing at bay. Measure 1/4 cup of baking soda and disperse it throughout the cushion to make sure that it cover the entire interior.
Preventative Cat Urine Solutions
1 Place Secondary Litter Box
Cats are creatures of comfort and often will opt to relieve their bladders in places that are close and comfortable. If the cat litter box is located on the other end of the house, you may wish to consider placing another litter box on the other corner of the household. Doing will ensure that you cat is always within close proximity to the litter box and will have no excuse not to use it. As an additional precaution, avoid placing that the box within a location that can accidentally be blocked off by a door or obstruction. If cats cannot get to their litter box, you can be sure that they will relieve themselves elsewhere.
2 Reward Your Cat
Rewards always work better than punishments. If your cat successfully uses his litter box, be sure to provide rewards from time to time to increase it’s positive association with the act. This is especially important after the cat has misfired on you furniture as this will incentives this practice and will ensure that your cat does not get within the habit of peeing anywhere that he pleases within the house. If this problem persists, it may make sense to take you cat to the local feline veterinarian for a checkup.