How to Get Smell Out of Wood Drawers

With age and storage of potentially odorous substances, wooden drawers have been known to develop a wide array of unpleasant smells. After an odor develops it can be incredibly difficult to regain freshness and eliminate the foul stench.

Though it may seem challenging to deodorize drawer, the use of a handful of household remedies can be utilized to bring freshness back within the enclosed spaces. Using the following solutions can help to wipe out any unwanted smells and bring freshness within the enclosed wooden space.

Smell Removal Solutions for Wood Drawers

1 Steaming White Vinegar Bowl

The use of this household acid solution can do much to cut through difficult odors on the drawer’s interior. Mix a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts and heat the solution to a boil. Pour this solution within a small bowl and place the bowl within an enclosed drawer. The steam from the solution will work to cover the interior of the drawer and deodorize it over a 24-48 hour period. Although this solution is better for large singular drawers, it remains one of the most effective ways to deodorize t.

2 Outdoors + Direct Sunlight

Although it may sound overly simplistic, placing a drawer outside within the sun can do much to erase the effects of odors within the drawer. The ultraviolet rays will work to dry up any odorous residues while the fresh air and open space will help to carry unwelcome smells away. For best results find a location within the yard where the drawers are sure to receive a minimum of 8 hours of direct sunlight. If any residual odor exists after one day within the sun, place the smelly drawer outside for a second or third day until they have completely deodorized.

3 Baking Soda Lining

This deodorizing household powder can do much to dry out and absorb challenging drawer smells. Measure a half cup of baking soda and pour within the drawer. Next, proceed to shuffle the drawer to evenly spread the powder along the bottom side of the drawer. Once complete, close the drawer and allow the baking soda to work it’s magic for the following 2-3 days. After this time has passed, the drawer can be removed to pour the baking soda out of the freshened drawer.

4 Lava Rock

Although baking soda is highly effective, many claim that lava rock works even better as an odor absorbent from the interior of a wooden drawer. To apply, place a handful of lava rock within each smelly drawer. Proceed to allow the lava rock to absorb all unwanted odors over the course of the next 5-7 days. Once completed, simply remove the lava rock and place the freshened drawer back within use.

5 One or Two Activated Charcoal Briquettes

Similar to lava rock, activated charcoal briquettes can work well at absorbing difficult odors from wood drawers. Depending upon the size of the drawer, place one or two activated charcoal briquettes within the drawer and subsequently shut it. Allow a minimum of seven days for the activated charcoal to eliminate and absorb all foul stenches within the drawer. Afterwards, the charcoal can be removed and the drawers can be placed back within use.

6 Half Cup Coffee Beans

As a final absorbent solution, coffee beans can offer an effective solution for removing odors and adding a subtle aroma of fresh morning grounds. For application, simply measure a half cup of coffee beans per drawer, making sure that the drawer is shuffled to properly distribute them along the drawers bottom. Allow the coffee beans to sit for 3-4 days before removing them from the freshen drawer and placing the wooden enclosed space back within use.


How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Wood

Cigarette smoke can easily penetrate the grain of a wood’s surface. Wooden furniture in close proximity to cigarette smoke can quickly develop a pungent musky odor and result in the discomfort of non-smokers.


The remain several things that can be done to remove this smell and return the wooden surface back to normal. By following the below household remedies you can be sure that your wood will be smelling fresh and cigarette-free.

Household Deodorizing Solutions


1 Lemon Oil Wipedown

If one solution naturally combatted cigarette smoke it would be citrus fruit.  By using citrus wood oil, you will be able to counteract the cigarette smoke residues that have made their way within the wood fiber’s surface.  Wash down wood surface before application, and apply with an old rag that you don’t mind getting stained.  After a healthy application, you can be assured that any smoke related odor will be a thing of the past.


2 Baking Soda Mixture

This household powder has wonderful capabilities for odor absorption. Create a watery paste solution of one part baking soda to ten part water and proceed to wipe down the entire surface area of the wood. After the baking soda mixture has dried, follow up several hours later to wipe away any baking soda residues with a damp hand cloth.


3 White Vinegar Scrub

This acid can be found in most households and works great at fight of the stench of cigarette smoke. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar with ten parts warm water and proceed to scrub down the smoke embedded wood ensuring to leave no area untouched. After the white vinegar mixture has had 20 minutes to settle in, follow up with a water wipedown to remove any vinegar remnants.


4 Hydrogen Peroxide Sizzle

This cleaning solution work well at disinfecting surfaces, and lifting embedded residues. Mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts and proceed to wipe down the entire wood surface with the solution. After 5 minutes have passed wipe down the wood’s surface a second time with a damp rag to remove any remaining hydrogen peroxide. Besides hydrogen peroxide’s deodorizing capabilities, it has the potential to slightly bleach the wood if it is left to sit for too long of a period.


Product Deodorizing Solutions


1 Murphy’s Oil Soap

This cleaning product is fantastic at cleaning wood and extracting odorous residue off from wood surfaces. Apply product to a clean hand towel and wipedown the entire surface area of the wood and lift away smoke-related residues.


2 Enzyme Deodorant

Wiping down the smoke ridden surface of wood with an enzyme cleaner will do much to lift cigarette residues and remove the stench. Enzyme products can be purchased at pets stores and most large supermarkets. The activated enzymes within this solution will go to work in literally eating through the unwanted organic residues.


How to Get Cat Urine Smell Out of Wood

If you take look around, you’ll suddenly realize that many of the materials within your house are made of wood.  Whether your little feline friend has acknowledged this or not, they may have unfortunately made a urine deposit within your wooden decor.


Removing the sour urine smell from wood can be challenging, however there do exist several solutions for cleaning up these types of accidents.  By utilizing the below tips, you will undoubtedly become closer to removing the odor and adding freshness back into the natural grain fiber.


Smell Removal Solutions


1 White Vinegar

The chemical compound within white vinegar works to directly combat the odorous ammonia within cat urine.  Create a mixture of one part white vinegar and two parts water and pour on the location of the spill.  Allow the vinegar to set in for 24 hours before returning to wipe it off.


2 Enzyme Cleaner

Try using a veterinarian approved enzyme cleaning solution almost always eradicates unwanted urine based odors.  The activated enzymes within this cleaner eat though the urine residue and render it odorless.  Apply a heavy amount of this substance to the wooden surface and leave it to air dry.  If the substance remains after 24 hours, blot dry the moisture from the wooden surface.


3 Hydrogen Peroxide

The chemical properties in hydrogen peroxide work well in fighting the odorous effects of cat urine.  It usually has the effects of breaking down the organics and lightening darken stains.  Measure one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts water and pour on the location of the spill.  After 24 hours, return and blot dry the remaining moisture.


4 Baking Soda

As a household substance, baking soda is frequently used in the fight against odor.  Baking soda works to absorb much of urine odor and freshen the wooden grain where it is applied.  Mix one part baking soda with three parts water and pour on the location of the urine spill.  After 24 hours has passed, return to blot dry and wipe up any remaining substance.


5 Kitty Litter

Kitty litter has wonderful range of odor absorption.  When your kitten piddles on wood, just pour cat litter over the location and allow for it to sit for 24 hours.  After a day has passed, sweep it up and enjoy freshened wood.


6 Murphy’s Oil Soap

This product works wonders in getting deep down into grain to clean wood and lift out any residual odors.  Pour oil soap on the wood’s surface and work within the grain.  Allow the product to sit on the wood for a minimum of 24 hours before wiping up any remaining residue.


7 Seal Odor with Varnish

If cleaning methods are not effective, vanish can be applied to the wood’s surface to seal the odor within the fiber.  Placing two coats of vanish will help to ensure that the odor does not return.


How to Get Musty Smell Out of Wood Furniture

People often blame old age when they smell musty odors within wood furniture.  In actuality, the science behind how it gets the odor is found within the slow infiltration of mold spores within the wood’s fiber. Mold thrives in locations that are dark and damp, and usually appears within wooden furniture after it has been stored within an attic or basement.  When the wood sits for weeks, months, or even years at a time, this smell intensifies.

Fortunately, there exist several solutions for neutralizing these invisible pungent particles, and making sure they never return.  By following the below tips, you can find ways to kill the mold and neutralize the residual musty odors.


Eliminate Mold

You must kill the existing mold spores before you can begin eliminating the odor.  Failure to eliminate all of the mold spore will result in the odor returning shortly after you have treated it.

1 Bleach

Create a mixture of one part bleach to six parts water within a bowl or bucket.  Take a cloth and dunk it within this mixture and begin scrubbing down the the piece of furniture.  Bleach will work wonders in eating away at any mold and leave a sterilized surface behind.

Be sure to scrub down every square each of the wood to ensure that the mold is completely wiped out.  Additionally, take care not to apply the bleach solution to any cloth material built within the furniture to avoid unwanted bleaching.  As a final step, rinse the bleach off of the wood with fresh water to avoid any unwanted chemical damage on the wood’s surface.

Smell Removal Solutions

These solutions can be used singularly or in combination with one-another.  By using more than just one tip, you can increase your chances of removing any unwanted musty odors.

1 White Vinegar

This household substance is the most commonly used for neutralizing musty odors within wood fiber.  Create a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts and scrub down the entire wooden furniture.  After wiping down, allow the vinegar to air dry off of the piece of furniture.

2 Baking Soda

Baking soda is known for it’s ability to eliminate a wide range of household odors.  A solution of one part baking soda and ten parts water will absorb nearly all of the musty odors.  Mix thoroughly, and scrub down entire surface of wood furniture.  Let this solution air dry off of the surface, and enjoy freshened furniture.

3 Lemon Oil

This substance works miracles at wiping out smoke and mold related odors within wood.  Simply apply this oil to a cloth, and give the entire wooden surface of furniture a wipe down.  Doing this after cleaning with bleach is usually enough to remove any lingering odors.

4 Hydrogen Peroxide

Similar to baking soda, this household compound can help you in removing musty aromas.  Create mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts, and give the entire furniture a wipe down. Let odors air dry off the furniture and receive the added benefit of the darkened stains within the wood being lifted out.

5 Murphy’s Oil Soap

This product does a fantastic job at cleaning and eliminating unwanted aromas within wood.  Applying this product to a cloth, and begin wiping down the entire piece of furniture.  Let it air dry, and enjoy the freshened aroma that the product has left behind.

6 Nature’s Miracle

Unique enzymes within this product eat away at mold and leave freshness behind.  Pour some of this product into a cloth and work the solution into the entire piece of wooden furniture.  Allow product set into the grain of the wood and air dry away.


How to Get Mold Smell Out of Wood

When mold gets within wood, the pungent odor can be quite challenging to escape from.  Wood left within a damp or dark location can develop a distinct set of smells which only become worse if left untreated.

This guide provides a range of solutions will be provide for wiping out these spore and then neutralizing the unpleasant aroma.  By following the tips below, you can better your chance of eliminating moldy infestation of your wood, and return it to normal.

Eradicate Mold

The first step to eliminating the odor is to kill the mold spore that creates this stench.  The best way to do this is by using bleach to wipe out all of the mold at it’s source.

1 Bleach

This is best solution for eliminating a variety of organic organisms including mold.  The bleach cuts through wood fiber and works well at sterilizing any surface that it is applied to.  Prepare a solution of one part bleach to six parts water within a bowl.  Dunk a cloth within the formula and begin scrubbing down the moldy surface.  Be sure to wipe off all visible mold growth, while scrubbing down all areas within a few feet of the mold’s location.

Bleach can be very effective, but it also can cause bleaching of sensitive wood fiber. To prevent this on a delicate piece of wood, you can further dilute the solution to one part bleach and twelve parts water.  As a final preventative step, be sure to rinse bleach off with a water solution.

Smell Removal Solutions

The following solutions can be used by themselves or in combination.  By using more than just one tip, you can increase your chance of success.

1 White Vinegar

Create a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts.  Scrub location down thoroughly to wipe off any remaining bleach.  Vinegar has the effect of neutralizing the bleach and mold odor with it’s own distinct smell which will go away once dried.

2 Hydrogen Peroxide

This powerful household ingredient does a great job at breaking down organics.  Mix this solution in equal parts with water and apply to the origin of the odor.   Scrub this into the fiber and let sit to air dry.   A lesser known benefit of this solution is that it will also work to remove any unwanted discolorations or stains caused by the mold.

3 Baking Soda

Mix a solution of one part baking soda with 5 parts water to scrub area down.  If smell persists, sprinkling baking soda in heavy quantities over this location and leave it to sit for 24-48 hours. Upon competition, sweep powder up and leave freshen wood behind.

4 Murphy’s Oil Soap

This is a wonderful product for cleaning and deodorizing wood.  The oil works well at getting deep within the fiber of the wood and neutralizes odors.  To use, pour this product on the location and scrub substance into the wood’s grain.  You can lift remaining solution from the surface with a cloth.

5 Nature’s Miracle

This is another product which works well in cleaning wood.  It harnesses the power of active enzymes that actively work to wipe out organic materials like mold.  Apply this solution and scrub the product deep within the wood’s fiber.  Upon competition, wipe up the moisture leaving wood’s grain to air dry.


How to Get Smell Out of Wood

This natural material is used in a wide range of decors and is known for it’s innate stability.  Due to it’s long-lasting endurance, it is not uncommon after several years for wood to develop a unusual musty smell,  characteristic of many antiques.


Often this smell is accepted as a side effect of owning aged wooden decor, however if you would prefer to to avoid the musk of a retirement home, their are alternatives.  In this guide we will review several techniques and tips for the removal of such aged odor, and increase your odds of getting it fresh into it’s original state.


Musty Smell Solution

Musty smells within wood usually develop after it has been in a dark or damp location, and small trace of mold have made it’s home within the fiber.  These traces of mold produce a musty odor, but are usually invisible to the naked eye.

1 Step 1: Bleach

Mix one part bleach with five parts water in the creation a solution that will eat through any microscopic mold particles.  Apply this to the entire surface of your wood item making sure that no area is untouched.  This will ensure that the bleach eats through all traces of mold and making sure that it never returns.


2 Step 2: White Vinegar

Create a solution of white vinegar and water in equal parts.  Use a rag to rub this within the wood fiber ensuring that the entirety of the surface is covered.  While this air drys much of the unwanted musty odors will be lifted off of the wood.


For an entire guide on removing musty odors from wood, click here.


Mold Smell Solution

This is very similar to musty odors, yet differs in the sense that the mold has become a visible part of your wood.  Once it have reached this point, another step is suggested in restoring the wood and eliminating the unwanted mold smell.

1 Step 1: Bleach

As outlined with musty wood odors, it is important to kill off all traces of mold to ensure that the smell never returns.  Create the mixture of one part bleach for five parts water and scrub down the entire surface to remove the mold.  Be sure to scrub off all visable traces as well as the areas around it have no visual signs of it.  Let this entire area air dry before moving to the next step.


2 Step 2: Hydrogen Peroxide

It is not uncommon for mold to discolor wood after is has been stored within a dark and moist location.  Hydrogen peroxide in brightening such discoloration spots, as will as aiding in removing odor and killing any remaining mold spore within the grain.  By pouring hydrogen peroxide into a clothe and giving the surface though wipe down, it will help in restoring the wood.


3 Step 3: White Vinegar

As a final step, mix a solution of vinegar and water in equal parts.  Apply this mixture to the entire surface of the wood, and allow for the vinegar to neutralize any remaining odors that remain within the fiber.


For an entire guide on removing mold odors from wood, click here.


Smoke Smell Solution

After years of being around cigarettes, wood can develops a very pungent smoky odor.  The longer that it goes uncleaned, the more power the odor often becomes.

1 Step 1: Murphy’s Oil Soap

This products works wonders at cleaning wood surfaces and getting unwanted residues out.  By applying this to a cloth and rubber this solution into the entire surface of the wood, you cut down the odor and prepare it for the application of lemon oil.


2 Step 2: Lemon Oil

Adding this with citrus does wonders in cutting though smoke odors.  By applying this lemon oil to a recently cleaned surface you can be assured that you will be able to eliminate any remaining traces of smoke odors.


For an entire guide on removing smoke odors from wood, click here.


Urine Smell Solution

The ammonia within urine can create an unwelcome odor that is not easily removed.  By using the following remedies, you can increase your chances of wiping out these odors.

1 Step 1: White Vinegar

The compound within vinegar works to directly to neutralize the odor produced by ammonia.  Create a mixture of vinegar and water in equal parts, and apply the solution to the woods surface to lift off the urine residue and flatten the sharpness of much of the stench.  Let moisture air dry and lift off much of the remaining odor.


2 Step 2: Nature’s Cure

Cleaning pet products like Nature’s Cure introduces active enzymes that work to eat organic materials like urine.  By pouring this solution on the area of the accident and rubbing it into the grain of the wood, you can work to neutralize the remaining odor.  Enzyme-based cleaning products like this are available at most large super markets and pet stores.


For an entire guide on removing urine odors from wood, click here.


Perfume Smell Solutions

1 Vinegar

Mix a solution of vinegar and water in equal parts.  Wipe down wooden surface area that perfume has been spilled upon.  After vinegar has been rubbed in, allow the moisture to air dry out, carrying away much of the perfumes smell.


2 Baking Soda

If perfume odor remains, sprinkle a heavy amount of baking soda on the source of the smell.  Allow baking soda to sit for 24-48 hours, before sweeping up the remaining odors leaving a freshened wood surface behind.

